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77.77% Harry Potter: MageX / Chapter 18: Chapter 17

Capítulo 18: Chapter 17

As the Hogwarts Express chugged along, its wheels clattering like a herd of clumsy centaurs, Harry decided it was the perfect moment for some theatrical flair. He stood up in the compartment, adopting an expression so solemn it could have belonged to a knight about to slay a dragon. "Ladies and gentlemen," he began, his voice dripping with faux gravity, "I hereby call to order the inaugural meeting of MageX!"

Hermione bit her lip to stop from laughing, while Ron and Jean exchanged glances that screamed, "Here comes another of Harry's grand schemes."

Hannah, who had just joined them, looked around, clearly puzzled. "MageX? What's that?"

Harry leaned in with an air of conspiratorial excitement. "Ah, Hannah, welcome to the most exclusive club at Hogwarts. MageX is our secret society of magical mutants, thanks to our time at Xavier's Institute."

Susan, catching the look of confusion on Hannah's face, leaned in to clarify. "Remember our talk about being Magical Mutants? Jean's one of them. At Xavier's, they dubbed us MageX because we're like their magical counterparts."

Hannah's eyes widened as she made the connection. She glanced at Jean with new admiration, as if she'd just discovered she was hanging out with a superhero.

Harry's serious façade broke into a grin. "Since you're now part of this elite circle of magical awesomeness, it's only fair that we make you all honorary members of MageX."

Hermione's eyes sparkled like she'd just won a Quidditch match, Ron's grin stretched from ear to ear, and Hannah's face lit up with excitement.

"Really?" Hannah asked, her excitement barely contained.

"Absolutely," Harry said with a nod. "MageX is about friendship, unity, and using our unique talents for good. I couldn't ask for a better group of friends to share that with."

With cheers and high-fives, the friends embraced their new roles. Harry, relishing the moment, raised his hand to silence the jubilant noise.

"Now, for the best part: picking codenames," he declared, his tone dramatically serious.

Hermione's eyes gleamed with anticipation, Ron leaned in with a grin, and Hannah, though still catching up, looked intrigued.

Susan, sensing Hannah's confusion, whispered, "Harry, Jean, and I already have codenames. Mine's Veritas, Jean's is Phoenix, and Harry's is Marauder."

Hannah nodded, her curiosity piqued.

"Okay, Ron," Harry said, turning to him. "What's your codename?"

Ron scratched his head thoughtfully. "How about... Redbolt?"

Hermione's face lit up. "That fits you perfectly, Ron."

Ron beamed. "Redbolt it is, then!"

"Great," Harry said. "Now, Hermione, your turn."

Hermione thought for a moment. "How about Sage?"

"Sage?" Ron repeated, impressed. "I like it!"

Hermione smiled, pleased.

"And Hannah, what about you?" Harry asked.

Hannah considered for a moment. "What about Ember?"

"Ember?" Ron echoed, nodding approvingly. "That's both warm and fierce. I like it!"

With the codenames chosen, Harry nodded with satisfaction. "Redbolt, Sage, and Ember, welcome to MageX. We're not just about magical prowess—we're about making Hogwarts safer and having a blast while we're at it."

The group exchanged excited glances, already buzzing with the thrill of their new identities. Harry, still in full-on leader mode, grinned mischievously. "Now, for our first official business: a prank."

Ron, or Redbolt, leaned in eagerly. "What's the plan, Marauder?"

Harry's eyes sparkled with trouble. "I was thinking we could enchant the suits of armor in the Great Hall to dance and sing in drag whenever someone walks by."

Hermione, now Sage, raised an eyebrow. "That might be a bit too much. Maybe something a bit less... invasive?"

"Fair point," Harry agreed. "How about just having them do a little dance?"

Ember, formerly Hannah, giggled. "That sounds brilliant! And harmless."

Redbolt grinned widely. "Filch's reaction will be priceless!"

Susan, or Veritas, nodded in approval. "It'll definitely set the tone for the year. A little fun to kick things off."

Jean, or Phoenix, added with a smile, "And it's a perfect way to introduce MageX to the school."

With their prank planned and ready, the group settled back in their seats, already buzzing with excitement. As the train rolled toward Hogwarts, MageX was more than ready for the magical and mischievous adventures that lay ahead.

As the Hogwarts Express trundled along, it was business as usual until Draco Malfoy decided to crash the party. The compartment door slid open with a dramatic creak, and in sauntered Draco, flanked by his ever-charming sidekicks, Crabbe and Goyle. His signature sneer was in full force, clearly ready for his daily dose of Potter torment.

"Well, well," Draco drawled, his eyes flicking over Harry and the gang with that all-too-familiar disdain. "Potter and his crew of misfits. What a surprise."

Harry, still in his faux-serious mode, gave him a nonchalant look. "Malfoy. To what do we owe this pleasure?"

Draco's gaze lingered on Harry for a moment, taking in his noticeably taller and more muscular frame. "I see you've been hitting the gym, Potter. Trying to look less like a walking broomstick?"

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Just growing up, Malfoy. You should try it sometime."

Ron, ever the opportunist, snorted. "Still sticking to the same old lines, Malfoy? Some things never change."

Draco's sneer wavered, but he quickly recovered. "At least I'm not overcompensating for something," he shot back, though his retort seemed a bit flat.

Hermione, not in the mood for Draco's antics, rolled her eyes. "Honestly, Malfoy, don't you have better things to do?"

Draco's glare shifted to Hermione. "Mind your own business, Granger. Just because Potter's been working out doesn't make him any less pathetic."

Jean, who had been silently observing, leaned forward with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Why don't you run along, Draco? We're busy planning something you'll never be a part of."

Draco's curiosity got the better of him. "And who might you be?" he asked, his tone dripping with condescension.

Jean met his gaze with unflinching calm. "Jean Grey."

Draco's eyebrow shot up, clearly unimpressed. "Another Mudblood, I assume?"

Before anyone could react, Harry cut in, his voice carrying a note of warning. "Watch your mouth, Malfoy. Jean's more powerful than you can even imagine."

Draco snorted, though there was a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. "I doubt that."

As soon as he spoke, Jean's eyes flared with a brief golden glow, and suddenly Draco found himself floating several inches off the ground, his legs kicking uselessly beneath him.

Draco's sneer vanished, replaced by a look of pure panic. "What—what's happening?"

Crabbe and Goyle, seeing their leader in distress, charged forward to help. But before they could make a move, Harry was in their way, moving with an agility that made them look like they were standing still.

"Sorry, lads," Harry said coolly. "This is between Jean and Malfoy."

Crabbe and Goyle hesitated, glancing from Harry's stern face to the hovering Draco. With a reluctant nod, they backed off, unsure of how to handle the situation.

Meanwhile, Draco was floating in mid-air, looking increasingly desperate.

Jean kept her expression cool and collected, her eyes glowing faintly. "Just a little demonstration of what I can do," she said, her tone eerily calm.

Harry smirked, enjoying the moment. "Told you she's got it covered."

Draco's face paled as he struggled against the invisible force holding him. "Put me down!" he demanded, his voice tinged with a note of terror.

Jean's gaze remained steady. "Not until you learn a bit of respect, Malfoy."

With a flick of her wrist, Jean let Draco drop back into his seat, his legs buckling beneath him as he scrambled to regain his composure.

Gasping and visibly shaken, Draco shot a wary look at Jean and muttered, "I'll remember this," before stumbling out of the compartment, Crabbe and Goyle in tow.

As the door closed behind them, the compartment erupted into a mix of stunned silence and suppressed laughter.

"Well, that was a new twist," Hermione commented, breaking the silence.

Ron grinned. "Remind me never to get on Jean's bad side."

Harry chuckled, then turned to the group. "Agreed. Now, where were we?" He glanced sideways at Jean, a hint of something softer in his eyes. "Oh, right. We were plotting our next prank."

Jean met his gaze with a shy smile, her cheeks faintly flushed. "What do you have in mind?"

Harry cleared his throat, trying to ignore the flutter in his chest. "How about enchanting the suits of armor in the Great Hall to do a little dance and sing whenever someone walks by?"

Hermione raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at her lips. "A bit less invasive, but still mischievous. I like it."

Ember, formerly Hannah, giggled. "Perfect! And much more entertaining."

Redbolt, aka Ron, leaned forward eagerly. "I can't wait to see Filch's face when he sees dancing armor!"

Susan, or Veritas, nodded with approval. "It's a great way to start the year. Fun and harmless."

Jean gave Harry a playful nudge. "And a perfect way to introduce MageX to the rest of the school."

With their plan set and their excitement palpable, the group leaned back, ready for the adventures awaiting them. As the train continued its journey toward Hogwarts, the members of MageX felt a growing camaraderie, their bond strengthened by shared mischief and a hint of something more.

The Hogwarts Express screeched to an unexpected halt, and a blast of icy air swept through the compartment like someone had left the door to Narnia wide open. Harry's breath turned into frosty clouds, and he instinctively huddled closer to his friends.

"Did someone just cast a permanent Glacius charm on the whole train?" Ron asked, his voice coming out in a shaky puff. "Or did we accidentally drive through the Arctic?"

Hermione's eyes widened, her concern clear. "What's going on? Why is it so cold?"

Before anyone could offer an answer, the compartment door burst open with a dramatic whoosh, and in stumbled a pale-faced student, looking like they'd just walked through a snowstorm. Their breath came out in visible plumes.

"It's... it's..." the student stammered, their teeth chattering like they were auditioning for a role as a wind-up toy.

Harry's heart raced. This was no ordinary chill. Something was seriously wrong.

"Alright, let's keep calm," Harry said, trying to sound like he was in charge, even though he felt like his insides had turned into popsicles. "We need to stick together."

Hermione looked around, bewildered. "But what's causing this? It's like the temperature's dropped below the freezing point of dragon's blood!"

Ron shivered. "Or maybe someone's been brewing up a storm in the cauldron of eternal winter."

Just as Harry was about to respond, the train lurched again, and the temperature plummeted even more. The windows began to frost over, transforming their compartment into a frozen crystal cave.

"Great," Ron said, rubbing his arms for warmth. "First, we get a crash course in winter survival, and next thing you know, we'll be fighting off a herd of angry Yetis."

Hermione bit her lip, her face a mix of fear and determination. "We have to figure out what's going on before things get worse."

Harry nodded, rallying his friends with a sense of urgency. "We need to be ready for anything. Whatever's out there, it's not here to give us a warm mug of cocoa."

With that, the group huddled together, each person's breath mingling in the cold air. They exchanged worried glances, bracing themselves for whatever strange and dangerous surprise awaited them outside their now frosty compartment.

The Hogwarts Express came to a screeching halt, and a wave of icy cold swept through the compartment like someone had accidentally opened a portal to the Frozen North. Harry, Ron, and Hermione exchanged worried glances as the temperature plummeted, their breath turning into frosty clouds.

"Okay, that's not a good sign," Ron muttered, his voice quivering. "Did we accidentally drive through the Antarctic?"

Before anyone could respond, the compartment door flew open with a bang, and in glided a trio of hooded figures, looking like they'd just stepped off the set of a really creepy horror movie. Harry's heart sank as he recognized them from Sirius's warnings: Dementors, the dreadfully awful, soul-sucking guards of Azkaban.

A collective gasp filled the compartment. The other students instinctively huddled closer, like they were trying to form a human shield. Ron's hand trembled as he fumbled for his wand, while Hermione's eyes were as wide as a troll's in a china shop.

"Hold tight," Harry said, his voice surprisingly steady despite feeling like a human popsicle. "We've got this."

Jean, her gaze sharp and focused, nodded in agreement. She and Harry exchanged a brief but charged look. It was as if they both knew they had to step up their game. In a flash, they unleashed a wave of Psionic energy that rippled through the compartment like a cosmic tidal wave.

The Dementors, usually so imposing, seemed to waver in their dark, ethereal forms. They recoiled as if they'd just been smacked in the face by a supercharged gust of psychic wind. The air crackled with raw, electric intensity as Harry and Jean's Psionic waves clashed with the encroaching darkness.

Inside Harry's mind, the Phoenix Force was practically having a meltdown, urging him to obliterate these dark fiends. It roared through him with fiery zeal, granting him strength that felt as boundless as a superhero's. Hermione, still wide-eyed, could feel the sheer force of the energy swirling around them.

Ron's grip on his wand tightened. For a moment, he forgot about his fear and focused on the stunning display of power from his friends. "Blimey," he said. "This is better than the Chudley Cannons winning the Cup!"

As the struggle continued, the compartment seemed to vibrate with the force of Harry and Jean's battle against the Dementors. Harry felt an overwhelming surge of energy and instinctively tapped into his mutation, absorbing the darkness swirling around him. It was like trying to drink from a firehose of despair, but he held on, drawing strength from the Phoenix Force to shield himself.

Jean watched in awe as Harry's aura began to glow with a golden radiance, transforming the oppressive chill into a warm, golden blaze. The Dementors, sensing their defeat, flickered and faded as if the very air was being sucked out of their existence.

With a final, dramatic burst of energy, Harry expelled the absorbed darkness in a dazzling explosion of golden light. The Dementors were banished, leaving the compartment bathed in a newfound warmth and peace.

The students let out a collective sigh of relief, their earlier fear melting away like snow in summer. Harry stood amid the calm, his expression a mixture of calm and victory.

As the train resumed its journey, the compartment buzzed with relieved chatter. It was clear that they had faced a grave danger and come out on top. With Harry's new abilities and Jean's unwavering support, they felt more confident than ever about the adventures that lay ahead.

As the last wisps of Dementor-induced gloom evaporated, the compartment door creaked open. In walked Professor Remus Lupin, looking as if he'd just discovered a new species of dragon. His eyes widened at the sight before him: Harry, glowing with a strange, golden light, was standing in the middle of a now-relieved and somewhat dazed group of students.

"Harry," Remus started, his voice a mix of concern and amazement. "What in Merlin's name happened here?"

Harry, still radiating the afterglow of his epic battle, took a deep breath and managed a shaky grin. "Well, Remus, the Dementors decided to crash the party. Jean and I had to send them packing. I... absorbed their energy."

Remus's eyebrows climbed so high they almost disappeared into his hairline. "Absorbed their energy? That's—"

"—insane, I know," Harry interrupted, his tone a mix of pride and bewilderment. "But it was the only way. I felt their darkness, but I flipped it into something a bit more positive. It's hard to explain, but it worked."

Jean, stepping up like a heroic sidekick in a movie, nodded enthusiastically. "Harry was amazing, Professor. He totally saved us all."

Remus's gaze swept over the now-calming students, a mix of relief and astonishment on his face. "I'm thrilled everyone's okay," he said, his voice softening. "But Harry, absorbing Dementor energy is... well, quite extraordinary. How do you feel?"

Harry gave himself a quick mental check. "Different. Stronger. Calmer. It's like my senses are on high alert."

Remus looked thoughtful, like he was trying to solve a particularly tricky potion. "This is impressive, but we need to tread carefully. Absorbing such energy might have side effects."

Harry nodded, trying to look more composed than he felt. "Got it. I'll keep a close eye on things."

Remus's reassuring smile was like a warm blanket on a cold day. "I trust you will. Let's get everyone settled and make sure we're not dealing with any more surprises."

As Remus busied himself helping the students back to their seats, Harry couldn't shake the feeling of newfound responsibility that came with his new power. It was like he'd been handed a shiny, dangerous toy and now had to play with it carefully.

Remus pulled out a slab of chocolate from his pocket, breaking off pieces and distributing them with a flourish. "Here, everyone. Chocolate's the best remedy for Dementor-related trauma. It's like magic in a wrapper."

The students eagerly grabbed their pieces, and soon the compartment was filled with the sweet scent of chocolate, mixing with the faint traces of their earlier fear. As Harry bit into his own piece, the familiar taste was like a comforting return to normalcy.

"Thanks, Professor Lupin," Hermione said, her voice more steady. "I didn't realize how much we needed that."

Remus gave a small, knowing smile. "It's a simple but effective remedy. Make sure you eat every bit."

With everyone starting to settle and recover, Harry took a deep breath and caught Jean's eye. She gave him a nod, her look of approval mixing with something that made Harry's heart skip a beat. 

The train began moving again, and as Harry settled back into his seat, he couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and anticipation. With Jean's encouragement and the knowledge that they'd faced down the dark forces together, he felt ready for whatever adventures awaited them next.

As the train resumed its steady rhythm, Harry, Jean, and their friends slumped back into their seats, the tension melting away like snow in the sun. It was as if the whole compartment had taken a collective sigh of relief, trading panic for the comforting hum of the Hogwarts Express.

Hermione, ever the inquisitive mind, turned to Harry with a sparkle of curiosity in her eyes. "So, Harry, what's it like? Absorbing all that Dementor energy?"

Harry leaned back, considering the best way to describe the experience. "It's kind of like finding an old treasure chest in your attic. At first, it's dark and a bit scary, but then you realize there's a lot of potential in there. I feel like I've got this deep, untapped reservoir of strength. I can sense the darkness, but it's been transformed into something I can actually use to protect us."

Ron, still looking like he'd just seen a dragon, nodded slowly. "That's comforting. Knowing we've got that kind of power on our side makes the whole 'Dementor' thing a bit less terrifying."

Jean beamed at Harry, her eyes full of admiration. "Harry, with this kind of power, you're going to do amazing things. I can feel it."

Harry returned her smile, feeling the warmth of his friends' confidence wrap around him like a cozy blanket. He knew the road ahead was going to be challenging, but with his friends by his side, he felt ready to face whatever might come.

The train chugged along, its rhythmic clacking a soothing backdrop to their renewed camaraderie. They all knew that this year at Hogwarts was shaping up to be unlike any other. There would be new adventures, trials, and triumphs, and they were more than ready to dive into whatever the magical world had in store.

As the Hogwarts Express chugged toward Hogsmeade Station, excitement buzzed through the air like static electricity. Outside, the Scottish Highlands rolled by in a blur of green and gold, and students were already in a flurry of activity, preparing to disembark.

Inside their compartment, Harry stretched, glancing at the girls who were still in their Muggle clothes. "Hey, we'll give you some space to change into your uniforms," he said, flashing a grin at Ron. "Let's head out, mate."

Ron, catching the hint, grabbed his neatly folded Hogwarts robes. "Yeah, we'll just hit the loo to change. It's not exactly the most glamorous place, but it works."

Jean, still in her Muggle clothes, gave them an appreciative nod. "Thanks, guys. I'll be ready in no time. I'm pretty excited to see the castle."

Susan, Hermione, and Hannah started gathering their own uniforms while Jean eyed hers, noting the lack of house colors. She hadn't been sorted yet, and the anticipation was almost tangible.

Harry and Ron stepped into the bustling corridor, navigating their way through the crowd of students. As they approached the nearest lavatory, Ron muttered, "Man, these places are always like sardine cans."

Inside, they quickly changed into their Hogwarts uniforms. Harry adjusted his Gryffindor robes with the kind of ease that comes from years of practice, while Ron, now fully dressed and fidgeting with his tie, glanced at Harry.

"Do you think Jean will end up in Gryffindor?" Ron asked, a hopeful grin on his face. "It'd be awesome to have her in our house."

Harry shrugged but smiled. "She's got the bravery for it, I'm sure. But the Sorting Hat's the real expert on this."

Back in the compartment, the girls were almost finished with their changing. Susan helped Jean adjust her robes, making sure everything looked just right. "You'll get your house colors after the Sorting Ceremony," she said reassuringly. "But you already look pretty fantastic."

Jean gave a nervous but excited smile. "Thanks, Susan. I'm so ready for this."

Hermione, peering out the window, was practically glowing with anticipation. "I love seeing the castle for the first time each year. It never gets old."

Harry and Ron returned to the compartment, now in their Hogwarts uniforms. The girls were ready, and everyone seemed to share Hermione's enthusiasm.

"All set?" Harry asked with a grin, his excitement barely contained.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Hermione replied, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

As the train began to slow, approaching Hogsmeade Station, students gathered their things and prepared to disembark. The familiar call of "First years, this way!" rang out from the platform, signaling the start of a new adventure.

Harry turned to Jean with a smile. "Welcome to Hogwarts, Jean. Let's go see where you'll end up."

With that, they stepped off the train and joined the throng of students making their way toward the carriages. The air was filled with chatter and laughter, and above it all, the silhouette of Hogwarts Castle loomed majestically, ready to welcome them to another year of magic and mystery.

As they approached the carriages waiting to take them up to Hogwarts Castle, Jean's eyes widened in surprise. "What are those creatures pulling the carriages?" she asked, pointing at the skeletal, winged horses that seemed to materialize from thin air.

Ron, Hermione, and Hannah exchanged puzzled looks. "What creatures?" Ron asked, scratching his head. "The carriages don't seem to be pulled by anything."

Harry, feeling a faint but unfamiliar magical presence, squinted as if trying to see through a curtain. "I can sense something," he said. "But it's like trying to spot a ghost in a fog."

Susan stepped forward, her gaze thoughtful. "Those are Thestrals," she explained. "They're magical creatures that only those who've witnessed death can see."

Jean looked at Susan with a mix of curiosity and sadness. "I can see them clearly," she said softly.

Hermione's eyes softened with understanding. "So that's why we can't see them. Only those who've seen death."

Hannah nodded, her expression reflecting the somber realization. "It's kind of eerie, isn't it? Knowing there's something there that we can't see."

Susan continued, "Thestrals are often misunderstood. They might look a bit frightening, but they're actually quite gentle and intelligent. They play a crucial role here at Hogwarts."

Harry, still trying to get a handle on the magical sensation, glanced at Jean. "It must be strange to see something that the rest of us can't. But I think it's kind of cool that you can."

Jean gave a small, appreciative smile. "It's strange, but it's also comforting. It feels like there's more to this world than what's immediately visible."

Ron, always the one to lighten the mood, grinned. "Well, whether we see them or not, I'm just glad we don't have to lug our stuff up to the castle."

Everyone laughed, easing the tension, and began loading their belongings into the carriage. Jean took a moment to pat the nearest Thestral, feeling a sense of connection. The Thestral nickered softly, its eyes showing a hint of intelligence beneath its fearsome exterior.

As they settled into the carriage, Hermione, clearly curious, looked at Susan and Jean with a gentle expression. "If you don't mind me asking, who did you see die to be able to see the Thestrals?"

Susan's face grew somber. "I saw my parents," she said quietly. "They were killed during the war. It was one of the hardest things I've ever faced."

Jean nodded, her eyes reflecting a deep sadness. "I saw my best friend, Annie, die in a car accident when we were kids. It was traumatic."

The group fell silent, each reflecting on the pain their friends had endured. Susan added softly, "You know, seeing Thestrals doesn't have to be a bad thing. It's a reminder that we've faced life and loss, and that makes us stronger."

Hermione nodded in agreement. "Well said, Susan. And Jean, we're glad you're here with us."

As the carriage began to move, the Thestrals pulling them smoothly toward the castle, Harry sneaked a glance at Jean. There was something in the way she looked at the passing scenery—an intensity that made his heart flutter. He quickly turned his gaze, pretending to be fascinated by the landscape, but couldn't help feeling a little awkward.

Jean, meanwhile, tried to casually adjust her robes while stealing glances at Harry. Every time their eyes met, she felt a flutter in her stomach that she tried to ignore. It was a strange new feeling, but one that she couldn't quite shake.

The carriage ride was filled with a mix of anticipation and reflection. Jean looked out at the passing scenery, feeling a blend of excitement and nervousness. She was stepping into a new chapter of her life, surrounded by friends who accepted her, even the parts that were different.

As they approached the castle, the grandeur of Hogwarts loomed ahead, and the tension of the ride melted away, replaced by the promise of a new year filled with magic, adventure, and maybe even a little bit of the awkward, thrilling excitement of young love.

As the towering spires of Hogwarts emerged from the misty Scottish landscape, the excitement inside the carriage was nearly palpable. The thrill of stepping into the magical world of Hogwarts was so strong that it almost made them forget the solemn conversation they'd just had about Thestrals and loss.

Jean gazed out the window, her eyes wide with wonder. "Wow, look at that!" she exclaimed, her excitement barely contained. Hogwarts was even more breathtaking than she'd imagined, with its turrets and towers piercing the twilight sky.

Harry, however, was preoccupied with a different kind of awe. Reaching out, he gently petted one of the Thestrals. His senses, sharpened by his peculiar abilities, were attuned to the creature's essence. He felt a strange and profound connection as he began to absorb the Thestral's unique traits—its eerie invisibility to those who hadn't witnessed death, its robust resilience, and its deep, almost philosophical understanding of life's cycles.

Quietly, so as not to draw attention, Harry focused on the Thestral's essence, feeling its quiet strength mix with his own. The sense of melancholy that accompanied this new power was both humbling and enlightening. It was like being handed a book of ancient secrets, with each page revealing more about the intricate balance of life and death.

With one final, gentle pat, Harry withdrew his hand, feeling a new part of himself woven with the Thestral's essence. He turned to look at his friends, who were buzzing with excitement as the castle drew closer. Despite the gravity of his newfound abilities, Harry felt a surge of resolve. He silently promised himself to use this gift to protect his friends and to navigate their upcoming adventures with both bravery and wisdom.

"Ready for some Hogwarts magic?" Harry asked, his voice brimming with a mixture of excitement and determination.

Jean turned, her face lit up with a smile. "Absolutely! I can't wait to see what's in store."

Ron, ever the one to bring things back to the practical, was already eyeing the approaching castle. "I just hope the food is as good as everyone says. A hungry wizard is a grumpy wizard, you know."

Hermione, her curiosity piqued by the sight of Hogwarts, looked over with a thoughtful expression. "You know, this place is just as amazing every year. There's always something new to discover."

As the carriage rolled toward the castle, Harry felt a mix of anticipation and contentment. He knew that Hogwarts would be a place of both challenge and growth, but with his friends by his side and his new abilities at his disposal, he was ready to dive headfirst into whatever adventures lay ahead. The castle loomed closer, promising a year filled with magic, mystery, and perhaps, a few teenage crushes to sort out along the way.

As the majestic doors to the Great Hall came into view, the buzz of excitement was almost a physical thing. The chatter, laughter, and mouthwatering aroma of Hogwarts' famous feast filled the air. But just as the students were getting ready to dive into the festivities, Professor McGonagall's voice cut through the noise like a wand through a fog.

"Potter, Weasley, Bones, Abbott, Granger, Grey—if you'd come with me, please," she commanded, her tone brooking no argument.

Harry glanced sideways at Jean, who was standing close enough for him to catch the hint of her nervous excitement. He could tell she was both thrilled and a bit on edge. They followed McGonagall down a quieter corridor, a bit like heading to the principal's office but with more magical gravitas.

Once they were out of earshot from the crowd, McGonagall turned to them, her expression all business. "I need to discuss your encounter with the Dementors on the train. From what I gather, it was rather dramatic."

Harry stepped forward, recounting the train ride with all the flair of someone trying to sound heroic but keeping it grounded. "So, Dementors showed up, and it was like someone turned the temperature down to 'Arctic Blast.' We all felt like we were about to fall into a black hole of despair."

Jean and Susan nodded in agreement, sharing their own harrowing experiences. McGonagall's eyes sharpened, a glimmer of concern flickering through her usual stern demeanor.

"Dementors are not exactly on my list of favorite creatures," she said. "I'll be speaking with the Headmaster about this incident. It's not typical for them to be on the train."

She turned her attention to Jean, who looked like she was about to burst with a mix of excitement and nerves. "Miss Grey, you've yet to be sorted into a house. We need to take care of that before the Sorting Ceremony."

Jean nodded, a little starstruck. "Right, Professor. I'm ready."

McGonagall then turned her gaze to Hermione. "Miss Granger, I understand you have quite the workload this year. Professor Dumbledore and I will need to discuss your schedule. Please come by my office tomorrow morning."

Hermione's eyes lit up with determination. "Absolutely, Professor. I'll be there."

McGonagall's stern look softened just a touch. "You've all had a rather eventful start to the term. Take care of yourselves. Mr. Potter, Miss Bones, Miss Grey—you're well-prepared for what lies ahead. Support each other."

"Good luck, Jean," Harry said, flashing her a reassuring smile. "We'll save you a spot at the table."

Jean's smile in return was like a tiny burst of sunshine. "Thanks, Harry. I'll catch up with you soon."

As Jean followed McGonagall down the hall, Harry and his friends turned towards the Great Hall. Ron, always ready to lighten the mood, grinned and said, "Well, that was a blast. Dementors on the train—what's next? A dragon in the Great Hall?"

Hermione nodded, her expression a mix of relief and eagerness. "It's a good thing we're safe now. And Jean will get to see the Sorting Ceremony firsthand."

Harry glanced back at Jean's retreating figure, feeling a mix of excitement and awkwardness. It was that strange stage where he and Jean were definitely crushing on each other but neither quite knew how to handle it.

"You know," Harry said with a grin, "it's just a hat. What could possibly go wrong?"

Jean's laughter was light and genuine. "Just a hat. Famous last words, right?"

As they entered the Great Hall, the enchantment of Hogwarts surrounded them, and Harry couldn't help but feel that this year would be full of unexpected turns, magical adventures, and—if he was lucky—getting a bit closer to Jean.


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