{A/N: Hello again! I seem to be prefacing my chapters a lot, lately, and I think it would just be easier to explain - when I originally drafted 'Hallowed Be', it was in novel format, with the intent on making it a series. Once I decided that episodic storytelling was far more suitable for Heiko and co., I had a TON of rearranging to do. That said, all of these Alfie episodes (which were meant to be in novel #2, originally) are all only in draft form. I do my best to edit, but I'm only human - and an easily distractable one at that! Regardless, I promise am working tirelessly on this story.
More to come~~~~
"This cannot be everything."
Alfred had watched as the Master of Books hauled in the accounts of the (Burkean Revolution) to the private study, but she was able to do it all in one trip. When she put them down on the table and then set her hands on her hips instead of turning to retrieve more, the prince's thoughts began to thicken with suspicion.
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