The road to the castle was dark and cold. I snuggled into Blue's fur to keep me warm throughout the entire journey back to the castle. When I got to the town, everywhere was silent. The town that use to be so full of life was now silent now. Even at night, the town still bustled with people who still go about their activities and children who wanted to listen to tales told under the star filled sky by the elders. But now, everywhere quieted and the only thing I could see was the fog, which was completely strange because fog in summer time?
Blue let out a whine as we walked through the dead street and I patted his head. "Yeah Blue, I also don't like it here." I agreed as we walked towards the castle.
I mean seriously what the hell actually happened while I was gone? I asked myself as I neared the castle gate which was locked. I got down from Blue and approached the gate which looked dark and eerie.
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