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51.61% Highschool dxd : Yasaka is my wife / Chapter 16: 15

Capítulo 16: 15

Chapter 15


Vince coughed up some blood, still unconsious as Kasumi's clone looked at him worriedly. "Can you explain now?"

[I'll explain on the way, I need to go to Kyoto and look for a blonde haired woman named Yasaka. She's a good friend of Vince. She'll be able to help him recover, don't worry Yasaka is very easy to find.] Yume explained.

"...I see." She said as she gently place Vince on her back and started running.

[My name is Yume. I've been watching over Vince ever since he unlocked his abilities to use water and lightning.] Yume stated.

"So, you're the one that gave Vince these powers?" Kasumi's clone asked, now curious.

[Technically no. It's the tattoo on Vince's hand that does that. His Sacred Gear, I only control his second one. But I do know a lot about his first one.] She answered with a nod.

"Sacred Gears?"

Yume then gave Kasumi's clone a quick summary on what a Sacred Gear is and their origins. [That's what a Sacred Gear is, Kasumi.]

Kasumi's clone, eyes widened throughout the whole summary. "That's surprising. To think that came from the biblical God."

[Mmm-hmm. Vince was pretty surprised too, but then thought about it for a moment and stopped caring where it came from.] She said giggling a little.

She also giggled in response, "That sounds just like him."

Yume's face suddenly turned serious. [Kasumi, do you know what happened that caused the explosion in the oil rig?]

Kasumi's clone's expression also turned serious. "It happened when I was fighting Alpha-152. Unfortunately she escaped."

[Oh, if you don't mind me asking. Who was the one that injured you badly?] Yume asked.

Her face turned sad as she spoke. "It was Ayane and my brother... Hayate."

Yume's eyes widen before she shook her head. [I see...]

She noticed Yume's look and spoke. "Do you know why Hayate would do this?"

[I have a good idea why. Are you sure you want to hear it Kasumi? You might not like the answer.] Yume stated in a warning tone.

"I do! I know everyone has been keeping me in the dark and I want to know why." Kasumi's clone replied.

[All right... Kasumi, you are also a clone like Alpha-152. The reason why Hayate and Ayane nearly killed you was most likely because of the way you were acting. You were relentless in your search with Alpha-152 and didn't hesistate to hurt anyone in your way.] She answered seriously.

Her eyes widened quickly as she immediately stopped running, almost dropping Vince her back in the process. "I'm just a clone!? ...Then everything I know and felt was fake, it was all a lie."

[Even if you're a clone Kasumi, you still have your own thoughts and feelings. It doesn't matter if it came from someone else, it's still yours and yours alone.] Yume said with a smile.

Kasumi's clone said nothing and noticed Vince almost falling off, fixed his position on her back before running again. "Why would Vince risk his life to save mine? I'm not the real Kasumi."

[You'll have to ask Vince when he regains consciousness.] She stated.

"Are we almost there to Kyoto?" Kasumi's clone asked.

[Yes, we're close just a little longer.] Yume replied with a nod.

Kasumi's clone nodded as she ran as fast she could, a few minutes later she immediately saw Yasaka who was walking with a small bag of groceries. "Is that her Yume?"

[Yes it is, quickly go to her.] She said seriously.

Kasumi's clone quickly went to Yasaka as she spoke. "I need help, Vince is injured badly!"

Yasaka's eyes widened as she quickly turned around to see Vince on her back, bleeding from his stomach as he cringed in pain. While looking calm on the outside, inside she looked at him with a worriedly. "Oh dear, what happened to Vince?"

[I'll explain later Yasaka-san. Vince needs medical treatment immediately.] Yume responded.

Yasaka nodded and quickly summoned a few crow youkai. "I need you to treat his wounds."

The crow youkai nodded and took Vince out of the clone's back. "Yes, Yasaka-sama."

The youkai quickly left, carrying Vince. Kasumi's clone's eyes widened as she fell to the floor shivering. "W-What's happening?!"

Yasaka's eyes narrowed as she her body turn transparent. She immediately took out an ofuda and placed it on the clone as her body started to become solid again, albeit slowly. "It seems that you're also not doing well. Yume-san, can you explain what has been happening?"

[I will, but I'll explain it in a more private place.] Yume responded.

Yasaka nodded as she helped Kasumi's clone up from the floor. "Very well, follow me to my house."


Yasaka sighed as she heard Yume retold the story of what happened and what happened in the oil rig. She looked at Kasumi's clone seriously. "You shouldn't have let your emotions controlled you, your obsession with Alpha-152 is the reason why this happened."

Kasumi's clone winced, knowing she was right as Yasaka continued. "But, I do believe this is not entirely your fault."

"What do you mean, Yasaka-san?" She questioned.

"When your body turned transparent, I noticed you were incomplete." She stated.


[I see. This probably has to do with your obsession with Alpha-152. I believe it's because you were programmed into acting like that and it only made it worse because you are incomplete.] Yume offered.

"That most likely seems to be the case." Yasaka replied with a small nod.

"Then that means I'll have to merge with Alpha-152 in order to become whole." Kasumi's clone mused.

[Yes, that seems to be the case. But you don't seem to have a lot of time left, your body was breaking down earlier.] Yume said seriously.

"I see. Then I'll most likely die." She stated.

"The ofuda I placed on your chest is supposed to keep you stable, unfortunately it will only last for three days. You have until then, to merge with Alpha-152." Yasaka explained.

Kasumi's clone nodded as she got up. "I'll go face Alpha-152 then-"

Before she could move Yasaka immediately grabbed her arm from, preventing her from moving and looked at her sternly. "Even though Vince was able to take care of most of your wounds, you are still not fully healed and your clothes are mostly destroyed. You'll need to rest first and get a new pair of clothes before you can leave."

[And you did say you wanted to find out why Vince saved you right? You won't be able to find out if you leave so soon.] Yume added.

"...Okay, I'll wait." She said sitting down again.

A knock was heard on the door as a crow youkai came in the door. "Excuse me for the interruption Yasaka-sama, but I have a report on how is his condition."

"Is Vince going to be okay?" Kasumi's clone asked worriedly.

The youkai nodded, "Thankfully we were able to stablize him. If he would have come later then he would have died. He will need some time to recover though."

"I see. Thank you for letting us know." Yasaka said with a nod.

"You're welcome Yasaka-sama." The youkai bowed and left.

[That's a relief to hear, I'm glad Vince will be okay.] Yume said with a reliefed smile.

"I agree as well Yume-san." Yasaka then got up and turned to Kasumi's clone. "I will let you stay here and recover. I will also need to get you a new set of clothes."

"Thank you, Yasaka-san." Kasumi's clone spoke.

"You're welcome."

(Next Day)

Vince woke up groaning in pain as he looked around and noticed himself in an unfamiliar room. (Where am I?)

He looked down to see himself naked, with a bunch of bandage gauze wrapped around his stomach. (Okay, so I'm naked, barring the medical bandages on my stomach.)

Vince tried to get up but immediately set back down as he felt a sharp pain go through his stomach. (Gah! Bad idea, it hurts like hell.)

He channeled lightning into his hands and placed it on his body. (The wounds on my stomach are still fresh and my whole body is in pain. I'll just numb my body with the electricity so I can walk around normally.)

Vince slowly got up and examined the room and the windows. The room itself looked like an old-style japanese room with a futon and a desk, with Crescent Rose in it's travel form and the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi on the desk, next to his wallet and his regular cellphone. Upon looking outside he saw multiple trees, one being a cherry-blossom tree. (Wait. A cherry blossom tree? Does this mean I'm in Kyoto?)

The door opened and Vince turned to see Yasaka and Kasumi's clone walked in the room, Kasumi's clone wearing a simple blue kimono with a pink cherry blossom design. Their eyes widened as they saw him walking around. But then a noticeable blush appeared on their faces as they saw him without any clothes on.

Vince gained a tickmark, annoyed at their staring. "Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer."

That immediately got them out of their daze as Yasaka cleared her throat and spoke up. "You shouldn't walk around Vince, you're still heavily injured."

She then grabbed his hand and gently placed him on the futon and covered him in a blanket as Kasumi's clone spoke up. "How were you able to walk around? You should be able to stand up, let alone move."

[You used your lightning to numb your body to walk around, didn't you?] Yume asked in a accusing tone.

Yasaka then handed Vince his gray cellphone as he spoke up. "Yeah pretty much."

[Don't do that Vince. That'll only make things worse for your recovery.] She said sighing.

"Fine, fine." Vince waved his hand as he continued. "So what exactly happened when I was knocked out?"

Yume then went into an explanation on what happened after he fell unconsious, after a moment of explaining it, Vince shook his head. "I see. Thanks for helping me out yesterday."

Kasumi's clone and Yume smiled as Yasaka spoke up. "You're welcome. But be more careful next time Vince. You worried us a lot, you were close to dying."

"Right." Vince tried to get up before he was stopped by Kasumi's clone and Yasaka.

"You can't get up Vince, it's too soon." Yasaka stated as the two gently placed him down.

"Yeah, but I have to go help Kasumi merge with Alpha-152. I can't let her die like this." He replied, as he got up. Only for his stomach to make a loud noise and for him to facepalm in response.

Yasaka placed a hand on her mouth as she giggled. "Don't worry, I'll make you something to eat. Kasumi, can you watch over Vince?"


Yasaka nodded and closed the door after leaving. Kasumi's clone looked at Vince a little awkwardly as she spoke. "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why did you save me? I'm not the real Kasumi, I'm only a clone so why would you risk your life for me?" She asked looking at him in the eyes.

Vince looked at her back in the eyes. "So? I don't care. Just because you're a clone doesn't mean you aren't a living being, even if you're Kasumi's clone you still have your own thoughts and feelings. Besides, if I didn't try to save you then. I know I would have regretted it."

Her eyes widened greatly as he continued. "You know, it'll be a little confusing to constantly call Kasumi. Just give me some time and I'll think of a different name for you."


He patted her head and smiled a little. "Don't think about it too much. What happened, happened. And anyway, I still have to help you merge with Alpha."

Kasumi's clone smiled, "I can see why the original has feelings for you. You really are kind deep down."

She leaned in and kissed Vince passionately on his lips. His eyes widened as he felt her lips against his. A moment later the door opened with Yasaka holding a plate of food as she looked at the scene. She frowned for a moment as a menacing dark aura surrounded her. "You shouldn't take advantage of Vince like that."

Their eyes widened as Kasumi's clone quickly moved away from him with a blush. "I'm not taking advantage of Vince!"

"Thanks, for the food." Vince grabbed the plate from Yasaka, noticing but completely ignoring the tension between the two.

Yume said nothing but sighed at Vince ignoring the scene on purpose.

After finishing eating, Vince placed the plate down and began channeling lightning into his body, gaining Yasaka and the clone's attention.

"What are you doing Vince?" Kasumi's clone asked, seeing him charge his own body with electricity.

"I'm accelerating the healing process in my body by pumping enough electricity in my molecules." He said simply.

[But doing that will completely drain you of your energy.] Yume stated, gaining a nod from Yasaka and Kasumi's clone.

"Yeah, but I can use tommorow to recover my energy. And after that, I'll be fully healed. Besides, I have to find Alpha now." Vince replied seriously.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you and Kasumi will be able to find Alpha-152." Yasaka spoke with a smile as she took the bowl Vince placed on the floor.

Yasaka then grabbed Kasumi's clone's hand and led her out of the room. "We should be going now. Vince needs his rest and he shouldn't have any distractions."


Vince chuckled at the way Yasaka led her out as she closed the door. (For a moment, I could have sworn Yasaka looked jealous.)

He then looked at Yume, via his gray cellphone. "Yume, can you explain about what happened yesterday with Element Brand? I noticed it was glowing before."

Yume cleared her throat as she spoke. [The other day, Element Brand reacted to your desire and gave you the element to use Ice. Just like with your other elements, you can use this with conjuction with Angel/Devil to use Pure Ice, which is the holy element of ice. The user can create and manipulate the lightest aspect of ice that gives us a sense of wonder and calm peace of the purest snow and ice. The users can create blizzards or freeze anything the user deemed to be evil or dark.]

"That's interesting. But what about the demonic element?" He asked, paying full attention.

[The counterpart element you got is Dark Ice. The user can create and manipulate the darkest aspect of ice that is straight from the darkest fears. Dark ice doesn't just freeze, it crushes and shatters all things, including regular ice.] Yume explained seriously.

Vince let out a low whistle as heard the description. "That's a pretty grim explanation on what Dark Ice can do. So can I heal myself with regular ice?"

[Yes. Just like with Pure Ice you can freeze your molecules, renewing damaged cells, which in turn stops bleeding. It can also be used to close up wounds.] She stated.

"Not bad. I didn't think I would be able to find a way to wield another element." He said with a slightly surprised look.

[The Element Brand has always been very sensitive to your emotions. Last night, you let go of your emotions and it responded to your need. You wanted to protect yourself and Kasumi, but needed something more sturdier than water. It responded and let you gain the element of Ice. Even though it's artificial.] Yume responded.

"I see..."

[You should go rest Vince. The accelrated healing from your lightning will work even faster if you rest.] She said to him.

"Yeah. Goodnight."


(A Few Hours Later)

Vince opened his eyes and yawned as he looked around confused, then he immediately recollected what happened earlier. (That's right. Anyway, I'll have to find someway to train using the Ice element along with it's light and dark counterparts.)

[Good afternoon Vince.] Yume called out, also yawning.

"You were sleeping too?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

[Yes, I do have to sleep as well Vince.] She answered.

Vince nodded and sat up from his futon, he looked down and sighed. (I really need to get some clothes soon. I'm not used to waking up naked.)

A knock was immediately heard on the door, causing him to speak. "Come in."

Yasaka came in with a plate a food, smiling. "It's lunchtime Vince."

"Oh, thanks Yasaka." He thanked, with a small nod.

"It's no problem Vince, how are you feeling?" She questioned, sitting down on the futon next to him.

"I feel better, thanks." Vince grabbed the bowl of food and placed it down next to him. "Yasaka, mind if I ask you two questions?"

"Sure, what is it?" Yasaka asked curiously.

"I'm thinking of a name to give to Kasumi's clone. I can't keep calling her Kasumi for obvious reasons, do you have a suggestion?" He wondered as he started eating.

Yasaka pondered for a moment before she nodded. "How about Akari? I believe it would suit her."

"Akari..." Vince mumbled, he thought about it for a few minutes before nodding. "Yeah, I think the name is good. Thanks Yasaka."

"You're welcome Vince. What is the second question you wanted to ask me?" She asked him.

"Can I borrow some clothes? I just need to borrow them so I can go out and buy some new ones." Vince answered.

"No, you need to recover more Vince. Even if you accelrating your healing process, there's a strong possibility you'll re-open your wounds. I will have someone buy some new clothes for you. Just tell me what type of clothes you want." Yasaka said in a stern tone.

Vince sighed but nodded, "A black sleeveless shirt, a gray jacket, a pair of long black cargo pants and some black and red shoes."

"All right. I'll be sure to tell a youkai to get those clothes today." Yasaka replied as she got the bowl and walk towards the door.

"Thanks, Yasaka."

"You're welcome, be sure to get more rest okay?" She replied.

"I will." He responded, lying down on the futon as Yasaka smiled and closed the door.

(Yeesh, Yasaka is more stern than I thought. She really is protective over my recovery process.) Vince thought with a sigh.

[Vince, you should get more rest. Your body is making good progress so far, but it will be messed up if you strain yourself.] Yume warned.

"I know."

[By the way, are you going to call Rias? I'm sure she's worried.] She asked him.

Vince shook his head. "No, I'm not. ...I don't know her number, or anybody elses for that matter."

[...You don't have her or any number from the others at the Occult Research Club?] Yume asked sweatdropping.


She sighed, [When we get back, I'm sure Rias and the others will ask you for your number. And it wouldn't be a good idea to refuse. Especially incase something like this happens again.]

"Dammit..." He covered himself in his blanket and closed eyes, not wanting to talk about the subject anymore.

(A Few Hours Later)

Vince woke up groggily as he heard a knock on the door. "...Come in."

Kunou then walked in the door with a plate of food and worried look on her face. "Hello Vince, are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it." He took the plate from Kunou's hands and patted her head. "Are you okay?"

"Mmm-hmm, I'm just worried about you. I heard what happened." Kunou said as she sat down next to him.

"Ah." Vince sat up from his futon as he started eating. After quickly finishing the food he looked at her. "How's Yasaka and Kasumi?"

"Kasumi's clone is usually looking outside at the sky in deep thought, while mother has been doing her work. But I can tell she's very worried about you. I haven't seen mother like this since the last time I got sick." Kunou answered with a small sigh.

"I see. Well, you and Yasaka don't have to worry. I'm making good progress with my recovery, by tommorow I'll be fully healed physically." He responded, while ruffling her hair.

Kunou pouted and fixed her hair. "How? Most humans don't recover that quickly."

"I'm using my Sacred Gear to help speed up my recovery, but I'll be spending tommorow trying to get back my energy since I'll be mostly out of it." Vince stated with a shrug.

"Oh, I should go now so you can rest." Kunou got up and took the plate, she then walked towards the door. "I hope you feel better soon Vince. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Kunou." He said closing his eyes.

Kunou nodded and closed the door.

(Next Day)

Vince rubbed his eyes while yawning, he looked around the room to see a set of clothes on the desk. (The clothes were probably placed there when I was asleep.)

He got up and removed the bandages from his stomach. Upon closer inspection he noticed there was no wounds or scars on his stomach. (It looks like I'm fully healed. I feel sore, but I'm pretty much fully healed.)

Vince extended his hand and tried to create a lightning orb, only for a small spark to appear, before fizzling out. (I can't use my Sacred Gears because of the lack of energy, but I guess it's a good trade off for being healed.)

Yume yawned loudly as she rubbed her eyes. [Good morning Vince, are you feeling better?]

"Yeah, but I'm out of energy." He replied.

[It's to be expected. But Vince...] She trailed off.


[Please put on the clothes you have on the desk.] Yume answered with a small blush.

"Oh right." Vince walked to the desk and grabbed his clothes. He quickly put on the clothes as a knock was heard on the door. "Come in!"

The door opened as Kasumi's clone came in. She walked in holding a plate filled with food. "Good morning Vince. How are you?"

"I'm fully healed, but I can't use my Sacred Gears because of the lack of energy." He replied sitting down on the futon.

Kasumi's clone nodded and sat down next to him. "I'm glad that you feel better Vince and I'm sorry for putting you through that."

"Don't worry about it. But, you're not going to face Alpha-152 alone this time. I'll be there to help you out, got it?" Vince asked with a small smirk.

"Got it."

Vince started eating the food on the plate. He swallowed the food and drank a bottle of orange juice that was next to it. "By the way, I decided on a new name for you. Yasaka came up with the name, but I think it'll suit you, since you plan on being your own person, right?"

"Yes I do, what's the name Vince?" She asked curiously.


She blinked in surprise as she mumbled the name to herself. "...Akari..."

"Do you like it?" He asked finishing his breakfest and the bottle of orange juice.

"Yes, I like the name Akari a lot. Thank you Vince." Akari said smiling.

"Sure, but Yasaka came up with the name, you know." Vince stated with a small smile.

"I know. But still... Thank you Vince." She grabbed Vince and pulled him into a hug, surprising him.

Vince nodded and awkwardly patted her back, still not used to hugging. "You're welcome Akari."

She then smiled seductively and whispered into his ear. "I still want to get to know you more Vince, more than Kasumi does."

Before Vince could respond the door opened, revealing a calm looking Yasaka with a dark menacing aura around her. "Now Akari. I did mention yesterday not to take advantage of Vince, correct?"

"But I didn't take advantage of him yesterday. Besides, what's wrong with trying to make him mine?" She asked innocently.

The dark aura around Yasaka increased as she still smiled calmly, which slightly freaked Vince out. "Because Vince still needs to recover and he doesn't need this type of thing."

Yasaka grabbed the plate along with Akari and dragged her out of the room. Vince just shook his head in disbelief. "Do I even want to know?"

[No. Not until you recover your energy at least.] Yume said shaking her head.

"Right. Anyway, I have to make a call." He said grabbing his regular cellphone from the desk.


"Helena. I need to ask her to track Alpha-152 for me, starting from tommorow we only have twenty-four hours before Akari dies." Vince stated, dialing the number.

A few moments later, Helena spoke up. "Hello?"

"Helena, it's me Vince." He said.

"Vince?! I am surprised you are alive." She replied in a surprised tone.

"Alive? Was the explosion really that bad from the outside?" Vince asked curiously.

"Yes. It was all over the news a two days ago. Regardless, I am glad you are alive." Helena said to him.

"Thanks. Either way, I need you to track down Alpha-152." He replied seriously.

"Alpha-152? What for? Hayate, Ryu and Ayane are already looking for her." She asked from the other line.

"Well, I better explain to you, so you can get a better idea of why." Vince went into an explanation on what happened the past few days. Explaining about Kasumi's clone, now named Akari, her programming and her time limit remembering to leave out the explanation about Yasaka and the youkai faction.

"I see a lot has happened to you... I am not surprised Donovan has stood so low. But are you sure this will work? There is a possibility that Akari might be taken over by Alpha-152's hatred." Helena asked in a tone of disbelief.

"I'm sure. I trust that Akari is strong enough not be overtaken. Personally, I believe the two will merge perfectly. Given by how things are, I think that Akari and Alpha-152 are two missing halfs that were meant to be whole." He explained shurgging.

Helena chuckled over the phone, causing Vince to raise an eyebrow. "I apologize Vince. I find it funny, for a moment you sounded like Kasumi."


"Rest assured, I will try to track Alpha-152 by tommorow. Just be sure to recover first, Vince." She said to him.

"I will."

"Very well then goodbye." Helena spoke.

"Later." Vince hung up and pocketed his cellphone.

[That went well.] Yume said in a slightly surprised tone.

"Yeah, this is perfect. For now, I'll just have to focus on getting my energy back." He said, lying down on the futon.


"After I get some rest, I'll help Yasaka around the house. It's the least I can do." Vince replied as he covered himself with a blanket.

[That's nice of you Vince. Goodnight.] Yume said smiling.


(After helping Yasaka, I'll spend the rest of the time sleeping for tommorow.) Vince thought as he closed his eyes.

(Next Day)

Vince woke up feeling a chilling sensation down his spine. Upon opening his eyes, he saw himself covered in a blanket made out of ice. (How the hell did this happen?)

[Good morning Vince. It seems your energy has returned if you're using ice to make yourself a blanket.] Yume answered as she yawned.

"I didn't make this on purpose. I just woke up with it." He replied pointing to the ice blanket.

[I see. It must be your body trying to instinctively learn how to use ice.] She informed him.

"That explains it. So how do I get rid of the ice?" Vince asked.

[Think of it, like how you get rid of water or lightning when you don't need it.] Yume suggested with a small shrug.

Vince nodded and concentrated on the ice. A few moments later the ice blanket shattered and disappeared into the winds. "That's pretty cool."

[It looks so pretty.] She commented with a smile.

Vince chuckled at her amazement and got up from the futon. He grabbed katana and placed it on his back, Crescent Rose in it's travel form in the middle of his back and his wallet in his pocket along with his wallet. "That should do it. It's really convient I can discharge enough electricity from my body to have Crescent Rose and the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi stick to my back like a magnet."

[Yes, especially since the strap for the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi was destroyed in the explosion.] Yume stated with a nod.

"I'll get a new one later." Before Vince could continued a knock was heard on the door.

"Come in."

The door opened showing Yasaka, coming in with a plate of food with Kunou and Akari. "Good morning Vince, here's your breakfest."

Vince took the plate of food and nodded. "Thanks Yasaka."

He started eating as Kunou spoke. "Are you going to leave today Vince?"

"Yeah, I have to go help Akari. Someone has to make sure she doesn't run around in the wrong place." He replied with a grin.

Akari pouted and playfully punched Vince's arm. "Very funny Vince."

Yasaka placed a hand to her mouth and giggled lightly, while Kunou just giggled. A few minutes later, Vince finished his breakfest and turned to Yasaka and Kunou. "Thanks a lot for helping me. I really do appreciate it."

"It was no problem Vince." Kunou said smiling.

Yasaka nodded in agreement. "You've done a lot for us Vince. This is the least we can do."

He sighed but took out his wallet, he then gave Yasaka a small roll of yen. "Here, it's not much. But this should cover up the cost for Akari and I."

Yasaka smiled but shook her head. "It's okay Vince, like I said earlier. You've done a lot to help us. This is the least we can do."

"...Are you sure?" He asked hesitantly.

"I'm sure Vince." She spoke with a small smile.

"All right then." Vince put away his wallet and turned to Akari, only to find her not in the room. "Hey where is she?"

"Akari left, she said she wanted to put on some new clothes for when you two go try to find Alpha-152." Kunou said with a small shrug.


"I'm back." Akari walked in the room wearing a black hooded cloak. Underneath the black hooded cloak was a dark red bodysuit that hugged her figure and showed off her generous curves.

Vince started at Akari for a moment, he then quickly shook his head. She noticed this and walked to closer to him with a smile. "Do you like what you see, Vince?"

"...You look good Akari." He replied with a simple shrug.

"Thank you Vince. If you want, later you can help me pick out some clothes. I'll wear, whatever you want." She spoke giggling a little.

(I guess that part of Akari isn't gonna change.) Vince thought, blushing a little.

Yasaka cleared her throat gaining their attention. "Is everything prepared Vince?"

"Yeah, I'm just waiting for a call-" Vince immediately took out his cellphone and looked at the called I.D. "Speak of the devil."

He picked up the cellphone and spoke. "Hey Helena, is everything good to go?"

Akari looked surprised at hearing that. A few minutes later Vince nodded and hung up. "Akari, we're good to go. Helena gave us the location of Alpha-152, but there is a small thing you should know."

"What is it?" She asked, now feeling somewhat uneasy.

"Well, there's a high chance we'll encounter Hayate, Ayane and Ryu." He said with a small sigh.

Akari's eye twitched as she heard that. "I see. Well, at least I'll be able to pay them back."

"That's fine by me. Just don't get into a fight with them. Our priority is to have you merge with Alpha. It'll make everything pointless if you fight and get weakened before fighting her." Vince stated seriously.

"Vince is right, you'll need all of your strength if you want to sucessfully merge with Alpha-152. It won't help if you exhaust yourself before you do." Yasaka added.

"...Fine, but I will fight back if they attack me." Akari said seriously.

"Fair enough. But I'll make sure that doesn't happen." He replied.

The two nodded as Kunou spoke up. "Good luck Vince, Akari."

Akari smiled and gently patted her head. "Thank you Kunou."

"Thanks, Kunou." Vince added, as he ruffled her hair causing her to pout and fix her hair.

"Stop that!"

Yasaka smiled at the scene and turned to Akari and Vince. "Be careful out there you two and don't do anything reckless."

"Don't worry, we won't." He answered with a nod.

"And thank you for taking care us along with helping Vince with giving me a new name, Yasaka." Akari thanked with a smile.

"You're welcome." Yasaka then walked to Vince and kissed him on the cheek. "Good luck Vince."

Vince's eyes widened as he felt his face heat. He turned away to make his blush not noticeable. "R-Right..."

Akari frowned in jealously and grabbed Vince's arm. "We should going now Vince, goodbye."

She then proceeded to effortlessly drag him out of the room, surprising him at how strong she is.

Yasaka giggled as Kunou looked confused for a moment, before shrugging a little.


Authors Notes: That's the end of the chapter. I gotta say, this was one of the more favorite chapters to write. Hopefully the explanations in the chapter were good enough to explain what's been happening and what happened last chapter. Now for the explanations.

I decided to have Kasumi's clone be a little angsty, because she just found out that she's just a clone. She never knew she was one to begin with and I'm sure she would feel a bit upset about that. It didn't last long because Vince supported her throughout this.

Vince can now use Ice. This isn't a sub-species, it's just another step towards his grow with the Sacred Gear. And it also means he's one step closer to getting his Balance Breaker for Element Brand. I will introduce his sub-species another time.

The reason why Vince was able to heal so fast, like stated in the chapter. He basically pumped himself with enough electricity to accelrate his healing greatly. But it did come with him running out of energy and had to wait a day before getting it back.

Kasumi's clone has a timelimit now because her whole body is unstable. Thanks to Yasaka's ofuda she has a timelimit of three days, now one day because of Vince recovering.

As stated in the chapter Kasumi's clone will now be referred to as Akari. For obvious reasons, she needed to have a new name. For those of you who played Dead Or Alive 5 Ultimate, if you look at her new outfit, you'll see who she will look like after merging with Alpha-152. I know it was never stated what exactly happened to Kasumi's clone but I decided to give an explanation to have it fit with the story.

Because Vince helped Kasumi's clone, A.K.A. Akari and because she has Kasumi's feelings towards him. It's pretty obvious she would have strong feelings for him.

And finally, there will be some competition between her and the rest of Vince's potential love interests. As shown with Yasaka.

Also this is the list for the women confirmed in Vince's harem thus far, in no particular order.

Kasumi, Yasaka, Rias, Akeno and Akari (Kasumi's clone).

That's all I have to say, I hope enjoy the chapter. Let me know what you think and take care.

next chapter
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