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43.18% Hunter A Hunter / Chapter 15: New Horizon

Capítulo 15: New Horizon

Before the match began. Gittarakur Took off his disguise. Revealing his long black hair. He's cold. Emotionless eyes. And a creepy smile. As he states, it's been a long time, brother.

The crowd of applicants were surprised at this remark.

Illumi, killua eyes became fierce with anger.

The tension in the air was palpable as Killua and Illumi faced each other in the arena. The crowd fell silent, aware that this battle was not just a test of strength, but a confrontation loaded with familial history and unspoken emotions.

The referee raised his hand. "Begin!"

Killua's stance was aggressive, his eyes locked onto Illumi's with a mix of determination and dread. Illumi, in contrast, stood calmly, his expression inscrutable. The two brothers circled each other, the crowd holding its breath in anticipation.

Killua made the first move, darting forward with blinding speed. He aimed a swift kick at Illumi's midsection, but Illumi deflected it effortlessly, his movements almost lazy in their precision. Killua followed up with a series of punches, each one faster and more forceful than the last. Illumi parried them all, his eyes never leaving Killua's.

"You're still holding back," Illumi said, his voice a calm monotone that sent chills down Killua's spine. "Is that all you've got, little brother?"

Killua gritted his teeth and unleashed a flurry of attacks, his fists and feet moving in a blur. Illumi continued to evade and block, his movements almost hypnotic in their fluidity. It was clear to everyone watching that Illumi was toying with Killua, testing him rather than engaging in a serious fight.

Then, in a sudden and unexpected move, Illumi closed the distance between them. He leaned in close, his lips brushing against Killua's ear. Whatever words he whispered were inaudible to the crowd, but the effect on Killua was immediate and profound.

Killua's eyes widened, his body tensing as if he'd been struck by a physical blow. He staggered back, shaking his head as if trying to clear it. The resolve in his eyes wavered, replaced by a look of deep, conflicted pain.

"No... I can't..." Killua muttered under his breath, his voice barely audible.

Illumi straightened, his expression as unreadable as ever. "You know what you have to do," he said softly, but loud enough for the nearest spectators to hear.

Killua's fists clenched and unclenched at his sides. He looked up at Illumi, his eyes filled with a mixture of anger, fear, and resignation. After a moment that felt like an eternity, Killua's shoulders slumped. He took a deep breath and stepped back.

"I forfeit," Killua announced, his voice carrying across the arena.

The referee looked surprised but quickly recovered, raising his hand to signal the end of the match. "The winner is Illumi!"

The crowd erupted into murmurs, confused and intrigued by the sudden turn of events. Killua, his face a mask of turmoil, turned and walked up to bodoro near the arena. He didn't stop at the edge, continuing to walk until he met him face to face disappeared from view. only to be seen with a hear in his hand. he dropped the heart as he walked away.

 Bodoro lay on the ground, unconscious and severely injured. The look in Killua's eyes was vacant, almost as if he were sleepwalking.

"I have to return to the darkness," Killua whispered to himself, his voice hollow.

The examiners rushed to Bodoro's aid, while the other contestants and spectators looked on in shock. Illumi watched from the arena, his face as emotionless as ever. He had achieved what he set out to do, and now Killua was on the path he had chosen for him.

The announcement system crackled to life. "Killua is disqualified for killing another contestant outside of the match. Bodoro is also disqualified due to untimely Death."

The atmosphere was tense and somber as everyone processed the events. The Hunter Exam continued, but the shadow of what had just transpired lingered over everyone. For Killua, the journey had taken a dark turn, and for the others, it was a stark reminder of the stakes and the true nature of the challenges they faced.


The atmosphere was a mix of emotions as the announcement echoed through the hall: "With Killua disqualified, all remaining applicants have passed the Hunter Exam." The crowd was a blend of reactions—some were shocked, some excited, and others nonchalant. Yuuma felt a wave of relief wash over him; he was grateful he didn't have to face Hisoka without a fully developed Nen ability.

Moments later, all applicants were called for a meeting about the situation. The air was thick with anticipation as they gathered in the hall. Netero stood at the front, his presence commanding attention.

"Congratulations to all of you," Netero began, his voice calm yet powerful. "You have completed the Hunter Exam and will soon receive your Hunter licenses. However, before we proceed, there is an issue that needs to be addressed."

The doors to the hall swung open, and Gon walked in, his face set in a determined expression. He marched straight up to Illumi, who stood in the corner with his usual composed demeanor.

"Where is Killua?" Gon demanded, his voice filled with concern and anger.

Illumi looked down at Gon, his expression unreadable. "Killua has returned to our family home," he said simply.

"Where?" Gon pressed, his fists clenched at his sides.

Illumi sighed, as if the conversation were a mere inconvenience. "Kukuru Mountain. That's where our estate is located. If you wish to see Killua, that's where you'll find him."

Gon nodded, determination shining in his eyes. "Thank you," he said, his voice steady.

With that confrontation resolved, Netero stepped forward once again. "Now that this matter is settled, it's time to present you with your Hunter licenses."

The room filled with a sense of accomplishment and excitement. Netero handed out the licenses one by one, each with a personal word of encouragement or praise.

Yuuma stood in line, his heart pounding with anticipation. When his turn came, Netero handed him the small, sleek card.

"Congratulations, Yuuma," Netero said, his eyes twinkling with a mix of wisdom and warmth. "I have high hopes for you."

Yuuma took the license, feeling its weight and significance. "Thank you, Chairman," he said, bowing slightly in respect.

As the ceremony continued, Yuuma looked around at his fellow applicants. Kurapika and Leorio were beaming with pride, Hisoka had his usual enigmatic smile, and Gon looked more determined than ever to find his friend. Nicholas stood beside Yuuma, holding his license with a mix of disbelief and joy.

The room buzzed with conversation and excitement as the new Hunters exchanged congratulations and plans for the future. Despite the challenges they had faced, they had all achieved something remarkable.

Netero cleared his throat, and the room fell silent once more. "As new Hunters, you now have access to a vast array of resources and opportunities. Use them wisely, and always remember the responsibilities that come with this title."

With those final words, the meeting was adjourned. The new Hunters dispersed, each heading towards their new futures.

Yuuma walked out of the meeting hall; his Hunter license safely tucked away. He felt a sense of purpose and excitement about what lay ahead. He knew that this was just the beginning of his journey, and he was ready to face whatever challenges came his way.

As he walked alongside the path to a new path Nicholas, Kurapika, Leorio, and Gon, he felt a sense of belonging. They had all come so far, and together, they were ready to take on the world.

The Hunter Exam was over, but their adventures had only just begun.


Now that I had my Hunter's license, I felt a newfound sense of freedom. I could pursue anything without much restriction. Well, not entirely, but it would make things a whole lot better.

"Nicholas," I began, noticing him deep in thought, "I know you're excited, but I was wondering if you'd want to join me as a Blacklist Hunter."

To be honest, I had only aimed to get the Hunter license. I never really gave it much thought beyond that. "I could give it a try," I said.

"That's great to hear, boss! We can go to York new City. That's where the hidden hub for Blacklist Hunters is."

"That sounds like a plan, but I have something to do before we go there. I think you should come too."

"And where's that, boss?"

"I'm going to ask one of the examiners to be my master."

"Huh? Why would you do that? We already passed, which means we can do what we want."

"Well, I get that, but do you really think you stood a chance against Hisoka or Killua? I don't think so."

"You're right, boss. I was just too excited that we actually passed. And it's all thanks to you, boss." Nicholas bowed deeply. "I thank you with every fiber of my being. Thank you." Tears welled up in his eyes as he smiled broadly.

"Sorry, I guess I'm a little emotional right now."

"It's alright," I said, smiling. "We're friends, Nicholas. You can count on me as I can count on you."

"So, Nicholas, are you willing to trust and follow me to become the strongest we can be?"

He wiped his tears. "Yes, sir!"

"Then come on, before they leave."

We ran down the hall of the hotel to try to meet one of the examiners in the meeting room, but they were no longer there.

"Boss, they're gone. What should we do now?"

"Maybe the front desk knows what room they're in."

"That's a good idea, boss."

So, we made our way to the front desk.

"Sorry, sir, we can't give out that information," said the receptionist.

"Come on, can't you change the rules for me?"

"No, I cannot. If you continue to ask, you will be escorted out."

Nicholas grabbed my shoulders and whispered, "I think we should use our Hunter license. Maybe that will change her mind."

"You're right. Why didn't I think of that? Good catch."

"Hey lady, would this change your mind?" I showed her my Hunter license.

The receptionist's demeanor changed immediately. "Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I didn't know you kids were Hunters. I will give their room a call. Just give me one second." She picked up the phone. "Ring, ring, ring. Yes, this is the front desk. We have two Hunters wishing to speak with you. That's right. Do you want me to send them up? Okay, I'll do that."

"He said he'll send Bean down to escort you."

"Who's Bean?" Nicholas asked.

"I think it's that green humanoid who gave us our badges in phase one."

"Oh, that guy."

"While you're waiting, you can have a seat in the waiting area," said the receptionist.

We headed to sit down. Ten minutes later, Bean finally got off the elevator.

"Hello, Yuuma and Nicholas. Please follow me."

We made our way to the hotel room. Once we entered, we were met with Menchi, Satotz, Lipo, Buhara, and Netero. All of them stared at us.

Yuuma felt the oppressive aura they were giving off, but thanks to his "Ten" training, he could withstand it. Nicholas, on the other hand, fainted.

"Enough, guys," said Satotz. "I think he's had enough."

Once hearing this, they stopped exuding their aura.

"So, Yuuma, what brings you here?"

"I want one of you to teach me about the blessing," I said, trying to sound unknowing about the concept called Nen.

"That's interesting," Chairman Netero said aloud. "So, what do you guys think? Who wants to teach him?"

Satotz showed interest in teaching me, while Lipo expressed interest in teaching Nicholas.

Satotz looked intrigued. "I think I'd like to take him under my wing," he said.

Satotz's interest was piqued, but before he could speak further, Lipo interjected. "I think I'd like to take Nicolas as a student."

Netero nodded approvingly. "It seems we have a mutual agreement, then. Satotz, you'll mentor Yuuma, and Lipo, you'll guide Nicolas."

Nicolas, who had regained consciousness, looked up at me with a mixture of excitement and relief. "Boss, did you hear that? I get to learn too!"

I smiled and patted him on the back. "Yes, Nicolas. We're both going to get the training we need."

Satotz stood up and motioned for me to follow him. "Come with me, Yuuma. We'll start your training immediately."

Lipo did the same, gesturing to Nicolas. "And you, Nicolas, follow me. We've got a lot to cover."

As we left the hotel room, I glanced back at Netero, who gave me a reassuring nod. I felt a surge of determination. This was the beginning of a new chapter in my journey as a Hunter.

Satotzu grabbed some supplies from nearby stores and once he was finished, we exit the city to a forest area where we enter a cave as went deeper into the cave we were met with a door that was locked satotz put in some code and the door opened to a white room that nothing in it.

"Where is this place, master?" I asked.

"An underground bunker. Something the association found years ago from a criminal crime boss who used it as an operation hub for an unusual drug called Happy Time. But that's a story for another time. Let me explain what a blessing truly is. Let's start with its real name: Nen.

"Let me give you an example." Satotz struck the wall with Nen, causing it to crack. "You see, that is the power of Nen. It's a secret force hidden in everybody. Actually, not many people can use and master this type of control. That's why we consider people who use it to be geniuses, great masters, or superhumanly gifted. These titles are given because people can't explain these abilities due to a lack of understanding. But since it can be explained, it was given the name Nen.

"Now, I need you to strike this wall with your Nen."

I obliged and struck the wall. My punch caused the room to shake, leaving a hole in the middle of the wall.

"You see that power is thanks to Nen. Now I will only train you for Six months. So within these Six month, I will push you as hard as I can."

"I'm okay with that. Bring it on."

"Hmm, I want you to keep that spirit of yours high as it is now. But I know that smile will be met with frustration. Let me explain the basic principles. The Four Major Principles, in order of study, are: Ten, Zetsu, Ren, and Hatsu.

"Ten (Envelop/Shroud) is the process of keeping the nodes open, but also having aura flow through and around the body rather than away from it. Once maintained, it creates a thin shroud around the user that feels similar to standing in a lukewarm, viscous fluid. That's what you're currently doing and have been doing for a long time. I can tell you've had some practice with Ten, so we won't focus on that.

"The next is Zetsu (Suppress/Null). It stops the flow of aura from the body altogether. By closing all of their aura nodes, the user can halt all outflow of their aura like water from a valve, making their presence much harder or even impossible to sense. Now I want you to turn off your Nen."

I tried to shut off my Nen, but the opposite happened, and it increased in volume.

"That's wrong, Yuuma. You're trying to hide, not be known. You're using Ren right now. But since you're using it, let me also explain it.

"Ren (Refine/Enhance) focuses on outputting a larger amount of aura than Ten, projecting it outwards explosively. That's what we did earlier to you guys to test your willpower. But your Ten control was outstanding.

"Back to Zetsu. I want you to follow my instructions. Close your eyes and imagine yourself as a flame. Now, the flame is your aura. I want you to increase it with Ren."

I followed his instructions to the letter.

"Now, I want you to slowly let go of that Ren and let the flame slowly die down until your surroundings are completely dark."

I breathed in and out, imagining the flame going out. Once I did this, my Nen was forced back into my body.

"Now remember this feeling. That is Zetsu. Now that you've learned that, I will move on to Hatsu.

"Hatsu (Release/Act) is one's personal expression of Nen. Its qualities are influenced by, but not restricted to, the Nen user's natural Nen category, one of the six available. Hatsu is used to project one's aura to carry out a certain function, creating a special and unique paranormal ability that is colloquially referred to as a 'Nen Ability.'

"Now, I will explain the categories. The most popular way (and the only sure-fire way seen in the series) of determining one's aura type is through Water Divination. This divination requires one to float a leaf atop a glass of water.

"Satotz pulled out a glass and a bag of leaves."

"Okay, now we can start. You will place your hands around this glass and perform Ren. This will identify your aura type."

I did as I was told and used Ren on the water. Once I did, the water changed to a dark red tint, similar to wine, but that wasn't all. The leaf started to move as well.

I was surprised. "Wait, why is it doing two things at once, master?"

Satotz was stunned but answered, "I think you're a dual type. Some Nen users may lean on one side of their spot on the Nen category chart towards another adjacent affinity. These Nen users can master that adjacent affinity more efficiently than normal because of this. Certain Nen users are directly in the middle between two affinities, giving them a dual affinity. This means that the Nen user is capable of mastering that second Nen affinity at the same speed they would their natural affinity. However, that Nen user would still have one Nen type as their primary affinity and the level and efficiency of the second affinity is still regulated by the rules of the Nen category chart.

"So, you fall under Emission and Manipulation. It seems Emission is your main affinity.

"An affinity for Emission means that you have an easier time separating aura from your body. Now that we know your category, we can move on to Hatsu.

"Hatsu is one's personal expression of Nen. Its qualities are influenced by, but not restricted to, the Nen user's natural Nen category. Hatsu is used to project one's aura to carry out a certain function, creating a special and unique paranormal ability.

"So, we're going to start your training by learning how to bring forth your category. For the next seven days, we will focus on you changing the water to different colors. The more colors you can make, the stronger you will become in Emission."

Training Begins

Over the next seven days, my training with Satotz was intense. Each day, I would sit in front of the glass of water, hands around it, focusing my Nen through Ren to change the color of the water. Initially, I could only manage to change the color slightly, but with each passing day, my control improved.

Satotz was a demanding teacher but fair. He pushed me to my limits, ensuring that I grasped the basics of each Nen principle. During this time, I also practiced using Zetsu to suppress my aura and Ren to enhance it explosively. The balance between these techniques was crucial for mastering Nen.

Nicholas, under Lipo's guidance, was also progressing. Lipo's unconventional methods suited Nicholas, and he was rapidly developing his own Nen abilities.

One evening, as we were taking a break, Satotz sat down beside me.

"Yuuma," he began, "you've shown remarkable progress. You're a quick learner, and your dual affinity for Emission and Manipulation is rare. This versatility will be a significant advantage for you."

"Thank you, master. I feel like I'm starting to understand Nen on a deeper level."

"Good. Tomorrow, we will begin to focus on your Hatsu.

next chapter
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