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"I'm still not getting it, and this is only one spell," Neville said, looking disheartened. "There are loads more I have to learn. I'll never remember all the wand movements and incantations."
"One thing at a time," Harry told him. "The group study sessions with Susan and Ernie and that lot will help you with the theory. Right now we're concentrating on your magic, making it so you can channel it properly and not blow things up."
Neville took a deep breath and raised his wand once more. "Right. I'll try again."
The two of them continued to meet up regularly to practice, and over the weeks Harry saw a definite improvement in Neville's spell-casting. He also took the opportunity to work on his own magical control. Whenever Neville took a break to prune rose bushes or coo over rare magical plants, Harry settled down in a corner to cast more complicated spells. His untrained magic was at first unpredictable and sporadic, but Harry was determined to at least be able to perform the more basic spells wordlessly.
He also spent time each day experimenting with his newly discovered Assessor talent. When called on to Assess the guests at the Samhain Ball, it had taken Harry only a single glance to form an accurate impression of them. Once back at Hogwarts, however, that sense of effortlessness left him. Harry took to staring at random students in the Great Hall, and even bumping into them in the corridors, to see if he could sense something. His impressions remained very vague, however, and after gaining one to many odd looks Harry gave up. He supposed what Remus had told him months before at the festival was true; the upsurge of magic around Beltane and Samhain helped strengthen all divination skills, including his own Assessor talent.
Harry spent a frustrating week trying to discover how he had become an Assessor in the first place, but there too he was disappointed. After days spent in the Hogwarts library - to the astonishment of his friends, since he was well known for avoiding the place - he was no closer to understanding how he'd gained his Gift. He'd researched blood adoptions which, although rare, were mentioned in several texts, but unfortunately (though unsurprisingly) nothing was written about the other possible factors involved, such as time travel, alternate universes, killing curses, and the Deathly Hallows. Eventually Harry gave up and instead focused on finding actual uses for his talent.
Mostly Harry tried to trust his instincts more. If he found himself taking a dislike to a fellow student or distrusting someone on no apparent basis, he decided to rely on his first impressions. The one time he found being an Assessor truly useful was when working with Neville, since it helped him know how to motivate him and how much pressure the boy could take. The benefits of the practice sessions in the Room of Requirement were easily observed; by the time the Yule holidays neared, the Gryffindor had successfully mastered the levitation charm and had moved on to the trickier magic of Transfiguration. Neville was relieved and very grateful, full of eagerness to go home and show off his hard-earned achievement to his family.
"I can't wait for Yule," Neville said. "Thank you so much, Orion. I haven't set fire to anything in over a week and I can even float a feather! My relatives'll have to admit I'm not a Squib now."
The upcoming winter holidays weren't at the forefront of everyone's minds, however. Quidditch season had begun and Slytherin's match against Gryffindor was fast approaching. Hogwarts was divided into two opposing camps, with bets and House pride riding on the outcome of the match and accusations of sabotage abounding. Quidditch players were escorted to and from classes by housemates-turned-bodyguards, and frequent scuffles broke out between members of the two Houses. Huge numbers of points were taken from the worst offenders but did nothing to prevent the escalating violence. Several students had to be bodily carried to the hospital wing, and one unfortunate Gryffindor spent three days as a transfigured cactus until Professor McGonagall finally managed to track him down and turn him back.
By the day of the match itself, Harry and Neville were the only students from their respective Houses willing to exchange so much as a friendly smile. They walked down to the Quidditch Pitch together, but separated once they reached the stands. Harry felt distinctly odd sitting amongst students decked out in silver and green and waving Slytherin banners. He found it hard at first to remember not to clap every time Gryffindor scored a goal, but he quickly became caught up in his housemates' excitement and joined them in cheering loudly for the Slytherin Team.
"Goal! Go Slytherin!"
"Beat those Bludgers!"
"Go on Pucey - knock Spinnet off her broom!"
In his old life Harry would never in his wildest imaginings have thought he'd one day wish for Gryffindor to lose a match; he hoped the spirit of Oliver Wood would forgive him.
The match dragged on for several hours and night had fallen by the time the Slytherin Seeker finally caught the Snitch. The Gryffindor Team were definitely the stronger players, proven by their quickly gaining a hundred point lead, but their inexperienced Seeker eventually lost them the game. Lee Jordon cursed long and loudly before unhappily announcing the results ("Slytherin win by 230 points to 200"), and Oliver Wood looked near tears as the Slytherin Team flew a victory lap around the pitch.
Harry felt sorry for the Gryffindors, but didn't let that stop him from joining in the huge celebration back at the Slytherin common room. He hugged both Hermione and Daphne, slapped a grinning Theodore Nott on the back, and even brought himself to congratulate Marcus Flint on his win.
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