Ever since Minho had a talk with the Empress, he had to devise a plot to get Yuna to give up on becoming Princess Ara’s teacher. The marriage between Princess Ara and the Miyon Nation’s prince needed to happen for the Empress to give him her support. He could then continue his plans on getting rid of both his father and brother.
The best course of action would be to force a marriage between Yuna and him. Once she became his wife, he could easily stop her from becoming Princess Ara’s teacher. He only believed that he could stop her because he knew that in this society, the husband’s words became law to a wife.
He also didn’t mind having Yuna as his wife. He recalled the scene of her playing the harp. She was so angelic and beautiful, he wanted to keep her for himself. He noticed Prince Jimin’s affectionate gazes that were directed towards her. Minho knew in that instant that he didn’t want anyone to have her, but him.