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21.56% Game of Thrones: Orphan / Chapter 11: No More Kneeling

Capítulo 11: No More Kneeling

AN: Main Character will be referred as Rody from now on, for convenience.


298 AC, Winterfell…

Years had been kind to Rody. He had everything he wished from life; a place to call home, a warm bed to sleep, a lord he wished to serve, and friends he could trust with his life.

His first days in the castle were challenging as many guards looked at him with only disdain due to his age. He was too young for a man of his position but that did not stop him.

He woke up earlier than everyone and worked harder than every one of them. He proved his mettle with his hard work. Even Lord Stark was impressed with his persistence.

After several months, he became a prominent figure amongst the household guards. His skill knew no bounds as even the thin number of knights under Ser Rodrik Cassel could not beat him together.

However, he only proved himself as the best when he was escorting Lord Stark in the first year of his service. They were returning from the Wall as Lord Stark visited the Night's Watch to see the deteriorating situation of the order.

They were set upon by a raiding party of Wildlings. Rody slayed a dozen of them just by himself. If not for Rody, one of them would have gutted Lord Stark from behind.

Rody was rewarded not only with gratitude, monetary reward, and a boon but also with an education he would never have received as a common man. He was permitted to watch the lessons of Maester Luwin, though Rody never understood what he was going to use these knowledge for.

Even Lady Stark who despised him for his relation with Jon came to accept him. However, the best part of his job was not these things but his friendship with the lord's bastard, Jon Snow.

Jon was his best friend and he considered himself Jon's only friend beside his brother. Of course, there was also the squid which he hated to the bone. He was the spawn of those Ironborn who caused the death of his father.

Although Rody hated the boy, there was nothing he could do. Theon Greyjoy was a noble while he, Rody, was nothing but a peasant. He was reminding this to Rody at every turn. Of course, the reason for that was none other than Rody's skill with sword as he beat the squid black and blue at every chance in the yard.

As for the boon he was offered by Lord Stark, Rody used it for something unexpected. He requested of Lord Stark to allow him to train several men as an elite force. Rody dreamed of having a band of brothers with Jon since coming to the castle.

He gathered his old friends who were idling their years in Wintertown and began to give them the hellish training he was subjected to by Uncle Duncan. However, just training them was not an option as the coins spent for their training was not a meager amount. Thus, they were tasked with roaming the North and hunting bandits.

Three year's hard work was all needed to be done and there were no bandits left in the whole North for fear of facing the greycloaks. The smallfolk named them greycloaks, obviously because of their cloak's color.

Rody was very stingy with their spending so most of them had to wear a gray cloak and that became their symbol.

Their effectiveness impressed Lord Stark so he gave them more allowance. However, Rody did not spend the coins to recruit more men. Instead, he spent them training his men harder. Sometimes, they would leave for a few months and won't return until their bodies were covered in scars.

No folk knew where they were going or what they were doing. However, one thing was certain… They were returning with skills few could master in a castle.

Although their numbers were as low as hundred men, all of them trusted each other with their lives and all of them had the skill to contend with at least five knights.

Although the one leading the men was Rody, they were represented by Lord Stark's bastard, Jon Snow. Giving a lowborn the command of more than fifty men was too much even for Lord Stark so he put his bastard son as their commander to lower the possible reaction from the nobles.

Besides, by putting his bastard in charge of these men, he was making sure that they stayed loyal to his house and served no other family.

Rody did not have any objections to this decision as Jon was his friend and someone he would wish to fight side by side. After all, Jon valued his advice greatly and despite his status, he did not belittle him and his men. However, Jon did not become part of their dangerous tasks as that was forbidden by Lord Stark in silence.

The next few years passed peacefully with some small tasks. Rody did not lose even a single man during this time.

And today they were given another task. The king was coming to Winterfell and they were charged with assisting the household guards in securing every passage in the castle and the Wintertown.

"Right away, Lady Stark." Rody bowed his head and left the room with another following him.

"Take five men with you and deal with it." Rody said to the man beside him.

"You know, this shouldn't be our job." The man following Rody complained quietly. "Carrying wine barrels is not something we should do."

"Cut the crap, Benny." Rody snorted, "Even if Lady Stark asks us to clean their pots, that is what we are going to do."

"We both know all of these are because of Jon's presence amongst us. Lady Stark hates him." Benny looked around and whispered quietly, "I heard that septa talking to Lady Stark about how we are working for the bastard and how we are going to help him to steal the castle. I tell you that woman is crazy, I don't know why Lord Stark allows someone like her to teach her children."

"It is not our place to judge them." Rody stopped and looked at Benny sternly, "Remember the first thing I have taught you?"

"Yes, yes…" Benny rolled his eyes as he repeated Rody's words exactly as he heard, "Our duty is defending House Stark from any harm. We are sworn to obey the lord's and his family's commands, to keep their secrets, to counsel them when requested and to keep silent when not, and to defend their name and honor."

"Now go and carry the barrels to the kitchen with others." Rody said. "After that you can have a good drink with other boys in the inn."

"Aye, aye, captain." Benny went away with a wide smirk on his face. This was a tactic that always worked on Rody. He was annoying Rody with their orders until he gave them some time to relax after the job.

Rody sighed as he watched Benny leaving. Today was going to be very busy as the king was already seen in Castle Cerwyn more than a day ago. At first, Rody was charged with assisting Jory Cassel, captain of the guards. However, seeing that everything was in order, Rody's men were charged with assisting Lady Stark in organizing the castle.

Honestly, Rody dreaded these boring jobs and, instead of forcing them to waste his men's time with these things, he wished to train them.

However, fate was cruel as he still remembered the things that were said between Lord Stark and Lady Stark.

Lord Stark's insistence on putting Jon as their leader was something Lady Stark opposed vehemently. She even had the gall to propose Brandon Stark as their possible leader but Lord Stark was quick to put down such an offer.

Men would not have followed a boy who just left his mother's teats. Besides, Jon was the perfect candidate as he had some past with most of the greycloaks and they considered him a friend.

After two weeks of quarrel, Lady Stark yielded but she had a condition and that was, Brandon Stark leading them when he comes of age.

Of course, Rody did not have anything to say about this matter. After all, he was just a peasant and despite Lord Stark putting someone in charge of him and his men, the boys he grew up with knew who to listen to.

As Rody was thinking about these, he finally arrived at the yard. Jon was ordering some greycloaks to clean out the yard for the arrival of the king. From target boards to arms rack with wooden swords, everything was moved away.

"Commander," Rody bowed his head in greeting, "Lady Stark wished us to carry some wine barrels to the kitchen. I sent Benny and a few men to deal with the job."

"Hmm," Jon nodded his head, "The yard is nearly cleared out, I saw Brandon climbing up the battlements. Can you check him out? I would have sent someone else but you are the only one he listens to."

"Sure," Rody turned around to leave but he nearly tripped seeing the white direwolf and sighed, "Ohh, Ghost, when did you get behind me!?"

Jon smiled when he saw Rody getting surprised at Ghost's presence. He went beside Ghost and patted his head, "Good boy, always sneak behind them. Don't attack them blatantly."

"Hmph," Rody snorted and went away while muttering, "I swear day grows every day. He won't be able to sneak after a month, you will see."

The wolves were a surprise to Rody. At first, Rody thought that they were wild dog pups brought in by Lord Stark and did not believe that they were direwolves. However, soon he realized his mistake as the wolves grew larger each day.

Rody was excited about the day that Jon was going to join them for some hunting across the North with Ghost. He was certain Ghost was going to be their most effective member.

Rody climbed the stairs and reached the battlements. He raised his head and saw Brandon looking at the Kingsroad with wide eyes.

"Little lordling, come down. Your brother calls for you!" Rody yelled.

Brandon turned his head and looked at Rody. Then, he climbed down and reached beside Rody with an excited smile on his face.

"I saw the king, he was at the head of the convoy." Brandon was jumping up and down.

"Is that so?" Rody turned his head to look at the outside and saw the king's convoy coming close to the castle. "Then, what are you waiting for? Go tell your mother and father."

Brandon nodded his head and tried to climb down the wall. However, Rody yelled for him to use the stairs so Brandon rushed down using them without any hesitation.

Rody sighed and followed the little lordling. He came beside Jon and told him about the king's convoy.

Jon quickly ordered his men standing in the yard to take their places. Rody saw Lady Stark and Lord Stark coming out from the castle with the rest of the household following their steps.

Lady Stark frowned upon seeing Jon and direwolf and whispered something to Lord Stark's ear furiously. Lord Stark pressed his lips together and nodded his head.

Rody saw Lady Stark coming towards them so he nudged Jon on the side to let him know.

"Captain Rody, I heard there was some trouble in the kitchens. Will you take your commander and sort it out before our guests take their place in the halls?" Lady Stark spoke sternly.

"Of course, my lady." Rody said and grabbed Jon from the arm to drag him towards the kitchens.

Considering Jon was the superior of Rody, what Lady Stark did was a great disrespect towards him. However, nothing was said about it as even the order itself was meant to keep Jon away.

Rody kept his thoughts to himself as he dragged Jon inside the castle with a white wolf following them. After all, it was not his place to judge the lady of the house.

"I don't understand why she insists on it like this?" Jon creased his brows and looked like a wronged child. He turned his head to Rody and asked, "You know me, do you think I am someone who would betray his own kin?"

Rody sighed and stopped at his tracks, "Tell me Jon, who is your father?"

Jon looked at Rody questioningly, "Of course, it is Lord Stark."

"Yes, you are the bastard son of Eddard Stark." Jon's face twitched at being called a bastard so blatantly but Rody did not stop, "Even if you save that woman from certain death, she won't come to love you."

"You know it, but you still seek acceptance from her, something she will never give to you. Besides, no matter what she says, your place is with your family." Rody continued walking, "Now, stop groveling like a lost child and prove with your actions that she is wrong."

"Hmph," Jon snorted, "I know why the king has come here. The whole North knows that the king intends to ask Lord Stark to become his Hand. And I know what will happen to me once Lord Stark goes to the South as he would never allow me to go with him."

"Don't worry, I already spoke with Lord Stark. He is taking twenty of us with him. I asked him to allow you to come with us, considering that you are coming of age a year later. A taste of summer before it flees will be good for you." Rody patted Jon on the back as Jon's eyes grew wide, "Though he had a condition…"

"What is it?" Jon's excitement was cut short.

"Well, he did not tell me." Rody silked his shoulders. "He said he will tell you about it when the time comes."

"Ohh…" Gone was Jon's brooding face and a questioning one taken its place.

Rody laughed and said, "Come, I heard they made blueberry pie in the kitchen."

A belly full of wine and food was all Rody needed for a good sleep at night. However, today was getting boring as it seemed. He was charged with keeping watch over Lord Stark's heir by his commander.

They were at the yard watching Brandon Stark and the young prince swathing swords at each other. Watching them was a little entertaining but Rody did not take any joy from standing guard like a sentry.

In the end, little Stark defeated the young prince and stood over him like he was going to finish him off. Just as Brandon was going to swing his sword down, Ser Rodrik Cassel yelled for him to stop and pulled the young prince to his feet. He told his men to help the little lords to take off their armors.

Then, their places were taken by the Stark heir and Prince Joffrey. Although Rody did not mind what was happening, he was aware of the growing quarrel between the two.

Rody wished things stayed only with fights between words but it was to no avail. Seeing the dog of the crown prince putting his hand on his sword and coming towards his charge, Rody naturally went forward and put himself between the Hound and Robb Stark.

He knew doing this was very dangerous for someone of his position as he was literally going against the crown prince and his personal guard but his duty was to House Stark and he knew Lord Stark would do everything he could for someone his caliber.

"Enough of this farce, I will have no blood shed in my watch!" However, before something could happen Ser Rodrik Cassel bellowed out and separated the two groups. "Rody, back down."

Rody snorted and pulled his hand back from his sword.

"You were lucky, boy…" The Hound eyed the young man before him and returned beside his prince.

Both sides were looking at each other vehemently but, in the end, the yard was left for the guards as the nobles left towards the castle.

"Rody, come with me. I have something to talk about with you." said Ser Rodrik.

"Unfortunately, I was charged with the protection of Lord Robb so we will have to talk another time." Rody spoke while watching Lord Robb from a distance.

"Send one of your men instead, this is very important." Ser Rodrik insisted.

Rody grumbled but, still, motioned with his head to three of his men and followed Ser Rodrik inside the castle.

"What is it about?" Rody asked, "Something to do about what I did earlier?"

Ser Rodrik did not give any reply and continued to walk. They went into the great hall. The king and Lord Stark were there sitting at the table while talking to each other.

"Wait for me here," Ser Rodrik said and went forward towards Lord Stark and whispered to his ear for a while.

Lord Stark frowned and looked at Rody. He excused himself from the king and rose to his feet.

Ser Rodrik beckoned with his hand towards Rody as he followed his lord from behind. Three of them climbed the stairs of the castle and arrived at Lord Stark's own solar.

Lord Stark sat at his desk while Ser Rodrik and Rody waited on their feet. He pulled out some documents from the stacks of paper on his desk and looked them over.

Lord Stark turned his gaze to Ser Rodrik and then to Rody. "Do you know why you are here?"

"I believe it is about the quarrel in the yard." Rody asked as he creased his brows. This shouldn't have been such a huge occurrence.

"Yes and no," said Lord Stark. "From what I heard, you did the right thing by protecting Robb but going against a noble, even if that noble is just a guard, is not something you should have done. I am not even talking about that noble being the personal guard of the crown prince."

"I know how my actions could cause a big problem, my lord. However, I will do the same thing, if it happens again. The safety of your family is most paramount." said Rody without an ounce of emotion on his face.

Lord Stark looked at him stoically while Ser Rodrik smiled slightly.

"Your skill with a sword is rare one, Rody." Ser Rodrik butted in, "If guided well, you could rise well above everyone. Already, you can beat many men who fought in wars."

"And it is this skill with a sword that will create trouble for you," Lord Stark continued Ser Rodrik's words, "That is why we have spoken with Ser Rodrik after I have accepted the king's offer."

Lord Stark's hand went to the brooch on his chest which symbolized his position as the Hand of the King. "King's Landing is a nest of vipers. A small mistake you make will be the death of you with many others who will be standing beside you."

He turned the papers he was looking for towards Rody and said, "That is why we have decided to knight you for your service to House Stark. Although we were planning to do it when we were out of the North to prevent rumors rising here, your recent actions forced my hand. From the looks of it, if we do make you a knight, you will be dead before you can even leave Winterfell."

Rody stood shocked and did not know what to say. His mouth hung open as he looked at Lord Stark and Ser Rodrik.

"My lord, I… I don't think this is right…" Rody spoke with a stammer.

"Not right?" Lord Stark raised an eyebrow, "Someone who achieves even a tenth of what you do would have been knighted right away in the South. You should have been knighted after you saved me from being stabbed by that wildling. It is not a custom in the North but the fact that the knighthood gives some privileges is not something that could be dismissed. And that is what we are going to use."

"Kneel," Ser Rodrik pulled out his sword, "Stop gawking and kneel!"

Rody came to his senses hearing the loud voice of Ser Rodrik and quickly knelt on the ground. As the sword was put on his shoulders, the words unique to the northern knighthood were spoken. When Rody rose to his feet, he was no peasant, he was a noble now.


Any advice for House name and banner?

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