As to how he knows why the king of law is here, it is because he can see cause and effect. He can see how the events played within the streams of mana that clung to the king of law. He saw how the king of law got to be here and what he wants so the sheet of paper fulfilled the task of talking between them and the souvenir that the king of law wants for his daughter.
The king of law began to grin from ear to ear after reading his piece of paper. He came for an autograph but got an entire sheet of paper with many words written on it. And he didn't even have to ask for him to get it. The Child of the plane already knew what he wanted.
He felt like thanking Soverick but the note said he shouldn't. So he kept quiet, for now. This experience is a story he will share with anyone that so much expresses half an interest. His daughter will be very happy when he gives this to her and tells her. He can just picture it.
Volume 3 has ended and another Volume has begun. Go and give a review if you haven't. You might have noticed that I am repeating this request. That's because it is important. It is very important to GREED. So go and write that review.