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16.86% I'm ruby rose / Chapter 14: 14

Capítulo 14: 14

I yawned as I got up from bed to see them all on the floor as I looked at them sighed went to the bathroom did my thing looked at myself in the mirror

"if only I can stay this size forever, but I know the future and puberty is a bitch but whatever" I said as I got dressed in my school uniform with a short red cape hoodie that uncle qrow got me so yeah I've got two one from my mom which is the long battle one which can somehow extend randomly and this one just an normal one

Anyways I got out of the bathroom room looked to see that they where still sleeping as I looked at the time 6:45

"huh I've got a few hours, time to make a bunk bed" I said as I spent a good hour hooking the bed up on the roof 'huh it may not look safe but'

"safety is an illusion" I said as I took one of my guns set it on low non kill

"oi oi wake up we need to go to classes" I said but I was ignored

"well I tried, if there late it may effect me" I said as I clocked my gun inhale

"WAKE THE FUCK UP" I shouted as I shot all off them awake screaming

"get clean, dressed, unpacked now, we have class in a few" I said as I placed Dominate on its holster as I walked out the room 'whatever they do is up to them, there grown' I said as I wasted my time getting a good feel for the school, if this school is going to turn into a battlefield may as well know the layout, I was also finding short cuts to classes but I was being followed as I took out my gun and aimed it at the rat

"the amount of guts one must have to follow me rat, but since you where able to make it this far I'll let you show yourself" I said as I felt her move away but I disappeared as I appeared behind her with my gun pointed at her head as I grabbed her neck from behind channeling a bit of my darkness disrupting her aura flow as the girl I was holding had pink and brown hair 'Neopolitan or neo she strong even if she may not look like it but she's strong from her arms, legs to her body tone and even now her breathing is way to calm hehehehe what a treat'

Sniff sniff

"you smell like, smoke, a small that I've smelt only on that orange haired idiot, so who are you, oh and don't try using your aura I'm sure you can feel that it's not work right " I said as I pressed my gun to her head as she nodded

"your not talking or you can't talk" I said as she nodded

"huh so you can't speak, meaning I can't get any information out of you so your useless to me" I said as I removed my gun

"move then" kicked her ass to the side and placed my gun back as I saw her pouted but I just looked at her with lazy eyes and walked away as a blade placed through my neck but the moment it did i moved at super speed as I span around and back handed her into a tree as she smashed it a tree and then into a wall as I appeared in front of her as she tried to get up but I placed my foot on the back of her head pushing her down

"I'm feeling a little kind today and since this is the first day of school I'll give you this little rat" I said as walked out the hole

"oh crap, I'm late" I said as I ran to class but missed the look I got from the down girl

"fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuucccccckkkkkkk.... Wait I'm a speedster" I said as I disappeared and appeared in the front door of my first class on time with only a few minutes to go as I opened the door and looked around 'those idiots are late or so hung over that they having trouble finding the class..... Don't care' I said as I walked to an open sit as the professor began to speak about his fucking life and that pissed me off but his story's actually had a few bites of information on killing grimm but

'I ALREADY KNOW THIS BULLSHIT, oh there they are' I thought as team OWBY and JNPR rushed into class

"ahhh it seems you've made it just in time children, get seated" he said as they nodded I had team OWBY sitting on the same row as me with Weiss next to me and team JNPR behind us

"monster, demons, creature of the blah blah blah blah blah blah blah" that what I began hearing after a while as I began to doodling on some random things like drawing the teacher as a funny cartoon, balancing anything I could find and cleaning my gun all the while Weiss was getting pissed 'whats her problem I'm not team leader so she shouldn't have any problems with me or did I do something to her' I thought as l continued with my little

"a true huntsman must be honored, a true huntsman must be wise, a true huntsman must be dependable, strategic and well educated" as the professor said and every word just pissed Weiss even more

"who amongs you believe to be the embodiment of these treats"


"I do" I said as I stood up as she looked like she was about to blow up

"ahhh miss Rose well come up here and show us what you can do" he said as I got up and went to the stage as I took out my gun

"are you not going to get changed or get you weapons"

"nope I've got everything I need right here besides that grimm is don't weak" I said spinning my gun in my hand without trying

"well then let's find out" he said as he took his axe boomstick and cut the lock of the cage as the grimm ran out and charged straight at me

"huh waste of my time" I said as I stepped to the side as it passed by as I began to side step the grimm

"this thing is not even worth being killed" I said as I looked at the grimm as it look tired from me dodging it

"oh miss Rose what a smart tactics, allowing the the grimm to use up it energy, now what are you going to do to finish it off" he said as as the grimm looked at me even more pissed as it charged at as I side stepped again I grabbed its tusk used it to get on top of it as I placed my gun in-between it's armor plating right above its head

"worthless, bang" I said as I fired into it as it went down but it was still alive so I began shooting and shooting till it began to disappear

"what a beautiful finish miss Rose-" he was cut off as the ball rang

"well that will be all students and remember always be vigilant" he said as we walked out off class with and I went on with my day and since I was in the harder classes I have no idea why because I didn't sign up for them but I had Weiss in this dust class super easy by the way, then I had other classes involving advanced engineering which was nothing I couldn't handle, chemistry which was a three out of ten and weaponry I give it a five and a few other's

After a few more hours in classes it was finally over but strangely enough I was get a lot of random looks

"hy it's that girl"

"who the one that skipped two grades ahead"

"yeah I heard she was not placed in a permanent team and would be kick out after the school years over"

"no you idiot she wasn't placed on a permanent team because professor ozpin felt that she was so good that she didn't need a team and could work solo if she wanted to"

"what she's that good"

"yeah they say she took down a nevermore alone without getting any injuries"

"oh that's insane"

"it's probably a lie"

"no from what the others in grmm studies say, she was about to dodge the charges of a Boarbatusk without moving from her sport they say she was simply playing with it, but once she got serious the fight end within seconds"

"wow seriously damn I guess it's best to stay out of her way" the last guy said as I shook my head 'imagine what they would say if they found out I took down a wyvern class nevermore mid air' I thought as I went to the room only to see Weiss wait for me at the door

"huh what do you want now" I asked as she blocked the door

"first you are going to tell my-" she couldn't finish as she found herself out the door

"I've had a long day of deal with idiots and I'm a little tapped out so please, I'm asking you this from the kinds part of my soul of my very very dark soul, leave me alone" I said as I went to my bed and layed there

"no we are going to have this discussion" she said walking into the room as I looked at her sighed and jumped down

"what is it you want"

"for you to learn some respect, you are just an inmature child that got lucky, you don't deserve to be here and you definitely don't deserve to be on our team so it would be best if you just left"

"oh are you done little mouse" I said as looked at her in the eyes as mine glowed as I walked closer to her as she took a step back "because if you really feel that way then I'll happily leave this school and this team and all you have to do is fight me and win, prove that you are better than me, but until then I would advise you to stay as far away from me a possible, for your own safety" I said as my eyes stopped glowing as I climb back into bed

"ohhh and another thing Weiss"


"the day you challenge me, I'm going to break every single bone in your body" I said with my eyes glowing as I went back to laying on my bed

(the few weeks)

'huh it's been a few weeks since school started and I've been get bored, all the students here think they are better than me in some way and this is cause I haven't been able to fight anyone since Goodwitch is afraid of me since she saw me rip through the nevermore, there have also been some students who have tried to bullying since my eyes, ears and fangs look like faunus but since they are all flys they fly off as I hit them with my darkness and watch them shit there pants from fear so yeah not worth my time' I thought as I walked out of the bathroom fully dressed and a bored look on my face

'the team and I are still on bad terms with each other even yang doesn't talk to me much she does try and scold me when I'm not doing what they want but I still don't listen and would continue with what I was doing ignoring her which pisses her off to the point she goes super saiyan but I'm stronger then her so I don't care

Blake, I really don't know or care about her much since unlike old ruby I really don't care about people much, but I did try once to help her with something got shut down and decided she was no longer worth my time and so we don't talk, but she's an okay fighter well everyone one sucks in my eyes

Weiss, what a bitch like this one is so much more of a bitch then the one in the show that I always have to hold myself back from ripping her shit out but she scares easy so yeah there is nothing more I know about her

Onyx, this guy is an other worlder that a little stronger then yang physical, faster than Ren and a better fighter then Pyrrha and from what I can see he is probably on the level of one of the final years and I would respect him more if his mere presence PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF, I hate everything about him but from what I've seen his semblance is the problem as this cat has four, one turns him into a hard metal but he can't move, the other allows him to copy moves like the sharingan but he cannot copy the strength or speed of the target so if he fought neo with her moves he would get his ass handed to him and it doesn't work on those that fight without thinking like me cause I fight on instincts but anyways he also has this power that makes it easier to like him over time it not brainwashing, I think, but everyone that looks at him will find themselves like him easier and whatever it is it pisses me off to the point that I have to avoid fighting him or I may kill him and this love affair he has with goodwitch pisses me off because she treats him like a king and I don't know what his fourth one is

Next is team JNPR I really don't have a problem with them but at the same time I'm not really that close with any of them except Nora girl won't leave me alone and always drags me to eat or sit with them I got to the point I stopped fighting and just went with her it was the best path but other than that, we're not close

Anyways school is boring'

"miss Rose" a voice called out waking me up from my sleep as I opened one eye to see miss goodwitch in front of me

"what do you want" I said in a very bored tone not even lifting my head up as I could feel eyes one 'must be Weiss and Onyx' I thought as I was to tired to focus to find out who it was

"what I want is for you to focus in class"

"yet in all your classes I've had to watch and not learn so why should I even give you a piece of my attention if I can get this class of the net by watch hunters kill grimm" I said as I sighed a little

"ruby that was a little-" Onyx tried to say but I'm not in the mood

"shut up, no one asked you" I said

"miss Rose while I don't mind your rude behavior towards me I will not tolerate it when directed towards others"

"huuuh other students or just this one" I said as she was taken aback

"what are you implying" as she narrowed her eyes

"nothing, if you want my attention then give me a reason to give it" I said laying back down

"well then, Mr Winchester if you would come up" she said as this got me up as I looked at the boy 'huh so we're there now huh and at the rate that Jaune has been getting bullied'

"Mr Arc if you would join him" she said as I stopped him

"he throw his weight into each swing, and his physical stronger then you" I said letting go of him as he walked to the field as Pyrrha moved closer to me and tapped on my shoulder as I looked at her with one eye open

"what did you say to him"

"I gave him the key to victory" I said

"what did you-" I cut her off

"he's still going to lose tho" I said and like that Jaune got his ass handed to him by someone named Cardin

"I thought you said"

"that I gave him the key, not a win and to be honest you should talk to him about his.... Weakness" I said as I got up and left cause class was almost over and I was not willing to wait for it

"miss Ros-" she couldn't finish as I slammed the door and the ball rang and after a few minutes the all came out as

"RUBY" a loud voice could be heard as I looked behind me to see Nora running towards as I looked at her as she jumped into the air with her arms open but I side stepped as she completely passed by me fall to the ground and rolled on the floor but she soon got up and ran at me again trying the same thing but I dodged as she did it a few more times but I am speed so she failed

"you do know that if you want to hold me, you can just walk up to me and not jump full speed, right" I said to her as she looked at me from the floor for a second

"ohhhhhh" she said as she got up walked to me and grabbed me and placed me on her shoulders

"ahhh what" I said as I was

"look Ren I finally got her now we can all have lunch together as a team, teams!"

"huh you have to carry me, I was going to the lunch hall anyway"

"but the room was that way"

"that may be, but the short cut, never lies" I said as I was spun around and my head was now next to Noras as she looked it my eyes with stars in hers

"it involves me going into my rose form and going into the vents sorry Nora" I said as this broke her heart a little but it fixed itself with in the next second as she took me to the hall as we talked, no she talked I listened but we got to the hall she took me straight to the table

"hy guys look who I found" she said as she placed me on the table

"RUBY" she shouted as I sighed and jumped down and went to go get my food as I walked up the the lady she just looked at me nodded and took out me food for me so I just skipped the line got my food and went back as I sat down as thr others looked at me

"what" I asked

"how did you do that" jaune ask

"do what"

"skip the line not even I can do that" this was Yang

"yeah I've also tried but no luck that lady would send me to the back every time I tried cutting and you did without any issues and I'm pretty sure she gave you your food" Weiss said angry

"huh well that's pretty simple, I helped her out with a few things and as part of the deal I get to cut" I said as I chomped on a cookie 'saved her a few weeks ago from a pack of grimm don't know what she was doing in the grimm infested forest'

"jaune are you okay" pyrrha said as she was sitting next to jaune

"yeah why" he said as we all looked at him

"that idiot that kicked your ass has been bullying you" I said as I took another cookie

"cardin Winchester nah his just massing around you know practical jokes"

"yeah that involves him being a dick" I add

"oh yeah name one time"

"he finds every opportunity to smack your books off your hands" Pyrrha said

"he trips you every time you pass each other" Nora said as she looked at him

"I pretty sure I once heard him place your face into the toilet" I said as they looked at me

"how did you"

"I use the vents to get around some times"

"oh well at least he doesn't do anything to violent" he said laughing a little

"he shoved you into a locker and blasted you off into the emerald forest"

"I wasn't that far off the school"

"it took us an hour to find you" I said as I finished my fo

"jaune it's okay to ask for help" pyrrha said

"oooowwww please let me go" a bunny girl said as I turned to see that cardin and his team where sitting at her table

"I told you they where real" he said still hold her ears

"hahaha what a freak" one said as I proceeded to remove the food from my tray

"I can't stand people like him" pyrrha said as Blake nodded as I stood up with tray in hand

"his not the only one" she said

"huh I know what you mean, ruby must have it rough right ruby" Onyx said as they saw that I was gone as the looked around to see me walking towards the group

"what do you want freak" Cardin said as he looked at me with a smile

"I want you to let her ears go" I said simply and blankly

"or what huh, what's a freak like yourself going to do huh"

"yeah leave animal before you get hurt" the one goon said as I sighed disappeared

"AAAAAHHHHH" a scream that came from cardin as I grabbed his ear and pulled him up as I was on the table as I forced him to stand

"huh so there real, I thought they where fake but how can I be sure... Oh I know I'll just twist till you stop screaming" I said as I began to twist his ear as he began to cry out

"WHAT ARE YOU IDIOTS LOOK AT, HELP ME" he said as his friend charged as I slapped one away with the tray as the other went for a side kick as I jumped away releasing Cardin as I landed I see him getting up with his hand on his ear pissed the fuck off

"oh are you angry good, I want you to keep the same energy when humility you in front of everyone here" I said as I held my tray up but felt someone coming 'huh saved by the ball' I thought as they all charged at me but I didn't even move and as they where a few inches from my face they stopped

"what is going on here" goodwitch and the bunny girl next to her

"ohhh miss goodwitch, I was simply playing with them since they seem to be having fun playing with others ears I decided to do the same to them and then the got a little violent so I had to defend myself, but it was all in good fun right" I said as I looked at the group

"yeah good fun"

"yeah good fun"

"just having fun" they said as they nodded

"well if that is all then I'll be on my way then and if you feel the need to spur there's is always my class" she said not believing us one bit but she released them anyway and walked away with Onyx following her

"I'll make you regret this freak"

"and I'll break your bones, insect" I said as they walked away as the bunny girl came to me

"thank you"

"don't think me, and while you may believe that violence is never the answer, I will break every single bone in there bodies the next time you allow them to bully you in such a way so think about that next time this happens okay bunny girl" I said as I was about to leave but stopped turned to here as I motioned for her to come closer as she did i took my head and placed it on her head as I began to pet

"eep" she eeped as I giggled 'this is addictive'

"sorry I really did try to resist but"

"understandable one of my friends does it all the time, oh I didn't get your name"

"Ruby Rose you"

"Velvet Scarlatina nice you"

"you to bunny girl" I said as she giggled a little as I went to back to the table as I sat back as the others looked at me as Blake gave me a thumbs up as the few looked a little scared

"THAT WAS AWESOME" Nora said as I looked at her and shrugged

"I'm also impressed" Pyrrha said with a nod

"yeah at least someone stood up for her" Blake said quietly 'you did do anything to her'

"YEAH WELL I THINK YOU SHOULD HAVE BROKEN HIS LEGS but I guess the ear works" Nora said as she sat down

"oh I'm not done with him miss Goodwitch gave me a free chance to fight him and I think I'll break his legs and an arm or two but whatever I need to get to class" I said as I got up and left

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Things are going to be slow but they will pick back up so don't be surprised if there is less fighting

Anyways thank up all I really enjoy your comments

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