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The Monkey King

Author's Note

Posted it on the wrong account the first time.


'I should've just stayed home.' I thought as I jumped to the side, trying to avoid the strikes from the creature in front of me.

Going on vacation with the Dursleys was never my idea of fun, but I'd take anything to get away from that house. Vernon had won a trip to China and surprisingly decided to bring me along. I was used to getting left behind with Ms. Figg anytime they went on a trip. Things went normally for most of the time, until I wandered off to get away from Dudley disrespecting every important landmark we went near. I wandered until I found a nice place to enjoy nature, that was until I was attacked by a giant, bipedal monkey wielding a staff.

"Come back here kid, I need to destroy that thing" the monkey said as it continued to chase me.

"I'm not a thing, why are you trying to kill me?" I yelled back while continuing to run away. I was getting tired though, I had been trying to avoid him for a while now and I could tell he wasn't putting all that much effort into chasing me. If he really tried I was done for.

"Not you, the soul piece stuck in your forehead."

I paused at that. 'There's a soul piece in me?'

Seeing me stop, the thing chasing me blurred from view and appeared in front of me, picking me up by the scruff of my neck.

"Alright, enough games. I need to cleanse that things existence from the world" it said and lifted its staff up to my forehead, slowly reaching it forward and tapped me on the head. I felt a searing pain go through my head and blood started to run down my face as a soul with Voldemort's face started to lift out of my scar. It screamed out as it continued to be pulled from me and I could feel my magic getting pulled with it.

"Agh" I cried out, unable to even thing straight. I called towards my magic, trying to activate it without my wand, which I had left in my room. My magic responded, releasing a discharge around me that sent the monkey flying away from me.

Hitting the ground, I stood up panting.

"If you're taking me down, I bringing you with me." I said and while it was dazed I pulled for every ounce of magic in me. I could feel some other kind of energy source and I pulled on that too releasing it in the monkey's direction. The beam of energy made contact with his staff, knocking it back while he was off balance and piercing his chest. The excess energy created a giant burst of white light and I fell over, my vision fading to black.

--------------------------------------------------------------I slowly opened my eyes, blinking away the haze from them. Looking across from me, I saw a teenage girl with violet hair and blue eyes sitting across from me.

"How do you feel? All of your injuries should be healed now" the girl said.

Confused, I responded "I feel fine. Who are you? Where am I?"

The girl's face lit up with a smile. "That's good, I'm glad my newest child is alright. I'm Pandora, the mother of all Campione."

"What do you mean your newest child? And what's a Campione?" I asked, still extremely confused with what was going on.

"Well all Campione are my adopted children, so you're my son. As for what a Campione is, well in the simplest terms they're godslayers. People who have killed Heretic Gods."

"Gods are real? I haven't even met a god before much less killed one, how could I be a Campione?" I asked.

"You did meet a heretic god. That monkey that was attacking you, that was Sun Wukong. He tried to cleanse the soul piece inside you, but you're magic was being removed along with it. You panicked and essentially sacrificed your lifeforce, basically all the potential you would ever have, to push his staff into his chest, killing both you and Wukong, until I brought you back." Pandora said.

I closed my eyes, remembering what had happened. 'So that's what that extra energy was. I pulled on my lifeforce to attack him.'

"What does being a Campione mean exactly?" I asked.

"Campione are regarded as kings. You're very being will be enhanced and you will receive some of the authorities of the god you have defeated. It will make more sense once I officially christen you a Campione. Come here child." Pandora said, gesturing for me to come towards her.

Hesitantly, I stood up and walked towards her slowly. When I made it in front of her, I crouched down slightly to get at eye level with her and Pandora leaned forward, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"From now on you are my seventh child, the youngest Campione."

I felt a surge of energy in my body. I could feel myself getting more powerful and my magic reserves were increased hundreds of times over. Along with the changes came a surge of knowledge, but before I could understand it I felt light headed and fell back into Pandora's waiting arms.

"Take care my child" were the last words I heard before my vision faded to black.

Opening my eyes once again, I found myself laying in the field where I had encountered Sun Wukong. Sitting up slowly, I looked next to me to see that my glasses were on the ground, but surprisingly I could see perfectly.

'Well at the very least I don't have to were glasses anymore.'

Standing up and putting the glasses in my pocket for now, I found that my body was a lot better developed now. I felt a little taller and looking under my shirt showed that I had gotten a lot more muscular. My head felt clearer than it ever did before as well. Whenever I was at school and tried to do work, it felt like I was trying to work through a fog. Now, I could think perfectly clearly.

'Looks like being a Campione comes with a lot of perks.' Speaking of perks, I had new knowledge in my head now. Knowledge of what I had received from Sun Wukong. From him, I had gotten four authorities.

The first one was Ruyi Jingu Bang, the staff of the Monkey King. It could extend forever, becoming as long as I desired for it to be. With it comes the knowledge of Sun Wukong's mastery of the staff. I could also mentally control the staff when it was away from my body.

The second one was just called Sun Wukong. It allowed me to take on the characteristics of him, gaining fur along my body and increasing my strength even more than becoming a Campione already had, but it would drain my stamina quickly. Passively, my body had become as strong as steel, although I could turn if off if I wanted to.

The third one is the Flying Nimbus. I could ride this cloud to fly at insane speeds. It could be commanded mentally to return to me as well.

The last one was Senjutsu. I could become one with nature, gaining the ability to sense the lifeforce of beings around me and enhance my strength and speed. I could also sense different energy types with it as well.

The power I had gained from killing Sun Wukong was amazing. The only reason he had even died was that he thought I wasn't a threat at all and I literally blew him up with everything I was and ever would be.

Moving away from the clearing, I made my way back to where the Dursley's were, while putting the glasses back on. It hurt to look through them without needing them, but I adjusted quickly since my prescription wasn't terrible. It didn't take me long to find them an when I walked towards them, Dudley looked at me strangely.

"Harry, where's your scar?" He asked me.

Reaching up and feeling where my scar used to be, I found smooth skin.

'My scar's gone. My scar's gone. I don't have that stupid mark for Voldemort anymore.' I thought excitedly. That scar had been the cause and result of most of my problems. With it gone, I felt free. No more would people stand and point, gawking at the scar on my head.

Feigning cluelessness, I shrugged my shoulders. "I dunno, I guess my magic finally got rid of it."

"What did you do boy? Got rid of that gangly scar now did you. I won't have anymore of that freakishness, don't do it again." Vernon said to me, but he kept his voice down so that he didn't alert the people near us.

"Whatever you say Vernon."

We made our way back to the hotel and packed our stuff. Today was the last day we were in China since I was heading over to the Weasley's house for the Quidditch World Cup.

I don't know how I feel about the Weasleys now. I'd been fine with holding myself back in school so Ron wouldn't feel bad, but now I felt like that was a waste of my potential.

It was a boring flight back to the U.K. which I spent entertaining myself by messing with my magic. After becoming a Campione, my magic reserves were increased to stupidly high levels and I felt connected with it a lot closer than before. I found I could manipulate it without a wand now, being able to levitate small items with my hands. I couldn't test any of the other spells out without alerting people, but I assumed they would work much the same way.

When we got back to the Dursley house, I went up to my room and put my stuff away. The Weasley's were coming tomorrow morning to pick me up, so I decided I could spend the rest of the night testing out my authorities.

Speaking the incantation for my first authority, Ruyi Jingu Bang appeared in my hand. Spinning it around in my hand, I marveled at how easily it came to me. The instincts had been implanted into my head, I knew had to wield a staff as easily as breathing. With a thought the end of the staff extended, becoming longer and longer.


Unsummoning the staff with a thought, I tried out my third authority, holding off on the second one for now.

I felt at peace with myself. I could suddenly sense everything around me. Every bug, every living thing in my radius was known to me. There was something else, though. There was a barrier around the house, but it was faded and almost gone.

'So these are the supposed wards that are keeping me "safe" here every summer. These are pathetic, they've almost fallen apart.' I thought angrily. The entire reason for me to even come here was pointless. These wards wouldn't protect anyone.

Before I had a chance to think about it anymore, the doorbell rang. I was going to ignore it, but I heard Vernon yell "Boy, get down here."

'Are the Weasley's here early?'

Heading down the stairs to the sitting room, I found a tall blonde man in a suit standing in front of Vernon and Petunia. When I entered, he turned and addressed me.

"Hello, I am Paolo Blandelli. I am here on behalf of the Copper-Black Cross to meet the newest Campione."

"How did you know I was here?" I asked.

"There are methods in place to detect the activity of a Heretic God. I'm in Europe for a little while visiting the Witenagemot, a mage association based in London. Since I was in town, I thought it best to meet you."

'So they stalked me here. Not the best first impression, but I need to figure out what they want.'

"What is the Copper-Black Cross?"

"We are a Mage Association based in Italy." Paolo responded.

"So like the Ministry of Magic?" I asked, not particularly looking forward to dealing with more people like Fudge.

"Somewhat similar, yet vastly different. The Ministry of Magic is an organization for wizards like yourself, while the Copper-Black Cross and other similar associations are for mages."

"Wait, there's a difference between mages and wizards?"

"Yes. Wizards are those born with magic. Mages are those who are taught different methods of magic in imitation of Campione. Centuries ago, wizards decided they were superior and became isolationists, no longer interacting with mages."

'Well it doesn't surprise me that they thought they were better than everyone else with how most of the purebloods act.'

"Alright that makes sense. So what do you want with meeting with me?"

Paolo looked at me confused, before a look of understanding appeared on his face.

"I don't think you understand just how important your new role is. Campione are kings and that's meant in a literal sense of the term. Wherever they live becomes their kingdom. You are so far above mortal mages that even an army couldn't hope to match you. Campione have a magic resistance that makes regular magic do nothing to them."

'I'm that powerful now? If I'm immune to magic, then if Voldemort attacks again it shouldn't be a problem anymore. It feels weird though, knowing I have this much authority.'

"I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do with that much authority."

Paolo looked at me surprised. "Campione tend to bring attention to themselves wherever they go. I'm sure you'll find a use for it. I only came here to meet the new Campione and get a read on you. Here's my card, contact me if you want to form an alliance with the Copper-Black Cross. I'll show myself out."

Paolo handed me a card with his name and number on it and made his way out of the door. After it closed and he left, Vernon and Petunia, who had been listening in with a contemplative look on their face, spoke up.

"Boy, you will not be contacting them. I don't care if you're some kind of king to those freaks, I will not have it in my house. Give me that card." Vernon said.

I looked at him in annoyance. "No and I'm heading back to my room." I turned to move back to my room, but Vernon reaches out and grabs my shoulder. Grabbing his hand, I pry his fingers off me and squeeze, crushing one of his fingers with my newly enhanced strength.

"Don't ever lay a hand on me again, Uncle." I spat out and made way back up to my room, ignoring Vernon's cries of pain.

Back in my room, I thought about what I had learned while looking at the card. 'I should wait a little while and then contact them. It would be good to have a connection to the mage associations. I also don't want Dumbledore to know I'm a Campione, not after finding out his so called protection is non-existent. What else has he been lying to me about?'

With that train of thought, I began to think back to everything that has happened in my first three years of Hogwarts and came to some realizations.

'How did Ron, Hermione and I manage to get through all of the traps on the Philosopher's stone. We were three first years with almost no knowledge of magic and we managed to encounter tests that were literally designed for each of us. It was all a test for me, but I don't know why.'

Thinking about second year I realized something else.

'Dumbledore could send Fawkes to help me, but couldn't have just come with it. How did Hermione figure out it was a basilisk over the course of a year, but Dumbledore couldn't figure it out with 50 years to think about it.'

And then there was my third year at Hogwarts.

'Why did he give Hermione a time turner just so she could take extra classes. He gave a teenage girl a literal time travel device. I don't know if I believe he didn't know Sirius was innocent already either, but I can't be certain.'

After thinking about the times I had at Hogwarts, I wasn't sure I really wanted to think of it as my home anymore. It seemed that something bad happened to me every year, and the adults all seemed to be magically incompetent so that some kids have to solve everything.

Pulling my wand out I summoned my staff and looked at the two of them. I don't know why, but I felt like I needed to do it, so I held my wand over the staff. Suddenly, the wand sank into the staff and glowing red symbols lined up along the staff.

'What am I going to do without a wand?' When I thought about my wand, the staff changed before my eyes, shifting into my wand from before.

'Wait so if I dismiss the staff...'

I dismissed the staff and called it back, in the form of my wand.

'I'll never lose my wand again. I can just recall it back to me. No more stumbling around for a lost wand.'

Deciding that I had thought about it enough, I laid down and closed my eyes to get some rest before the Weasleys came to pick me up tomorrow.

--------------------------------------------------------------The next morning I gathered up my stuff and put it all at the center of my room. It was pretty much just my trunk and Hedwig's container. She had been out since we got back, so I hadn't seen her recently. I heard the doorbell ring, so I headed down to get the door.

Opening the door, I found Mr. Weasley, Ron, and Hermione all waiting for me.

"Harry, it's great to see you again." Hermione said and rushed forward, wrapping her arms around me in a hug. She then stepped back quickly, taking another look at me.

"You're a lot firmer than before."

"Yeah, I've been working out over the summer. It's good to see you guys." I said.

"Good to see you too Harry. You want to just grab your stuff and we'll be off." Ron said, giving me a handshake.

"Alright, I'll be right back."

I went upstairs and picked up my trunk with one hand and got Hedwig's cage with the other. Heading back downstairs, I walked towards the door and met back up with everyone.

"Alright, so how are you getting to the Burrow?" I asked.

"We'll take the car. Dad's got it all fixed up." Ron said.

I moved towards the car and put my trunk in the trunk, letting a laugh off at the irony. We all got in the car and we were off to the Burrow.

The car ride was boring, with us mostly catching up with what we had been doing over the summer. I didn't tell them about becoming a Campione or meeting Sun Wukong. It took a little while, but eventually Hermione noticed that my scar was gone and I told them that it had just decided to finally fade this summer.

Once we arrived at the Burrow, I grabbed my stuff and we made our way inside, exchanging pleasantries with everyone that was there and getting the explanation about my scar out of the way.

I put my stuff upstairs in Ron's room and made my way back downstairs to find everyone ready to go to the World Cup.

"Ah Harry good, we'll head out now." Mr. Weasley said.

"How are we getting there?" I asked the question for the second time today.

"We need to a little ways first so come on group." He responded.

We walked a good distance until we reached the top of hill.

"So what's up here that's going to take us to the World Cup." I asked.

"A portkey Harry." Fred or George responded.

"What's a portkey?"

"A portkey is an item that becomes a portal to a specific location." The other twin responded.

"So what object is ours?"

It was at this point that Mr. Weasley held up an object.

"Wow, an old boot." I said with a deadpan.

It was at this point that two more people walked up to us.

"Gang, this is Cedric Diggory and his father Amos Diggory. We're taking the same portkey." Mr. Weasley said.

"Nice to meet you all." Cedric said while waving.

With muttered greetings we all took ahold of the boot.

"Hold on and don't let go." Mr. Weasley said when we were suddenly dragged away into a void. Everything was spinning around us when it suddenly straightened up and we slammed into the ground.

I didn't really feel anything due to my enhanced durability, so I stood right back up to see Mr. Weasley, Cedric, and Amos laughing as they slowly floated down.

"Yeah, don't let go my ass." I muttered.

Once everyone had recovered, we made our towards where the campground were. We had to show our tickets to a guy who was waiting before we were allowed to enter. We passed through a magic barrier and once we were passed it, we saw thousands of tents sprawled in front of us.

'So this is the Quidditch World Cup. Can't wait for the game.' I thought.

DanteMustDie DanteMustDie

Posted this on another account on accident. I know the fight with Sun Wukong was iffy, I honestly didn't know how I was going to have him beat a god.

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