So, half an hour of climbing stairs later, the group of four reached the top of the mountain, where a huge castle was located.
"What a curious sight."
The castle itself was nothing special, but Yuna immediately noticed a pirate flag fluttering on top of the castle's highest tower, which she found rather weird. After all, pirate flags were usually attached to ships and not castles. Additionally, if the Marines got wind of a castle flying a pirate flag, there would be a lot of trouble.
While everyone was observing the castle, Yuna could hear weird squeaking footsteps coming from a nearby forest, and after looking for their source, she found a little furry creature with a bag on its back, horns on his head, and wearing a hat walking out of the forest. Seeing the little creature, Yuna nodded in approval.
[I almost feared you unlocked something weird.]
'Don't worry, Kurama, I'm not a degenerate.'
[You aren't?]
'Nope, I'm a degenerate.'
[... I see.]
During their little conversation with Kurama, Luffy and Sanji noticed the furry little creature in the distance, while it also noticed Yuna and the rest, resulting in...
... it screaming in fright and running away.
"Did that little guy just speak our language?"
Hearing Yuna's question, Luffy and Sanjo tilted their heads in thought before nodding in agreement.
"That seems to be the case."
"So cool~ I'll make it join our crew!"
While Sanji was only mildly surprised, Luffy instantly became excited and decided to make the little creature part of his pirate crew.
Yuna, on the other hand, had different thoughts as she used her senses to take a closer look, making her a little excited.
'I see, the little guy has eaten a Devil Fruit. Very good! From the feeling I'm getting, I've finally found a fruit that gives me a somewhat similar feeling to Luffy's. Now I just need to find out what kind of fruit the little guy has eaten.'
While Yuna was deep in thought, the Straw Hat Pirates approached the castle. Before they could reach it, a woman with long gray hair who clearly was in the later stages of life but dressed like a rebellious teenager stepped out of the castle gates. She took a sip from a bottle clearly filled with alcohol she was holding before she started speaking.
"It seems like you are scared of my reindeer; what do you people want?"
While Yuna quickly assumed that the woman in front of them was very likely to be the doctor Kureha they were looking for, Luffy stepped forward with a confident smile.
"I'm Monkey D Luffy, and I'm going to be the Pirate King. I want that little reindeer to join m..."
That was as far as he got before Yuna smacked the back of his head.
"Oww! Why did that hurt!"
"Because a pervert's hands penetrates all defenses."
Luffy, not understanding why Yuna's "attack" hurt despite him being made out of rubber, could only pout at her explanation, which he didn't understand either.
Sanji, on the other hand, was pretty sure that Yuna had just made an innuendo but didn't comment on her words either.
Ignoring the duo, Yuna stepped forward and started speaking to Kureha.
"Sorry about your reindeer, but w..."
"Chopper. His name is Chopper."
"Right. We honestly only looked at him, and he started running away. As for why we are here, one of our crew mates suffers from Five-Day Disease, and we were told by a doctor that you could cure her."
"Oh? Five-Day Disease? That's supposed to be extinct since hundreds of years ago. Were you running around a prehistoric island or something like that?"
"Yup, we spend some time on Little Garden."
Hearing Yuna's words, Kureha nodded in understanding. Obviously, she was aware of the island close by, so she knew about Little Garden. However, what surprised her a little was that people came here from Little Garden, as that was not the usual way. When people entered the Grand Line, the islands they were supposed to go through were set, and Drum Island usually wasn't the island one had to go through after Little Garden.
'Fascinating. Did they get here by chance? One of their crewmates got sick, and they coincidently arrived at an island renowned for its advanced medical care. Hehe, as expected of a D.'
"I see, no problem. I can cure your crewmate, but that won't be cheap, hehe~"
As those words left Kureha's mouth, she started chuckling while rubbing her thumb and index finger together, to which Yuna only shrugged her shoulders. Money has always been pretty much meaningless to her.
"Chopper, come here! We have a patient!"
Seeing that Yuna was agreeing, Kureha called Chopper, who walked out of the castle as soon as he heard Kureha calling him. However, this time, instead of being a small furry creature, he looked like a tiny reindeer with a blue nose.
"SO COOL!!!"
Hearing Luffy suddenly yelling, Chopper cringed a little and took a step back. However, a fist suddenly descended onto Luffy's head sending him crushing into the ground.
Naturally, that fist belonged to Kureha, who moved surprisingly fast and smashed Luffy into the ground. Frankly, Yuna could have stopped her but didn't. Instead, she moved at lightning speed and removed Nami from his back.
"Hey there, doctor, careful with the patient."
Kureha only huffed in disdain hearing Yuna's scolding. If Luffy still had Nami on his back, she wouldn't have hit him so hard in the first place. No matter how rough she handled people, she was always careful with her patients.
"Anyway, let's get into the castle."
Nodding her head, Yuna placed Nami on Chopper's back, who quickly walked away under Yuna's curious eyes.
"Did he eat a Devil Fruit?"
"Mhh? Chopper? Yeah, he ate the Zoan Type Human-Human fruit."
"Zoan Type? As expected, there are different categories of Devil Fruits. Can you tell me more about that?"
"Tsk If you are looking for a teacher, you have to look somewhere else."
Seeing Kureha's annoyed expression, Yuna briefly frowned before a sly smile appeared on her face. Out of nowhere, a bottle appeared in Yuna's hand as she approached Kureha again.
"Hehe, don't be like that, sister. Look, let's have a nice drink and chat about these things~"
Initially, Kuraha only scoffed at Yuna trying to butter up to her, but the words of disdain she was about to speak quickly got struck in her throat when she saw the bottle Yuna was holding.
'Damn, that is some excellent stuff!'
"Hehe, I was just kidding, just kidding~ Let's chat a little. What do you want to know about."
As Yuna handed the bottle to Kureha, who took it with an excited expression, she couldn't help but smile.
'Haa~ Bribery~ I feel like I'm meeting an old friend~'
[It really has been a while, huh?]
'Yeah, with overwhelming power, there is rarely a chance to use it, after all.'
Of course, the bottle of alcohol wasn't the only thing that swayed Kureha's opinion. Although she tended to claim to be still young, having a young and beautiful woman like Yuna calling her "sister" certainly tickled her fancy as well.
So, the little group was approaching the castle, and Kureha started explaining the different kinds of Devil Fruits out there.
Zoan Type, which allowed the person who ate it to transform into three different forms of the animal associated with the fruit while generally making the person who ate it tougher.
Paramecia Type, which granted all kinds of wacky abilities, from seemingly something entirely useless to utterly ridiculous things. Yuna was the type that believed that there were no useless abilities, only people who didn't know how to use them properly, but it was still a little early for her to judge how that worked out in this world.
Finally, there were Logia Type Devil Fruits, which basically turned the person who ate them into the element associated with the fruit, making it almost impossible to physically hurt them.
Hearing Kureha's explanation, multiple thoughts instantly popped up in Yuna's head, covering all kinds of things she had experienced so far.
'Okay, first of all, from what I have just heard, Luffy's Gum-Gum Fruit is, without a possibility of doubt, a Paramecia. However, if that is the case, why does it feel so similar to Chopper's Fruit, which clearly is a Zoan Type?
Clearly, people like that clown guy and the bogger guy have eaten Paramecia Type fruits, but if that is the case, why do they feel similar to each other but not similar to Luffy? Why does Luffy's fruit feel like a Zoan Type?
In fact, I've met quite a few Paramecia Types by now, but none of them felt as similar to each other as Luffy's supposedly Gum-Gum Fruit and Chopper's Human-Human Fruit.
Mhh~ Human-Human Fruit Type: Rubber Man. Something like that?'
[What kind of human is "Rubber Man" supposed to be?]
'True, that doesn't match the title of "Zoan". The only thing I can guess is that Luffy has eaten a Zoan Fruit of some human-like tribe whose body is rubber-like.'
[Does something like that exist?]
'How am I supposed to know? I only just got here a few weeks ago as well.'
However, as soon as her dialogue with Kurama ended, something else popped into her mind, making her remember Luffy's affinity to the sun.
'That being said, I remember people from my first life that are at least a little similar. Their bodies weren't rubber-like, but they were people clad in all-white who worshipped the stars. They liked to play around with reality a little too much, so one day, they managed to wipe themself out. There are not many similarities with Luffy, but the sun affinity and the reality-defining body are at least somewhat similar. I wonder~'
[Mhh? What was the name of that tribe.]
Hearing Kurama's question, Yuna puffed out her chest as she confidently answered his question.
'The Neko Tribe!'
'Yes, Nako!'
[Wasn't it Neko?]
'Yes, it was Niko!'
[... You don't remember at all, do you?]
'... Fine, you win. I don't remember their name. However, you have to cut me some slack here. None of their tribe was part of my harem!'
[That... is honestly a little surprising.]
'Yeah, they had already managed to wipe themself out before I heard of them.'
[That explains how they managed to get away from your harem: suicide.]
'More like self-genocide, but yeah, that was what had happened.'
Closing that topic with those words, Yuna couldn't help but allow her mind to wander in another direction, namely, Smoker, who she had met in Louge Town.
That man had clearly eaten a Logia Devil Fruit, but despite Kureha claiming that those who have eaten a Logia Devil Fruit are immune to physical attacks, Yuna clearly managed to hit him.
'Just like that, more mysteries pop up. Could I hit him because that other guy was holding him with some kind of ability that stops Devil Fruit Powers? Or maybe I could hit him since it was a surprise attack and he wasn't aware of my presence? The last option would be that I could deal damage to him because my attack was filled with my intent. Just like Obito in my previous life, my attack went through despite the enemy supposedly being immune to it.
Mhh. It's a pity I didn't have more time to test a few things with Smoker. I would have loved to experiment with that kind of interesting ability for a bit. That being said, wasn't there someone whose whole body was made out of water in my previous life as well? What was his name again? Sue... Saui... Sui... err, whatever. There certainly was someone like that, and using intent worked against that dude as well, so there is that.
I really hope I find another Logia user to bully cough... test a few things on soon~'
A groan escaped Nami's mouth as she slowly woke up, still feeling sluggish.
"Good morning, sleepy princess."
Hearing a familiar voice, Nami slowly opened her eyes and immediately noticed Yuna smiling at her. Briefly, Nami was confused about where she was, but after remembering how she got sick and felt unconscious, she slowly realized her situation, causing her to smile.
"Seems like I made it to a doctor, huh?"
"Nope, this is the afterlife. You made it to paradise, where all your dreams come true. Namely, getting endlessly pampered by me."
"There is no way this is para..."
Before Nami could finish that sentence, Yuna took out a bundle of banknotes and gave them to Nami.
"Here, 100000 Beli."
"Okay, this might be paradise."
Hearing Nami quickly changing her mind after getting some money, Yuna couldn't help but chuckle in amusement, resulting in Nami doing the same while swiftly stowing away the money she just got, clearly not intending to give it back.
Yuna could only smile wryly at that, not commenting on Nami casually pocketing the money Yuna used in her joke. Well, Yuna never really cared much about money in the first place, so whatever.
'100000 Beli for a joke, huh? That's quite expensive.'
[Is it?]
'... I have no idea.'
Well, in the end, Yuna just got here, so it was not like she knew how much 100000 Beli actually were. Sanji handled the food, her two swords were for free, and the tone dial was such a unique trinket that its price was hard to judge in the first place.
While that little interaction between Yuna and Nami was happening, loud noises could suddenly be heard in the background, and seconds later, a small reindeer with a blue nose could be seen running past the door of the room Nami was inside, quickly followed by Luffy, running after it.
Seeing that, Nami's gaze landed on Yuna, question marks floating above her head. Clearly, she wanted to know what was going on, yet again causing Yuna to chuckle in amusement.
"The little guy is called Chopper. He has eaten a Devil Fruit, allowing him to transform into three different forms, which instantly causes Luffy to get interested in him. He has been trying to make him part of the crew since then."
Hearing the explanation about what was going on, Nami smiled wryly, already somewhat used to her Captain's antics. Frankly, sometimes she really wondered what she was thinking following someone as rampant as Luffy, but at the end of the day, she could only chuckle in amusement while deciding that if she got a chance, she would help Luffy recruit Chopper.
As Nami reached that conclusion, Yuna continued talking, unbothered by the loud noise in the background.
"Frankly, I hope that Chopper joins us as well. I'm pretty sure Luffy hasn't even realized it yet, but the little guy is actually quite a competent doctor.
"Oh? A doctor?"
"Hehe, are you trying to poach Chopper away from me?"
Suddenly, Kureha entered the room, seemingly having heard the conversation between Yuna and Nami, to which Yuna could only shrug her shoulders.
"It's what he yearns for, after all."
Although Yuna claimed that Chopper wanted to join them, no matter how she looked at it, Nami couldn't believe it because of the background noise. Clearly, Chopper didn't want to join the crew.
However, hearing Yuna's words, Kureha squinted her eyes and looked at Yuna deeply.
"How do you know about that?"
There was a lot of doubt in Kureha's voice, but Yuna couldn't care less and only shrugged her shoulders in indifference.
"I'm good at reading people. Very good. It's easy to see that Chopper doesn't want to become a pirate because something is holding him back from doing so while deep down, traveling the seas is his dream."
Following those words, the room grew silent...
"JOIN ME!!!"
Well, it was as silent as a place where two people chasing each other could be. Anyway, while Nami clearly doubted Yuna's words, Kureha looked at her deeply, clearly surprised by Yuna's words. The silence continued a little longer before a deep sigh escaped Kuraha's mouth.
"Sigh I'm impressed how good you are at looking at people's real intentions. Indeed, Chopper has a sickness of the heart. A disease that prevents him from setting sail. If you can cure his disease, then take him with you to the seas and allow him to chase his dreams."
Following those words, Kureha started talking about Chopper's backstory. He described how he was shunned by his fellow reindeer due to his blue nose and Devil Fruit, and humans didn't accept him either because they thought he was a monster. Then, he told the story of how he met a certain quack doctor, how their relationship evolved, and finally, how the doctor's life ended.
As soon as Kureha ended her story, Yuna nodded in understanding. At the same time, Nami couldn't help but feel sad for everything Chopper had to go through so far, which cements her decision to help Luffy convince Chopper even further.
"I see, a disease of the heart indeed. The little guy has been shunned all his life, as everyone continues calling him a monster."
Following those words, Yuna briefly became silent before nodding her head with confidence.
"Alright, Chopper will join our crew."
"Oioi, why are you ignoring everything I've said so far? Making Chopper join you won't be easy. However, hearing Kureha's worries, Yuna looked at her weirdly.
"What are you talking about? I've decided that he will join us, so he will obviously join us. It's not like it's his decision to make."
"I'm pretty sure it is!"
"Mah, in the worst-case scenario, I'll just con him into it. No big deal."
"Mah, don't be like that. When I'm done manipulating him, he will think he made that choice by himself."
While Kureha was getting ready for combat due to Yuna's words, Chopper hastily entered the room.
"It's bad! Wapol is back!"
Hearing Chopper's words, Kureha gave Yuna a nasty look before following Chopper out to confront Wapol. Seeing that interaction, Nami couldn't help but roll her eyes while glaring at Yuna.
"Why are you always stirring up trouble? There was no need to handle the situation like that."
"Hehe, because it's fun~"
Sighing deeply while facepalming, Nami decided to switch to a different topic.
"I'm not sure who that Wapol guy is, but shouldn't you help them fight?"
"Nah, it's just a small fry. We have already met the guy while you were sick, and Luffy pretty much one-shot him. Luffy and Sanji can handle the situation."
Feeling confident in Yuna's words, Nami simply nodded her head in understanding. Since Yuna believed that there was no problem, Nami was satisfied.
Moments later, canon shots could be heard, followed by some explosions and tremors, causing Yuna to frown. Expanding her senses, Yuna could feel Luffy standing on top of the castle, holding a pirate flag while being shot at with cannonballs.
'What is that idiot doing? Just punch his lights out and be done with it.'
Unsatisfied with Luffy's performance, Yuna couldn't help but frown. However, seeing that frown, Nami immediately became worried.
"Is something wrong, Yuna?"
Realizing that she was worrying Nami, a smile quickly reappeared on Yuna's face, and she resumed talking while gently petting Nami's head.
"Hehe, sorry for worrying you, but I'm just a little annoyed that Luffy is playing around instead of just instantly finishing his opponent."
While squinting her eyes due to enjoying Yuna petting her head, Nami nodded in understanding. After all, Luffy tended to goof around a little too much at the start of combat, only to reveal his real strength later on.
So, while Nami was almost purring due to Yuna stroking her head gently, Luffy, Sanji, and Chopper were fighting Wapol and his men.
However, while Sanji dealt with cannon fodders and Chopper showed his seven different transformations, Luffy had stars in his eyes as he watched Chopper's display, allowing Wapol to escape.
So, while Yuna was pampering Nami, the door to the room suddenly opened, revealing Wapol and causing Yuna and Nami to frown. Well, Yuna frowned, as Nami was currently in a state of bliss due to Yuna's divine petting skills that even the mighty Kyuubi no Youko feared.
Anyway, seeing two women getting cozy with each other, Wapol smiled as he approached the duo.
"Hehe, perfect. Two hostages is exactly what I need right now."
Seeing Wapol and hearing his words, Yuna rolled her eyes as she decided to ignore him completely, angering him.
"How dare you ignore this kin..."
That was as far as he got before an ice pillar grew from the ground, smashing into his stomach and sending him flying out of the room. Suddenly hearing some noise, Nami got out of her daze and looked around in confusion.
"What was that."
"Mhh? What are you talking about?"
"Didn't something happen just now?"
"No clue. I didn't notice anything."
"Mhh? Okay~"
Nami wanted to ask a few more questions, but before she could do so, Yuna petting her head changed into Yuna massaging her shoulders, almost causing her to moan in pleasure. So, filled with a feeling of comfort, Nami decided to not ask any more questions.
Meanwhile, Luffy, who had noticed that Wapol slipped away after Chopper finished his enemy with his transformations, was frantically running through the castle, looking for him.
However, while he was searching, a loud impact sound could be heard before he noticed Wapol flying in his direction. He could vaguely guess that that was Yuna's doing somehow, but he didn't ponder the issue too long as his arms stretched backward.
"Gomo-Gomo-Nooooo... BAZOOKA!!!"
Before Wapol could stabilize himself and figure out what was happening, Luffy's hands smashed into him, sending him flying out of the door and into the distance.
Seeing Wapol being sent flying away, Luffy nodded in satisfaction. He disliked Wapol a lot because he showed no respect for a pirate's flag, so sending him flying away felt rather good to him.
Simultaneously, Chopper and Sanji followed him, and seeing Luffy sending Wapol flying away, Chopper couldn't help but be in awe of his strength.
Seeing the expression on Chopper's face, a smirk appeared on Luffy's face as he adjusted his straw hat on his head.
"Chopper, join my crew!"
Hearing Luffy inviting him to his crew yet again, tears almost welled up in Chopper's eyes, but in the end, he still shook his head in denial.
"I-I can't. I-I'm a reindeer, and I'm weird a-and I have a blue nose. I ca..."
While stammering out all kinds of reasons that Luffy couldn't care less about, Luffy lost the little patience he had and screamed his thoughts out loud.
Unlike a certain cyborg in the feature, who needed a little bit of CBT to change his opinion, Chopper was luckily easier to convince, resulting in tears streaming down his face as he accepted Luffy's offer.
Naturally, Luffy was happy that Chopper finally accepted his invitation. However, even now, Luffy still hasn't realized that Chopper is actually a skilled doctor. Currently, the only reason he wanted Chopper to join his crew was that he thought having a reindeer with seven different transformations as part of his crew was cool.
Sanji, on the other hand, was already thinking up a few dishes he could transform the crew's new "emergency supply" into, causing hills to go down Chopper's spine.
Meanwhile, Kureha couldn't help but smile seeing Chopper agreeing to join the Straw Hat Pirates.
'As expected of one carrying the Will of D. Even Chopper's disease of the heart can be cured by them.
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