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11.11% Heroine Addict (Marvel x Arifureta Crossover) / Chapter 1: Yamato Nadeshiko
Heroine Addict (Marvel x Arifureta Crossover) Heroine Addict (Marvel x Arifureta Crossover) original

Heroine Addict (Marvel x Arifureta Crossover)

Autor: Slowest_Turtle

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Yamato Nadeshiko

Mochizuki Ryuu took a deep breath as he turned down the street that led to his new school. 

He wasn't particularly nervous about transferring into a new class mid-term, but that didn't mean he was completely calm. 

He was tense. His tall frame was coiled tight, shoulder-length black hair flowing with the ocean breeze. 

He was wearing a typical Japanese High School uniform. The blue blazer and grey slacks highlighted his powerful physique. 

His black eyes were deep and contemplative. He certainly didn't look like your typical high school student. 

A strange feeling had been tickling the back of his consciousness since he woke up that morning. It was subtle, but Ryuu could tell that something was off. Something was different. 

He went about his day normally, but kept a close eye on his surroundings, unable to shake his unease. 

In his previous life, he probably would have ignored this sensation. After his uneventful reincarnation, however, he had been waiting for... something. 

In a world like this he knew his normal, peaceful life was little more than an illusion. All it would take was one overpowered alien or god to wipe his homeland off the map. 

The world he had been reborn into was hardly peaceful. Superheroes like the Avengers, Fantastic Four, and the X-Men were featured in media the world over. 

He was also nearly certain he'd seen a Hand ninja skulking around his old school, which was part of what prompted him to transfer. 

Can't be too careful, after all. No need to tempt fate by intentionally seeking out a cult of demon-worshipping assassins. 

Ryuu passed through the front gate, his sharp brown eyes searching for anything out of the ordinary. 

He quickly made his way to his new classroom. As he did, he noticed the tickle in his mind become stronger, more insistent. 

He soon found himself in front of the classroom door with his mind practically buzzing with energy. He took a deep breath to regain his focus and slowly opened the door. 

A petite woman with short brown hair was standing at the front of the class, drawing Ryuu's gaze as he took in her slight curves which were emphasized by her OL outfit, featuring a short black skirt and pink blazer. 

Ryuu recognized her. Moreover, once he looked towards the rest of the class he froze completely. These people were- 

[The so-called "protagonists" of Arifureta Shokugyou De Sekai Saikyou, yes. An astute observation, young man.] 

A sweet, feminine voice with a sing-song quality interrupted Ryuu's thoughts, although that observation came secondary to the fact that he couldn't move. Hell, he couldn't even breathe

Everything in Ryuu's field of vision was in a similar situation. None of the other students blinked, breathed, or made any noise whatsoever. It was as if they were frozen in- 

[Time. Once again correct. It's so refreshing to speak with a mortal that can use their brain for once.] 

The voice said, sounding pleased. 

Ryuu's mind was spinning. He recognized quite a few of the students in front of him now that he had a hint as to their identities. 

Hiding away at the back of the class with his head resting on his arms was Nagumo Hajime, the edge lord himself. 

For a decent portion of his story, he does a decent cosplay of Sasuke in his prime emo years. For now, he was nothing but a powerless kid. 

Although, he did have far more courage and determination than most of his classmates. If he'd been given a decent skillset that focused on fighting from the beginning, he would have undoubtedly been second in power to only the Hero himself. 

Ryuu recognized Amanogawa Kouki, the "Hero", very easily. He sat at the front of the class surrounded by his entourage consisting of a few girls and one large, musclebound boy.

They were all extremely attractive, befitting the main cast of a harem anime, but one girl in particular took his breath away. 

Yaegashi Shizuku looked like a true princess. Ryuu had never seen a girl who embodied the qualities of a Yamato Nadeshiko quite like Shizuku. Her looks were flawless. Not one single hair out of place.

Despite her slender frame, she gave off a feeling of superiority and strength. She was quite toned, no doubt thanks to her childhood of Kenjutsu and Kendo training. Her glossy black hair was pulled back in a ponytail and cascaded down her back like a waterfall. 

She was strong. She was beautiful. Ryuu felt like he had an eternity to admire her in this frozen instant. He had been acquainted with many beautiful women over the course of his first life, but none of them compared to the girl in front of him. He wanted her. 

[And you can have her. I have to say, though. You're not paying nearly as much attention to me as I thought you would. She must really be your type, huh? A noble warrior on the outside, but a cute, docile kitten on the inside.] 

Ryuu felt like some of his preferences were being mocked, but he set that aside for now, not that he had much of a choice. 

[Indeed. Now stop ogling your future wife and listen closely. I am the goddess that granted you this second life, your reincarnation. I don't have any expectations for you. This life is yours to do with as you please. I am here now, in this moment when your potential is beginning to bloom, to distribute your remaining karma from your past life. I will grant you three wishes, within reason, to help you achieve your destiny.] 

Ryuu was excited. The universe he lived in was filled with countless dangers and even the weakest of them could crush normal humans like insects. 

This was the opportunity he'd been waiting for all his life. His golden ticket, as it were. 

[Yes, yes. I'm sure you're very grateful that you won't go out like some random punk in this life. You're quite welcome. No need to deliberate your wishes, either. I am a goddess, after all. I know what you want most and what suits you.] 

Ryuu felt like he should object, but he really didn't have any ground to stand on. He'd take whatever she would give him. 

[Damn right. I'll make this simple. I've designed an artificial speed force with none of those pesky side-effects that The Flash and Reverse Flash suffered in those TV shows you liked to watch.] 

Ryuu was stunned. He was going to become a speedster. By the sounds of things, a unique one as well. 

No connections to extradimensional entities. 

No loss of emotions or enhancement of negative emotions. 

Hopefully, no psychotic rivals out for his blood either. 

[Yes. You'll be fast as fuck, as the kids say. Your second gift will be perfect for a man-slut like yourself. I designed it myself after I reviewed your life. I call it genetic mimicry. Basically-] 

This time, Ryuu interrupted the goddess. He could guess at this ability well enough. 

If it was tailor-made for him, then all he had to do was sleep with the seemingly limitless number of powerful, beautiful women of the Marvel universe- 

[Exactly, you dog. You will copy the abilities of any woman who joins you in bed, to put it delicately, not that you ever would. I have no other obvious power to gift you aside from these two. With these powers, I'd be surprised if you failed in anything you set out to do.] 

As Ryuu listened to the goddess' explanation, he began to feel a surge of energy building up in his body. It felt like a river of lightning was running through his veins. It didn't hurt. On the contrary, he felt empowered to an insane degree. Almost like he could do anything. He felt like he was becoming more than human. 

[Your last gift is the glue that will hold everything together. Your artificial speed force will be bound to your very soul itself. This has the benefit of giving you the equivalent of a dimensional storage attached to your soul as well. Not quite as awe-inspiring as your first two gifts, I know, but to deal with the more powerful entities in your current reality it is perhaps the most important. It is a fundamental change to your soul.] 

As Ryuu felt an increasing amount of energy in his body, he slowly started to regain control of himself. It was almost as if he was synchronizing with this time-stopped world. His limbs began to move. He could feel his lungs take an agonizingly slow breath. It felt like he was fighting against the world itself just to move an inch. 

As the energy in his body grew and his body sped up, long tendrils of lightning started to twine around him. 

After a few moments, the overbearing nature of what Ryuu surmised to be his speed force energy calmed somewhat. 

With calm came control and Ryuu felt this new energy in his body come under his authority. 

The lightning, his own personal speed force, was well and truly his. 

[I know you have an endless number of questions, but I believe my time here is up. Your perception of time has now caught up to my time dilation effect. What you do from here on out depends on you and you alone. Goodbye and good luck.] 

Ryuu felt a weight lift from his mind when the goddess said her farewells. There were many things for him to think about, but for now he would do his best to integrate with his new peers. 

He slowed down to normal speeds, and, from his perspective, his classmates came alive like robots that had been rebooted. 

The petite teacher, Aiko, felt her new student's gaze on her as he took in his surroundings. She felt like she saw a brief spark of light, but quickly forgot about it as she looked at the handsome young man. 

"Hello! My name is Hatayama Aiko. I am your homeroom teacher. You must be our new transfer student. Please come to the front of the class and introduce yourself!" 

Aiko was welcoming and enthusiastic. Ryuu felt that he was lucky to have her as his new teacher. He would make sure to protect her well through all the craziness that was probably coming sooner rather than later. 

Ryuu stood at the front of the class and subtly used his speed force to slow his perception of time, much like the state the goddess had put him into earlier. 

He needed a minute to sort his thoughts. Practicing with his new powers was also a thrill. 

What did he want to do now? 

They were currently near the beginning of their second year of high school, which left somewhere between two and three months before the wannabe god Ehitorujue kidnapped all of them for an adventure in Tortus. 

Ryuu knew that even with his new abilities it would take time and effort to be able to match an immortal tyrant with a parasitic grasp over an entire world. 

Ryuu had a great foundation and most of the abilities he needed could be acquired in Tortus either from the dungeons or his future lovers. 

Before he left, though, he would need a few key mutations to tip the balance in his favor. Well, that could all be sorted out later. 

With a rough plan for the future, he just needed to decide what he wanted to get out of his last couple months of school. 

As long as he didn't go too far and get himself expelled, he would be fine. 

There was only one person he was interested in from this school and if he had to waste the next two months of his life at an ordinary high school then he would make the best of it. 

His sole priority? Seduce Shizuku. 

His eyes gleamed with a predatory light as he sneaked a peak at the gorgeous girl. He had never had a serious relationship in his previous life, but he did get around. The goddess calling him a slut wasn't completely unwarranted. 

With immortality on the horizon, Ryuu knew that finding partners that would stay with him forever was actually feasible. 

This was especially true considering all the strife that was to come. Eternal bonds could be forged through conquering the dungeons and fighting against the tyranny of the so-called "gods" of Tortus. 

He wasn't an idiot that didn't know his way around a girl's heart. With the nature of his powers, taking things slowly probably wouldn't be in the cards anyways. He would do anything to make Shizuku fall for him. 

Was he a little obsessed? Ryuu wasn't sure, but at the very least he knew he was bored

They say that power corrupts, and Ryuu wholeheartedly believed that to be true as he adjusted to his new mindset. 

At the end of the day, he was a very selfish man. He decided to lean into his newfound freedom. After all, not much from the mundane world could harm him now. 

He needed to bring Shizuku over to his side completely before they were summoned. 

From her perspective, he would be collecting women like Pokemon while they were in Tortus. He wanted a genuine relationship with her, but it certainly wouldn't be traditional. Better to tie her down early. 

Ryuu learned in his past life that good looking people can get away with much more than the average person. Honestly, he could hardly believe some of the shit that he got away with because everyone thinks with their junk. 

Ryuu contemplated for a moment longer before his inner Aizen came out to play. 

Seduction sure was easy when he knows literally everything there is to know about a person. Ryuu knew things about Shizuku that she didn't even know about herself. 

It certainly wasn't fair. Shizuku didn't stand a chance. 

Ryuu smirked as his perception of time returned to normal. They do say first impressions are everything. Shizuku was never going to forget him. 

"Yo, everyone." Ryuu said with a sunny smile and a wave. "My name is Mochizuki Ryuu and I transferred to this school to spend more time with my future wife." 

As he said this, Ryuu stared directly into Shizuku's eyes, ignoring everyone else. He had always been told that nobody expressed emotion through his gaze alone like he did. He put that skill to full use now. 

Shizuku felt her cheeks flush when the transfer student locked eyes with her. His heated gaze seemed to trap her, not allowing her to look away. She could feel the emotions that he conveyed when he looked at her. She felt his passion, longing, and desire. She knew he wanted her. 

Although, she couldn't recall if she had met him before. Who was this boy? 

Ryuu's smile widened when he noticed Shizuku's deep blush, and he decided to press forward. He walked up to her desk at just slightly above human speeds and bowed slightly, grabbing her small hand before she could react. 

Their gazes were still locked on each other as Ryuu dipped his head further and trailed a whisper of a kiss across Shizuku's knuckles, like a lord courting a lady. 

Ryuu knew that most modern girls would find behaviour like this to be quite lame. Shizuku, however, was very much a pampered princess on the inside. He remembered from her dream trial in the Labyrinth in the Haltina Sea of Trees that her desire was to be protected like a princess by her strong and loving knight. 

Shizuku's face was beet red. She didn't respond or move a muscle even slightly. If Ryuu didn't know any better, he would've sworn that Shizuku was frozen in time again. 

"I'm sorry to surprise you like this at your school, darling. I'll be meeting with your Yaegashi Clan's heads later tonight to iron out the details of our betrothal agreement." 

Ryuu was shameless as he took advantage of her stupor to rub the back of her hand calmingly, like he was trying to coax a small kitten. 

The rest of the class, that neither Ryuu nor Shizuku were paying attention to in the slightest, was dead silent. They watched the school romance drama that started out of nowhere on a seemingly normal morning. 

The girls were shocked and a little jealous that the new boy was already off the market. He was quite handsome. Even Aiko had a slight blush as she stared dumbfounded in shock. 

A few of the boys, on the other hand, were nearly apoplectic with rage once Ryuu's actions processed in their minds. The school's two beauties, Shizuku and Kaori, were both members of their class and they were very protective of them. 

More importantly, none of the boys had made any moves on the girls because they thought it was obvious that Kouki had staked a claim on them. They didn't think they could compete with Mr. Perfect. 

Speaking of the boy wonder, he was a little off. 

None of their reactions compared to Kouki's. The boy who pretty much had the run of this school had an expression that could kill. He was only one seat away from Shizuku and couldn't believe what he was seeing. 

Ryuu noted all their reactions in the background, but most of his attention was on the gorgeous young woman whose slender hand he still held. He was about to flirt a little more despite their surroundings when he felt some genuine killing intent. 

Shizuku felt it too, as she had been trained quite thoroughly in her family's skillset, despite not knowing the specifics of her clan's true heritage. They both turned towards Kouki who had stood up and clenched his fist like he was going to attack. 

Ryuu was mildly surprised, as the Hero that he remembered from the novel managed to maintain his perfect pretty-boy attitude until he was rejected by Kaori for Hajime. Maybe Shizuku meant more to the boy than Ryuu thought? 

Most of the reason why he came on to Shizuku strong and in such a public, flamboyant manner was to fuck with Kouki. He wanted to torture the boy by publicly taking what Kouki perceived to be his place by Shizuku's side. It seemed Ryuu had overestimated Kouki's "smiling hero" persona. The future hero was furious.

Oh well, it's not like Kouki's anger bothered Ryuu. So what if the little boy was in love with his childhood friend? He could never be what she needed or wanted. 

Ryuu felt like he might have just awakened a little bit of a sadistic new hobby. Making Kouki wear a green hat? That sounded like a delicious plan. He would even help Hajime with Kaori just to screw with Kouki a little more. 

Ryuu let go of Shizuku's hand and took a step towards Kouki. 

"Nice to meet you. I hope we get along well." He offered his hand for a handshake with a smirk and a quick wink. 

Kouki's face was dark and he gnashed his teeth in anger. He wanted to scream and rage at this interloper. 

He wanted to beat him. More than that, he wanted to cripple Ryuu to the point where he had to transfer schools again. 

This random dared to make a pass at his Shizuku? The girl who had been by his side for nearly his whole life? 


This wasn't the first time some unaware boy had hit on Shizuku in front of Kouki, but it was the first time Shizuku had this type of reaction. 

She was caught off guard and embarrassed, her emotions on display to the whole class. 

For the first time, Kouki felt threatened

Honestly, Shizuku wasn't even sure what was going on at this point. Ryuu's overbearing and spontaneous confession left Shizuku stumbling. 

Before Kouki's negative feelings could explode, Aiko saved the day. 

"Ex-excuse me, Mochizuki-kun. That's probably enough for an introduction." Aiko cut in timidly. 

Ryuu dropped his hand which had been ignored by Kouki and smiled at Aiko, turning away from the fuming Kouki. 

"Of course, Sensei. I'll find a seat and we can get started with class. Sorry for the interruption." 

Ryuu never took his eyes off Aiko as he spoke slowly, causing her to become somewhat flustered. She nodded her head up and down quickly like a baby bird. She was too easy. 

Normally, Aiko would have cracked down when a boy blatantly flirted with a girl in front of the whole class. Especially when they were all waiting on him. 

Shizuku's dumbfounded reaction helped Ryuu quite a bit here. 

The class was confused, but as Shizuku did not have any outward negative reaction, they thought Ryuu's words were the truth! The new student was Shizuku's fiancé! 

Ryuu let out a soft chuckle and turned towards one of Shizuku's neighbors, Eri Nakamura. 

There were a couple free desks in the class for Ryuu to choose from, but he had plans that didn't include sitting at the back of the class with Hajime. 

Ryuu leaned down towards Eri and whispered in her ear, confusing the other classmates once again. Couldn't they just start class? Ryuu didn't bother with them. 

"You'll never get what you want at this rate, little girl. He doesn't even look at you. He never will, not as you are now. I would bet everything I own he doesn't even remember that bridge." 

Eri's eyes snapped open wide and she gaped at Ryuu. Ryuu spoke softly and temptingly, but with a hint of steel in his voice. 

"Switch to another desk. Let me sit beside Shizuku and I'll help you win Amanogawa's heart. Don't say anything, just move. Now." Ryuu commanded. 

After Eri gave him a searching look she quickly packed her bag and moved to the back of the class.

Ryuu casually sat down next to Shizuku, crossing his legs and giving her a winning smile. Coincidentally, as Kouki was on her other side, he was also the recipient of Ryuu's smug grin. 

"I know we'll all get along wonderfully." Ryuu said. 

He meant it. This was going to be so much fun. 


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