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37.17% Fictional Chat Group - All-girls Only Edition / Chapter 56: Everyone has their own plans

Capítulo 56: Everyone has their own plans

After finishing dating with Remia, Eleonora and the green-haired widow go back with some souvenirs on the way back, which, of course, the bags full of things that Yue and others like already stored inside Eleonora convenient skill can make any person, especially housewives, jealous of that. The young girl with long bluish hair put it on her [Inventory] skill since she doesn't want troubling Remia and herself to carry many of that by themselves.

When they arrived at the castle, Yue and others warmly welcome them, including Luluaria and Liliana, who was with the group while Eliheid is currently out of the country since he has some important matter that he should be handle. Luluaria told her that her husband would come back in a month, and he already gives Eleonora some authority while he isn't in the Heiligh Kingdom.

The level of authority Eleonora has at the same as King. More like she is temporary since Eliheid doesn't trust his daughter, a young girl, to be burdened with it, and his only son is out of the question. He also doesn't want to temporarily hand it over to his wife since, in his view that Luluaria isn't suited to this task, and even if he has only known Eleonora for a short time; he can see that Eleonora is someone that fit for this and give the role to the young chairman until he comes back after finished dealing with his business outside of Kingdom.

Although it's a stupid move to entrust someone he barely knows to an important role.

Hearing that, Eleonora felt a bit relieved and stunned when Luluaria kissed her openly in front of her friends. The shocked faces of them were really amusing, and even Liliana couldn't believe that her dearest mother would do something like that with Eleonora, considering that her mother still has a husband. It's not like Luluaria is a widow or sort.

'M-Mother… she kissed Eleonora-sama… she is cheating from Father… and yet, I find it okay.'

A dust pinks on her cheeks when seeing it and whispered, 'Oh my' in surprise.

Being kissed lovingly ignite some fire in Eleonora and made the long bluish haired young girl kissed the married woman back as they were kissing for a few minutes before it changed to passionate with how eager the blonde-haired woman want to taste the lips of her new lover; she even deepen the kisses that they shared until they broke it since the oxygen was running out from them.

The audience, which is only Eleonora's group and Liliana, has their cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Still, the harem of Eleonora, which is Yue, Shea, and Shizuku, send jealous glares at the mother of Liliana and the queen of Heilig Kingdom because they are pissed and jealous at the same time.

She noticed it, but Luluaria prefers to ignore the glares that were directed at her and just licking her lips seductively and looked straight at her new lover with a confident smile before saying something to Eleonora.

"Sorry for that, Eleonora. I cannot wait anymore since my husband has some business in another country that will last for a month."

She said that with a bashful look as her right palm on her cheeks. Eleonora just laughed awkwardly and shifted her gaze from the girls who currently look at her suspiciously, even Liliana, who pouts cutely at her while Remia was just muttering 'My, my…' in a joking tone chuckle slightly at how the situation turned out to be right now. She doesn't feel angry at all since the green-haired woman already knows for sure that Eleonora would marry her and became family; she and Miyu has their future already guaranteed.

Surprisingly, the dragon princess Tio Klarus has some simple react and is not like Yue, Shea, and Shizuku. She shares the same reaction with Remia, chuckles slightly, and hides it with her fan since it is pretty amusing for her. It shows how mature she is despite all of her masochistic fetish and how comedic it is.

Eleonora was waving her hands to brush it off.

"It's okay, but that kind of unexpected, Luluaria. I mean… I thought you would wait until the problem with Ehit and this world done. But to think you eagerly want it, going so far to kissing me in front of everyone like this."

The young chairman sighed in disbelief and hung her head down while her hands were on her hips.

The response she got was the chuckle from Luluaria. However, it was the expected response that Eleonora would think of her, based on her personality, that was kind of similar to Remia.

"It cannot be helped, Eleonora. Who wouldn't do that to you? I mean, every women will do that if they have the chance, including me. Right, girls?"

She said that while glancing towards Yue and her friends, who has their cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Yue, Shea, and Shizuku looked down, trying to hide their red faces like a tomato while Tio covered it with the fan she held. Luluaria then gazing at her daughter with a smirk on her lips, and Liliana, who noticed that, also looked down in embarrassment.

The blonde woman just giggles in amusement, knowing that. Eleonora just sighed and scratch her back, seeing it right now. Although it's something unexpected, she would be lying if she is not enjoying it and wants to kiss Luluaria without hiding it anymore. She wants her, and the woman also wants Eleonora; both want each other. She even kissed Luluaria back, a sign that the young girl wants it.

It's just a matter of time until her relationship with Luluaria being known to the public. Until that time happens, she has to think of some plan regarding it. She has to give it a deep thought since that matter would be severe and not just trivial, maybe involving politics since Luluaria is the queen of Heiligh Kingdom and royalty on top of that.

"Seem like it. Luckily you kissed me when no one except us are here. I still need times to take our relationship to public since I'm just no one in this world. Maybe start registered myself as an adventurer and let myself gain some fame, which that means I have to spends some more time on this world."

Luluaria just nods her head, agreeing with Eleonora.

"Agreed. Though knowing you, I believe you will popular in short time. Also, sorry for that girls…."

The blonde-haired woman turns to Yue and her friends as she claps her hands.

"But here is my advice–you have to quickly express what you feel towards someone you love. If all of you love Eleonora and don't want to have late start, you must do it as soon as possible. I just merely express my feeling of love to Eleonora like that."

This time she said it with sincerity and honesty; she shows them a warm and loving smile as she is gazing at Eleonora with that kind of face. Eleonora merely smiles at Liliana, who heard it, stunned by her mother's words, especially at how honest it is.

Yue, Shea, and Shizuku, also Tio, who heard that perked up. Something was lit within them, especially the golden blond haired Vampire that think she is the one who deserves to be Eleonora the most; that's why she quickly walks closer to Eleonora, and when she is close enough to the long bluish haired young girl, she tries to stand on tiptoe while her arms on Eleonora's neck trying to wraps it.

Eleonora who noticed that just lowered her head slightly and then has her lips kissed by Yue. The vampire drew her lips close to Eleonora and kissed her; it was by no mean passionate one since the golden-haired vampire has her tongue slide inside the mouth of Eleonora; which surprised the audience, more so to Shea, Shizuku, and Liliana, who watched that in shock; while Remia, Tio, and Luluaria just went 'Oh my' and giggles seeing the aggressive Yue.

Feeling it, Eleonora then tilts her head and deepens the kiss while she allows the tongue to slide inside her mouth and meet with her tongue; both tongues meet and intertwined passionately; they joined together and giving a pleasant feeling of it. But since Yue is by no mean inexperienced on this, she was overwhelmed when Eleonora took the lead and dominated her in a kiss; she was thought that she was experienced due to how satisfied Hajime every time they kiss, but that proves wrong since Eleonora is different from him.

After smooching for a few minutes, they were then giving in and broke the kiss, as they were running out of breath and the dazed look of Yue already proves how good Eleonora gives the kisses while the bluish haired girl was just licking her lips as if she taste something delicious.

She then petted Yue's head and smiled at her confidently, but not mockingly and rudely.

"Yue-san, if you want more of it then we can do it again later, alone. So we can spend our time together without being disturbed. Is that okay?"

At Eleonora's words, Yue, who currently has her cheeks red in embarrassment like tomato, nodded meekly and purring like a cat when the bluish-haired chairman petted her head like that. She became obedient in no time, unlike with Hajime, who seemingly has the hard time making Yue like that since the golden-haired vampire always makes the gun otaku obedient to her; like how she always push or forced Hajime to be kind and care about anyone around them, which makes him a bit annoyed and irritated, since his current self has some differences with his old self.

Eleonora feels relieved for now that she handle Yue easily and then looked up.

"Alright everyone, I have some souvenir we're brought from our way on the home. How about going inside for a while?"

In the confusion of Eleonora's words, Liliana spoke.

"U-Um, Eleonora-sama… I don't see any bags of souvenir on you. Where is that?"

"No problem, I have it in… here!"

Eleonora said that while she shows everyone her [Inventory], she pulled out one of the bags with the souvenir. Liliana was jaw-dropping along with Luluaria, unlike the rest of them who already know for it since they were actually in the same group for a while and have seen some of it for a few times. They are not stranger to it, especially with how unbelievable abilities that Hajime had and no one questioned it so that they won't do the same with Eleonora and maybe they would do that when the young chairman bring that up.

After pulled it out for a moment, she then shoved it again inside the [Inventory] and closed it.

"Well, let's get inside and… have our lunch? It's already noon and the time for us to eat."

Remia nodded, agreeing with Eleonora.

"Fufufu, that's right. It's already the time for it and I wonder where Myuu was? I find it unusual to not seeing her with all of you."

The green-haired Dagon wondered while she was trying to find Myuu around her, and the one who answered that was none other than the long black-haired woman with kimono as her main attire whenever she was going.

"Rest assured, Remia-san. Myuu-chan is currently being taken care of by the maids. Although she kinda mad that you leave her and not being included on your date with Eleonora-san. She has been sulking yesterday and only today she isn't like that anymore."

"My, my… Myuu behaving like that? Hmm… then I have to sees it quickly."

Tio nod at this, agreed with Remia. The green-haired woman was glancing at Eleonora, who smiled knowingly.

"Well, what we are waiting for? It will be bad if we made Myuu-chan wait any longer."

All of them are nods their head and went inside the castle. Everyone wants to meet with Eleonora so badly and spend their time together with her, as much as they want and bring themselves closer more than before.


A grin of amusement shown on its lips. The one who currently grins just feels happy seeing someone, the favorite person of him. Though that identified itself as male and he, this person is actually neither male nor female, but since the male is commonly and generally used by masses; the being then dubbed itself as male, even if he could turn himself to her and became a full-fledged woman—a genuine woman and, if it's needed, in the flesh too.

He snorted in amusement. Seeing his favorite person like this made him happy since he basically pulled a string to the world she is currently in. Yes, he make the king of Heiligh Kingdom to have thoughts of abandoning his duties as king; Eliheid S. B. Heiligh has too much responsibility on his shoulders, and the moment he heard that someone would solve it and trying to oppose the god he devoted; he had thought of abandoning his family.

He abandons his kingdom, responsibility, duty, and family. He even goes as far to give his position, albeit in disguise of 'temporary', to someone he barely knew, and he feels that person is the one who has the right to rule over his kingdom.

The being just does what he should do, instigating Eliheid S. B. Heiligh and letting him choose his own without directly manipulating his mind. The one pulling the string knew that he could just be rewriting Eliheid's mind or memories to make the king his obedient puppet, or akin to mind control, but that wouldn't be fun since he wanted to enjoy the manipulating by bit.

Eliheid already gives some letters of approval to a certain young girl who was the new king of Heiligh Kingdom. Some of them are things like she would own everything after a month passed, she would be officially crowned and recognized as the next King of Heiligh Kingdom; even though she is a girl and female to the boot.

In this case, the being or God, one of the god who watches Multiverse and the one who watches Eleonora Pendragon's journey through life, also adores the young girl and always gives her some good things will likely make any person dies in jealously.

Like any parent who will spoil their children. He wanted to give Eleonora any good things and always do that whenever he thinks she needs it or even when he is doing it on a whim without thoroughly thinking of it. That would make him a bad god, but who cares since no one would stop him from doing it, even if he has any friends who are also god like him, he would still do it without any hesitation and ignoring the warning of people around them.

He doesn't care about position or anything. Fuck it; he can do whatever he wants in any domain or section of Multiverse he watches. If it's forbidden, he will find any loophole or chance, even if it's minor, since he wants to pursue the goal he already set the moment he had the will to do that.

Eleonora Pendragon is a young girl who piqued his interest; she has an extraordinary life like his father is a descendant of King Arthur from Fate/Stay Night while her mother is supposed to be an ordinary person. Her world is supposed to represent what the normal world should like, without any supernatural entities or anything hiding from public society.

But—a single God took an interest of her. The god took a peek on her and decided to rewrite the entire history of Eleonora and made her like what she currently is. Her world was supposed to be normal and without any supernatural clashing, but the moment she awakens magic and monster from another world come out to her world—it changed everything in her world.

And he will keep doing that until he is bored of it.

He was cracking his knuckles and his neck, that God that took a liking to Eleonora Pendragon, then swiping something and decided to read any files regarding Eleonora. He nods his head while doing that and humming; then, an idea struck to his mind when that is crossing his head.

"Well, I think the next thing I gave her is something more interesting. One of her problem right now is that Fake God called Ehit in the world called Tortus, she don't know how to summon or bring that Fake God out from his hiding place and beat him completely."

He nods his head again when he reads it.

"Ah, how about I give her some divinity? I mean… the divinity of this Ehit. Usually it's impossible to take some gods divinity without the proper or actual method. But I'll give it to her, the moment she defeat that Fake God completely and killed him, she will instantly get the divinity. Oh right, it wouldn't be fun if she suddenly became goddess just by take that divinity. Let me divide it in few parts, so when she take Ehit's divinity, it will count as 1 out of 10. She needs at least ten Divinity Fragment—which is each Divinity she gain every time she defeat gods—to ascended from mortal to divinity and became goddess."

Although one can be a god at the moment, they have divinity, but he wants to make it a bit complicated for his favorite person. However, it's not a very hard task for someone like Eleonora Pendragon—who exceeded in many things than everyone in the whole world—since she just started her journey and the road of it was still far away.

He just shrugs and continued doing whatever he wants right now, which is observing the life of Eleonora Pendragon while thinking about many things, one of which was how to make Eleonora more powerful than before or make her life more enjoyable.

He definitely does both.


He is irritated—no, more like disappointed while his fingers are tapping on the throne which he sits on. The Fake God or the God that most humans worshiped in Tortus feel disappointed and irritated for some reason. One of them is how long it has been since he assigned Noint, his True Apostle who was loyal and served him no matter what order he unleashes, to dispose of some unwanted pieces that are trying to disturb his grand plan about chessboard of life and death that will last forever in eternity.

But the good news is that he felt the Irregular, the individual named Nagumo Hajime, was leaving this world. Yet, he has some bad—or specifically—disaster news that will significantly affect his grand plan, and maybe he has to be forced himself to made changes to his plan.

He had horrified as if something terrible overwhelms him, but he tried to calm and control his emotion.

'But the sacrificial pawn—the group of otherworlder that I bring here—is gone from this world! What… how is this happened? Is that girl doing…? If that so, then she as the same level at me… at very least….'

He shook his head and denied that possibility.

'Impossible. She just a mere mortal. That unwanted pawn cannot do something like that. Must be another being that capable to do an activity at my scale. It's must be the god of another world, but question is… what kind of god?'

Ehit deduction was wrong. The one who disturbs his plan is Eleonora, who sends back the otherworlder on their world, except Yaegashi Shizuku, who stayed behind with her and wanted to be by her side. Although Shizuku misses her family and friends, she would remain for a while until Eleonora solves the problem of Tortus. Then the beautiful swordswoman can eventually back to her world.

'The Great Labyrinth—the dungeon that was created and left behind by those worthless mortal who try to defy me—all of that wasn't conquered yet. Only some of it and I cannot interfere on that damn dungeon. Curse them! That damn Liberator—fortunately they died and no one except that Irregular boy—can conquer the dungeon.'

A wicked smile crept on his face when thinking of that. A smile that didn't belong to a kind God, a dangerous and sinister smile of a psychopath. This doesn't suit Ehit since he was described as a kind God to humankind on Tortus, and of course, that's a forged lie to cover the truth about it—that was forged by his devoted follower and church.

He can smile for a while until something struck on his head. He clicked his tongue in annoyance when he realizes that.

'One of the Irregular maybe gone but another one—that accursed girl—might capable to conquer the dungeon. I also cannot interfere directly due to how my physical body haven't exist and I cannot reconstruct it—that will took me hundreds of year. Vessel… someone body to possess is what I've need.'

But Ehit wonders who is the person that suited for that?

There might be some requirements to meet that satisfy him. Not every person in the Tortus has that, and it will result in his failure if he uses someone's body with lousy compatibility. No—Ehit only wants a high-quality vessel that can at least take in all of his strength.

Without proper vessel will futile. He cannot fully unleash his strength if that happens.

He thought about it for a moment. Trying to find someone who can be the candidate of it, the suitable vessel for him to descend on the mortal world of Tortus, especially in the place where Eleonora Pendragon currently lives in and killing that girl so she won't get in the way of his plan ever.

All of the otherworlder, excluding Nagumo Hajime, were the candidates of his vessel, but the best one is Amanogawa Kouki, who Hajime killed and he cannot prevent it. He is already too late when he realizes that since Noint was nowhere and can't be contacted on that day.

That still bugging him of what happened to Noint.

'Just… what happened with her? Did that girl somehow get away from Noint's sight? That utterly ridiculous since Noint is by far the best creation of mine. The link that was bind her also severed. I cannot call her. Did she defeated or worse… killed? Did her soul also severed to the point it cannot be restored? Ridiculous! I am a God and by far no one can defeat me—not in anything.'

Ehit was always overconfident. His ego also inflated to an extreme level, which developed into a selfish, narcissistic, and prideful nature. He viewed humanity to be weak and playthings as he is toying with their lives. He is also a failure-intolerant who holds no uses for his weak pawns and disposes of their usefulness as a sign of disappointment to himself as his puppets brought nothing but shame upon him so miserably.

That's why he cannot be tolerant when Noint fails him. He questioned himself yet still overconfident that just no way someone like Eleonora, who was just a mere mortal, could against Noint like that.

But he is curious since he cannot see it very well.

Letting out a deep and heavy sigh, the annoyed and angry Ehit then formulate a new plan. He must have a new plan to fix his grand plan that was slightly broken; he needs to reorganize it. Slightly changes it so that can become better than before.

Ehit has done it now; he deemed Eleonora as his dangerous threat. A threat to his plan to achieve immortality, the true immortality he always sought ever since.

He will achieve it no matter what, and Eleonora Pendragon has to be eliminated from his sight—forever and ever. He doesn't want someone like her to appear, he is already scared enough with Hajime, who he thought has the potential to eliminate him.

He just doesn't want it.

TetekGede TetekGede


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P.S: For those who came to read and just comment me that they hate this kind of story, please don't bother to comment about your hate towards this story.

P.P.S: I hope my grammar improved from your knowledge, since I'm not good at judging myself.

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