{A/N: I ran through this chapter and found some words that I completely omitted (which seems to be a stupidly commonplace practice of mine while typing). Obviously, I corrected what I found, but if you guys find anything, let me know!
“You make enemies everywhere you go, it seems.” Ingo smirked at his brother as Jan's footsteps faded. "I shouldn't be surprised that you are equally as hated at the temple, Little Ko."
"It is not hatred, Ingo," Heiko replied. "Just as it is in court, it is jealousy. It's ignorance and stupidity that make the bumbling bear loathe the fox for outsmarting the hunter. He may grumble about how it is not fair, or how the fox is not playing by the rules, but in the end, the truth of the matter is that the bear hates himself for being insufficient."
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