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5.88% Hazbin Hotel/Helluvia Boss - The otherworld soul / Chapter 1: A foreign soul awakens
Hazbin Hotel/Helluvia Boss - The otherworld soul Hazbin Hotel/Helluvia Boss - The otherworld soul original

Hazbin Hotel/Helluvia Boss - The otherworld soul

Autor: optimistic_writer

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: A foreign soul awakens

The soul, something that many claim to be the center of one's life. The said flame to any creatures being. The soul is a mystery to many, and not a mystery to some.

Some claim that seeing one's own soul is nigh impossible, and some claim that it is POSSIBLE! To see your soul, is to see the real YOU. Even if someone or something can truly understand what a soul is. It doesn't mean they know everything about it.

Souls are difficult to understand because each and every soul is different. No soul is completely the same, and yet...that can also be false. Claims could be made towards how a soul can work, and how it can affect ones very own life.

Many claim that a soul can be connected to every other soul, and others claim that a soul can have a polar opposite. There are even those who claim that souls are connected to exact copies. One soul can exist in another universe, while one soul can be the same in another universe.

So many theories, and so little information to what a soul is and how it works. Many have tried to justify the true meaning and purpose of what it is and what it should be. Even I don't know what it is, and it makes me so curious to find out what a soul truly is....


'My eyes slowly opened to the most whitest white color imaginable, or even seeable' "Did...did I go blind or something?" 'I say as I put a hand in front of my face, or a lack thereof.'

"What the fuck!" 'I shout out as my eyes widened in shock.'

'What laid before me wasn't any normal hand, no no no, it was a hand made of light! And as my eye's wandered over my hand; I got the feeling to look further up. I looked up and up and up as my eye's traced from my hand to all the way up to the shoulder' "Oh man, that's just freaky..." 'I whispered to myself, wait, whisper? I didn't even feel my mouth moving!'

"Oh? A soul? Here? How intriguing..."

'I snap my head towards the sound of a voice, but all I saw was nothing. I turned my head another direction, nothing. all I saw was white, only the color. I even noticed I was standing on white, literally just white! I couldn't even explain it.'

"And you most likely never will. Nothing exists here besides me. Time holds no meaning here, nor does physiques, science, just absolutely nothing."

"Ok, seriously, stop doing that! I can't even tell where you are! I don't even know where here is!" 'I shout out, my head constantly facing different directions.'

"Apologies, but it's not possible for me to NOT do that. Yes, it is my voice. But, I am what you see. Everything that is here is what I am. You ARE looking at me."

'My eye's widen drastically as I take in his...her...words' "Uh, seriously? That's really...mmm, creepy? Wait, where even am I?" 'I ask the place or thing that seems to be talking to me.'

"You are currently nowhere, there is no meaning to this place. You will most certainly never come to understand what this place is."

"Then...who are you? I'm sure you can answer that one at the very least." 'I ask out, maybe a conversation might help dull the panic that's quickly creeping in.'

"Me? I have no name, no meaning, no true body, nothing. I am just power incarnate, only power and power itself."

'I rolled my eyes at that' "Yeesh, it's not good to not have a name. Having a name is kinda the norm from where I come from." 'I say to the...void? I don't even know at this point.'

"I have no need for a name. What's a name if I have none to share it with?"

"What if I gave you a name? I mean, I'm can like, give ya a name?" 'I tilt my head in thought, racking around a few possible names to give.'

"A name? Hm, I suppose it's allowable."

'I snap my fingers, a smile forming on my face.' "I'll call ya void, I mean, why take a normal name? You're pretty much just a void in my eyes. I can't even see the end of this place!" 'I say, my head slowly turning from side to side.'

"Hm, that does make sense. Why would I even take a normal name? Void does sound pleasing to the non-proverbial ear."

'I smile, a pleased grin on my face.' "HA! You accepted my first name just like that? Wow, I must be better at giving name's then I thought." 'I grin, puffing up my chest a little bit.'

'It was silent, usually, from every time I spoke, Void spoke. And truth be told; I didn't like the silence in such an empty place.'

"Uhh, Void buddy? I don't mind you being silent from time to time, but like, not this quiet please? It's kinda suffocating in this place." 'I sweatdrop at that, not like there's any walls though...'

"Apologies, I was just in...thought. I was merely thinking of something to give in return."

'I squint my eyes at that.' "Something in return? Like what?" 'I un-squint my eyes and tilt my head, a curious expression adorning my mug.'

"Hm, you most certainly don't belong here. Even though I enjoy your existence here, I can't allow you to stay."

'I frown, clearly not expecting such a blunt statement.' "You can't allow me to stay? Not even for a little bit longer? Why not? I mean, it can't be that bad right? It's not like you have a boss looking over your shoulder every hour of I don't even know if it's possible to even count it as day or night in this place..." 'I began to ramble off as my thought's began to spiral away from what we were originally talking about.'

"Hm, the reason why it's not safe is mainly due to your health."

'I widen my eye's a little as my mind's brought back to the present.' "Health? Whatcha mean? Didn't you say I was a soul or something like that? If I'm a soul, then, how am I being affected in a negative way?" 'So many questions to ask, jeez!'

"Your soul would be affected, but you as you are now, are fine. Sadly, if you spend more time here, you will not be so fine. Even if time is not a meaning here, it mean's something to you. You are not me, and I am not you. You can still age, if be it slowly. I could stop the aging, but I am unsure if you want that."

'My eye's widen comically large at that! No aging? Fuck yeah! I totally don't wanna get old again! Wait! Did I even age when I was last alive? Was I even alive to begin with...?' "So, you can like, grant wishes or something close to that? I wouldn't mind a few wishes coming my way..." 'I say with a hum, a hopeful but calm expression adorning my face.'

"You wish for wishes? Hm, that's paltry work considered to what I can do. Hm, I believe giving you whatever you want is more than fair."

"Anything? You do understand how much weight that word carries, right? Anything mean's more then just the word something." 'If I could milk it for all it's worth, then I might as well accept Void's offer.'

"You gave me a name, a name hold's more worth then most could ever think. A name can only truly be given once. And you decided to give me a name. Yes, a name can be changed...but it also can't. A name is something that can often be spoken, mentioned, thought of, and so much more. For this, I am thankful. I shall always be eternally thankful for such a small gift."

'I put my hand's up in mock surrender, a goofy smile crossing my face.' "If ya keep sweet talking me like that, I might just blush!" 'If I could blush, that is.'

"Hm, then, what IS it that you want? To never age? Great power? Wealth? Think, and you shall receive."

"Think and I shall receive, huh?" 'I close my eye's in thought, a hum escaping me as I considered what to take, what to even think of to begin with!'

'I open my eyes, don't even really have any...' "Well, seeing you said I can't stay here, I want ya to send me somewhere interesting, exciting, maybe a little dangerous?"

"A surprise then, I shall surprise you with a universe of interest. It shall be one you never would have thought of."

"A surprise? Well, a surprise from you has got to be good then. I expect a good one, nothing less!" 'I say with a nod of my head.'

'I close my eyes again, thinking of what else I want. I mean, he did pretty much say anything.' "I want to never age. I also want power, a power that can be rivaled, I don't want to be too overly powerful, I only need enough power to fend for myself. I also wish for a new look when I get reborn. I mean, if I did have an original body then why go for the old one when I can get an upgrade?" 'I shrug at my last words, like, why not? A new body would be nice.'

"Hm, good choices. I will handle the other thing's such as sickness and whatnot. Don't worry about the smaller things. I will throw in many gift's in the creation of your revival."

'A smile splay's across my face, well, whatever smile I can give. I think he/it can feel emotion so...yeah.' "You really are a gentle giant, aren't ya?"

"Gentle giant? Are you guessing my size?"

'I shrug.' "Kinda? I mean, you are a being of power. If what you said is entirely true, then, your a figure of great stature. That is, if you have a body to even begin with."

"A gentle just gave me an idea for your new body and universe. I'm sure you'll like it."

'I quirk an eyebrow at that, or whatever count's as an expression for that...without a face...' "Ho? You do? That's great!" 'I grin'

"Yes...a good amount of white, some height, not a little too light. Hm, a few good curves there, a bit of muscle there and there, some decent length here..."

'I began to sweat, or well, felt like I was sweating. Truth be told, it sounded like Void was enjoying making my new body a little too much...' "Hey uh, Void? Can ya not make me into a woman? I would appreciate that, thanks."

"Hm? Ah, I already knew that. It's easy to do this when I can easily just see into your thought's."

'I smiled weakly at that, my soul dimming a bit. Like, see my thoughts? Even memories? Scary!' "Well, uh, next time ask please? That's an invasion of one's privacy...even though I'm inside you..." 'I pretty much mumbled that last part.'

"Next time? You expect to come back to this realm again?"

'I smile at that, seems Void didn't get what I meant' "Of course, were friends, right?" 'I ask, I mean, of course we are!'

"Friends. . .? That. . .sounds nice. I would very much so like a friend." 

'I frown at his words, and yes, I'm gonna think of Void as a guy. Seems...natural? I dunno, seemed like the best choice to me at the moment.' "Well, if were friends then I definitely have to come back at some point in time!" 'I was definitely grinning from ear to ear, I could easily feel it, even if I didn't show it.'

"Hm, thank you. I feel...happy. I haven't felt this way in quite some time. To feel such an emotion again after so a surprise. I truly do appreciate you for this."

'I wave off his thanks.' "It's what a thoughtful person should do when they see or feel as if someone's lonely, right?"

" are correct, one must make other's smile to brighten one's day. Hm, you are...wise for such a young age."

"Young? Did I die at a young age or something? 'I tilt my head to the side, another question to be answered!'

"Do you wish to know the age you died at?"

'I tense at those words. Like, died? Death isn't something I like all that much, but, it's something that has to happen for life to go on and such. Or, so I think it is. I dunno, usually most spout nonsense saying it's the way of life. I mean, how can one say it's the way of life if they truly and don't fully understand it?'

"Mmm, no. I'd rather not, I see not point in knowing how I died." 'That was the best answer I could give, I truthfully didn't want to know how I went out. If I went out like a little baby, then, how would I feel? Going out like a coward is what most don't want at the end of their life.'

"WAIT!" 'I say out loud, I totally forgot to tell him my name!'

'I pause for dramatic effect, of course!'

"Name's Z! And don't you even dare forget about it!" 'I point my finger at him, or, somewhere.' 

"Z? As in the letter Z? Nothing else after that?"

'Seemed even this all powerful being was even confused at my name! Which is completely and utterly acceptable!' "Yeah, mom thought it would be a good name. No last name, no middle name, just a letter for the start of my name. Said it would be exotic, and she was right." 'I was pretty much beaming when I mentioned my mother, she was a good mother.'

" indeed an unusual name. I could say there are many fault's to a single letter name, which there is, but I do not wish to come off as rude."

'I wave off his words again.' "It's fine. Not like I didn't already consider it. I am glad that it's an easy name to write and stuff. Make's signing my signature so much easier if ya think about it."


'See! We're on the same page here! Totally get's it!' "Good, so, about those gift's you're giving me..."


"I want it to where my minds protected twenty-four seven! I don't want anything intruding my mind and seeing you and I spoke together. Secondly, I want access to teleportation. Make the portal look all black and inky looking, like, bend reality and space when I do it. I want it to give off a dreadful like feeling every time I do it."

"I understand the reasoning to the first request, but the second? I do understand the necessity to the portal, but the part about making it do...all that? Why? What's the reason for the additional selection's you chose for it?"

"One, for aesthetics! Two is for fun! Like, why not? If I do it around people, I always wanna spook them! Gotta make my new life a little fun at least." 'I definitely didn't want my power's being all boring looking.'

"To show off you mean?"

'DAMN! Read me like a freaking book! I don't even think he was reading my mind at all!' "Uh, no...?" 'I cough, looking away, definitely wasn't blushing, nope, nuh-uh!'

"Mhm...and what else do you want? I already threw in a lot of personal choices of mine, but, I want to know what you want."

"Uh, well, I suppose regeneration?"

"Already added."

"Oh, uhm, flight?"

"Already added that as well."

"Jeez, ok...kinda spoiling me here. What about...not using the bathroom?" 'Really? Not using the bathroom? That's the best I could think of?'

"One I didn't think of, it's not a power, but more of a bodily aspect. Would be quite a time saver if you didn't need to...dispose of your waste."

'I rub my neck at that, or well, tried to, apparently my body isn't a physical thing I can touch...' "Huh, guess it is pretty good."

"Indeed it is, as well the other ideas you've thought of."

'I frown again, was he reading my mind without asking again? Meh, not like I really care. I did ask for him to ask again, then again...I might do the same thing If I had that type of power as well.' "So, ya read my mind again?"

"No, I simply glimpsed into our future conversations on what possible powers and abilities you could possibly or most certainly want. I saw a lot of good choices to pick from, and, I'm quite satisfied with what I and you picked."

"Well, that's good then." 'I nod my head to my own words, like, go me!' "Wait! What did you give me? I don't want to be godlike when I'm reborn...that'd be boring..." 'Definitely didn't want to be some super god tier being when I'm reborn, or, brought back to life. I would rather be able to have some fun if I had to fight somebody.'

"Oh, it's nothing much really. Just some Pyrokinesis, telepathic communication, telekinesis, shadow melding, arts of runic magic, mana usage, soul binding, soul contract forming, etcetera etcetera."

'I gawk at that, like, seriously!?!' "Nothing much!? That's a lot for nothing much!" 'I was clearly flabbergasted by this.'

"It actually isn't. There're beings that hold much more power than what I've given you thus far. You'd just be a drop in an ocean of talent and power. The universe I've chosen hold's many powerful beings and entities. Don't worry about being weak though. You are quite high on the power scale, but not too high up."

'I couldn't help but release a strangled noise, how troublesome!' "Ugh, you're making me feel all dizzy." 'Everything was definitely getting all fuzzy for me at this point!'

"Apologies, but you said you liked surprising people so much. So, I thought, why can't I do it too? And I was right to do so, seeing your emotions fluctuating so much is quite fun to witness."

'I couldn't help but chuckle at that, I mean, aren't I a great teacher?' "Well, don't let me stop you then."

"Oh, I most certainly won't stop. If another soul ever does come here, which I find impossible to ever happen again. I will surely surprise them."

'If I was smiling then, I was definitely smiling now.' "Well now isn't that nice to hear! Throw them a welcome party! Oh! Don't even think about forgetting the send-off party! You can't let them leave without a little going away party as well!" 'Wooh! Paaaarrrrtay!'

"A party you say? How...intriguing. I don't think that's a bad idea at all, contrary to it sounding bad, it sounds wonderful."

'I was definitely influencing this place with my happy-get going nature.' "Heh, glad to see I'm being a positive influence on you. A party is something some if not most people need to make them feel better."

"A party make's others feel...better? I didn't think of that..."

'Another chuckle escaped me.' "Of course a party can make someone happy! A party can make a person's day all the more brighter!"

"Then it's best I make the party quite worthwhile then. I wouldn't want to disappoint them."

"No, don't think like that. If they feel disappointed that the party is too grand, then that means they don't really deserve it. They should be thankful for even getting a party to even begin with. But if their someone who doesn't like parties then...well...make it a small party."

"Hm, you've given me a lot to think on. The more I speak with you, the more...insight I gain. It feel's good to be refreshed on certain topics."

'Again with the weird phrasing?' "What you do you mean refreshed?" 'I was definitely curious as to why he made it sound like he wasn't keeping up with things.'

"It is because I cannot leave this place. I hold too much power to leave."

'I couldn't help but smile at his words.' "Too much power? If time doesn't mean anything here, then, doesn't that mean you've already mastered it?"

"Oh, I've most certainly mastered my capabilities long ago. But that's not the reason why I can't leave. There are entities that would be capable of feeling my presence as soon as I leave this place. It would not be a good time if that were to happen."

"And...I'm guessing it would be absolutely horrible...?

"Oh most certainly, end of reality, end of existence for all, end of everyone and everything within every possible existence."

"Jesus that does sound horrible..." 'I two didn't like the idea of that happening, not one single bit.'

"Yes, and it would not be a painless end. These beings are evil incarnate. Beings that crave power, creatures that have become so corrupt by power that they wish for only more. But I was able to seal them. And, if I were to ever leave, they too would awaken and chase me until the ends of time. I could trap them again, but by would be too late."

"Sounds like a shitty lifestyle." 'I definitely had to say that, even the most tight-lipped person would say something like that. I mean, hearing the end of day's being told to you by some sort of supreme being?, I definitely wouldn't want to be quiet about that.'

"Your words are justified. Even I dislike the life I live, and yet, I cannot stop living. I am ok with the life I have. If I must live for the safety of others, then well, so be it."

"Woah, that's like, really noble of you." 'Even I felt touched by his sacrifice to live a better life.'

"Sometimes the hardest things in living is giving up what's most valuable to yourself."

'Woah, is this dude a philosopher or something?' "And you said I sound wise for my age, wait, how old are you exactly?" 'Definitely needed to figure out the age of this...guy.'

"Truth be told, I don't know. I don't when I came to be, I don't know when my existence ever started. All I know is that I am here, and that is what matters most."

'He's really stabbing my heart with an arrow here, like jeez.' "Well, then...keep existing and don't stop living. It'd be kind of sad to lose somebody like you...or...something? Are you alive or dead? Or do you exist beyond some dimension I don't know of? It's still really and I mean really hard to figure out what you are." 'He's like a living puzzle that most scientists would love to dissect, both metaphorically and physically!'

"I am whatever you want me to be, like I said before. I am just power and nothing else."

"Imma just say your alive..." 'Obviously seeing he's talking to me and all that jazz.'

'We continued to talk and talk, getting to know one another better. It was an honestly nice experience. He did say it was bad for my soul being here, but, I didn't notice anything particular. I think he meant it as a prolonged thing. He wasn't at all urgent about it when he first mentioned it. It's most likely me spending a great sum of time here to actually affect my soul in any way. I didn't want my soul being harmed to some horrible and unfixable degree...but I couldn't leave him alone. He just sounded so...happy to talk to someone...'

"And yeah...that's how I almost lost one of my fingers." 'Yeah...I know, interesting way to get back to the present...'

"You should've been more careful..."

'He sounded...worried? Yeah, I'm definitely getting a worried vibe from him.' "Eh, what's done is done. It's all in the past." 'I say with a shrug'

"You should still be careful from here on out. Being careful is a good way to stay alive longer."

'I snickered at that.' "Say's the one who claims he isn't alive or dead..." 'Yeah, dark humor joke. He doesn't seem to mind though'


'See!' "Heh, you're really easy going. Wish I had met someone like you in my past life. You would have made a good friend."

"The reason the way I am now is because of the few interactions I've had with people, or, well...sentient creatures who displayed a kinder side."

'I nodded my head in agreement.' "Understandable, like, I get what you're saying. Nothings created perfectly the first time, well, unless the creator or created is skilled enough or lucky enough." 'Meh, luck or skill, there's all sorts of things that can justify perfect creation.'

"That is also a variable that can be added into the creation of life and all that can be. I've created many thing's in my spare time. Much has come out perfect, while some come out imperfect. I don't ever rid myself of the things I've failed to perfect. Instead, I try to fix them and make them better then what I originally perfected."

'Becoming a great sage at this point. So much knowledge to be taken from him. Feel's like I've gotten older just from our conversation alone. Not saying it's boring or anything, it just...his word's make me feel wiser by the minute. I honestly appreciate what he's trying to do for me. I was able to notice that he's purposely being a teacher for me to...teach me. Yeah I know, a teacher? Why would he possibly need to teach me? It's because he wants a reason for me to stay longer. Yes, at first I thought he was just super lonely. But now? Now I just find it chronically depressing with how lonely he makes his existence sound.'

"Ya know, I got an idea." 'I think I might be a possible genius with this.'

"Hm? An idea you say?"

'I definitely have him hooked.' "Yeah, what if you made me a flip phone with your contact on it? Like, make a phone number and put it on there? Do that so I can like, contact you?" 'I had to try, nobody should suffer like he has.'


"Just do it, no need to think, just do." 'I even made myself feel tingly from doing this. feels nice thinking of this idea.'

".....thank you."

"Heh, that's what a best friend is for, right?"

" friend? I...yes, that is what a best friend should be..."

'We just sat in silence, no words needing to be spoken. It was obvious we were both enjoying this moment. This...general happiness we were both feeling and experiencing. It was most certainly a moment to enjoy. I couldn't help but begin to chuckle, a warm and joyous laugh escaping me as I chuckled and laughed for all I was worth. It was just so absurd! Become friends with an all powerful being? Best friends even! It was just so amazing, so crazy, just nice. I laughed and laughed, never stopping. If I could shed tears from my laughter then I would have most certainly shed buckets worth of tears.'

"Why are you laughing?"

'My laughter slowly died down to a small chuckle as I leaned back and looked up. My gaze slowly trailing around this place that I've called a temporary home. Yeah, I'm calling this place a home I can call my own.' "Well, it's just so absurd! Me! Becoming friends with you! Especially best friends! You're an all-powerful being while I'm just a regular joe! It's just an absurd thing to happen is all." 'I couldn't help but say it, like, why even try hiding it?'

"...I suppose it is a tad bit crazy for you. It's also a bit...strange for me as well. And that's coming from something that seen mostly everything there is to see."

"Glad we see eye to eye, if you didn't, then well...I would say you're a bit blind to reading the room."

"But I don't really even have eyes..."

'I grin at that.' "I know." 'I simply say, no other words needing to be even said.'

'We continued to sit in silence. I don't know why, but, I think we both knew it was time.'

"Hm, I believe it is time for you to leave. I wish it could be different but I cannot allow you to stay any longer. I wish for only your safety and nothing more. When I send you off to your new reality...please be as careful as you can...I won't stop you from doing whatever you want. I have no right to restrict you from living the life you wish to live."

'I couldn't help but exhale a disappointed sigh, figures I was right.' "Yeah, I know. It suck's knowing I have to leave...but I'm ok with that. I mean, I got this phone now! So, that's a good thing at least! Now we can talk to each other whenever!"

"...I'm glad you thought of that idea on my behalf. It's nice knowing I'm being thought of."

"Like I said, we're friends now. Friends look out for one another and hang out!"

"Hm, I suppose that they do..."

"Yep, and I expect you to call from time to time. Please don't call me like a crazy stalker. I don't want my phone ringing after every time I hang up. I can tell you already care for me deeply, but, I don't want you worrying all the time." ' crazy stalker friends please.'

"I can do that, easy as...pie?"

'I shrug' "I guess that saying works."

'We sat in silence for a few moments, just drinking in the lingering feeling of peace that we were both experiencing.' "Ok, I'm ready." 'Time to nut up or shut up!'

"Want me to make your trip eventful?"

'Hm...I'm sure it won't be that bad.' "Sure." 'I say, nothing else needing to be said.'

"Then get ready..."

'But before he could do anything...' "WAIT!" 'I suddenly shout out! Kinda felt like someone dropped an apple from me shouting so loudly, oops!'


"Friends forever?"

"...Friends forever..." 

'And then a portal opens before me, an adventure calling out for my name!'

"Nice!" 'I grin as I jump straight into the unknown!'







"It's so silent now..."

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