By escape, the prince meant opening the balcony up and shimmying their way down to the grass, some ten meters beneath them, on a paltry sheet that was tied haphazardly to the balcony balustrade. Heiko leapt onto the railing and repelled down the side of the manor as if he had done it many-a-time. Cele, a bit less graceful, followed suit, easily rendering an image of the prince as a cheeky child, escaping into the night and dallying with the dark forest. Quite similar to the cheeky child that was now safely on the ground below, neck craned as he watched Cele.
“Come on, we haven’t got all night.” A smirk occupied his lips.
Ignoring it was easy, when one was distracted by burning palms and images of shattered legs.
"How often have you done this?"
He huffed the words out like he had been running for miles. Whatever muscles were being activated by this... activity... Cele never knew he had them. And as far as it seemed, Cele didn't think the muscles knew they existed either.
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