There was a very good man on earth who was greatly wept when he went to heaven, because although everyone said he was very good and even he believed that, he was human and all humans have the time to leave, that is, he had to die, those who remained on earth believed that in heaven there would be a fanfare.
Well, an angel had returned to his home, they held him in very high esteem, little did they know that they had been deceived, he was a good man, but that was the image he wanted to show and although on earth he had achieved his mission to the king of the Heavens no one could cheat.
This man did not know it but he was going directly to the court, his great feats by fire were going to happen when they explained this to him the man was surprised, but he did not even bother him or he saw as something good everyone saw the great works he had done and for this reason, they would give him a position of power in heaven.