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32.53% I'm ruby rose / Chapter 27: 27

Capítulo 27: 27


"sorry Azazel but things are more interesting on this side" a figure in white dragon like armor said in the sky

"huh so you decided to betray us huh vali" I said as I looked at my adopted son as I got out of the hole I was blasted in as the others gathered as Issei looked up at vali with confusion

"huh red dragon your here finally, we can have our fight" vail said from the sky as I sighed

"what are you taking about" Issei said confused

"but your still to weak, maybe I should kill your parents them maybe you will be able to unlock Balance Breaker" vali said as this piss Issei off as he changed into his fake Balance Breaker and changed at Vali as they zoomed across the sky

"Issei!" the gremory girl shouted as she tried to get close to the fighter but was stopped by her brother as he explained that she would be completely destroyed by the power they where releasing as I looked back at the fight to see that issei was losing ground as the fought

"what is that" Michael asked as we all looked up as an object clouded in black moving extremely fast as it was coming towards us

"GET DOWN" I said as this thing broke through the barriers we made as it hit the school blow it up as this caused a large gust of wind that blow everyone who did listen away this includes the two dragons

"what was that" I said as I was the first to get up as I looked around to see that the school was no more but a giant crate was in its place as the crate was filled with a dark purple energy that felt like a void

"what is this" one of the children said as they moved closer

"Wait!" I shouted as they jumped back as I said this the energy began moving as it turned into a votax with the energy levels dropping

"EVERYONE GET READY!" I told the as sirzechs created a barrier around the children as we got ready to fight what ever this thing was

'to be able to break through barriers made by the leaders of the three powers but also survive a fall like this, this thing must be stronger than a low Satan class may be more but I can't feel a thing' I thought as the energy began to get sucked in as it completely disappeared

As I looked I could see a small figure wrapped in white and black dragon wings as they slowly unraveled to reveal a humanoid dragon girl with two sets of wings on side black the other white, horns, a tail, her hair was a mix of red, black and white, she was wearing a red cape that covered her body and also had a giant scythe on her back

"ahhhhhh I should have turned into my rose form" she said as she cracked her back

"now where am I" she said as she took out a device from inside her cape

"well might as well" I said as flew down as she looked at me for a second then slapped her forehead

(Ruby POV)

"WHY WHY WHY" I said over and over again as I turned back to normal

"WHY DID YOU SEND ME TO THIS SHITTY WORLD FILLED WITH RETARDED, SEND ME BACK TO RWBY 3.0 IT WAS BETTER THAN THIS SHIT SHOW" I screamed to the heavens as I release a jet of flames and waited for a few seconds

"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKK" I shouted for a few seconds as I calm down after that as I looked at the 12 winged fallen angel called Azazel

"well that was something" he said

"eat my ass and what do you want" I said as I pulled out my Ruthless as she began to glow and pointed it to him

"please girl a gun won't do any-" I cut him off as I pointed to the side and pulled the trigger as the side of the crate blow up creating a deep hole

"I stand corrected" he said as I saw something move to the sky as I looked up

"so you where the one who interpreted my fight" he said as I yawned

"I have no idea on what you are talking about, I just got here and will be leaving when I figure out what to do" I said as I looked around

"that doesn't matter, your little landing interpretated my fight and now y-" he couldn't finish as he was smacked into the ground

"what the hell" he said as he got up with his armor cracked with my hand glowing purple as he looked up to see me with my wings out

[vali be careful, whatever she used is causing problems and her speed is far greater than yours]

"hy I would listen to whatever that is, that was only a warning shot you should leave while I'm still feeling generous" I said as he started laughing as I sighed and disappeared and reappeared at his left as I threw a slow punch as he grabbed my wrist

"is that all" he said as his armor glowed


A voice said as his wings turned black and they began to shatter along with his armor as he dropped to the ground holding his chest as black vines appeared all over his skin

"oh so darkness also works on the things of this world huh neat, but let's try something else" I said as I grabbed by the hair as I raised him to eye level as I placed my hand in front of his face as a very sadistic smile appeared on my face as my hand glowed silver as I blasted him point blank as he screamed as I released his hair as he flew away

"how is that possible light doesn't work on Lucifers" Azazel as I looked at him as he walk next to me

"my power doesn't work on humans, is he perhaps half" I said as he nodded

"yes his mother is anyway"

"huh it doesn't matter his soul will be destroyed by my darkness anyways" I said without a care

"as much as I would want to see that on someone else, he is my son so" azazel said in a calm voice but I could feel his fear

"huh I would like something in return" I said looking at him with a smile

"okay" he said as I nodded and turned to Vali who was on the ground as I felt my darkness destroying his soul and my light his body

"huh I see, I may have used a small amount but it was enough to take out a nevermore... Huh whatever" I said as I raised my hand as darkness and silver energy came out of Vali and to me

"considered this your first and only warning not to fuck with me, that includes you, the one hiding in the tree" I said as I pointed Mercy at the tree and fired as something jumped out of the tree as the tree blown up

"how did you know I was there, I concealed myself with Senjutsu you shouldn't be able too senses me" the boy with the staff said but I didn't care

"whatever don't care" I said as I turned to Azazel

"I am currently new to this I will be need a home and knowledge, since you look important and I didn't kill that one, you will provide this, tell me when you are ready I will be over there" I said as I pointed as the old school building and turned into roses as disappeared and reappeared in the old school building as I went inside as I passed through all the traps as I located the main office, looked at the book shelf as I began to read every book there was most of them where magic, so useless to me since I can't use magic and the rest where hidden manga

"useless completely useless, shouldn't there at least be something useful, tch what a waste of time" I said as the door opened and Azazel, Sirzechs, Serafall and Michael walked in the room with Rias following

"what have you done!" Rias said as she looked at the mass as there where books all over the room

"what are you talking about" I said as I looked at her

"what do you mean, what am I talking about, look at this" she pointed around but the books where all gone as they where back in the shalf and I had Serafalls wand, Sirzechs Satan cape and Azazel gear I left Michael since he has nothing that interest me

"wow you all really so slow" I said as they looked at themselves as they realized

"yes I've stole your things" I said as I looked at the dagger in my hand

"well while this may be very funny, we have more serious things to talk about, like what are you, where did you come from and what is your mission" azazel said as I looked at them, there was no point in hiding I would be leaving at anytime

"huh the names Ruby Rose, I am what you call a hunter, I'm from the world of Remnant, I killed a dragon eat its heart and bathe in its blood which turned me into a dragon and took its soul and to be honest I'm just waiting until the Gods finish there work and come pick me up" I said as I placed my feet on the desk

"a hunter what is that"

"well my world is filled with millions of monsters we call grimm and a hunter is someone who hunters and kills grimm for a living" I said as I began to play with my guns

"but your so young" Serafall said almost sad

"yes I am and I'm still in school maybe two years ahead but what can you do when your a bad ass"

"you said something about Gods can you please" Michael said as he had some look of hope

"huh we have two Gods in my world one of darkness one of light" I said as a silver and purple flames appeared in my hands

"our gods created our world and then destroyed its and all human except two, remade it again then we rose from the ashs of the remnants of the old world hence the name remnant" I said as I got up from my seat with the dagger in hand

"what is this thing" I said as azazel answered

"it's a artificial sacred gear it allows you to access power of a dragon" he said as I grabbed it a little hard as I let my darkness into it

'I know there is a soul in here so I will give you one chance to show me your power or there will be nothing left' I thought as a golden energy flowed around me as it wrapped around me and after a second I had golden armor wrapped around me then I changed back

"that thing has way too may bugs but neat, anyways as our deal you will help me with what I'll need for the time being" I said as I walked up to him and handed him his dagger as he was still shocked at what I just did but some returned

"huh I don't have the energy for this, gremory girl" he said as he called out to the red headed girl as she turned to him

"I will be leaving her in your hands for the time being" he said as he teleported away as Rias looked at me as I payed her no mind

"I should get to fixing the school, it was nice to meet you miss rose" Sirzechs said as he left

"ohhh me too" Serafall also left with the red head man leaving only myself and the gremory girl

"follow me" she said as I looked at her laugh a little then made my way out of the room

"no, this is a new world for me so I think I'll explore it a little" I said as I walked with her following me as she nagged 'damn it I don't have my headsets, fuck' I thought to myself as I walked out of the building as a group of kids where standing outside as I ignored them and carried on I noticed a few things different from our worlds and this one the main thing being the gravity, atmosphere and the energy levels

'so this planet is a lot weaker the remnant, the gravity is about 20 time less, the air is later to the point that if I was not me, I would have suffocated from my langing and the energy in the air feels like, I don't know how to say this but it feels like my body is draining out most of the surrounding area, eating it up'

"this is going to be a pain I just know it" I said as I felt eyes on me as I looked behind me to see a small girl with white hair as I looked at her as my eyes glowed as I released my darkness as she started shaking and took a step back then looked down

"hn" I said walking away

"where are you going, the governor of the fallen has handed you to me to take care of" she said as I stopped as darkness flowed off me in waves as the plants around use started dieing at an increased rate

"while I may be new here, and that creature has left me in your hands, it does not mean you can speak to me anyway you like girl but I guess you don't know your better so I will say this once and only once" I said not even turning to face her as my darkness increased as I looked at her

"know your place, beneath me" I said as my darkness completely disappeared and walked away

As I walked away I stopped as I took my scythe out

"like the one with the tail, just because I don't see you doesn't mean I don't know you there, come out before I stop asking nicely" I said as I looked exactly where the creature was but it didn't move but I felt something so I super speed to its location grabbed it by the neck and disappeared and reappeared in an abandoned church as I threw it onto the ground

"huh looks like you found me nya" she said a cat girl with golden eyes

"so you can talk creature, huh well it doesn't matter you all die the same" I said as I walked towards her dragging my scythe on the ground as it glowed red with electricity

"wait wait wait" she said as she got up as I stopped and placed my scythe on my shoulder

"fine answer truthful and I will let you go" I said

"okay" she said as she shook in fear from my darkness

"what do you want"

"I was interested in you so I decided to follow, hopping that you would give me something nya"

"so that why you where following me huh well okay then you can carry on with your little mission" I said as I placed my Carnage back on my back as I walked away

"wait just like that your letting me go" she said confused

"yeah you are no threat to me and I'm sure the one in armor is stronger then you and I beat him with no effort so do as you please bug" I said as I disappeared as I zoom all over the town kill every single monster I found, stole normal clothes but I got bored and decided it would be best to find the child that was to house me and that brought me to a normal looking house

As I knocked on the door I heard a sweet voice as the door opened and a blonde girl stood in front of me as she looked at me and shook a little

"the red head, is she here" I said simply as she nodded as I walked into the house

"oh hello there are you one off Asia friend" a lady said as I smile a very kind smile

"no ma'am, but I'm from out of town and the red head said I could stay here for a few days if it no trouble to you" I said in the sweet voice and my cute face as this melted there hearts as the mother gave me a hug

"ohhh you poor thing you can stay here as long as you want okay" she said as I nodded

"oh you can use Asia room since she mostly sleeps with Issei" the man said as the blonde had a massive blush

"oh wait your not in love with my son-"

"no I'm gay" I said as she looked at me for a second then just nodded

"ohhhh and are you into cosplay" the man said as I noddef


"ohhh you every good at it from your weapon" he said again looking at my scythe as this pissed me off but I held that in

"yes thank you" I simply said as they welcomed me into there home the red head was in the other room with Issei

After that everything else was done they took me to a spare room as I got in I closed the door

"huh I wounder how long I'll be here, I hope *cough* *cough*" I cough as I dropped to the ground as I held my hand over my mouth as an iron taste come as I looked at my hand

"and now I'm dieing, shit this shitty world is actually worse than I thought" I said as I got into bed not noticing the scales that were growing all over my, with tail and my horns got longer

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

And this is the set up to my next story later on its going to be an arc don't know when it's going to end but I'm going to release so bullshit here so please no complaining and I'm also going to fuck around with ruby's darkness powers so don't be surprised if she's killing gods

Thank you all

next chapter
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