/ Fantasy / Gundam system in marvel/dc

Gundam system in marvel/dc Original

Gundam system in marvel/dc

Fantasy 52 Capítulos 647.5K Visitas
Autor: Wingzer0

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Sobre Tabla de contenidos


  1. Wingzer0
    Wingzer0 Contribuido 100
  2. Genesis_Primordial
    Genesis_Primordial Contribuido 31
  3. Godofwolf
    Godofwolf Contribuido 27

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  • Calidad de Traducción
  • Estabilidad de las actualizaciones
  • Desarrollo de la Historia
  • Diseño de Personajes
  • Antecedentes del mundo

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Yes? Gundam at Marvel? well, this is a one-sided killing. Gundam is very weak here, unless it can power up like Evangelion or Guren Lagan.

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The story is great can wait for more and great job on the story. Would like to know what inspired you to right this story. And have a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

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una pregunta se que esto es un poco en sueño darle la funcion de lso gundam de fusionarse o por ejemplo combianr los dsitintos tipos de energia gundam como dng,las particula de drive,permet etc no voy a decir que simpre e pensando como seria si àsara eso ademas los gundam van a adapartarse a marvel el tercer elemento ,viribanium,adamatium etc jum eso seria grnadioso pero quitando eso gracias por tarer un buen ahistoria de gundam

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I haven't even read the story or know much about Gundam in general, other than playing the games, but this is going to be a fun read based on thunderbolt that I just watched.

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nice one man it hard to find Gundam fic story these day keep on your good work

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I love the story was very interesting😁😄😊

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Autor Wingzer0