A century ago monsters know as Sin manifested on Earth wreaking havoc throughout the human civilization. Slowly, like a stain that grew over time, the Sins began to take over the human continents. Humans threatened with extinction, evolved to gain supernatural powers, but the Sins were overwhelmingly strong and only seemed to get stronger over time.
They badly needed a hero to save them all from imminent extinction.
This was when Sicarius Venia, a man who had been revived through thousands of worlds is reborn on Earth. But this time not as a savior, his mission was the complete opposite; the extinction of every lifeform in the planet.
Watch as Sicarius enters Earth in its time of need. Growing strong in the guidance of those that he will eventually massacre. Will he obey his God and destroy the world to achieve his goals, or will fate stray him away from his plans?
DISCLAIMER: I do not own the image used as the cover of my story.
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This will be an experimental novel of mine. I will make this with the intention to reach the books ending even if there are some things that don't make sense or chapters that aren't written good. I reviewed this novel based on what I think of it you can choose to read it and see for yourself what it's rating should be.