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15.15% HP: Dance of the Veela / Chapter 15: A Contentious Dinner

Capítulo 15: A Contentious Dinner

March 28, 1998

Hogsmeade, Scotland

Gabrielle took in the cool air of the Scottish Highlands. Spring was still a few weeks off here, though things had started to bud in Paris. The day was dreary with a light mist.

Gabrielle did not enjoy the weather, but after the last month, Harry had to come back, and she was with him. As soon as Hermione was in sight, the two friends had rushed towards each other, embracing when they met. If it had been almost anyone else, Gabrielle would have felt a little jealous. Instead, she could feel the almost family connection between the two.

Her redheaded brother-in-law, Ron, came up and embraced Harry by the forearm.

Hermione turned to her. "It's good to see you," Hermione said, giving her a hug just as tight as she had given Harry.

"It is good to see you too," Gabrielle responded. "How are you?"

"Better. Most of the boys will be going before the Wizengamot next week," Hermione replied.

"Bon. Luna, you can come here," Gabrielle said, having grown fond of the slight blond girl. Luna smiled and hugged Gabrielle too.

"I see you have guards," Ron said, indicating the two ICW Aurors in dark blue robes that were following them about five meters back.

"Yeah, Alain won't let us go anywhere without them," Harry replied, sounding a little put out.

"Papa doesn't mean for them to get in our way," Gabrielle soothed her mate.

"I know, but we can take care of ourselves," Harry grumbled.

"Don't complain," Hermione said. "It is better to have them than not."

Gabrielle gave Hermione a thankful look as Harry just huffed and didn't say anymore.

"Can we get out of this mist?" Lisa asked. "It's rather cool."

"Yeah. Let's get something at the Three Broomsticks," Harry offered. Inside they took up a large table in the corner. With the not so nice day outside and with the issues lately, not many students were wandering down from the castle today.

She sidled up to Harry's side as they sat, enjoying his warmth, even with the fire not too far from them.

"How are you all doing?" Harry asked towards the rest of the table.

Ron let out a long breath. "Can I say thank you for all those years you beat my arse?"

Harry chuckled before giving Ron a cheeky grin. "It was my pleasure."

"I'm sure," Hermione said with a pained smile.

Ron chuckled with Harry. "Moody and Remus have offered to start giving Luna and Lisa lessons."

Lisa looked to have shrunk in on herself. "It was so scary."

Ron put an arm around her shoulder as their drinks and food were brought out to them. Gabrielle took her wand out and cast a few detection charms. Harry did as well. The others looked at them, so she explained. "Papa is very concerned and wanted to make sure everything we ate or drank was good to do so."

Ron and Lisa looked concerned. Hermione nodded her head. "I hate to admit it, but that might be a precaution we all need to do."

"Daddy said the imperious curse was a large problem last time, and that was why him and my mummy stopped going out to eat," Luna added.

They all looked dubious at the stuff before them. After a moment, Harry reached for his flagon of mead. "I refuse to let them win," he said.

At that, Ron took up his own mug, and she met their toast. Hermione and Luna did the same. "Oui. I shall live my life."

"Here. Here," Ron chimed in.

"What are we going to do if the Death Eaters are back?" Lisa asked. The girl really did look out of sorts to everyone else at the table.

"Fight them," Harry told her.

"I'm going to apply to the Auror Academy," Ron said. "I think I'll get all the OWL's I need. Sounds like Dean, Susan Bones and Michael Corner are looking to join the DMLE too," Ron said. "Charlie said he might join up with me if needed."

"Mr. Delacour has said that we only need to get our NEWT results then Luna and I will be going to the ICW," Hermione confirmed.

Luna got an excited smile. "Yes. I will apprentice in the Control of Magical Creatures Department as a field researcher."

"Papa is going to put you with the Goblin Liaison Office?" Gabrielle asked Hermione as other conversations started up around the table as they ate.

"He is actually going to put me in as an under-aide to the Head of Race Relations. I think I will be going between all the other sub offices," Hermione said, a look of excitement on her face.

"Bonne. You should do good there. Harry and I start training Monday as Junior Representatives," Gabrielle told them.

"You must be excited," Hermione commented.

"Oui, but I will have to start waking at six every morning again, and we may be traveling quite a bit as the year goes on," she told Hermione. She was just pleased papa had made it a point that they would be staying together.

"If you go to the United States, I would love pictures of a thunderbird," Luna said with her airy smile.

"I will see what we can do," Gabrielle promised.

"So, have you decided when you are going to get married?" Luna enquired.

"July eighteenth at our country estate," Gabrielle said, a huge smile coming to her face. "Maman is going a little overboard though."

Harry came back into their conversation. "Three-hundred and twenty-seven guests," he gripped.

"I know you don't like it, but maman is right. We need good connections between all these people," Gabrielle said. It was a weeks old argument now.

"I know," Harry replied.

She kissed his lips as Hermione gave him a sympathetic look. "You know Ron and I will be standing right next to you."

Harry smiled. "I know. I just wish we could get married over Easter and have just a small reception like Sirius. We are going to be involved with politics enough soon."

"That would be nice. I promise to make it up to you," Gabrielle said with a look that obviously caught Harry's attention.

Lisa giggled. "So, it's not just Ron that thinks with his head?"

They all joked as Ron turned a little red and Harry just shrugged. "I think just fine, thank you," Harry replied.

"Especially when I use my tongue," she said a little lowly. This time they laughed at the way Harry looked abashed.

It was a pleasant lunch, one that Harry seemed very reluctant to leave when it got close to two. They had to get back to London and make a portkey to Paris at two-fifty-two. Harry and Hermione hugged for a long few moments. "You need to be safe."

"I will be," she heard Hermione whisper back.

When Harry stepped back, he looked at his friends. "If you ever need help, call my mirror or get to the French or ICW consulate. You are all on a priority list that Alain approved."

"We'll be alright, Harry. Just take care of Gabrielle and focus on You-Know-Who," Ron said.

They grasped each other's forearms again, then did a one arm embrace.

When they apparated back to London, she couldn't help but notice that Harry looked down. "They will be alright. You and your teachers have trained them well. They have the mirrors and portkeys you gave them. Hermione and Luna will be joining us in a few months," she said in a calm voice.

He ran a hand over the back of his neck as they stepped into the small phonebooth that would get them into the British Ministry. "I can't help but worry about them. Gabrielle Delacour and Harry Potter to take an international portkey," he said into the receiver after dialling the number.

Two pins shot out into the coin return, and they sank below the street. "I know, my love. I worry for them too. We need to concentrate on what we are starting on Monday. Papa will not let you go anywhere Riddle if he doesn't think you ready."

He sighed as the atrium came into view. "I know. We need to stop him, and that damned prophecy says I have to do it."

The door opened and they stopped talking. No one needed to overhear this conversation. She would have to find a way to get him to relax later. For now, they needed to get back to Paris and get ready. Papa was hosting a delegation from the Southern European Council and a few others tonight and they needed to be the heirs to the Delacours and Potters. Once the lines were combined in July, it would be the Potter-Delacours. Her name should be first, being the more prestigious house, but it was tradition for the male's name to come first. Either way, Harry and her were representing both houses.

Once back at home, maman had them go make sure their clothes were ready for the night, wanting Dobby or one of the other elves to just check. Harry was still a little distant as they got ready, only really noticing her when she spun before him as he adjusted his tie.

A small smile came onto his face to see her in a very flattering blue dress that highlighted her curves but didn't show anything she didn't want others to see. That was only for her Harry.

"You look beautiful," Harry said as he finished.

"Are you saying I don't usually?" she put to him, her brow raising.

Harry turned to her, a sly smirk on his face. "I feel no matter how I answer that I am in trouble. I think you are beautiful no matter what. I have never seen anyone else that compares to you, and I never will."

She let him pull her in close. "You think you are so smooth, don't you, Seigner Potter?"

"I try to be smooth. Your beauty is not only on the outside, my little ballerina," he replied, moving in for a kiss. She let him but held him back just a bit. Maman and Papa would not be pleased if they were late tonight. A family or normal dinner was one thing. When they were hosting delegates and dignitaries, that was something different.

When he pulled back, she smiled to wipe some lipstick off his mouth. "Maman will not like you going like that."

At six-fifty, they met maman and papa in the main receiving room. Sirius and Renee were there as well tonight. "You look radiant, as usual," her papa said as they came to stand with them.

"Thank you, papa," she replied.

"Harry, this is a very important State dinner tonight. No matter what is said, keep your temper," her maman warned him.

Harry did a small quarter bow. "I will not embarrass either of our houses."

"I am not afraid of you doing so, but I have seen your reactions," she said to him significantly.

"Harry will behave tonight, maman," Gabrielle assured, wrapping both arms around Harry's left. Her maman nodded while Sirius chuckled.

"I can't take you anywhere, pup. Getting in trouble before the fun even starts," he teased.

Renee lightly hit Sirius arm. "Behave yourself, or you will sleep outside our room tonight."

Gabrielle smiled at the way her cousin kept Sirius in line. They didn't get to say anything else as Remy came hurrying up to them. "Gentilhomme and Madame Delacour, the first of the guests have arrived."

"Merci, Remy. I would like you to stay in here tonight. Keep an eye on our family and ensure our guests are taken care of. Mika and Erie will take care of showing people up here," her mother instructed. "Gabrielle, you are to pay attention to how this runs. You know the duties that will be asked of you."

She frowned. She loved her maman, but she was not going to be the debutant wife. "Maman, Remy and Mika know how to run these events. Any elves Harry and I get will learn as well."

"There is a certain expectation as Heiress to our house," maman said. She had never really pushed like this before.

"Apolline, let it be for now. Harry and Gabrielle will figure out what works for them. The work you do to support me and run these gatherings are superb, but that is how we choose to do this," her papa said.

"Renee and I are going to hire a regent to manage our general affairs and to organize affairs like this," Sirius said, earning him a glare from her mother. Gabrielle thought that a good idea, having higher ambitions than what her mother did, not that she ever thought her mother weak or not being ambitious. It was just different from what Gabrielle wanted.

There was a knock on the door, prompting them all to take their positions. Everyone held themselves as straight as they could and looked as though they were all important members of society. She really liked when Harry looked so smart and handsome. Remy opened the doors, calling out in her squeaky voice, "The Representative Gilinski and Madam Gilinski of Albania."

A man of medium height, a broad moustache and stocky build walked through the door. he held himself tall. The woman on his arm was a little fuller figure, with a pleasantly rounded face and full lips. She was pretty in her own way, as was the man. They walked up to them, her papa and maman in the middle and a little before them. "It is nice to see you again, Usef. Can I introduce my wife, Madam Apolline Delacour?" her papa said, bowing slightly.

Representative Gilinski nodded before bowing. "It is a pleasure, Alain. Madam Delacour, I am pleased to finally meet you." He took maman's hand and kissed her knuckles. "This is my wife, the Princess Berlina Gilinski, daughter to our late king, Leka the First," the man said proudly.

Maman gave her a quarter curtsy. "It is a great pleasure, Representative and Princess."

"As it is to greet you, Princess," the woman said.

Maman took it in stride, even though she didn't have any titles anymore... not unless her uncle were to recognize her again. "If you would, I would also introduce my daughter and her betrothed. Heiress Gabrielle Delacour and Scion Harry Potter."

Harry did a quarter bow, knowing he was about the same rank, but being the scion to the Delacours as well meant he was representing a higher house. Yes, he could be the proper gentleman when he wanted or needed to be. "Ah, yes, this is a name we have heard before, Scion Potter. You are quiet famous," the man said as though it was a good thing.

She could feel how that comment upset Harry. He kept an even face though. "Thank you, Representative Gilinski, but I'd rather not be known for the fame you are probably referring too."

"I think Scion Potter is referring to the Tri-wizard Championship, which was cancelled. Over here, I would like to present my niece and her husband, Lord Sirius and Lady Renee Black," her father distracted the man.

"Ah, yes, I remember meeting Lady Black a few years ago, but you were not a Black then, my dear," the man said, kissing Renee's hand.

Remy called over them, "The Representative Radomir Dedic and Madam Adrijana Dedic or Serbia."

"If you excuse me, I am sure my other associates would like to greet our hosts tonight," Representative Gilinski commented.

"We shall talk more later," her papa assured the man.

It was a large gathering tonight. Representatives from Albania, Serbia, Greece, Montenegro, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Minister Montressor showed just before four senior council members. The larger surprises were the last two. "President Hepper, of the MACUSA," Remy called out.

She cast a glance to Maman, who looked just as relaxed as one could at an event like this. She didn't miss the look in her maman's eyes. She still had not forgiven the woman but would be as cordial as could be. The woman came up with two men behind her that looked like adjutants or advisors. "Welcome back, President Hepper. I assume you are coming in Robert's stead?" her father asked.

"Representative Smith was called back to the MACUSA for a few days and if this meeting is what I think, I would like to be here personally," the brash woman stated. Gabrielle had a hard time not to curl her nose in disgust. Maman was not as polite.

"President Hepper, I expect you to be on your best behaviour. I know we need the MACUSA, but I will not have you insult any guest or my family tonight," Maman told her in French.

The woman didn't look as please as she leaned over towards the man to her right. After a moment, the woman stiffened. "Madam Delacour, I will do what is needed to get to the bottom of this issue. If any offense is taken, it is not meant that way."

"Apolline, I am sure President Hepper understands this is a formal dinner tonight. She would understand slights, insult and brashness would be poorly looked upon and might lead to international issues," her papa said.

"Yes. We would not like that. Mr. Potter, it would be a pleasure to sit with you again tonight. I would like to hear more about your Quidditch experiences," President Hepper said.

"I eem afraid that Scion Potter and Heiress Delacour already have seating arrangements, unless you would like to be demoted down the table," her maman said in a cool voice.

President Hepper frowned. "I see. If you would, I have to catch up to some others."

After she walked away, maman hissed "If that bitch starts anything tonight, I will see her back home in ashes."

Alain patted her arm. "Calm down. We have many others that need our attention. Sirius and Renee, I apologize to pass her off to you tonight."

"It's alright, Alain. I won't do anything that will cause her too much of an issue," Sirius promised.

"Can I use her for bludgering practice if she wants to play at quidditch," Harry asked, getting a chuckle from her papa and Sirius, and a look from her maman.

"I will keep him in line tonight, maman," she promised.

"I think it about time to see to our guests. Dinner will be served at eight," her papa told them. Harry and her were to shadow her papa tonight. That was until Remy made one last call that stopped all the conversations around the room.

"The Prince Konstantin, escorting the Duchess Adriana, of the Russian Empire," Remy's voice called out.

Looking up, she saw a man in his later thirties with a head of dark hair, brown eyes and the distinctive lines of the Romanov's. Prince Konstantin was the younger brother of Prince Dmitri. Adriana looked just the same she had a few months ago. A young woman of seventeen or eighteen, with the golden hair of her mother, vibrant blue eyes and a body that about rivalled her own. As they walked up, those that acknowledged the old forms bowed or curtsied. This was an honour that even the Delacours were not privy to often.

There something in the way the young woman looked to Harry that brought up a primal urge in her. She wasn't sure what it was, but her veela-self did not like the duchess.

When they walked up, papa and maman went into a half bow and curtsy. Harry and her copied them, while Sirius did a full bow, with Renee inclining her head. Being with child as she obviously was, was an exception to the traditional greetings. In turn, the Prince and Duchess returned a half-bow. It was a sign of great respect and that they saw the Delacours as equals.

"Prince Konstantin and Duchess Adriana, it is a pleasure and grace to have you here tonight," papa greeted them.

"It was an invitation that my brother did not want to pass. Duchess Adrianna has also wanted to see Scion Potter for a few months," the dark hair man said.

Gabrielle narrowed her eyes as the Duchess curtsied to Harry. Harry returned the honour, brushing his lips over her gloved hands. "A pleasure, Duchess Adriana, though I find myself surprised you would single me out."

The young woman blushed prettily, bringing her basic instincts a little more to the fore. Gabrielle moved in a little closer to Harry. The rings on both their fingers meant they were bound for each other, besides the fact that Harry told her that every night. "It is a pleasure that such a distinguished dignitary would grace our house, Duchess," Gabrielle said, giving a half curtsey.

Adriana looked to Gabrielle. "It is a pleasure, Heiress Delacour. Scion Potter, my father, the Prince Dmitri, wanted me to extend an invitation to you. He only recently discovered it was you that incapacitated and dispatched a few of the attackers that tried to personally target him and his family at New Years."

Gabrielle kept her face as passive as she could. Having a Romanov requesting your audience was a great honour, but it also meant that Harry would probably be drawn into international politics. She also didn't like the look that this blonde chit was giving him. Gabrielle was all the blonde he needed.

Harry gave her and then Sirius a furtive look. This was something for him to handle. Being Scion to the Potters and Delacours set him as one of the highest members in the room, only outranked by her father and these two before them, until he became Lord Potter-Delacour. "I would be honoured to accept Prince Dmitri's invitation. My regent or Gentilhomme Delacour and my betrothed will appear at the appointed time."

The girl's blush and demeanour didn't change much, but the quick glance to her, as though the girl wanted to stab her with daggers, had Gabrielle pulling on Harry's arm tight. The Duchess didn't sound bothered as she responded, "Thank you, Scion Potter. My father will be pleased to hear that. Would you sit with me tonight? I would like to know if other rumours I have heard about you are true or not."

The girl moved in to take his other arm. Harry didn't let her go. She narrowed her eyes even more. Maman looked about as upset, but was hiding it by being very rigid.

Prince Konstantin chuckled. "I must admit that many of these functions are boring, and Anna has been looking forward to talking with Harry Potter. Even in our lands we have heard of his legend."

"Legends may not always live up to the hype. You will find my future son is rather down to earth," her maman said, obviously picking up on the dynamics.

Gabrielle let a small groan out when the duchess tried to pull Harry away. "You must come and sit. How did you get so skilled at duelling? Did you know that one of the men you dispatched had hit me with a cutting curse and was about to cast something else?"

"I did not. Gabrielle also fought by my side," Harry told her.

The girl ignored him. Harry didn't let himself be pulled away without dragging Gabrielle with him.

By the time they sat at the table, the spoilt little brat had managed to convince maman to set her to Harry's left. To further strain her nerves, President Hepper was placed across from them when she requested to talk with Harry again. Tonight, they sat closer to maman, as the more important dignitaries sat by papa, talking rather heatedly already about the issues in the SEC and Prince Konstantin. President Hepper did not look pleased to be left out of the main group.

"I didn't come here to be ignored," the woman muttered. "Eric, what are they saying?"

The man behind went to lean down to whisper into her ear when maman distracted the woman.

"So, President Hepper, I hear your daughter has done very well at Ilvermorny this year?" maman asked.

"So, Harry. You didn't answer my question about where you grew up? The castle in the books about you sounded wonderful," Adriana put to him.

Harry wasn't looking very impressed, especially since he had tried to tell her several times the books weren't real. "I would not know, duchess. I grew up in a rather unsuspecting Muggle home until my godfather adopted me."

"Oh, you are just being modest. And please, call me Adriana or Ana. All my family does. Is Pottermore in Wales? Many speculate it is, but I always thought it was in Cornwall, since you came from Godric's Hollow. You need to take me there someday. I can't wait for you to spend time with us in St. Petersburg. I am sure everyone will love to hear your stories."

"Duchess, there is no Pottermore. That was made up for those awful books," Harry replied.

Harry was trying very hard to hold his temper. She knew how much he hated all those books and people thinking they knew him... WAIT! "Time in St. Petersburg?" she questioned.

"Well, of course. My father would like to get to know Harry better and there is so much to do. Once you get out of school, my father's invitation will have you stay for the summer," the girl said as though everything had already been decided. Gabrielle let out a long growl and only Harry's hand in hers under the table was keeping her veela and fire at bay.

"Duchess Adriana, I am unaware of such plans, especially since I am starting my training next week in the ICW's diplomatic services and have been told I will not be traveling for many months," Harry told her, a sharp impatience to her voice. Maman was not paying attention to the situation as she was trying to control a MACUSA President that seemed to be getting annoyed at the inane prattle and wanted desperately to be involved with her papa. The woman shouldn't have been rude to her family, or try to force her way in. She knew papa was still having issues with her, but they had to work with the MACUSA.

"Why would you work for the ICW? You are a Lord of Britain and rumoured to be rather wealthy. Isn't just governing over your people enough?" the girl asked.

Harry's grip tightened in her as she felt a heat grow in her palm. "Duchess, I may have a hereditary seat on the Wizengamot, but I have been denied the privilege of doing so. I also feel that even if I was to 'govern' our people, then it should be a privilege and should not interfere with what I would like to do," Harry said a little harshly.

The tone of his voice finally caught her maman's attention, as well as President Hepper, Prince Konstantin and many others nearby. The petulant girl waived her hand. "It is a privilege. That is why my father, Prince Dmitri, is going to give you the opportunity to learn. A year or two in the Romanov court will teach you much about politics and allow my family to show you our thanks."

"Duchess, perhaps this is a topic that we should discuss later? I am sure he would entertain any summons or offers from your father, but Scion Potter already has commitments and is planning his wedding over the summer to our daughter," her maman said in a pleasant voice.

Gabrielle was about ready to tear the girls throat out. Harry held her hand as the slight edges of a purple flame danced at her fingertips. As her true mate, he was not hurt by them, but it didn't mean that he didn't feel some discomfort at the heat. She was so angry, she couldn't talk. Which was probably a good thing, since if she did, she might start cursing this girl.

Duchess Adriana didn't look pleased. She looked like a girl that had just been chastised. She looked about ready to say something when Prince Konstantin spoke up. "Ah, I see you have been talking about the invitation my brother would like to extend. I think that is a matter better to discuss privately later. Now, Usef, could you tell me more about this man that has tried to usurp your government?"

"From what I understand, Scion Potter knows about him, as does Alain. Is there anything new you can tell us about this man, Tom Riddle?" the Albanian representative requested.

She was still extremely upset, the Duchess staring at her with narrowed eyes.

Harry knew this was why they were gathered. Looking the Albanian representative in the eyes, he said, "Representative Usef, I have told Alain everything I know about the one calling himself Leder. He was born Tom Marvolo Riddle. Son of a Muggle, Tom Riddle, and a witch, Merope Gaunt. Yearning for power and eternal life, he became known as Lord Voldemort. As I have told some around this table already, the man has survived. I don't know how. The man that attacked the ICW ball was a younger version of Tom Riddle than the one I defeated as a babe."

There was a ringing silence.

After a moment, the representative from Serbia said, "What of the rumours that you are destined to defeat him?"

Harry shrugged. "I already have, so I don't know if I am the only one that can defeat him."

Prince Konstantin eyed him up and down. "We have heard of your legend, Scion Potter. There is a prophecy declaring you the Chosen One?"

She rubbed her thumb over the back of his hand. Harry was holding up well, but she could feel his discomfort. Harry met the man's eyes though. "Prince Konstantin, I do not know what you have heard, but prophets are not always correct, and prophecy may not always pertain to whom you think. I will do my duty where needed, but I am not this 'Chosen One' that people have talked about over the years."

"Can you slow down? Eric can't translate fast enough," President Hepper said irately. "I cannot talk French and this seems important."

"Deed you not wear the amulet t'at my husband gifted you to hear translation after our last dinne'?" maman asked of the American president. "I know it was sent."

President Hepper narrowed her eyes. "You mean that was what it was for?"

Ignoring the MACUSA president, Representative Usef spoke up. "Scion Potter, whether you are the 'Chosen One' or not, you admit to facing the man a few times and are one of the few to survive. Alain has said that you and your betrothed shall start your training in the diplomatic core. I would invite you visit the Southern Council at your earliest convenience. We will provide supplementary training for any help you can provide," Representative Usef offered.

"That is a generous offer, Usef. I would like to see my daughter and future son-in-law properly trained and would prefer not to send them into a hostile environment before they are ready," her papa said.

"Alain, I am ready," Harry spoke up.

Her papa gave him a level look. "Harry, I assure you, you are not ready to represent the ICW in such a delicate situation for some time. Usef and I will talk about any possible supplementary training, but as one of my employees, I will not allow you to go until I deem you ready."

Harry looked at her papa rather mutinously.

"Papa, wouldn't it be best to get experience?" she put to him. She knew she was talking out of turn at the table with all these representatives here, but she would back Harry.

"Why not use the boy?" President Hepper said rather loudly as the man spoke into her ear.

"The boy is Scion Potter, Madam President. He is only seventeen and not ready if my husband says he is not," her mama said rather crossly.

Her papa spoke to them. "Gabrielle and Harry, you have much to learn, and this situation is far too dangerous. I will call Harry to the offices this week where we can have a far more in-depth discussion with those that need to know anything about this subject. I will invite those around this table that need to attend."

It was clear this was a command from her papa.

"Alain, if I may. I have all the information you need. Harry should focus on the start of his training next week. I also have other allies that may be able to help," Sirius said into the fray, giving Alain a hard look. Harry felt close to bursting.

She wasn't far behind him as the duchess offered, "Gentilhomme Delacour, I am sure my father can offer supplemental training when Scion Potter is ready. We are not currently embroiled in any conflicts and my father has expressed interest in making closer ties to the ICW and the Delacours."

Papa looked at the duchess for a moment. Prince Konstantin added, "My brother has expressed interest in getting closer to the ICW. A friendship between the Delacours, Potter and the Romanovs could be a good root to achieve this?"

"What about what is going on in Albania. This madman has tried to kill myself, my family and others in the last few months. We are on the brink of war and the one boy that is said to be able to stop him is going to stay here, play house and train?" Representative Usef exploded.

Her papa's demeanour changed. "That boy, as you say, is still a boy. He is seventeen. I will not have him go into a possible battle zone until he is properly trained. I understand what has happened. I sympathize. We have lost close friends and family to this madman. Gentilhomme Black has offered all his resources to help in your plight. I will be willing to meet with you tomorrow about all this, but Harry and Gabrielle are a few years away from being qualified as diplomats or anything else. Do not bring up his background like that again, Usef."

Representative Usef looked just as mutinous as Harry did. "I cannot wait on any of this, Alain. We need more help now."

"We have a vote on Monday to authorize twenty more Aurors to help you, as well as give you some funds for training more of your own."

President Hepper stood up. "I demand to be in this council! While you worry about something in Europe, we are tracking new movements of the Death Eaters. If Harry Potter can defeat You-Know-Who, he can defeat the terrorist too."

Everyone at the table was very quiet as the woman stared them down.

"Madam President, Harry and my daughter will be starting their apprenticeship. I assure you they will not be travelling for several months, at the least," her papa replied.

"I demand to have Harry Potter come to the United States. We can train him with the best of our forces," the woman said, causing some of the others at the table to demand the same. Her maman wrapped hard on the table, having everyone quiet down and look to her.

"Remy?" her maman called

Their little head house elf came from a corner where she had been staying unobserved. "Oui, Madam Delacour?"

"Please make sure President Hepper leaves with anything she brought with her. I will not have demands made of our family when we have already said no. Not in my own house. She will not be invited into this house again without mine or Alain's permission," her maman said.

"This is outrageous!" President Hepper declared.

"President Hepper, I must agree with my wife on this. I will gladly entertain any requests to my office, but this is my house. Harry and Gabrielle are members of the Delacours. I will not abide demands like that under my own roof," her papa said.

"As Regent to the Potters, I decline all demands for Harry," Sirius said, looking just as fierce as her papa.

This was not the normal diplomatic way that her family showed at gatherings like this, but she had never heard anyone demand anything like this of them at the dinner table before.

President Hepper scowled at them. "You will hear my protest about this."

"Remy, please show President Hepper out," her maman ordered.

"Oui, Madam Delacour," Remy said, hustling to show the president and her aide out. The woman looked thunderous, but finally got the hint.

"A formal protest will be on your desk tomorrow," the woman said before walking away.

Maman sat up straight as everyone was looking. "Alain and I are gracious hosts, but I will not abide rudeness or intentional slights to our family. As such, I do hope that everyone will enjoy the rest of their evening. Jacque, more wine please."

The threat was heard loud and clear. The Delacours were a powerful family that worked with those that respected them, in turn getting the respect of the Delacours, but do not cross them. The duchess and others around the table didn't look happy as they seemed to get the message.

"Usef, I will gather my staff and we can meet about eleven tomorrow in the ICW. Sirius, please contact all you can. We will see what we can do to pool resources and discuss if we can work anything else in the ICW," Alain said.

"Am I going to be involved in any of this?" Harry asked, still sounding petulant.

Sirius looked to him. "Harry, your job right now is to train. Alain and I will keep you informed. You will get involved when we think you ready."

Gabrielle was unsure if rushing in or not was the wise decision, but Harry had already been training for this for almost four years. She could understand his frustration, even if they had just gotten their IAWL's.

Harry sat back, pulling his hand out of hers and crossing his arms. He had a look on his face that said that he would be having a talk with his godfather and his papa later.

Representative Usef took a napkin to his mouth. Nodding to her maman, the man said, "Apolline, your table is excellent as always, but I must excuse myself early if we are to prepare for a meeting tomorrow morning."

Her maman inclined her head. "I understand and accept your thanks. You and everyone at this table are welcome to the Delacours hospitality at any time."

"Oui. If you need help, or shelter, the Delacours will always be at your call," her papa said.

They all got up as her papa and Representative Usef did. It wasn't long to say goodbye and for them to retreat to the family room. She sat on one of the couches as Harry paced up and down. When her father came in, he gave Harry a hard look.

Gabrielle was in a strange in-between of still being livid at the Duchess, worried about Harry and her veela starting to feel turned on by the magic coming off him. Harry was powerful, determined and fit. She didn't want to feel this way at the moment, but the magic of their bond knew her Harry would sire her strong children, thus having her veela-self calling for him, even at this inopportune time.

"I want to go to Albania and help find Tom," Harry told her papa.

"A statement like that tells me that you are not ready and may not be for a long time, Harry. You have just barely finished school. You have not been evaluated by my Aurors and with outbursts like that, you are more likely to cause an international incident than save the ones you want," her papa retorted.

"I have trained for years to go after Tom and his psychopaths, now I need more training!" Harry said rather angrily. "I wanted to join the ICW to go after Tom. As an Auror trainee I only need three months and can petition to go into the field early. Why are you denying me? Why not let me go to the MACUSA or other places to train and fight? People are dying, Alain!"

"And you would do no one any good if you joined them," her papa said, coming to stand defiantly before Harry.

She felt the shift in magic in the room. Both their magics flared. The head of her family, her papa, was being challenged by her betrothed, the future head of her family. Her heart fluttered to realize it was a clash between two very powerful wizards. Her mother got to her feet, a light of the attraction she felt to her papa in her eyes, and Sirius raised an eyebrow when he walked into the room.

"What did I miss?" Sirius asked.

The intense stair between the two most important men in her life broke and the magic dropped to more normal levels. "You told me that I would be able to go after the bastard," Harry accused of Sirius.

"A statement made when I thought we had more time and you had already decided you wanted to become an Auror or Unspeakable to go after him. You know both those paths would see you in training and apprenticeship for a few years before you went after Tom," Sirius said.

Harry grabbed at his hair. "Sirius, he is killing people again."

"And you will not be able to stand against him," Alain said.

"I can!"

The staring match started again. It was like the air grew thick as her papa and Harry seemed to clash for dominance. Gabrielle wanted to step in but knew she shouldn't. She was also trying to fight down her veela as it tried to rouse her body to take him as soon as she could.

She didn't want to be the beast but found she didn't want to deny Harry either.

"Prove to me that you can, and I will invite you to the meeting tomorrow and you shall go to Albania within the week," her papa said.

"Non! Harry can't just go like that," she cried out. "Not without me!"

"My golden bird, I know you cannot beat me in a duel yet, and I will not send you to such a dangerous place. If your betrothed can beat me, I will not question him," her papa said.

"Alain, are you sure about this?" her maman questioned. The feel of the magic between the men was almost palatable.

"The pup beats me about every other time now," Sirius admitted.

"I accept," Harry said stubbornly.

Her father gave him a curt nod, turned and stalked out of the room. Harry followed, and she had to run to fall in step next to him. "Harry, papa is a master duellist. Are you sure?"

"Gabrielle, I have to stop Tom," he told her.

She knew he felt that way. She knew the prophecy that he had taken to mean him or Tom Riddle. He had been working tirelessly since papa had told them they were not going back to Hogwarts. He was ready, but she didn't think he was ready for papa.

"Are you sure about this?" Sirius asked as they rushed down the stairs and towards the duelling room.

"You promised once I was out of school you wouldn't keep me out of this," Harry snapped back.

Sirius sighed and motioned for Harry to go through the doors. Papa was already removing his nice robes and pulling up the sleeves of the shirt, exposing his wand holster. Harry shucked his robes and threw them at the edge of the ring.

"Knock out or out of bounds. Nothing that will seriously harm either of us," her papa said.

"Maman, is he going to hurt Harry?" she enquired, a little worriedly. She was able to supress her veela as she really was concerned. For both of them.

Her maman shook her head. "Like we have to set our pecking order, sometimes our men have too as well. Alain, no broken bones. His or yours," her maman said.

Her normally jovial father was very serious. When they both stepped into the ring, she felt the power of the wards. Her papa came to stand about fifteen feet from Harry. "If I win, I am in on everything," Harry said.

"If I win, you follow the course of training I set," her papa told him.

They both rose their wands and swiped them to their sides quickly. When both wands came up, they both cast silent spells. A ball of blue light leapt from Harry's wand as papa used a more mundane red stunner.

Harry stepped to the side and papa turned his wand to the side and it redirected the ball of light. They were both moving as the ball of light splashed against the wards and they lit up like a firework had hit it.

Whatever Harry had sent at him, had papa turn the most serious she had ever seen him. The stunner turned to spells she recognized as paralysis, disarming, ropes... a more questionable electrified rope meant to stun and overload the person while wrapping them up.

At the same time, Harry had cast another blue light, ropes, a yellow and orange spell she hadn't seen before. Harry dodged all the spells while her papa either deflected or shielded, with a significant gong sound when the orange spell hit his shield.

They were moving fast. Faster than Harry did when duelling her. The power from both had her veela screaming to the front of her emotions. It wanted its powerful mate. She just wanted Harry and her papa to be careful.

"Pup, be careful," Sirius said from next to her.

She felt a little afraid. Harry had been teaching her, but she had not seen him like this yet. As much as she was feeling afraid for both of them, a certain part of her was starting to feel upset. How much had Harry been holding out on her when they were duelling?

Harry and papa met each other spell for spell, neither of them seeming to have an upper hand. Harry's face was blank as he finally deflected another of papa's electrical ropes, then he banished the ropes back. Papa had to dive out of the way and rolled to avoid a banishing hex that should have thrown him out of the ring. Her papa wasn't as young or as physically fit as them, but when he stopped, he came up on a knee and shielded another banisher, then started a string that she had yet to find a counter for.

It was a fast string that started with a banisher, followed by two stunners, a paralysis hex and ended with a rope. Harry, instead of dodging, took the banisher head on, clapping is hands together, his wand sticking straight out. The banisher hit the tip of his wand, and then the spell split, passing to either side of him.

Gabrielle's eyes widened.

She had never seen that before.

Harry jabbed his wand and then spun, a shield coming up as he avoided the stunners and shielded the other two spells. Papa gave out a grunt of pain as Harry's spell hit his shoulder. He fell and Harry stepped forward, the tip of his wand glowing. Water shot out, then snow.

Papa spun his wand, calling up fire to surround him.

The water turned to steam as the snow dampened the ring of fire. Papa pressed his wand into his other palm, the wand straight up, then pressed forward. The fire launched towards Harry, wrapping around the stream of snow coming from his wand. Harry pulled his wand up, making a solid wall of ice that absorbed the fire.

Papa used the fact Harry couldn't see to send a few banishers, and then something purple she didn't recognize. Harry had stepped to the side, avoiding the banishers, but was only quick enough to raise a shield. There was a sound like thunder as papa's spell impacted the shield. Harry went flying back.

Ropes and stunners came after Harry. One of the ropes caught his legs. A silent cutter ripped the ropes to shreds as the other flew over his head. Harry swished his wand. Some of the floor came up to block the spells. She saw a ripple go through the floor as her papa cast some low powered blasting hexes to destroy the barrier. Papa didn't see the ground separate below him, pulling his legs apart and almost pulling him into a split before his wand was pointed at the floor, and the stone turned to sand.

Harry jumped out the side of the barrier as it blew up. His wand was moving. A solid looking medicine ball shot out of his wand. He shot ropes and then swiped his wand to send what looked to be a whip made of ice.

Papa blew up the ball, banishing the pieces into the ropes and then pressed his wand flat against his arm and let the ice whip wrap around it. Harry went to yank on it, but her papa muttered, "Fulgur lux!"

The ice rope suddenly burst into bright light and crackled like lightning. She had to shield her eyes.

Harry let out a scream.

"Harry!" she cried out, trying to find him through the spots in her eyes.

Papa was breathing heavily as Harry stumbled backwards, his hand hanging limp with his wand on the floor.

"Do you yield?" papa asked.

"What was that? I can't feel my arm," Harry said, shaking his arm furiously. His hand flopped limply.

"Do you yield, Harry?" papa demanded.

Harry looked up. Both looked a little beat up. Harry rubbed his arm. "I can't feel anything," Harry said, still looking a little defiant.

"Do you yield? I will not ask again," her papa said in a very hard tone, his wand coming up to point at Harry.

Harry growled. "Fine. I yield."

Harry's magic didn't settle. Instead, it yielded to her papa's will… for now. She had a sense Harry would not be satisfied and this would not be the last time he would challenge her papa.

Papa nodded, his wand falling to his side and his face becoming kinder.

"What was that?" Harry asked. She felt the wards around the ring fall, and she rushed over to him.

"A Delacour family secret. A secret that you and Gabrielle are old enough and skilled enough to learn, but you are not ready to take on the best of what Tom has, or to face him," Papa said, taking Harry's hand. He ran his wand over Harry's arm and Harry gasped.

"What was that?" Harry demanded.

"It's called the lightening light. Fulgur lux. It is meant to temporarily blind your opponent and overload the nerve endings where it strikes. My wife and daughters are not the only ones to know elemental magic," per papa said. "It appears you know some yourself."

Harry opened and closed his hand. "We found that ice and water respond to me. And the counter curse for this?"

"I will teach you, but you have to calm down and listen to me. Harry, I know what you think your destiny is, but you must remember. You are marrying Gabrielle in a few months. You are very skilled, but you still have much to learn. You are also hot headed at times. That is something that could get you, me, Gabrielle, the rest of our family, not to mention the ICW, into trouble. You need to keep your cool. As do you, Gabrielle. I saw how unsettled you were getting with the Duchess, and Harry was responding to you. You know your bond has a defensive nature towards each other. You cannot let it rule you," papa said.

"As for you, my beautiful flower, you must also learn to control your temper. I am going to have to go to the American Embassy tomorrow, hope that hag is still there, and talk to her," papa said to maman, his face showing how he cared for his wife.

"That hag is rude, ignores any common curtesy and we gifted her that pendant. I knew that most of our guests did not know English and was only acting the proper host," her maman said, looking a little petulant herself.

Her papa sighed. "Apolline, you know what we have to do. You know we need the Americans if things go bad. There has already been enough killing in Albania. I do not want it to spread."

Harry ran his hand over the back of his neck. "I'm sorry, Alain. I didn't harm any relations tonight, did I?"

"Non, Harry. I don't think you did. Everyone is just a little on edge right now and I need to figure out what the Russian Empire is after," papa told him.

"They want Harry, and they will not have him," she said very protectively, taking his left arm and wrapping both hers around it. This was probably why her veela-self was so unhinged at the moment. It really wanted to claim her mate having felt challenged by the Duchess.

"You never do things by halves, do you pup?" Sirius asked.

Harry kissed her forehead. "I never asked for this. I am betrothed to Gabrielle."

Apolline bristled. "Even the Romanovs know not to interfere in an official betrothal," she said.

Her papa pinched the bridge of his nose. "Non, but Harry will be Lord of two houses. Gabrielle is our heir, and will be that of the Potters, but Harry could take on a second wife, or consort, if he chose to pass the Potter heirship to another. Can you imagine what the Romanovs would gain to have a consort with a man that has a seat on the Senior Council?"

She spoke before Harry could. "We are combining our houses. I will not share him, papa."

"Wait, don't I get any say in this?" Harry said to them.

There was a dropping feeling in her. "You want a consort?"

"Non. Non. Non. That is not what I said. I am only marrying you, Gabrielle. I am not taking on a consort, but the duchess said her father felt like he owed me for what happened at New Years. Alain, he can't just give her to me or force something else, right?" Harry said to her papa.

Her papa was shaking his head, but her maman looked a little pale. She looked to her maman. "Non. Prince Dmitri cannot force anything, but he could decree her to you. Make her your responsibility and to only allow her to carry your children."

"Merlin's balls," Harry muttered.

"Wait! Harry is a French and English citizen. That type of practice is illegal in both countries," Sirius said.

It was her maman who answered. "In both the Austrian Empire and the Russian Empire, all girls and woman are the property of their father or spouse, unless emancipated. Most families grant that emancipation upon a woman's seventeenth birthday, but there are still those that do not."

"Merde! They are cochons!" Gabrielle exclaimed.

"That is why neither are members of the ICW. They refuse to follow some of the freedoms demanded by membership," her papa said. "Like the MACUSA, they are significant enough powers that they get an honorary seat, but no binding vote."

"And what would happen if I go to the Russian Empire and suddenly find her 'gifted' to me?" Harry asked.

Papa put a hand to his mouth and looked to her maman.

Maman took a moment to respond. "I am unsure. If you go, you go as a foreign dignitary. You will not go under a personal invitation. You will have diplomatic immunity and protection should you go there as an envoy. Otherwise, you may fall under their laws while there."

"Maman? You mean for him to go?" Gabrielle asked incredulously.

Papa sighed. "I think we should go. The ICW has wanted the Russian Empire to join for a long time. We are being offered a possibility. I will not allow the trading of anyone. The ICW has laws about gifts, and gifting people is not allowed.," he said quickly as Gabrielle was about to protest.

They were all quiet for a few.

"We will help you with this, pup," Sirius said.

"Oui, we will. I may not be recognized as a Wagner, but my uncle will not be pleased if I tell him of this. He does not always get along with the Russian Empire," her maman said.

Papa frowned. "I think that enough of this talk for the night. I am going to go write some letters. Tomorrow is going to be a very important day. I know it isn't nine yet, but you should all go get some rest."

"I will get a message to Dumbledore and my other contacts, then I think I am going to go spend the night with my wife. Alain, do you think I will be traveling to Albania?" Sirius enquired.

"I think it likely that you, Remus and Alastor will. You two should get some rest. Monday will be a busy day," papa told them.

Harry bent down to pick up his wand. He flicked it and bright sparks came out. She had not let go of his arm. "Come on, my little ballerina."


Harry ran his hand through his hair as he followed Gabrielle into their room. She shut the door and turned to him. "Are you alright?" she asked him.

"Yeah. Just frustrated," he told her, starting to pace.

He was feeling very frustrated. The damned prophecy said he was going to be the one to get rid of Tom. Sirius, Remus and Moody had been training him for years to take Tom and his psychopaths on. He knew there would be more training when he joined the ICW, but he didn't think it would start to go this wrong at this time.

His frustration was that Gabrielle and him had taken their final qualifications early. He had allowed Alain to withdraw him from Hogwarts to do so. They would start their training in the Department of International Cooperation on Monday, but people were dying and suffering now.

Gabrielle intercepted him as he paced by the door again. She stepped into his path and wrapped her arms around his midsection. He wanted to keep moving, but she was comfortable.

"Are you that eager to run into battle?" she asked him.

Harry let out a long breath before putting his lips to her forehead. "Eager, non. Have too, yes."

She pulled back enough so her dark blue eyes could investigate his. "I don't believe you have too. You feel responsible for events that are not within your control."

Harry took in a long breath and let it out. "Gabrielle, the man killed my parents. The prophecy says I must kill him. People are dying. Am I to just 'play house' as Representative Usef said while he cuts a path of destruction through another country?"

She held his gaze for a long few moments before pushing herself up on her toes to kiss him. When she pulled back, she said, "We are not going to just 'play house'. We, you and me, Harry Potter, are going to train. We are going to learn. I do not want you fighting, but you will not give up on this, so I will be at your side. Don't you forget that." Gabrielle poked her finger into his chest. "When you are ready, we will go and find this madman."

Harry pulled her into a tight hug, Gabrielle snuggling her head into the crock of his neck. "I don't want you to get hurt."

"Then you will teach me everything you just did tonight, oui? You have been holding out on me again," she said in no uncertain terms before kissing his neck.

Harry felt himself relax some as her lips brushed his skin. "I have not been holding back. You are just not ready."

"Like you are not ready to face this Tom Riddle," she said, her kissing becoming a little more persistent.

Harry leaned his head to the side to allow her better access. "I thought we were talking about Tom, not getting randy?"

Gabrielle sucked on a spot he liked. He let out a sound that was half exasperation, half lusty growl. "As annoyed I am with you, your magic calls to me. I will always be at your side, mon amour. If you want to rush so headlong into battle, I will use the time we have for us."

Harry reached around her back and began to undo the zipper on her dress. Gabrielle ran her hands to his bottom. Harry tried to move to kiss her, but she was determined to keep kissing his neck.

Harry let out a sigh as more tension left his body. He managed to get the zipper down and pushed the material off her shoulders. Gabrielle moved to let the dress slip down her body, leaving her chest bare to him and in only a pair of silky panties. She started to unbutton his shirt while still lavishing his neck with her lips and tongue.

"I don't want to rush headlong into battle," he admitted.

"Make love to me. We can talk of this later," she said, pulling his shirt out of his trousers and moving to his belt buckle. Harry growled at her this time. Reaching down, he grabbed her arse and she jumped up to wrap her legs around him while still struggling with his pants. The heat and the smell of the allure were quickly stripping him of any arguments he might have.

Walking rather awkwardly to the bed. He leaned over, falling on top of her and having to put his arms on either side of her to not crush her. She was starting to grind her crotch against his trousers, not unwrapping her legs from around him.

"Get your pants off," she demanded.

Harry laughed before leaning down to kiss her breast. "Impatient?"

"Feeling your magic earlier had my veela-self wanting to jump you right there. Make love to me," she ordered. "You are not running off to fight tonight."

Her head went back, her eyes closing as he started to suck on her tit.

"Harry, please."

He pulled back, her legs finally unwrapping from around him. He stood, taking the rest of his clothes off. She quickly removed her panties. Harry took in her pink folds as she spread her legs, clearly needing him.

Harry was in the mood to take it a little slower, so when he moved to the bed, he put a knee at her feet and leaned down to kiss her inner thigh. He loved the moan of need and her smell as her hands reached down to run through his hair.

He took his time kissing up her right thigh, earning another groan of need when he moved to her left thigh. "Stop teasing," she said. Harry could see how moist she was. Moving up, he licked his tongue along the length of her slit. Her whole body shuddered. When he moved closer, moving his tongue between her folds, she whimpered, then let out a long, low moan when his mouth finally found the nip at the top of her slit. He sucked on it before using his tongue.

Gabrielle was soon panting as he worshipped her womanhood. His tongue moving in and out, or circling parts he knew she liked. Her hand in his hair forced his face into her crotch, his tongue going as deep as he could, moving in and out at a quick pace.

"Harry," she moaned, her hips squirming before bucking into his tongue. He moved to her nib again and she cried out, grabbing his hair to guide him to dive his tongue back into her. It wasn't long before she was bucking her hips, her hands keeping his mouth firmly against her clit and his tongue fucking her. She cried out when her body tensed and her legs clenched, keeping his head firmly in place. Harry sucked and dove his tongue in and out as she climaxed, a rush of fluid coming to him.

It was a few moments before she let him go, falling limp on the sheets. She was panting.

Harry was rock hard to see what he had just done to her. When he got up, his face slick with her juices, she gave him a sensual smile. "Should I still make love to you?"

"Oui," she said, reaching out to him as he moved up. Her arms wrapped around his neck as he moved to kiss her, his cock aligning with her core and slipping in. She gave out a sigh that had him grow harder inside her.

It was a slow love making as he took his time, not feeling any rush and Gabrielle still recovering. He kissed down her neck, lavished her breasts with attention, until he started to feel his own need really start to rise. He started to move quicker, pulling out further and then diving into her. Gabrielle started to moan and make sexy noises, pulling his face back to hers.

She claimed his mouth as he started to pound into her. His body responded to the way he slipped in and out of her, sending jolts of pleasure up his spine each time. She seemed to really enjoy it that way when her veela-self started to take over, and right now, he could tell her more primal side was in control as she raked her nails down his chest. It was about the only time her allure would really drive him.

He moved his mouth to her shoulder, biting her like he always seemed to when she was like this. Gabrielle yelled out in ecstasy. He felt her start her orgasm and he rammed into her as far as he could go. Feeling the release in her magic, the way her body tightened around him and her nails ranking down his chest had him releasing inside her.

When they were both done, Harry moved to lay next to her. She rolled with him, keeping him deep inside her and laid on top of him. "I love you," he said as she put her head onto his shoulder. They were sweaty and smelled of sex now, but he was never more at ease than when she was with him like this.

"I love you too," she said, sounding a little tired now.

He wrapped his arms around her and wasn't sure when they fell asleep. Or even when he finally pulled out of her.

next chapter
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