The first thing I felt when I opened my eyes was the headache and the dryness of my throat. I stood up from the floor with a wince. Opening my eyes a little I struggled to get the bearings of my surroundings. The first thing I noticed was the iron bars that marred the dark cave I was in. What the hell? I frowned as I looked around.
What the hell was this place? Where was I? I asked myself as I looked around. The last thing I remembered was me about to confront Aurora on why she was drugging the guards and servants, then the next thing I was blindsided from behind! I winced as I felt the headache return back to my head.
Just what the hell was I drugged with? I asked no one in particular as I felt a throbbing pain in my head.
I heard the clink and clank of the prison cell opening and I raised my head up to find Aurora sliding a tray towards me through the small opening in the gate.
I'm going to continue apologizing for past actions and I'm making a pact now it's not going to happen ever again!
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