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66.26% I'm ruby rose / Chapter 55: RWBY 2

Capítulo 55: RWBY 2

(the next day)

'WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT' I shouted in my head as I looked at OBWY and JNPR

high human


Skill Points: 30,050



HP 5,701

MP 9,435

SP 9,435

Offense : 10,132

Defense :9,365

Magic : 9,601

Resistance : 987

Speed : 8,678


Iron skin LV6 : increases offense and defense ×6 - semblance nullification : semblance that effect host physical are useless - Irresistible LV6 :host is liked by all who hold no negative emotions towards him, but host must touch target for this skill to work, but silver eyed warriors have an opposite effect, and those who have a higher magic and resistance are not effected

Unequal skill

Prodigy: increases the learning speed of host ×10

This now works for semblance and magic, but host can only use 25% of original semblance or magic


Host must see target use his or her semblance or power for 5 seconds

Can't copy skills that may kill host

'this bitch can now copy our powers, but my darkness and light are powers given to me by light and darkness plus they had to change my body so yeah he'll die if he copies but he also has one more op skill'

Steal: Allows host to steal a random skill or take 50% of any one stat of defeated opponent

'like what the fuck is this, and he like the other two teams are at level one with high stats, are high humans they also have some op skills for level ones like

Yang- God of War LV1: 250% increase to all physical stats for 5 minutes and flame shield, 100% increase to offense and defense stats each level

Weiss- ice queen LV1: ice magic, 300% increases to all ice magic damage, 50% ice and cold resistant, 50% increases to magic power each level

×5 increased learning speed to ice magic

Blake- shadow walker: dark magic, 350% increases to dark magic damage, 50% darkness resistants

×5 increased learning speed to shadow magic

Nora- Valkyrie LV1: 50% increase to all Stats every level, lightning magic

Pyrrha- Focus LV1: 300% speed increases while mind and body becomes focused for 5 minutes, 50% increase to speed

Jaune- Amp LV1: boost the stats and skills of allies while in battle, the higher the number or allies the higher the boost to allies and rewards , 100% increase to magic each level

Ren- Skanada: ×3 to speed stats and 50% each level

'I'm mean with just these skills they can all be one of the strongest in the world, the eight saints or some shit like that, I can fucking see it now' I thought as I sighed as we sat in the hall room, Oz wanted to tell us something

"hy.... hy Ruby" Nora whispered as I turned to her

"yes Nora, what is it" I asked as she smiled

"what did you get"


"we all received different skill yesterday, that some students don't have" Ren said as I looked at him as I was about to say

"good evening students, I'll make this brief, yesterday a voice informed us of a system that all of you I'm sure have already familiarized yourselves with" he said as there was a collective nodded

"yes and because of this, the way of training all of you will changed, as of next semester some classes will be changed or added, and students while I do understand your excitement for this new revolution and power, I ask that you all not rash into any dungeons, we know next to nothing about these new monsters but we do know that they are strong and smart then most Grimm" he said as I felt around

'most of these idiots don't care.... Looks like there will less students when we come back' I thought as I turned back to Oz

"now I hope you all understand children, dismissed" he said as everyone got up and began to leave, but as I was about to leave, I felt Nora come closer as she grabbed me

"come on come on come on" she said as she dragged me along with her and the teams as we went to the training room which was the same size as a class with training robots

"AND WE'RE HERE" she said as she released me as I crossed my arms

"and why are we here again" I asked as I fixed my clothes

"well, like we said we all got unequal skills when we open our window" Onyx said as he moved closer as I reached behind me for my scythe as he stepped back

"like?" I asked as they begin to tell me about there skills and there stats which where almost like Onyx but a little weaker but still strong compared to the other students who are 5000 and below

"huh thats impressive" I said as some of them looked proud (Wiess, Onyx)

"so what did you get, Ruby" Onyx said as I opened my window

'I think it time I started using some of my darkness, but let's not use the fear part, it will be fun when one of them (Onyx) think they stronger, oh I can see it now the ass beating' I thought as I someone tapped on my shoulder

"what" I said as I looked at Jaune

"you where making a face" he said a bit scared

"thought I saw the devil" Ren said as I fixed my face

'not in the DXD universe anymore Ruby'

"anyway what did you get" Yang asked as I crossed my arms and closed my eyes

"Rub-" Yang couldn't finish as I entered my darkness mode as I felt my fang get longer, my hands turning to claws as I opened my eyes as they where complete black with purple irises as black energy leaked from my body

"huh" I sighed as I stretched a little

'this is... Pathetic'

"Ruby you still with us?" Yang asked as I looked at her

"yeah why wouldn't I be"

"this is SOOOO COOL LOOK AT YOU RUBY" Nora said as I looked at her

"you look like the final boss in a video game" Jaune said as we nodded

'he is right, you could probably put some horns on my and say I'm the demon lord and people would believe you'

"so what does it do" Nora asked as she poked me

"darkness trigger , 150% boost to all Stats and abilities, darkness magic, 50% damage increases to souls and it let's for 5 minutes"

"wow any draw backs"

"no, it's only powered by MP" I said as I depowered

'so it still has the same effects as before with the addition of darkness magic, but my light and darkness already amplify my abilities before, this is just them adding numbers but even so it's no accurate, because it definitely gives me more then a 150% boost, I'll need to check my skill properly 'I thought

"anywho we where planning on taking on one of the dungeons and conquer it before anyone else does"

"and if this was like an online RPG or novel , then the first to clear, often gets the most rewards and I was already planning on finding and conquering one" I said as as I went into deep thought

'Jaune has a useful skill, to not only boost us but also boost the rewards we receive and it only increases in power the more allies he has, and while I hate to say it these clown actually have the best chances of surviving and keeping our buffs high'

"yeah actually we want to ask you if you wish to join us" Blake said quietly

"actually it was my idea to add you since your the fastest and smartest out of all of us" Nora said as she hugged me from behind and lifted me off the ground

"let's finish this conversation in my room, it's safer that way" I said pointing at the door that just opened as Nora dropped me and we went to my room, I pulled out a new new scroll and scene them

"what is that for" Jaune asked

"so you don't die when entering" I said as I opened my door as we get in

"anyways I'm guessing this is because of skill Amp correct" I said as I crossed my arms and sat on my bed

"yes the more people we have the stronger it is" Jaune said

"hmm I see, is there a limit on how many people you can have" I asked him as he nodded

"yeah 10, but we don't know how to ask next, since all the students are in teams and we don't have room" he said as I nodded

"I have someone in mind she's already super strong and would make a great addition, oh and I would keep you Amp skill a secret for now, to many would hunt you down to kill or use you" I said seriously as he nodded in understanding

"okay I'm guessing you found one" I asked them as to no surprise Onyx nodded

'how in the fuck'

"yeah an hour flight east from the school, but it's in Grimm infested forests" he said as I looked at him

"using Ren semblance, boosted with Jaunes skill could make us invisible to the Grimm, but we'll need to fight a few" I said as Weiss looked at me

"why would we do that"

"to get some information on the monsters and how strong they are, so we know that we're not going to our (your) deaths" I said as I took the book ozpin gave me a while back to see it empty

[book of knowledge is updateing]

"I see you point"

"good but since this is a dungeon we'll probably be in there for days so" I said as I took out my scroll and typed a few things and sent it to them

"get everything I sent you, if we smart about this we could spend a month in the dungeon without the need to leave" I said to them as the looked at me strange


"how do you know all this" pyrrha asked

"as a huntress one must always be prepared, to go for mouth long hunts, but for now the best course of action is to get supplies, stay in Vale for the night and leave tomorrow"

"why are we staying and Vale" Weiss asked followed by Blake

"and why do we leave tomorrow"

"most probably Oz will have the school on lock down and any students caught trying to leave would be punished since there are idiots and we will be staying in Vale, leaving and getting a ship will be way way easier" I finished as they all nodded as I opened my window

"okay then for now don't be suspicious, you will leave for Vale get your supplies and then get some rest, we leave before night fall"

"what will you be doing, shouldn't you also get some supplies" Blake said as I got off my bed and went to the closet and pulled a leaver as a secret compartment opened as a tide came down with guns, Ravens sword and long life food

"I did my shopping three days ago, anyways" I said as it went back up not before I took Raven's sword as I got some looks from Onyx as he eyed my sword

"but I still need to find the person we need"

"who is this person Ruby" Onyx asked as I didn't even look at him

"a friend of mine, now can you all leave" I said as they nodded and left

"huh finally" I said as I changed out of my uniform and into my original combat outfit

"thank you light darkness for bringing me back with my cape" I said as I placed the sword on my back and the scythe on my back lower hip where carnage and crescent rose

"huh I do miss my babies, but one is in DXD the other is 6 feet under huh, these two will have to do for now, besides I still have my chain somehow" I said as I wrapped itaround my ar

"time to get to work" I said as took out my scroll and called Penny

[SALUTATIONS FRIEND RUBY, I HAVE MISSED YOU] she said over the scroll as I laughed a bit

"me to Pen, me to"


"yes I'm actually free today, do you want to meet up in let's say an hour at Dusk to Dust"

[OH I WOULD LOVE THAT FRIEND RUBY GOOD BYE] she said as she hung up as I sighed and jumped out the window as I turned to roses as I flew away

After a minute I appeared atop a building overlooking the city as I looked around for a second before finding what I wanted as I disappeared and appeared in an office as I took a seat behind the desk

"stupid bitch, who does she think she is talking to me like I'm some sort of child does she understand that jobs like this take time and that rush it leads to fuck ups like, this one" Roman said as he and Neo walked into his office as they didn't notice me

"that sound like a very interesting story" I said as I caught his attention as he jumped back, while Neo just stood there hiding her face

"why don't you tell me more" I said as I pointed to the chair in front of me

"why don't you take my dignity as well"

"oh you are a criminal, you don't have any dignity" I said as he sighed and took a seat

"so tell me what happened while I was gone"

"huh as you said, we where attacked a few days ago by a cat and monkey faunus, a kid with black hair and a crazy strong girl that pulled down a bullheads" he said as he held his head

"oh I did not think she would help them, must have been Onyxs semblance, anyways tell me you had a back up plan to that and did you get my dust" I asked him as he nodded

"yes, and it's been sent to your safe house, and everything has been going to plan but this idiot has been on my neck, saying that she wants me to speed things up, thanks to the fact that magic has returned to the world and now there are also monsters, and powerful ones at that" he said as I smiled as I released some of my darkness

"excellent she's becoming paranoid, but from what I've seen she wouldn't be changing her plans anytime soon, so I'll be throwing a monkey ranch into her plans" I said as I disappeared for a second as he looked around to see Neo on the floor with my chain wrapped around her body in a bondage type of way, as I stepped on her stomach and pulled my chain making it tighter as she began to breath heavily and squirm around as her face turned red

"for the this I'll need you little mouse and you will do as I say, won't you" I said pulling one more time as she opened her mouth as her eyes rolled back

"maybe I should go"

"not yet, I'd like to say this once and only once" I said as I grabbed Neo's face and forced her to look me in the eyes as they began to glow purple

"I didn't get an answer, and I expect to be answered when i ask questions, little mouse" I said as she began to nodded as I pulled again before I released her as she got on her hands and knees as I sat on her back as I pulled out my scroll

"alright then I've hacked into the main system of well everything, and with this certain things will happen, from cargo going missing, raids, explosions and a few other things, I will take control over the underworld and everyone who doesn't fall in line, well, this one" I said as I smack Neo's ass as she began to drool as her face was fully red

"will be taking care of them" I said as he just looked at me

"you really going to do all that, the crimal underworld will come after you" he said as I nodded

"they would and I would destroy them but where's the challenge in that, I will use an allece of mine and will be releasing a few prerecorded massage to all of the crime lords, trust me when I say they will fall in line, within a month" I said as he nodded

'but it's me basically recoding a few things and sending them out with this little mouse under me... Maybe I should make a list on how to go about this so she doesn't go kill every single person'

"oh and where have you been the passed three days"

"fighting a God, and releasing magic into the world" I said as I disappeared again and appeared behind the desk as Neo was now hanging from the ceiling tied up

"I expect you to do a perfect job, little mouse or there will be hell to pay" I said as my darkness leaked out as black roses spun around me as I disappeared

"it's such a shame I can't hear her scream, but I guess her reaction, is enough for me, now to go meet Pen" I said I said as I flew into the sky as I reformed

"huh I do miss my world" I said as I dive bombed and shatted into the ground silently and reformed as I made my way to the to Dusk, at the same time I was using appraisal on everyone around me

'as I thought, normal human are less the 1,000, lower level hunter, first years to third is 1,000 to 3,000, then theres mid level hunters 3,001 to 10,000, then high level which is 10,001 to 20,000 which is the teachers in beacon and I'd like to say that the teachers in beacon are a cut above the rest and final 20,001 and above are you Qrows, Ravens and Ozpins who are not normally humans

High humans are something I can't explain yet but I do know that Yang and the others are strong compared to normal humans with the same stats, which now leads me to believe to that high humans are one a different tier then normal humans

And as for me, well I'm a monster with the speed force, huh I wonder how I would do in comics' I thought as leaned on a wall and closed my eyes and waited a few seconds as I sighed and got off the wall

"SALUTATIONS" Pen said from a distance as she shot at me like bullets, I cracked my neck as she slammed into me, I caught her but the ground cracked from the force

"hello there Pen" I said as she hugged me for a while without letting go

"umm Pen you can let go, hugs are not this long" I said as she opened her eyes

"oh okay" she said but didn't let go as I sighed

"I can't give you a gift if I'm like this" I said as she gasped released me and began bounced as I took of my necklace and placed it around her neck as she became even more excited as she shrieked extremely loadly

"SENSATIONAL, THIS IS THE FIRST AND GREATEST GIF-" she stopped then went limp and her eyes went life less as I grabbed her and as we disappeared in a twister of roses as we reformed on the roof of a high building

"now we wait" I said as I looked at her and used appraisal on her



Skill Points: 324



HP 50,701

MP 19,435

SP 19,435

Offense : 20,132

Defense :19,365

Magic : 19,601

Resistance :10,132

Speed : 12,678

'huh this makes sense, Penny has always been a powerful robot'

[rebooting system, upgrade to system has be successful, fusion of memories successfully, removing all fall safe, limites and virus...]

"I guess she was not taking any chances, was she" I said as I waited for a few more seconds as she lifted her head as her eyes glowed for a second as she turned to me

"RUBY I'M BACK" she said as jumped at me again and hugged me again for a second before she let go

"huh this body is bad, I don't miss it, can we recreate my new body for me Ruby" she asked as she came close to me as she made the puppy dog eyes

"in time for now we have a job, a month long one at that" I said

"I would love to help ruby but my father"

"can wait, this is a 10 man mission I want you to come along because I need people I can trust" I said as she held he head down

"I..... I.... I will join you Ruby, it's the last I can do Ruby" she said as she went in for a second hug

'huh honestly, I was planning to bring Neo, but she's a psychopath, that would soon kill the two teams, which would be a problem for me I still need the heros, to take care of the trash'

"good girl" I said as I placed my hand on her head and began to pet her head as she closed her eyes and moved in closer to me as I smiled as it slow become darker as my eyes went dark

"Ruby, your face looks evil again" she said as I cut my power off

"ohh really, huh it doesn't matter, tomorrow I'll find you and we'll meet up with the others okay" I said as she jumped and did a pose

"OKAY RUBY" she said as I brought her into a hug

"huh for now Pen, let's hang out okay" I said as she picked me up and jumped of the building before spending the day together and after a few hours

"I had a fun day Ruby, thank you" she said as she got into a car and left

"you to Pen" I said with a smile as she left my smile drop as I turned my head to the side as my eyes glowed as I disappeared and reappeared behind the little mouse as I grabbed her by the hair and dragged her into the alley

"I don't like being followed, I especially hate it when it my little mouse doing it" I said we turned into roses and appeared on a roof top as I threw her to the ground as I sat on her stomach

"is there a reason why you are following me" I asked as she looked away

"oh so it's jealousy huh" I said as I grabbed her chin

"I have not killed you and I'm trusting you with an important mission, which means I hold you higher then most, but" I said as I went in as I gave her a deep kiss and grabbed both her hands pinning her down as she kissed back as I separated, I placed something on her neck

"kill those that would stand in my way, little mouse and I will reward you" I said as I disappeared and partially reformed in the air as I watched her get up a little shake as she had a yandara smile on her face

'so easy to manipulate, but I need to keep an eye on her, yandaras have tendency to start random killing sprees' I thought as I took out my scroll

"Romen, your second hand, keep an eye on her, and tell her to be on her best behavior, I'll send you instructions in a few days follow them, ond I also add something if she gets to out of hand " I said as I hung up

"huh I have a few hours till it's time, may as well use that dust I got Romen to get me, but first cooks, hope the bans are up" I said as I turned into a twister of roses and took off

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Got like two move free chapters

But hear you goo hope you enjoy

next chapter
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