{A/N: Hey friends, somewhere in the middle of this chapter I utilize a semicolon supercomma! For those who were unaware, when lists possess normal commas within the items listed, you then are allowed to use a semicolon as the comma for the purpose of clarity. There are many grammar rules I haven't perfected, but the semicolon is one of the few I have!
~ Higgins}
Cele felt empty. As he listened to Heiko's words, he felt himself being drained, agonizing over the fact that nothing could be done about it, because what he said was the truth. All of it.
Heiko was a person of the cloth, never to be bound to another mortal. And Cele was the man who killed his father. A fact that he actively tried to bury while in the presence of the prince. A fact that would never be gone - one that would never allow either of them to foster full trust or... anything of a more intimate nature.
He looked up at the sound of his name, blinking at the prince.
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