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26.66% House of the dragon: The Dragon King / Chapter 4: Chapter 3: The Dragons Life

Capítulo 4: Chapter 3: The Dragons Life

AN: I just want to say a massive thank you for the explosive support for my book. It means a lot that so many of you enjoy reading it. Just to let you all know, I will most likely make some mistakes and I am sorry for that. I don't really know the lingo that well and have just watched the House of the Dragon show but not read the book (although I plan on buying the books for HOTD and GOT/ASOIAF) I hope you can bear with me and even tell me what I said wrong and I will try to fix it but do remember that this is a fanfiction so there will be some AU. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter on Daeron's life. I know it's kinda a useless chapter but it will give some insight on how the memories have impacted Daeron and how his personality is.

Word count: 4395 (dear god, that was an accident. I meant to make a shorter chapter but I just couldn't stop writing)

Daeron POV

110 AC

I opened my eyes and immediately was greeted with the sight of green fire showering me. I flinched back expecting to feel pain, yet when I felt nothing more than as if I was taking a lukewarm bath, I opened my eyes and saw a giant of black, green, and gold. Then as soon as I saw him, he disappeared and my eyes shot open as I threw myself up in bed causing it to creak horribly. Instantly I got a massive headache and my entire body felt hot. I stood up slowly out of the bed before I felt myself stutter in my steps and collapse on the floor. I gasped for air before gritting my teeth and standing up while holding onto the wall. I heard some armour clanging outside my door before it burst open smacking into the wall and revealing two men in shining armour with white capes on them. The elder one rushed forward to help me up and instantly I recognized him as Ser Harrold Westerling, my sword teacher as well as my personal guard. I heaved a breath as I hit his armour and, although I slowly felt an unmatched strength start to gather within me, I still felt weak. I tuned in to life when I said

"Thank you Ser Westerling, I would do it myself but it appears my former sickness has taken its toll on my body"

"Of course my prince, it's understandable that you will feel weak now. However, I doubt that you will remain weak much longer now that your sickness is gone. Perhaps we will finally get to see your full might in the training yard…once you have recovered, of course"

"Hahahaha, yes maybe we will…Ser Westerling, could you please take me to see my father. I have some words that I need to discuss with him"

"Of course my Prince"


"Thank you, Ser Harrold"

Harrold smiled at me before hoisting me a bit higher and leading me to a walk all throughout the Red Keep and to the council chambers where a small council meeting was being held. I saw Ser Ryam Redwyne, the current Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, standing outside the door where the meeting was being held. Once Ser Ryam saw me he immediately bowed and prepared to open the door for me. I gently pushed myself off of Ser Harrold's shoulder and walked to the door which was then opened as Ser Ryam entered before me and said

"Announcing the Crown Prince Daeron Targaryen"

The room immediately went silent as I entered, each of my steps echoing throughout the room before I reached my father's chair at the head of the table. My father stared at me, shaking as he did so before slowly his hand came and stroked my pale cheek as I said

"What is this father…holding a small council meeting without your cupbearer. Should I feel slighted?"

My father practically jumped out of his chair and enveloped me in a hug causing me to stumble back slightly, not caring for any image that he had to uphold as the king at the moment, only focusing on the fact that I had awakened. He started chuckling against my shoulder, most likely having to hold back the tears that he wanted to shed as he cleared his throat and said

"I've missed you son… I and my lords' cups have been particularly empty without you…


I will end the meeting here, I've got to get Daeron to meet the rest of his family. Have a good day"

Viserys grabbed my arms and looked up into my eyes, as even though I am only 15 I am still much taller than him and said

"Come…we've got much to talk about, and many to see. Your sister has been practically sleeping at your side hoping you would wake up"

"Father, what do you mean sleeping? How…How long have I been out?"

"...It has been 15 days since the funeral"

I just went silent and thought

'Well, no wonder I felt so weak. My muscles must have atrophied significantly since my death.'

I nodded and so my father and I began our rather slow walk towards the dining hall where we would be breaking our fast together. After a while, we reached the great hall and our presence was announced to those inside the room. In the room, I spotted the rest of the house Targaryen, which is my sister, my 1 cousin, and my Uncle. I also spotted the Velaryon family, which was Corlys, Laenor and Laena. My eyes lingered on Laena as I took in her beauty and it appears that hers did the same as our eyes caught each other's gazes. I was immediately brought out of my stare when I heard a rather smooth yet arrogant male voice that said

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the 'prince reborn through dragon fire'. You gave us all quite the shock there nephew. I almost thought you were possessed by a demon."

I stared at the man before chuckling slightly and saying

"Sad to see me back so soon Uncle? Sorry, you don't get to keep the Crown Prince title for too long. But hey, I bet those 15 days were the best days of your life though."

"Daemon! Daeron! Enough of this madness. This is a joyous occasion and we are meant to be celebrating the fact that Daeron is still with us and healthier than ever!"

Daemon had practically snarled at me before he was shut up by his brother. I quickly looked back to Laena taking in her beautiful mane of silver hair that seemed to flow off her head and past her shoulders, her gorgeous lilac eyes that seemed to draw me in, and her tanned flawless skin that seemed smoother than even the most high-quality silks. I gave her a small nod and went to sit down at the dining table close to my father. 

Once I sat down I started to fill my plate with as much food as possible, with meats and vegetables being the main additions with some bread and potatoes being on the side. I started stuffing my gullet as elegantly as I could, feeling that my food almost instantly digested and went to fix my muscles with the help of the serum. 

After eating most of my food I turned to my father and asked

"Father, when is the next chance to go to Dragonstone?"

"Dragonstone? Why do you want to go there?"

I smiled at my father and said

"Well other than the fact that I am technically the Lord of Dragonstone as the Crown Prince, I…feel the need to go and do my Lordly duty"

My father looked at me and smiled and was about to say something before Corlys said

"My Grace, I can take Prince Daeron with me on the way to Driftmark. We would be leaving in 7 days"

I turned to Corlys and gave him a smile before turning back to my father, who looked deep in thought and said

"So father, the decision rests on your shoulders for now. Please do think about it before rushing into a decision"

Soon after we finished breakfast, I was about to head to the training yard to start working out to gain some muscle back before I was interrupted by a soft and delicate hand grabbing onto mine. I turned back and saw my younger sister, Rhaenyra. I smiled at her and said

"Rhaenyra, to what do I owe the pleasure of your presence-"

I was about to continue my jest before Rhaenyra pushed me into an empty room close by and gave me a hug as she started crying in my arms. I was shocked for a little bit before I hugged her back while saying

"Now now 'Nyra, there's no need to cry."

She continued sobbing for a bit before she whispered 

"I thought we had lost you…I thought that I had lost both mother and you at the same time and I couldn't bear it. My heart ached every day until I saw you coming out of the flame, then it almost burst in fear and guilt. I thought that…that I had killed you. Please… please just hold me a bit longer"

I quickly grabbed her cheeks and turned her head so that she was looking at me. Her usually perfect light purple eyes were now bloodshot with tears streaming down her face. Her usually pristine silver hair looked slightly dishevelled. I quickly gave her a kiss on the top of her head, with the smell of lavender hitting my nostrils as I did so. I then said to her

"Even if I had not come back from the dead, even if I had remained in the heavens with Mother you never would have lost me. I would always be with you in spirit to protect you as an older brother should. And with the burning me alive thing…well, while at the moment I was angry, I understand that it is tradition for us to burn the dead. So you don't need to apologise for doing what you must."

I quickly squeezed her against me, hoping that my words would give her some calm, before separating us and saying

"Now…I am going to go to the training fields and meet Ser Harrold to try and see if I can regain my strength quickly. You stay here for a bit, clean yourself up and walk out of here with the confidence and mischief I know you possess."

She gives me a weak smile before I walk away and leave her in the room she pushed me into.


Location: Training yard

Sweat covered my body from head to toe, I swiped some off of my brow which really only smeared on my forehead. I then heard

"What are you, a woman! Swing that goddamned sword with some meaning!!"

"Yeah! Otherwise, we will begin to think you have a cunt down there instead of a cock!!"

I turned my eyes to Ser Harold and Ser Ryam and practically snarled at them and their abusive words. I, of course, told them to treat me like any knight-in-training or squire that they might have and, after some apprehension, they finally started treating me like some common trash. They of course, didn't hit me or anything of the like but they made me swing a goddamned sword around for the better part of an hour before making me run laps around the training field, in armour, only to return to swinging the sword for another hour!!

"Fuck *panting* *panting* both of you!"

I yelled as I continued swinging my sword. I mean, yes I had slowly been gaining strength throughout the whole day, but I still just came out of a coma and they're making me do this! I quickly thought to myself

'Daeron shut the fuck up! You are a man now, you need to nut up and shut up and just do as these experienced old men tell you to do!'

I continued swinging the sword while the two old men laughed at my pathetic comeback and Ser Ryam said

"So, the dragon does have teeth after all! Let's see your bite then, young dragon!"

I stopped swinging the wooden sword and looked back to see Ser Ryam pick up another wooden sword. 

'Shit, I should have just kept my mouth shut. Now I am going to be fucking beaten black and blue!'

I guess Ser Ryam could see my face as he said

"Don't worry Young Dragon, I'll go easy on you"

'Somehow I doubt that you senile fuck'

I of course didn't say that to his face. I quickly got into position as Ser Harrold stood by the side and announced that we may start. I quickly jumped back to avoid the fast slice from Ser Ryam, before bringing my sword up to block the follow-up swing from Ser Ryam. I pushed against his sword with all my might, feeling my veins expand and my heart starts pumping even faster. I then let his sword quickly run down my own, making it hit the ground and was about to go for an overhead swing down only to feel an impact against my ribs that made me wince and jump back. Ser Ryam stood still and said

"I liked what you had planned there my prince and against a lesser man it would have most certainly worked, however, you left yourself much to open during that swing and we all know that you have yet to regain some of your previous might. In all honesty, my prince, I am just shocked that you still have the strength to do all of this even after being sick for so long. I am proud to say, however, that I believe you have great talent in you and I believe that in the future you will be a very strong knight"

I smiled at the words before clutching my, most likely, bruised ribs.

'Goddamn that old man, this hurts like hell'

I stood up straight before saying

"Thank you for the kind words Ser Ryam, I hope we can continue these training sessions until I leave for Dragonstone. However, I must end this session and take a bath as I smell like shit."

The old man laughs before grabbing my wooden sword, bowing, and then leaving. I nodded and walked away from the training field and into the Red Keep where I told the first maid I saw to prepare a bath for me. I saw that the maid blushed upon seeing me before nodding, bowing, and leaving. 



I leaned back further in the hot water as I sighed in contentment as I felt my muscles practically scream in joy at the relaxation. I had just finished scrubbing myself clean with some sage soap and was relaxing in the tub when I heard a knock on my door. I got slightly annoyed before saying

"You may enter"

The door opened revealing Ser Harrold who told me that my father had sent a maid to bring me to his room. I nodded and told him I would be with him in a minute, so he bowed and exited the room. I frowned slightly but still got up, and dried myself off before putting on a black tunic and breeches with red outlining before heading out the door and towards my father's room, which was not that far away. 

*knock knock knock*

"You may enter"

I opened the door, nodding my head slightly to Ser Ryam who was guarding my father's door, before entering the room and closing the door after me. I went to my father, who was sitting by the Old Valyria model he was always building, and he turned around to me and smiled. I asked him

"Father, you have called for me?"

He only smiled at me longer before turning to the Model and asking

"Do you remember, back when you were but a boy of 5 name days, when we used to build this model together and speak about Old Valyria as well as our family?"

I smiled as the memories seemed to replay in my head

"Of course father, I would drag myself here even on my worst days just so I do all of that with you. I still remember that you said you had a question for me to answer when I was older and all healed up."

My father turned back to me and grabbed my shoulders before looking up at me, as even though I was only 15 I was already 6'3 and I knew that I would still be growing as the serum and dragon's blood would be working their magic on me for quite a bit longer. He seemed to grow a bit more serious as he asked me

"And now is the time for that question…Daeron, when you look at dragons what do you see?"

I stayed quiet a moment before words flowed out of my mouth

"I see our betters, I see our strength, and I see our luck"

Father seemed to get slightly happier as I answered and he said

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that Dragons are our betters, we do not control them…it is more a relationship between us. They are our strengths as without them, we would be on the same level as all of the other nobles and Aegon would not have been able to conquer the seven kingdoms and for that…they are our luck, as we were only lucky to have been able to tame them."

Father had a wide smile on his face as he said

"Yes! You are correct, the idea that we control dragons is nothing more than an illusion. And a Targaryen must understand this…to be King."

I looked shocked at my father. I suddenly understood why he was saying this…It was to test me, it was to test whether or not I would be worthy of the King title. I didn't know what to say so my father spoke for me by asking

"Now do tell me, why exactly are you going to Dragonstone?"

I thought 

'Shit, can I trust him enough to tell him that I had a dream about a dragon'

My brain seemed to throw memories of my father at me and what I estimated from that was that, when you really needed him, my father would be there. He would do whatever it takes for his family. So I spoke

"Father… this may come as a surprise, a shock even, but I think I may be a dreamer. The reason I want to go to Dragonstone is that during my 15-day long sleep, I dreamt of a black dragon with green eyes, bigger than even Balerion. This massive beast had massive spikes along his head and body and he had multiple horns on his head that looked sharp enough to pierce dragonhide. The dream ended when he blew bright green flames over my body"

I saw my father's eyes had opened wide after hearing what I had said and he had to sit down as he felt his knees weaken. He just seemed shocked

"You're a dreamer? And dreamt of a dragon bigger than Balerion with green eyes. The only dragon with green eyes and black scales would be Cannibal but he is larger than Balerion."

"Father I believe that he may have grown even more"

'More like he is about to grow even more since have to give him my blood'

My father was stunned before nodding his head and saying

"If you dreamt this then you must go, even though I do not appreciate that you deceived me during the breaking of our fast, I can understand that you must have wanted to keep this a secret. Don't worry my son, no one shall know of this"

I nodded before hugging my father and I thought to myself

' Jesus, these memories are affecting me more than I thought they would. It's almost like I was the one that lived through all of this, even though I know I didn't.

I quickly shook my head before father released me and, with a smile said

"Come now my son, it's time for dinner"


20 days have come and gone and I can officially say that I am close to my full power. The knights that I train with have started calling me 'The Mighty Dragon' as I easily beat them when it comes to physical strength and skill. I have been hailed as a sword prodigy as I have, in just under a week started to fight with veteran knights on mostly equal grounds thanks to my 'perfect vision' ability. 

Currently, I have been on a boat with the Velaryon family for about 13 days as we sail towards Dragonstone so I can tame Cannibal. Although I am thinking of renaming him something else. (AN: comments do your thing and find me a good name since I am stumped. Although if I can't find something better than Cannibal in the comments I won't bother.) I have spent these past 15 days talking and becoming friends with Laena, training and beating Laenor, learning the way of the sea from Corlys, and some more of my family history from Rhaenys. Honestly, these past few days have been awesome. I heard someone knocking on the door to my cabin so I said


And once the door opened, I instantly saw someone who brightened my day. Her curvy body was the first thing I laid my eyes on, from her curvy hips and fat ass all the way up to her perfectly perky but medium-sized breasts. My eyes connected with hers and I saw that her normally caramel brown skin seemed a bit more red this time. I guess she saw me checking her out, huh, not that it matters all that much to me. I stood up from my bed where I was reading my book on the history of dragons and walked over to her. I looked down as I practically towered over her with her only reaching my shoulders. I had grown to a respectable 6'8 during these past few days. Which has been a massive pain but I don't think I will grow again anytime soon as I already am quite a bit taller than most people. I grabbed her hand and gave her a kiss on the back of her hand before my deep yet velvety voice said

"To what do I owe this pleasure, lady Velaryon"

Laena smacked my shoulder and rolled her eyes at my obviously exaggerated greeting, yet that could not hide me from seeing her bright red blush. She giggled slightly before saying

"Come on Daeron, we have been friends long enough for you to forgo these greetings and Lady and Lord stuff"

I laughed at her before asking

"What if I just wanted to have an excuse to kiss your hand, Laena~"

Laena's face burst red like it was on fire, she was stabling over her words saying

"Daeron! We shouldn't…I mean that's not…it isn't possible…if you wanted to…"

She then looked at me as I was covering my mouth trying to hold in my laughs, her face scrunched in anger before she started rapidly hitting my chest while yelling curse words that would make a sailor blush. 

I burst into laughter before using my big arms to envelop her in a massive hug. She squirmed in my arms slightly before sighing as she got comfortable in them and hugged me back. We both knew that this trip would soon end and that we probably wouldn't meet again for a while unless something else was to occur. We embraced each other in melancholy as I laid my head on top of hers and she hugged my chest; I took a deep breath in being hit by her normal sea salt scent along with a hint of some kind of flower. Her scent was intoxicating, and I felt myself hugging her tighter to me, scared that she would disappear if I did not do so. She looked up at me with her big beautiful lilac eyes I looked down at her and we both slowly started moving towards each other before my door was burst open by Laenor who was shouting

"Come on Daeron let's duel again-"

He soon stopped speaking as he took in what was happening, he gained an almost evil grin as he said

"I am so telling Mom about this"

He then darted out of the room while laughing mischievously. Quickly, Laena pushed herself out of my arms and was about to run out before she stopped, looked at me, blushed, and then ran out while yelling

"Laenor, I'll geld you if you don't stop and talk to me!"

Meanwhile, I stood at the entrance of my room and turned to Ser Harrold, who was doing a poor job of hiding his smirk and asked

"So…didn't think of stopping him from entering my room. Aren't you meant to protect me from harm?"

"Whatever do you mean, my Prince? As far as I know, he held no evil intentions towards you, plus I have seen you beating him in your spars quite often."

I looked at him for a while before saying

"I'm halving your pay for a whole moon turn"

He then turned to me with a slightly betrayed look and said

"My Prince-"

I cut him off with a smirk and said

"Not so funny now huh; Ser Harrold"

I then closed the door to my cabin and went to sleep.


AN: please do give some pointers on how I can improve the story.

next chapter
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