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92.36% Fate/Ultimate Antagonist / Chapter 121: [121] Forgetfulness

Capítulo 121: [121] Forgetfulness

The originally spacious carriage felt a bit cramped with five people and a plump fox squeezed inside.

Reinhard, dressed in simple, light-colored clothing, looked curiously at Sima Yi sitting beside him.

The demure beauty with delicate features, an air of softness, and a gentle demeanor, sat quietly adorned with precious ornaments in the carriage. His slender figure wrapped in fine silks and satins, a striking touch of crimson graced his brows, accentuating his serene beauty. His elegant posture and delicate appearance resembled a porcelain doll, his fair skin almost translucent.

His snow-white feet were clad in pearl-studded emerald boots, layered with thin, icy silk stockings, faintly revealing his blue veins at the ankles. Despite his minimal makeup, his soft, delicate features left an impression of startling beauty.

At just thirteen, Sima Yi's beauty was already astonishing. Reinhard couldn't imagine how he would turn out in a few more years.

The Water Mirror Manor was full of geniuses.

Being a genius often came with quirks. For instance, Chen Gong was a pyromaniac, Zhou Yu was overly friendly, and Xun Yu and Guo Jia enjoyed theological debates... though perhaps that was a bit of a stretch.

However, cross-dressing was quite a shocking eccentricity.

Although Reinhard had seen Sima Yi in female attire before, each time it was a source of profound amazement.

Sima Yi kept his gaze downcast, a faint, enigmatic smile playing on his lips.

"Who says a man can't wear women's clothes? After enlightened brother's guidance, I realized that women's clothing might suit me better. Look at how I appear now... delicate and lovely... much more appealing than as a frail young man."

Indeed, who wouldn't prefer a beautiful girl, even one with certain masculine attributes?

Just as Hideyoshi's gender was simply Hideyoshi, Sima Yi's gender was simply Sima Yi. Don't underestimate the popularity of someone like Astolfo!

His soft, neutral yet slightly feminine voice flowed from his delicate lips.

Thus, even when he spoke, unless someone closely examined him, no one would realize he was actually a young man.

"Of course, the most important thing is." Sima Yi smiled subtly, "Enlightened brother likes it."






Everyone's reactions varied.

The fat fox in Reinhard's arms found this young man extremely amusing, appreciating his well-applied makeup, though he would have preferred if Sima Yi were plumper.

Xu Fu, sitting next to Reinhard, covered her face with a smile.

Yu Me-ren, on Reinhard's other side, looked exceedingly wary.

What a rogue man... no, with that tone, definitely a rogue woman!

Sima Yi's words made Reinhard acknowledge that he indeed found his appearance pleasing, at least visually.


Sima Yi, you've truly embraced your inner femininity, haven't you?

Even knowing Sima Yi was an undeniable young man, his attire and demeanor exuded an irresistible charm, making one want to tease and bully him, pinning him against the wall.

Ever since Reinhard had given Sima Yi that set of female clothes, his preference had seemed uncontrollable.

Sima Yi frequently wore women's clothes and dressed up for classes, causing an uproar among the other students. Even their master, Sima Hui, found it hard to handle.

Dear nephew, don't claim to be from the Sima family, it's embarrassing.

But only Yu Mei-ren had keenly noticed.

Sima Yi would only don female attire on the days Reinhard was teaching.

When Sima Yi sat in the corner of the classroom, he technically wasn't enrolled as a student, just permitted to audit, so he didn't have a seat and wasn't visible during classes.

But when Reinhard was lecturing, Sima Yi would be meticulously dressed and present.

Hmph... such a schemer.

Yu Mei-ren didn't think she would lose to a thirteen-year-old boy. However, with the fat fox already monopolizing the young master, did Sima Yi, a man, also want to compete?

"So, Zhuge Liang has no home to return to, so he followed me, but why are you here too, Sima Yi?"

"I paid for this carriage, didn't I? How could I not ride in it?"


Reinhard was quite poor, and this carriage back was rented with Sima Yi's money. However, he had only rented this one carriage, obviously on purpose.

"It's almost new year. Water Mirror Manor is on break. Aren't you going back to your family for the holidays?"

"My father has eight sons. My presence is not required for the family celebration. My relationship with them isn't particularly good, but they do rely on my counsel." 

Sima Yi smiled gently

Though it sounded arrogant, it was undeniably true.

Sima Yi, stationed at the Water Mirror Manor, managed his entire family's vast commercial empire across various provinces through magecraft and remote correspondence.

The entire family operated under his leadership, not only because of his innate business acumen but also due to the loyal group of enforcers under his command.

Through recruiting individuals marginalized by society due to physical impairments, Sima Yi established a formidable group known as the Remnants.

These individuals, often overlooked and discriminated against, were easier to develop into loyal followers, a strategy Sima Yi adeptly employed.

Using the Remnants, he simultaneously operated in the commercial sphere with ruthless efficiency... engaging in coercion, assassination, and extortion to secure advantageous positions in lucrative industries.

Meanwhile, he extensively bribed the court, purchasing official titles from the current emperor, enabling his family to grow and control essential commodities like salt and iron across various provinces.

Sima Yi did not conceal his tactics, revealing his operations openly. He was sincere and candid with Zhang Jue, his junior disciple.

After all, if he could dress as a woman, there was nothing he couldn't discuss with his brother!

His unscrupulous methods might seem dishonorable, but Reinhard found them fascinatingly effective.

Bribing the court and buying officials... was it profitable?

Yes, but it required subservience to the dynasty.

Establishing a militia, a network of assassins, resorting to violence and threats... was it profitable?

Yes, but it wasn't sustainable in the long run.

Combining both strategies to stand firm while making money... was it possible?

Sima Yi truly understood. One hand holding a sword, the other selling goods, he was essentially amassing capital in the purest sense.

His family, under his management, had become a conglomerate that used military force and official backing to ensure commercial dominance.

"Such methods are rather... unethical." Zhuge Liang commented, clicking his tongue, but refrained from further remarks on personal affairs.

For intellectuals like them, moral righteousness was merely a tool.

Each followed their own path, and Sima Yi's was particularly ruthless.

Sima Hui, aware of Sima Yi's extreme disposition, refused to take him as a disciple, considering his methods unworthy of the Water Mirror Manor's teachings.

However, despite his plans to leave the Water Mirror Manor, an intriguing arrival altered his decision, and he unexpectedly developed a fondness for cross-dressing.

"Zhuge Liang, what do you think is the essence of competition in commerce? Is it intricate strategies, deception, and elaborate schemes?"

Sima Yi's smile was as cunning as a fox.

"Is it not?" Zhuge Liang was intrigued.

"No, it's about assassination, poisoning, sabotage, usurping power, and coercion... The marketplace is just another battlefield."

"When you have the strength, you should aim for monopolistic control, like how enlightened brother invented the gameboard... cornering the opponent, blocking their moves, and securing your position to win."

"Compared to the strategies for managing resources like grain, salt, and iron, threatening a few merchants is trivial."

Sima Yi's gentle eyes turned towards the slender youth, his smile directed at Reinhard, like a loyal pet eager for its master's praise and approval.

"I monopolize the market with low prices, ensuring mutual gain with the people. I can offer prices lower than anyone else, using volume to drive expansion."

By employing competitive pricing to undermine his rivals, Sima Yi not only fulfilled his promise to Reinhard to aid the common people but also advanced his family's commercial expansion. This strategy effectively killed two birds with one stone.

In the entire Water Mirror Manor, Sima Yi's commercial operations had saved more lives than all the alms given by others combined... it was far more effective.

Charity pales in comparison to inspiring people, teaching them to fish is better than giving them a fish.

If properties in the capital were affordable, allowing a family to purchase a home without exhausting their savings, why would the common people worry about settling down and having children?

But did this dynasty genuinely care about the birthrate?

Since the time of the previous emperor, the population has been in decline. Despite some efforts to distribute more grain, Reinhard felt this dynasty hadn't tried hard enough. They only paid lip service, expressing hope for more births, while claiming concern for the people's welfare.

People believed in the wisdom of future generations, but in the end, there were no future generations left.

Despite his extreme measures, Sima Yi's principles were arguably more effective than those of the young seven strategists.

Severe illnesses require strong medicine, but while Sima Yi's methods were harsh, Reinhard was igniting a fire that would inspire others to join the cause, creating a blazing movement.

Without a doubt, Sima Yi was a genius. In the Water Mirror Manor, Reinhard considered him the most talented, second only to himself.

He was exceptionally clever, managing his family with precision, avoiding the common issue of well-intentioned plans going awry due to poor execution by subordinates.

As for Zhuge Liang, their fellow passenger, he was extraordinarily gifted, perhaps the brightest in the Water Mirror Manor.

This crouching dragon learned at a speed second only to Reinhard, absorbing knowledge like a sponge, unlike their other senior brothers who each had their own specialties.

Even the complex topics of quantum mechanics, which others found incomprehensible, Zhuge Liang grasped with ease, delving into details about probabilistic clouds and suggesting they might aid in a star-gazing divination technique.

Sima Hui now openly praised Zhuge Liang as a genius bordering on the supernatural, recognizing his potential as nearly equal to Zhang Jue.

But... there was a downside.

Zhuge Liang was incredibly lazy, lacking any personal ambition.

When Sima Hui asked about his aspirations, Zhuge Liang's response was simply to live a carefree life.

If Zhuge Liang weren't so talented, Sima Hui might have thrown him out, letting him fend for himself on the streets.

In terms of ambition and drive, Zhuge Liang lagged far behind Sima Yi.

"Expanding the market with low prices... That doesn't seem like something you'd do, Sima Yi."

The luxurious carriage rolled smoothly along the official road, shielded from any bumps by enchantments.

Reinhard gazed at the gentle femboy before him, the light from the parted curtains casting delicate shadows on his skin.

"Raising prices through monopolization suits you better. Are you doing this for me?"

"Yes, I am fulfilling my promise to you, doing my part to aid the people."

"Do you understand righteousness?"

Reinhard shook his head, chuckling softly.

In the Water Mirror Manor, when he wasn't teasing his fox or playing with Yu Mei-ren, he spent his days training with Zhuge Liang and interacting frequently with Sima Yi.

"Even though I've spoken extensively about the revolution's ideals and everyone is working for the greater good, I've never seen your genuine agreement. You seem to care only about profit."

"Indeed, I don't care about righteousness. In business, it's always about profit."

Sima Yi admitted openly.

"But you, Zhang Jue, are the greatest profit in this world... I want to have you."

Reinhard was momentarily taken aback.

"Is this a confession of love?"

"You could say that."

"Unfortunately, I am not a commodity and I do not deviate in that direction. You cannot own me."

"Then, having fulfilled my promise, Zhang Jue, do you perhaps like me a little more?"

"Cough, cough..." Zhuge Liang cleared his throat awkwardly.

As expected of you, Sima Yi.

Yu Mei-ren suddenly felt a surge of urgency.

The dance they shared on that spring night had allowed her to gauge her junior brother's temperament... he was the epitome of tsundere. While his exterior revealed nothing, he was most vulnerable to direct approaches!

"In terms of shamelessness, Sima Yi, you excel." Yu Mei-ren sharply remarked, simultaneously warning her junior brother not to be misled. "Too bad you're a man."

That door is firmly shut.


"I like you... " Reinhard said earnestly, nodding his head.

Obsessive individuals often go to great lengths to achieve their goals.

Was this genuine or mere pretense? Either way, it was hard not to be charmed by such behavior.

The femboy's eyes sparkled at his words.

"…And everyone else."

With that last addition, the light in his eyes dimmed, and a wry smile appeared on his delicate face.

Sima Yi remained silent for a moment, sighed softly, and closed his eyes. His long lashes quivered slightly in the pale light, giving him an air of melancholic grace.

"Yes... It's a pity, after all, I am a man."


What's there to pity about?! This is confusing me!

Reinhard struggled to maintain his composure. Dealing with a horde of women vying for his attention was one thing, but why was Sima Yi joining in on this? He regretted ever gifting him that women's attire.

In this era, the concept of fifty genders and such was far too advanced.

However... it was the truth... Sima Yi was bound by his gender.

Their relationship was confined to the camaraderie of fellow disciples.

If he were a woman, their bond wouldn't have been limited to mere flirtation.

With the constant presence of women around him, there were topics Reinhard found difficult to discuss openly.

The fox spirit, being his pet, was pampered, allowed to partake in various indulgent games, and had access to abundant nutrition. Yet, despite the ample physical training, her clingy nature still lacked the necessary discipline.

His senior sister, though proud and talkative, he found joy in chatting with her. Her delicate feet, wrapped in sheer silk, were a delight to play with. However, she lacked the depth for serious discussions about philosophy, and life goals... it was like playing a lute to a cow.

Xu Fu was too submissive and respectful, reluctant to compete for his attention. Skilled in various arts, she excelled at pushing boundaries. But discussing revolution and the reforms needed for this dynasty was too much for her.

Thus, Reinhard conversed most often with Sima Yi.

But he had no interest in that romance agenda. Femboys were intriguing but not to be taken too seriously. Sima Yi couldn't possibly transform into a beautiful girl to seduce him.

The carriage rolled on, maintaining a steady pace amid the tense atmosphere.

The young man shook his head, silently lifting the curtain.

[As the new year approached, the dynasty lay shrouded in a blanket of winter snow, the landscape painted in a pristine, yet ghostly white.]

[On the outskirts of the city, alongside the official roads, the bodies of the frozen dead could be seen scattered across the hills and fields... adults and children alike, their corpses grotesquely deformed with abnormal growths and pustules.]

[Even the starving wolves, desperate as they were, avoided these eerie corpses, unwilling to gnaw at them.]

[No one took responsibility for these dead. They were left to rot where they fell, victims of starvation, cold, disease, or, most numerously, the poisonous drugs they had consumed, which led to a rapid decay unlike anything seen before.]

[You never see where the filth accumulates, yet its presence feels omnipresent.]

[This world is sick.]

[It's as if it has been cursed.]

[For over five years, the dynasty has been plagued by famine, pestilence, natural disasters, floods, droughts, and typhoid... leaving the land littered with the dead.]

[What is disaster relief?]

[Who would bother with such a thing?]

[The vast sums spent on buying official positions, the blood-soaked gold and silver, were for what purpose?]

[Everyone believed that real estate in the capital would continue to appreciate in value, so they invested everything they had, hoping for greater returns.]

[Once they secured their positions, these officials would plunder the regions even more fiercely, indifferent to the suffering around them.]

[The current emperor, having outmaneuvered his rivals, felt no need to govern diligently. He indulged in pleasures, enjoying his opulent lifestyle amidst his harem of three thousand women, growing increasingly decadent.]

[He drove donkeys into the imperial palace, developed new energy sources, and adorned his favorite dogs with scholars' caps, treating them as courtiers.]

[Those in power were like donkeys, those in office were not even worth dogs.]

[Natural disasters and human calamities... While natural disasters can be mitigated or salvaged, human calamities cannot.]

[When you develop your power in seclusion.]

[You heard of a certain great scholar in the capital, gathering intellectuals from across the land to compile literary traditions, editing seven classics, and erecting forty steles inscribed with the texts, attracting thousands of scholars daily. This endeavor will benefit the present and future generations.]

[You also heard of the current emperor building imperial gardens, felling trees, and collecting rare treasures, creating an ethereal pavilion within seven days with the mystical techniques of the first empire.]

[You became aware that the court distributed drugs for disaster relief, which could stave off hunger, giving people an ephemeral strength to survive a few more days. However, consuming too much would turn people into rotting, slimy masses.]

[What else could they eat if not these drugs?]

[Grains, meat.]

[You wanted the people of this land to understand that eating meat was not a luxury. Everyone should have meat to eat and porridge to drink.]

[As the end of the year approached, the Water Mirror Manor disciples set out with this vision for the first time.]

[Everyone carried spells of pest-repelling symbols and water-drawing mechanisms. They also carried seeds developed by you.]

[Donning bamboo hats and masks, you would roam the states, summoning wind and rain, displaying miracles, repelling pests, transforming fields, and ultimately increasing crop yields to save more lives.]

[To avoid suspicion in the early stages of your operation, you decided to remain anonymous, adopting the name Forgetfulness.]

[What is Forgetfulness?]

[To forget the body, to relinquish hearing and sight, to separate from form and wisdom, merging with the great oneness... this is Forgetfulness.]

[Forgetfulness was not about an individual but an inseparable collective.]

["I am Forgetfulness, and so are you, senior brother. Anyone who wishes to join us can adopt this title."]

["To conceal our identities, we must never reveal our names or information outside. So, you can choose your favorite mask as our code name."]

[Chen Gong chose One, Xun Yu chose Nine, Jia Xu chose White, Guo Jia chose Blossom, Zhou Yu chose Wind, Pang Tong chose Bird, and Zhuge Liang chose Fortune.]

[Sima Hui chose Dice with a smile.]

[And you... you chose Red.]

[You chose Red because you believed no other title could better reflect the revolutionary spirit of Forgetfulness. Your fellow disciples started calling you 'Sir. Red'.]

[Students of the Water Mirror Manor were most skilled in illusions.]

[Illusions, in essence, are acts of deception.]

[As Sima Hui described, the greatest illusion is to create a fictional concept and make people believe in it.]

[Thus, you intended to perform a grand illusion... setting a heart for the world, establishing life for the people, continuing the wisdom of the sages, and opening peace for all generations.]

[You aimed to deceive the entire world into believing that this scarred land would become better and better.]

[Better and better.]

[Rebellion, in essence, means... turning this damned world upside down!]

[The carriage was crowded, the journey dull and tiring, so you started playing gameboard.]

[You quickly lost your pants again.]

[Damn, this lousy game is unplayable!]

[Feeling disheartened, you leaned against Yu Mei-ren, resting your head on your senior sister's soft lap.]

[Zhuge Liang subtly distanced himself from Sima Yi, relying on his extraordinary talent to fall asleep anywhere, quickly entering his dreamland.]

[Since that heartfelt night, knowing Yu Mei-ren only had the urge to suck your blood, you flirted with her more often. It seemed she was trying hard to resist the urge.]

[You noticed her gaze lingering on your pale neck, a crimson ripple flickering in her eyes.]

["If you want to suck, just do it, senior sister. Just don't drain me dry."]

[Sighing, you issued a seductive challenge, suggesting that repressing such urges could be harmful to one's health, so everyone advocated for a release.]

[Yu Mei-ren, holding you, thought she had won big, but you were still holding the plump fox in your arms.]

[Ah, it felt like you were committing a crime right in front of her, a sudden rush of pleasure surging within you, making you enjoy seeking fun more and more.]

[Yu Mei-ren glanced around, noticing everyone watching her. She bit her lip, then, as if disregarding her dignity, lowered her shimmering eyes to your ear, licking your neck with her soft tongue.]

[Yet, after wetting your neck, she did not suck your blood. Instead, she whispered in a voice only Sima Yi could hear, provocatively saying...]

["What I want to suck... is not blood, junior brother."]

[You leaned in and kissed her soft lips. Her skill in applying lipstick wasn't great, leaving a messy mark.]

[Blushing deeply, Yu Mei-ren buried her face in Xu Fu's embrace, her body trembling with burning passion.]

[Tsk, is that all... you thought she was no match for Reines.]

[Sima Yi, his eyes lowered, witnessed everything.]

[The calm demeanor of the wolf-like strategist wavered for once, he bit hos lip and looked away.]

XElenea XElenea

If you're interested in reading more, feel free to visit my pa treon : treon. com/XElenea

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