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10.71% GoT: A New God's Conquest / Chapter 3: Minions

Capítulo 3: Minions

As the sun crested the horizon, Lux dismissed the haphazardly summoned BDSM gear, Bellatrix collapsing into a panting, sweaty mess. 

He'd fucked the woman's mature cunt all night long, all while thoroughly fucking her mind. Lux was sure Bellatrix was in a worse mental state than during her time spent in Azkaban, but it was a mental state that would benefit him, and he was pretty sure he could work out the kinks with enough time.

"Such a good girl," he praised, kneeling next to the mess of a woman, and gently stroking her cheek. "Say, Bella, who am I to you," he asked, some light returning to her eyes.

"Nngh... M-Master... N-No, my God... Y-Yes, my God," she answered, nuzzling against his thigh, clearly mad with devotion.

Chuckling, Lux let the exhausted woman fall asleep in his lap as he ran his fingers through her hair. He wouldn't deny her the small comfort for a time, not when he'd basically turned her into a brain-washed slave.

Lux was still feeling fresh as a cucumber with his divine physique. Wanting to get some things done this morning, he waved his hands, commanding magic to do his bidding.

Bella's cutely snoring self floated from his lap, the many bodily fluids she'd been covered in now gone after a cleaning charm. A conjured set of pajamas dressed themselves on her nude form before being placed in a fur-lined bedroll near the fire to get some proper rest.

Lux realized his proficiency with transfiguration and conjuration came naturally to him, figuring it might have something to do with his father being a god of creation.

He also figured that his inheritance from his mother—or second father—would make his next endeavor go smoother.

Getting up after cleaning and clothing himself, Lux evilly rubbed his hands together while walking over to the dead hunters he'd tossed in a nearby ditch.

Pausing, he glanced at Fem Harry slumped over a rock that he'd forgotten about. Eh, fuck it, she can wait.

Lux's plans were simple: he needed minions to handle the dirty work. With the education level of the locals in Skagos, he wouldn't bet on getting any useful hands there.

To him, these cannibalistic savages were barely considered human. This isolated land was probably the best in Planetos for him to begin creating his loyal undead army.

Could it be considered genocide? Sure, but he wouldn't lose any sleep putting the subhumans out of their misery. Their unlives would probably be far more fulfilling as part of his horde anyway.

Reaching the corpses, Lux placed his hands on them, imbuing his magic through the bodies using the plundered knowledge from the Dark Lord, along with his divinity associated with darkness lending a helping hand.

Like his holy light incorporates aspects of life and creation, his darkness encompasses death and destruction.

His first minions got to their knees, swearing silent fealty and ready for orders.

Instead of the hideous monstrosities of the Inferi, these two were far easier on the eyes: obsidian-black skin, frost-white hair, and glowing golden eyes.

Lux was just thankful that his divinity helped with this. He really didn't want to lower himself to using those trash undead that could barely keep the rotten flesh on their bones. He had standards, after all.

Gesturing for them to rise, Lux patted their shoulders, finding them far sturdier than what you'd expect from a common undead or zombie. He looked into their eyes, finding a glint of intelligence. They didn't have souls, no, that would be beyond his current limits, but with the corpses still having their brains intact, his minions retained some of their previous selves.

For now, they couldn't even be described as having artificial intelligence. Even machine learning might be going too far. Still, they could follow simple instructions, enough to get the job done.

He should give his first minions names, Lux thought. Turning to the first of his undead—the one that didn't have a hole in its torso from Noir—he tilted his head, thinking for a moment.

"You'll be Cain," he said, then looked at the other. "And you'll be Abel." Lux decided. Okay, he'd admit he wasn't the most creative when it comes to naming.

Lux stumbled backward a few steps, nearly falling to his knees after those final words left his lips. This was the first time he'd felt exhaustion after taking over this body. Color him surprised after noticing his undead bathed in a golden radius before their forms shifted, growing taller and gaining chiseled muscles.

Shit, he didn't know he could bestow power with a name. Lux could still feel the loss of divinity that was used for the process. It was nothing permanent, but it meant it wasn't something he'd be spamming all willy-nilly. His godly powers were still new, and he didn't have it in him to create an army of named undead yet.

But looking at his goons now standing nearly two heads above him, he didn't regret it at all. Not when he gained two capable leaders for his future army.

Satisfied, Lux conjured up two basic spears, handing them over and sending Cain and Abel on their way with his mental orders.

He wanted more minions, and how could he call himself a necromancer without a few massacres here and there?

Lux wasn't heartless. He'd at least leave the women and children alive. Who knows, maybe if they can survive without their protectors, they might have a far better life after he conquers this savage land.

Before he could turn back to the camp, Noir jumped out of her Sacred Gear, eagerly wagging her tail. "Hmm? Sure, you can go watch over them," Lux chuckled, watching the little pup bound after his minions.

A New God's Conquest

Catching up to her father's creations, Noir looked them over with a hint of disdain.

They were slow, but what else could she expect from barely above-shambling corpses?

She'd need to whip these two into shape. It would reflect poorly on her father if his first creations weren't up to par.

Sniffing the air, she was at least satisfied the dullards were heading in the right direction. She could smell the rank stench that seemed common to the uncivilized swine that populated this world.

Hearing the sound of a branch whipping through the air, she scoffed, seeing one of the two hanging from a rope latched to their leg.

Seriously, what would her father do without her, Noir thought, jumping up and slicing the undead free.

Noir knew she could have handled this all much better herself, but now that she had minions, she wouldn't lower herself to such nonsense. After all, what was her father's was hers too, right?

Finally, she and the slowpokes reached a clearing. She held up a paw, commanding her minions to wait in the trees for now.

Strutting between the few ramshackle huts, she noticed the lesser beings looking at her in awe, as they should.

"Men of age, willingly hand over your lives. Your greatest achievement will be serving under my father," she barked out her commands before scowling at the disobedience.

Fine, we'll do this the hard way, she grumbled, and with another commanding bark, her minions trotted towards the small village, ready to put these peons in their place.

Before her undead could start wreaking havoc, a man who obviously didn't know better tried to coax her over with a moldy piece of bread in one hand and a rope in the other.

Now she was livid. How dare this savage try to tempt her with such lowly offerings.

Summoning her trusty blade, she flicked her head to the side, sending the menacing blade tumbling through the air before landing where she knew it would hurt the most.

She couldn't stop the snort of amusement from escaping her snout after seeing the man writhing on the ground, clutching his pearls.

Seeing her minions arriving, she turned her back on the frightened mob, a disdainful look on her majestic face.

"Kill the men and anyone that gets in your way," she drawled, making the clumsy undead advance with their spears at the ready.

They tried to fight back, but their measly stone weaponry, at most, pushed the undead back a few steps, not able to penetrate the obsidian flesh.

As her minions terrorized the small settlement, she simply kept an eye on the battle, only needing to chase down the occasional man too cowardly to die fighting, giving them a swift end with a stab to the heart. She knew her father would prefer the bodies intact.

Soon the cries of pain and fear died down, the men lying in puddles of their own blood, women and children cowering behind cover.

Now all that was left was to transport the lot back to the camp. This, of course, wouldn't be on her. No, she needed to supervise her minions on the task. With her beyond-excellent managerial skills, they'd likely be done by dusk.

A New God's Conquest

While Noir and his undead were out handling the tasks he didn't feel like dealing with, Lux poked at the roasting meat hanging over the fire.

Aurora had happily gone out hunting, bringing back some kind of mountain goat, while he spent the time familiarizing himself with the long list of spells he had available.

With the food almost done, Lux figured now was a good time to have a chat with Fem Harry. He also figured he should stop referring to her as 'Fem Harry'; after all, from Voldemort's memories, he knew the girl's name was Rose Potter.

Lux pointed a finger at Rose' unconscious body, a small spark forming at the tip before shooting off at the girl.

"Welcome back to the land of the living," he laughed as the now frizzy-haired girl spluttered awake.

"W-What? Who's there? W-Where am I?" she stammered.

"Over here," Lux waved to get the girl's attention, making her turn to him, hackles raised like some scruffy alley cat.

"Relax, Rose. If I wanted to hurt you, I would have done it while you were sound asleep," he tried to calm her down, only making her even more apprehensive as she drew her wand from her back pocket.

See? This is why he'd been putting this off for so long. He knew it was going to be a hassle.

"H-How do you know my name?" she asked, taking a few steps away.

"Okay, okay, calm down, girl. I'll explain. Let's just say a lot of stuff went down. Dark cave, spooky ghost bursting out of your scar, crazy lady trying to curse me," Lux summarized, sure that his point was succinctly conveyed.

"How is that an explanation!? Wait, never mind that, what did you say about my scar?" Rose questioned, clearly not on the same intellectual level as himself.

Lux let out a sigh. "Fine, girl, let me just show you," he scoffed before waving his hand, the same light mirror he used back in the cave conjured in front of the confused witch.

"My hair!" she screeched, frantically trying to tame the frizzy dark red locks while he covered his ears at the ungodly sound.

"Girl, I think there are more pressing matters at hand than your hairdo," Lux scolded, making her look at him like he was some kind of simpleton.

"Tch, I wouldn't expect you to understand. And stop calling me 'girl,' we look about the same age," Rose protested, making him deadpan at her.

The sad part was that she was right. The body he'd taken over seemed to be in its middle teens. For heaven's sake, even his undead minions towered over his five-foot-nine, manlet height.

"Kids these days… they don't even know how to recognize an old soul," he responded intellectually, making her deadpan right back at him. 

"Okay, enough, just look at your forehead," he slid past the issue, seeing that she couldn't understand where he was coming from.

Finally, the girl listened, taking a closer look and running a finger over the spot where her iconic scar was previously.

"How…" she mumbled, trailing off.

"Like I said, spooky ghost calling himself Voldemort bursting out of your scar," Lux didn't elaborate further.

"You're kidding, right? Was Voldemort really in my head?" she asked, almost despondently.

"Well, a fragment of him was. A nasty bit of magic it was, nothing yours truly couldn't handle though," Lux verbally patted himself on the back.

"And my eyes?" she asked.

"Ah, yes, quite a beautiful set of peepers you got there. Goes great with your lovely red hair," he teased, chuckling at the blush Rose was trying to hide.

"I meant, why can I see clearly without glasses?" she tried to hide her embarrassment.

"You were bleeding out, so I kindly decided to heal you up. My spell must have decided that your poor eyesight had to go."

Rose' attention was drawn back to the mirror as she seemed amazed by her newly perfected vision. Tch, not even a thanks. What was he, chopped liver?

After getting herself together, Rose seemed to come back to her senses, realizing the situation that he'd been distracting her from with his banter.

"Was there an older man?" she asked desperately.

Lux shook his head. "I only found you two near the weird portal," he nodded toward the sleeping Bellatrix, making her look over before her face twisted in rage.

"I'll kill her!!!" Rose ignored him, apparently getting ready to curse the older woman to death.

Before she could start flinging spells, Lux raised a light barrier between the two.

"Girl, we're lost in a foreign world. Now's not the time to be killing each other."

What he left out was that he wanted to keep the woman around because she had a magical snatch… Pun intended.

"You don't know what she's done; what she's capable of," Rose argued before pausing. "Wait, what do you mean, foreign world?"

"It is what it is. This isn't Earth," Lux deadpanned.

"You can't expect me to believe that," Rose said.

"Believe what you will, but with magic, why wouldn't a portal to another world be believable?" Lux questioned, making her think about it.

"Okay, fine. But whether we're in another world or not, this woman can't be trusted," Rose continued pushing for Bellatrix's death.

"Like I said earlier, the two of us got off on the wrong foot, but we've come to a sort of agreement," Lux said as Rose paced around in irritation.

Aurora seemed to sense her distress, walking over to nuzzle her leg, trying to comfort the girl. Obviously, Rose jumped away after being surprised by the little wolf, but after a cute head tilt, she put out a hesitant hand to go for a few pats.

Aurora was such a caring girl. On the other hand, he could feel the mischief Noir was up to through their bond.

"Okay, fine, but show me where you found me. I need to look for any traces of my godfather," she said, now seeming calmed down after stroking the floof.

"Sure, let's go now," he agreed, holding a hand out.

Rose still seemed hesitant. "What's your name, anyway?" she asked.

"Lux," he smiled.

"Fine, let's go, Lux." She grumbled, reluctantly taking the offered hand, trying not to blush at his radiant grin.

Lux's proficiency with Apparition seemed to reach the limit of what wizards in the Harry Potter universe were capable of, this time appearing back in the cave without a sound.

Rose was surprised at the instant teleportation that she could barely notice. Normally she'd be hurling her guts out from the form of magic that seemed to hate her for no reason.

"Lumos Maxima," she heard Lux chant, revealing the cavern with a large archway and countless skeletal bodies.

"Follow me; over here is where you landed," Lux gave her a light nudge.

She was standing in a daze. With her luck, she didn't have high hopes of ever reuniting with her only family member, and after seeing the piles of bones, the dreaded thoughts nearly overwhelmed her.

Reaching where Lux stopped, she looked around in a daze until her heart sank, falling to her knees with tears flowing down her face.

She recognized the clothes on one of the skeletons. There was no doubt, they belonged to her godfather.

Rose was almost too lost in sorrow to notice the comforting hand on her shoulder. She looked up, surprised that it was the first time she saw a serious expression on his face; one that let her know he understood what she was going through.

Somehow the boy her age who had powers beyond anything she'd heard of always seemed to be able to drag her away from her dark thoughts. Sure, most of the time he did so by annoying the hell out of her, but it was better than freaking out and losing her mind.

"Whoever he was to you, I know he wouldn't want you to give up," he comforted, and she couldn't help the small smile that found its way onto her face.

It felt nice knowing that at the very least, she wasn't alone in this place that, if he was right, was a completely different world.

"You're right. He would probably be making jokes about how he ended up as a bag of bones," she said, standing and wiping the tears from her face. "Thanks, Lux, I needed to hear that," she said, making him put on that way-too-attractive grin he always seemed to wear.

"It's my pleasure, Rose," he replied before pointing toward the large archway. "And if you need more of a reason to go on, that's where the portal formed and spat you out. I'm sure that with enough study, I'll be able to recreate the portal. There must be people waiting on the other side for you."

Her face lit up. He was right. Hermione, Ginny—she was beginning to think she'd never see her friends again, but now there was hope.

She couldn't stop herself from reaching out and pulling the person who seemed to have all the answers she needed into a tight hug. He reminded her a little of Hermione for that reason.

"Let's go back; we need to get some food in you," she heard him say before their surroundings seamlessly returned to the familiar camp.

With her head still buried in his shirt, Rose didn't see the especially evil grin on Lux's face.

Heh, it's going to be so much fun corrupting this protagonist, he thought.

Feeling a nudge on his leg, he noticed Aurora giving him a dirty look as if to say, "I like this girl. You better not be planning what I think you're planning."

Lux smiled wryly at that. Okay, fine, maybe just a smidge of corruption, he replied through their soul connection, making the little pup nod her head in satisfaction like she did something grand.

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