The first part of the report on techniques gained from the neighboring kingdoms "Continental Techniques of Aura and beyond" by Edward the great imperial magister.
My master I build a team of the best from our beautiful country, to finish the mission you asked me for. I made some conclusions and in this report I will be presenting them.
Aura cultivation in different parts of the continent is called differently. To this day, it is not clear what aura is and ultimately there is no verifiable research into its essence. On the basis of the collected techniques, we concluded that neighboring kingdoms divided aura cultivation into chivalrous and plebs. At the same level of a warrior's aura, plebeians were weaker than knights. It was due to inaccurate cultivation techniques put into use, so in my opinion it will be best to ignore all defective fighting techniques and summarize everything in its entirety.
From the collected data and experiments, we conclude that user selection has a great influence on performance of aura techniques. The same aura technique in use by person A has a different adaptability to person B. This confirms the known theory that the user of the technique is its most important part and that his physical predisposition has a great influence.[...]
Thanks to hundreds of collected techniques we were able to classify the known levels of aura purity and its dependencies. So basically the level of the aura depends on its color. Starting with a bronze, an aura that is only visible to the wearer and increases overall muscle strength. Ending with a white aura about which we know only little bits. Common folks always identified aura with metals. The color bronze or sometimes red color alone puts forward some theories about how a user sees a contaminated aura through his skin, many theories have arisen [...]
Someone who knows only the technique of bronze aura cultivation, without talent, will practically never be able to break into a higher level. Only the iron technique contains methods that will help him purify the bronze aura to a iron/grey color. There are also cases where a person without proper technique increases the level of aura. Such a person can put their experience on paper and create a new technique. People who have reached the heights of aura very often have to come to these levels on their own. It is thanks to them and our[...]
Each level of aura can be divided into three sub-levels:
- beginner (someone who is just learning a given aura techniques and has low supplies of it)
- adept (has already increased the level of aura in the body and efficiently supports it)
- veteran (has increased the aura level in his body to the limit and can try to clear the aura to a higher level)
The aura itself is divided into:
- "bronze" Increase in overall strength with an aura that spreads throughout the body.
- "iron" (commonly called gray because of the color). Reaching this level increases the overall physical strength in relation to the bronze aura. In addition, it gives the user new abilities that increase resistance and strength in proportion to the aura used. Aura now can be observed with the naked eye.
- "silver" This is the greatest leap and the first major blockage in the way of aura cultivation. The user of this aura is stronger and can transfer the aura to other objects he touches. For example, a steel sword will be much tougher and sharper as long as the aura passes through it. Research shows that not all materials conduct aura the same way, some can be easily destroyed by it. An additional effect is the silver glow on these objects, some techniques can mask this, but it requires a lot of practice in controlling the aura.
- "gold" True masters of aura. From then on, the user of the aura can manipulate it without physical contact. A golden aura sent by a sword can decapitate a target several meters away. The golden aura masters are practically unmatched on the continent. When the aura leaves the body of master it looks like a golden mist. But to get better data more testing is needed
- "white" The highest documented level of aura. We only have two techniques to take this level into account. More techniques are required and at least one willing white aura user to perform the required tests.
- "???" From my calculations it follows that there must be an aura above white, but we do not have enough data.
I would like to mention that we got into our hands several techniques that did not describe the techniques of aura cultivation. They aroused great interest for me and my colleagues, so we analyzed them for our emperor. After numerous debates, we came to the conclusion that it is advisable to follow one of them and investigate further. I would very much like to ask you to donate more funds for research on this technique.
The above-mentioned technique came to us in incomplete and damaged form. But even in this form, after being cultivated by the test subject for three months, we noticed some phenomenal changes. The technique teaches meditation and the incorporation of runes in the mind in order to cultivate a certain type of energy. Unfortunately, we were able to recreate only one rune from the records. Even with one rune, we were able to achieve a lot. The memory of the test subject has increased significantly, and we have noticed slight changes in his strength and endurance. After he incorporated rune into the mind, the object learned to manipulate this energy. When fully focused, he is able to knock over small objects within a distance of one meter. Already at the first level of this energy, it resembles a golden aura, but in a much weaker form.
The records found also show that in order to fully use this energy, a form, called spells, is needed to channel this energy and change its properties. We need more data on "spells" to prove our theories.
This technique came from areas formerly belonging to the kingdom of Rogar, it is recommended to gain access to the royal libraries in Rogar, it is likely that the masters there know more about "energy" and its cultivation. The development of this technique may be of colossal importance for the future power of the empire.
I will add some stories here to expand worldbuilding.