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75.96% Hollywood RE:CODED / Chapter 96: Chp 92 : A Moment With Succubus

Capítulo 96: Chp 92 : A Moment With Succubus

First week chapter

Another week of writer's block

The day kept getting worse with pandemic

And I keep getting less order in my job and FGO event that took too long to finish... well at least I got 2 copies of Kama.



The same scene was repeated, the act was still played by a similar puppet with the exact puppeteer.

But still, what could he do, his eyes fluttered open again, his vision was blurred by his lack of adaptability to grasp the gleams.

He should make a count of how many times he would wake up like this. But this time, he was more familiar with this place.

The white bright neon light, the smell of disinfectants permeated his nose, and the sharp pain on the corner left side of his forehead followed with ached in all of the parts of his body every time he wanted to move it. Yep, he was in the hospital room, he finally went back after a few weeks has stuck in that mini Akashic Record thing.

They can call it everything with every name they liked, he still called that room a "Mind Library", it was more simple that way.

One more thing he realized that a most seductive and beautiful devil with a luscious body, the walking succubus that could ruin any nation in a matter of one snap was looking at him curiously.

She was seated next to his bed and the heaven-defying ancient weapon she had was sealed by black oversized baggy hoodies written with "May the Force Be With You" writings on the front side of it.

"Am I in hell?" He spoke croaked. Looked like he passed out for a few days because his throat was so sore and dry.

"Should you be saying am I in heaven? But thanks anyway, it wasn't so bad to become a devil." She smiled, she took a glass of water from the table and gave it to him. He hungrily swallowed the mouthful of it.

She then closed the distance of her face within a radius of an inch from his.

He could smell her soap or shampoo she used, blackberry and vanilla, it matched her. But then, he laughed at himself. Since when did he begin to have an aroma fetish.

He looked over her and started to continue their hell jokes, "For you who had taken my soul and made you my soul-mate, my dear succubus, I thanked you from the bottom of my heart. Besides, the path to paradise begins in hell."

"Oh, I know that one, it's from Divine Comedy." She smiled but then her eyes rolled, "You know I hate to read poet or classic literature that you love so much ED. I'm not that British gal that you loved so much, please quote a thing from Yoda when he trained Luke, will ya?" She said with a southern accent.

Sometimes he forgot her mother was a hardcore Hillbilly. It's weird how British gentlemen could fall for her, but the combination of them created a Hot Sexy Goth Nerd that had become his friend for life, that was something he thanked God for.

"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn..." He smiled.

Robin also smirked, "Gone With The Wind, that's more like it."

Al took a look at his surrounding, he was right that he was in the hospital room, but why he was alone with Robin? At least he expected Vivian or anyone from the crews would be here to accompany him.

Before he opened his mouth to question her, a forefinger made its way to his left cheek, "Don't ask any question, let me answer it all for you. You just woke up from a long sleep. Also, you got a light concussion in your head because of the after impact you received."

She grabbed a note from the pocket on her hoodies and said, "After you were thrown out by the explosion, someone called an ambulance and brought you here. You only passed out for 1 days, unfortunately."

"What!? You said it was a long sleep!" Now he was mad because he has been conned by this vixen.

"24 hours is long enough for a human to sleep, ED!" She giggled.

She continued "Well, the shooting continued without your scene, but the atmosphere turned somber and that old man shouted randomly at everyone. Finally, he was stressed out and gave everyone a day off.

Everyone came to see you and the doctor said you are fine and still kicking like a horse. Even he was surprised at you, no normal people would come with only a slight concussion in the head if they were thrown out almost 5 meters horizontally by the explosion.

I came here with Mary and Jodie as soon as possible after Vivian gave a call to the orphanage. I was there to play with kids. Then I offered a private jet my dad owned to fly here.

There's a lot of damn people who came to see you, and uncountable British paparazzi tried to break here.

So that's why you were alone here because there's a 2 hospital security outside the room who won't even let Mary in. Then she went with Vivian to set up their place in her house while Jodie was waiting outside of the room.

Oh, and Browny is okay, we put her in Vivian's care."

"Hop." He grunted.

"Okay, Hop, geez..." She grunted back and then giggled.

He sighed and leaned back, so much revelation revealed for one day. 'Wait, if even Mary couldn't come to visit him, why she could come here?' He took a look at grinning Robin and something smelled fishy around her in a literal way, something different about her.

Both of them stared at the eyes of each other until Al broke it and realized it was her hair.

"That's new, afraid becoming a porcupine, so you turned yourself into a chameleon." He nagged sarcastically at her, like a parent to his child.

"Geez, it's only a purple color, stop complaining dad." She ran her hand through her few purple streaks on her hair.

"I didn't say it was bad. It made you look... enchanting."

Her face flushed red in embarrassment; an emotion he seldom saw from her, then he added, "But aren't you afraid people would be interested in you? You wear those things to drive people away right?" He pointed at her goth makeup who still had a black dominant color on her face.

"And they still did, to the point, they ignored my presence." She gave him a victory sign with her fingers, "That was why I was able to sneak here without everyone else knowing."

"No way!?"

"Yes, way!" She countered and both of them were laughing together.

Al then moved slightly to his right until there was enough space for one person to fill. Robin then hopped onto his left side without even Al asking for her.

Both of them gazed dazedly at the white neon light of hospital celling marveling at it like a moth.

"ED, I'm bored, when we made the film again?"

"Soon, I told you the soonest would be next year. I got to stabilize my companies first, then my feelings would be calmer when I left it alone to focus on making films."

"Then what about this? Why bother to act in these films, we could make something together for the rest of this year but you chose to become an actor and assistant to that old prick."

"Robbie, I'm not as great as you thought I would be. For this month's example, I've been stressed out by how my eyes are wide shut in the filmmaking world. I may know it all but my knowledge has blinded me. Leaving me so vulnerable."

Robin then turned her head and looked at him in the eye. Then she leaned her head to his broad chest and used his body as a pillow, her legs were slithering around his abs and belly, tightly embraced him in a bone-crushing hug.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. I should have been there for you." She weakly said.

"There's nothing to be forgiven Robbie, I made a mistake thinking that I was so great and can do anything. Seemed like my previous greatest sin was pride."

"So there would be 6 more than," She smiled, "but I can't wait for the lust turn to appear." She smiled teasingly.

"You think that it will be you I lust for huh? Not in a million years I'll think about that." He teased back.

"Hey, you love how my boobs jiggling right, anytime I didn't wear this baggie hoodie, I saw you looking at this as a treasure."

"You were lucky that thing stuck in your chest, or else I would wish I had a chance to fondle it and let me choke the air out of my lungs!" He desperately said.

She rolled her eyes, "This is why I hated men except you, they liked my boobs or my part of my body." She said with sadness filled her voice.

Al patted her head like she was a kitten and she purred by his touch. Then suddenly, Robin raised her body, hanging above him on all four, and stuck her giant boobs to his head, choking him with it.

After a minute of resistance by Al, knowing that his body was too weak to fight back, he relented and gave up, choosing to enjoy the soft meat pillow he ever felt.

Then Robin raised her body again, she was now on all four again with him beneath her.

They were both looking at each other eyes, "Is there something you want to tell me?" He whispered.

Robin gave him a complicated look. "How's the thing between you and Gwen?"

"It's okay I think. We both have a call at least once or twice a week. She kept getting busier day by day."

"Hey, ED, I think she was not the right one for you nor that British girl you tell us about. Maybe you'll find that the that one in your closest ones."


"I'll pick your eyes now." She sighed, "Who I meant was Ione, maybe she was the one for you. Hell, she was kissing you in the bathroom that day."

His face turned white and Robin laughed at him. "I knew that because bimbo waitress spilled everything after I threatened her."

"Damn Jennifer, I tipped her $100!" He laughed at himself, girls always helped girls but bros would betray bros in a second if a girl like Gisele Bundchen appeared right in front of their face. "Then if you think she was not the right one, why did you and Ione left me alone with her?"

"I didn't know you would be serious and turned her into one of your girlfriends!? I thought it was just a fling!"

'One of my what!?' He thought.

"Then why must be Ione, you said you were in love with her. You would sacrifice yourself so Ione would be ended up with me?"

"When did I say I will leave her to you." She huffed, "What I meant was, we can share her, together, three of us. Forever..." She seductively whispered in his ears, making all of the hair on his body shuddered.

However, he saw something deeper in her eyes, like an open window he could see her. It was uncertain, she was like a puppy who was afraid that its owner went to work and leave them alone in the house.

"Robin, do you think when I date Gwen, I would forget about you?"

Her brows furrowed, "B-but you spent less time with me because you were dating her or forget to call me because you spent your rest time to call her."

He sighed, "I can't promise that we would be like we used to be. But our weird friendship will be my priority. But that also didn't mean that I would abandon Gwen to choose you over her. One thing for sure is I'll never abandon you nor my friend." His eyes were sharper than any sword slashed through Robin's defense.

"Promise?" Her eyes turned glassy.

He nodded at her but then he laughed, "You sounded more like Laura by the way."

"Jerk." She stuck out her tongue to him. "Hey, let's continue that lesson." She whispered.

"What lesson?" He said confusedly then suddenly it struck him like a jolt of a thousand volt. "No." He hardened his tone.

"Please, chill out will ya. Or I will do that to you again but it won't only my boobs, but also all of my body!"

"I said no, Robin!" She pouted and inflated her cheeks like chipmunks.

She was still on all four above him, then she suddenly descended herself and crashed into his body. His body that was all ached before was turned into pain.

Robin was super heavy, some people may not realize it but she was all muscle. But rather than that hard muscle, hers was as soft as Jell-O. It was so soft and comfortable to squeeze.

It felt so weird, it was painful but it was so damn soft. He didn't enjoy the pain but he felt comfortable with her body, he was so confused that it made him cry in confusion.

Robin who saw a tear fell from his eyes gasped in shock. She now felt guilty that she forgot that Al was still hurting on all of his body.

She rose her body back to all on four, with a guilty look on her, as if asking for forgiveness with him.

"Sorry, I forgot you still in pain."

"Gosh Robin, why did you do that!" He asked with happy anger. "Why did you want to get a kissing lesson from me? You can find another lesbian to train. What if we change our dynamic when I taught you that lesson?"

Robin looked at him again in the eyes and with a soft tone told him, "We are already more than a best friend, we are a super best friend. You're my soulmate and it won't be weird if I kissed you. It's not all passionate but yet it's not platonic. If you were born a girl, maybe that dynamic would change but as long as you still in that body, only my soul would be attracted to you. It's a weird bond that we share, even I didn't know how could turn that way. I stopped having an interest in any man whether how godly he was, but if it was you, Al, I can do this with you."

He stared at Robin as he was looking at a Unicorn. 'She got a point, our bond can't be identified by just humanly concept. Wait, humanly concept?' Somehow he doubted that Robin was a human. Since he had been from that room, didn't want to let himself sounded like a narcissistic person, he had identified himself as a superhuman.

"Okay, but only this time!" Robin nodded furiously like a puppy who wants to play a catch with its owner.

"Close your eyes."

For almost an hour, Al taught her all of the kisses he had ever done. He also experimented with the type of kiss he got from some of the ancient porn that was kept in Mind Library.

Robin squirmed in ecstasy, she even almost cum from just trying every type of his kiss. She never realizes that kissing was soooo good, even better than when she masturbated, maybe Al also knew how to do oral with girls if he was kissing this good.

She should try this with Ione or maybe other girls. Maybe she would pull an all-girls harem and she could share it with her twin from a different mother, her soulmate, Alphonse Brandt.

But that moment stopped after they both heard a gasp and a sound of what look like breaking plates. They turned their head to the door to see Jodie Foster was staring dumbfounded at them.

She was ultimately stunned. She's a lesbian, and she sometimes heard many lesbian sexual innuendoes were thrown at by Robin, so she somehow knew that Robin was a lesbian.

But not just because she was a lesbian, she would throw her body to the plate of any lesbian that walked on planet earth.

But what she saw surprised her. How can a lesbian like this girl kissed so passionately, so sultry, filled with a ton of lust to a man?

Now she was trapped in her own world but while doing this, she didn't realize that she was still looking at them with a penetrating gaze.

Stunned by the one who saw them was Jodie, both Al and Robin's face turned scarlet red like a volcanic eruption, even those guys believed that two of them would spurt blood from every pore of their body.

To Be Continued...

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Executive Producer: Oli

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vegard larsson


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