The entire time, she just lets me. After which, I quickly wash myself. Then I dry her first with a new towel, and I pat myself dry after. Next, I dry her hair with a blow dryer. She stands in front of the bathroom mirror with me behind her, lightly blowing warm air on her head and tossing her locks with my fingers. When I'm satisfied, I turn off the dryer.
"Don't you want to hit me?" she speaks for the first time since, looking at me through our reflection in the mirror. "Yell at me? Scold me for hitting you and not trusting you? You don't… You don't even want me to give you a blow job."
I momentarily freeze and then blow out a sigh as I turn her to face me. There are unshed tears in her eyes that hold a lot more things she couldn't say, I bet. I tip her chin up with my fingers and gaze into her eyes, making sure she understands me when I speak.
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