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84.9% Fate/Infinity / Chapter 45: C48: Makiri Zolgen (2), Weakling

Capítulo 45: C48: Makiri Zolgen (2), Weakling

Scanning the writhing cluster of Worms crawling around the basement, Caragor channels its Master's Od into the artificial claw and plunges it into the squirming mass. The weapon pierces a Worm, igniting in a flickering blaze of blue, dark purple, and red that rapidly engulfs everything it touches.

Above, the Demon observes dispassionately as eerie, human-like screams start to echo in the chamber.

In a frantic race, the Familiar Worms surge up the stairs; the first of which are swiftly torn apart by Caragor's merciless claws, yet more continue to come; their terror at the Demon far outweighed by the dark fire that's devouring the Familiars and spewing out pure hatred.

Staring at the swarm with half-lidded eyes, Caragor slowly transforms into its real Form—growing increasingly larger, for unlike Eredin, it's a pure Spirit created from the Merchant's Blessing.

Like stroke of a paint brush, the Demon grows and grows until it's no longer coporeal, just a walking, lion-shaped fire that's no less scary to the Worms than what is chasing them up the stairs.

But the Demon does not budge, levelling a disgusted glare at the shrieking creatures that are trying to fuse back into its humanoid form to retaliate. Left with very little choice, Zouken mentally wills the Worms to transform into the later stage in their evolution.

The biomass twists and wiggles, slowly taking upon the shape of Hornets that buzz and vibrate, but this only quickens their deaths. The very armors meant to protect their soft and vulnerable insides turn into iron-maidens that traps the Familiars with the heat.

One by one, they fall in droves when the door behind the Demon swings open and in comes a boy with wavy and tousled hair.

Fiery orange slit eyes and deep bluish plum orbs lock in a fierce clash, but instead of fleeing as he should, the boy crumples to the ground. The Demon menacingly glares at him, raising its paws to end his insignificant life.

Yet, it hesitates, staying its hand at the silent command of its Master.

Wordlessly, it kicks the door shut before it turns back to the basement.

This time, however, the Demon doesn't passively observe; it hunts the Familiars relentlessly, playing with the Worms like a cat would.

Today, the Demon shall feast grandly, for even though the Soul is fragmented, Zouken's sins nourish it in a way no ordinary sinner's ever could.

Half an hour later, done with its meal and burping loudly, the Demon kicks the door open to locate one Shinji Matou.

Its Master wants the little human alive, which is fine by Caragor.

While his Soul is tainted, it's not dark enough for a Demon.

— [Infinity] —

Demons like corpses and Souls, which isn't exactly shocking, but the realization that my pet has been ravenous for spiritual sustenance all this time does unsettle me somewhat. "How do you like my 'gift'?"

"YoOoU! I spArEd yOuR lIfE!"

"And you really shouldn't have." Pointing Equality at its face, I pull the trigger, marvelling as Zouken explodes in a gory mess that paints the ground below black; the Familiars flicker briefly, then disintigrate while the main biomass reels from the attack, shrieking bloody murder. Before it can get away, another wave of blue fire greets it—super-charged to the point the vibrating atom's past the point of stable.

Zouken doesn't even have a chance to scream, engulfed by the fire until it liquifies into a disgusting, slimy puddle. Holding in the urge to retch, I turn on [Mimir's Eye] to track the rest of the Worms skittering away, systematically picking them off one by one at my leisure.

Reinforced pebbles go a long way.

Every time it shrieks, my heart beats with both satisfaction and relief; satisfaction at the Worm's agony and relief that a major threat's being resolved.

Zouken desperately tries to fight back, but with most of his Familiars gone, it's a hopeless effort.

"You can keep my granddaughter!" The last Worm writhes and squirms, trying to free itself from under my boot.

"There's nothing left of Makiri Zolgen, is there?"

Staring at the creature, I exhale and then press my boot down harder.

"If Justeaze could see you now, she'd weep."

That seems to ignite the last flicker of his resistance as it gnaws at my boot, secreting an acidic substance. I simply shrug it off; my skin is too tough, and my healing factor too rapid to be corroded. "WHaT dO yOu Kno—?!"

Cutting off its words with a stomp, I make a face at the slimy substance that coats my boat.

The pair's made from pretty expensive leather—Magic-resistant leather that cost me a pouchful of coins, and now I have to throw them away.

What a waste.

Staring at the bottle containing the last Worm, which I shall bring to Triss and Yennefer so they can, hopefully, create something to track the last of the Worms down. I don't believe I've missed one, but better to be safe than sorry.

"I'm almost disappointed."

I whisper to Zouken. "I had this whole list of all the possible ways this could've turned out, but I didn't expect you to give in this easily."


Should've invested more AP into offensive Spells.

"It's honestly kind of embarrassing." For me, mainly.

To have ever harbored any fear towards the pathetic Worm… Why was I ever even afraid of it?

Biting my finger to spill red, I drip the substance into the bottle and depart from the clearing.

"Any chance you can tell me where you kept the spare Command Seals?" I haven't forgotten what it did to Kirei's body, and the Command Seals are too useful to pass up. Besides from their actual functions, they're the closest thing to artificial Circuits I can currently get my hands on.

The Worm merely shrieks; Zouken's Soul probably too fragmented to even understand proper human speech now.


There's only one place it could've stored those damn Seals.

I can only hope Caragor hasn't burnt them yet…

"C'mon then, let's check out your manor."

Since I cannot run atop buildings in broad daylight, we have to take a taxi to Matou Manor, which surprisingly hadn't burnt down while we were away. "Home, sweet home, am I right?"

I muse, patting the glass bottle as the Worm lunges for my palm, stopped only by the glassy surface seperating us. "Aw, look at you… You really thought that'd work?"

After spending a whole year fearing for my ass, it pleases me immensely to see the Worm beaten and helpless. Laughingly, I tease the Familiar, skipping into its Workshop excitedly. The whole building reeks of decay and an odd smell that causes me to sneeze a few times, but no Bounded Field activates, which I likely have Zouken to thank for, and I will thank him alright… By stealing all his research and make it better.

It's not like Shinji has much use for it; and I very much doubt Sakura will even want to set sight on the accursed Craft after everything she's been through.

Literally nobody wants it, except me.

I'll probably choose something cooler, like snakes.

It's not the coolest animal, but it is a step-up from Dick-Worms to be sure.

Ransacking the Matou Workshop, I gather every single Grimoire; notebook and scroll I can get before climbing up the 1st floor where Caragor's already at the ready, waiting for me. "Where's Shinji?" My Demon Familiar licks its paw, then points in the wooden cupboard's direction.

I really don't know what to do with him.

While one might say he deserves death for what he did, was any of it really his fault?

The kid's eight, maybe nine; he must've been terrified as well.

Shit, even I was scared shitless of Zouken, how can a child without Circuits or any means to defend himself not be?

I fling the cupboard door open and find the child trembling, his panicked cries and pleas making me flinch. "Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I don't want to die!"

Another sigh escapes my lips as I grab Shinji by the back of his neck.

"Your grandfather's dead. Is there anywhere else you can go?"

The terrified boy shakes his head.


Does Kiritsugu even have the resources to raise five kids? I know the guy is rolling in cash, but it's not exactly a walk in the park, especially since he has already lost the ability to work. "Fuck it… It's not my problem." I'm going to leave Fuyuki soon anyways. If Kiri refuses to take in Shinji, I will just let the local CPS handle the rest.

After yanking Shinji as well, I dial the Magus Killer.

"You mind taking care of another Matou?"

"—Is Zouken…"

"It's done. The Worm's dead, but I'd recommend putting up a few more Bounded Fields just to be sure." Although I'm seventy-percent certain Zouken cannot return, until that odds get to a hundred, there's still a chance they may be in danger.

"—That was fast… Are you talking about Sakura's elder brother?"

"Who else? It's either you or the local orphanage. You up for it?"

"—I already have 5 daughters…"

The Magus Killer sighs. "But I'll see what I can do. Is it clear to return to Fuyuki?"

"Not yet. I'll send Sakura and Shinji over." There are still things I've not resolved, namely the Daemon still dwelling in the Greater Grail… Speaking of which, "Is Rin there?"

"—She is."

"Put me on speaker, please. And stay, you're gonna want to hear this."

After a bit of rustlings, the tsundere finally responds. "—Leo…"

"Rin, I need you to register me as your official spokesperson in the Tower." It is the only way she'll not lose her authority as the Second Owner once the Enforcers start to flood the city: By putting the responsibility on another person. I'd have asked Kiritsugu himself, but his reputation in the Tower isn't exactly what I'd call… Sterling.

"—That's it? That's all you want to say to me?!"

"No… There's more! Google; Amazon; Tesla…" For five minutes, I list a bunch of company names until I feel my throat starting to clog up. "Invest heavily in those and you'll never have to worry about money ever again. I'll tell you when to sell."

"—What the Hell was that?!"

"My apology? It's the only meaningful form of compensation I can provide."

Though, actual gold could be an alternative, it is wiser to teach a man to fish than simply give him the fish.

One will feed him a day, the other will feed him his whole life and all that nonsense.

With the remainder of her inheritance, she could probably afford to sustain her Magus lifestyle comfortably for the next fifty years, even if she were wasteful with her gems.

"—How about the truth?!"

Stilling my tongue, I contemplate my response, then finally say. "What do you want to know?"

"—Kirei's involvement with my father's… Why did you keep it from me?"

"We were too weak to stand against the priest originally, and by the time I had the power to kill him, the desire was long gone."

Despite our many clashes, Kirei was my mentor. "I thought I could find a way to keep the peace; to keep both of you alive, or at least I believed I could… But I was wrong."

There are times when friends find themselves at odds, you're usually supposed to steer clear of the conflict or pick a side, but I was greedy.

I wanted it all without making the sacrifice and that nearly bit me in the arse.

The worst part is I don't even think I ever believed in his redemption either, I just wanted to.

"It was fucking stupid of me, I know." Listening to her fingers coil around the phone, I close my eyes in anticipation for the tirade that I'll admit I deserve.

"—Why do you want to be my spokesperson?"

"Is Kiritsugu still there?" More rustlings echo along with statics, before I hear the Magus Killer's voice again. "—What do you need?"

"Excalibur has not cleansed the Greater Grail. It is still afflicted by the Daemon—"

"—I'm on my way back." He interrupts before I can finish.

"No need. I'm calling the professionals."

"—You want to involve the Church and the Association, don't you?" How very sharp of him… As expected of the Magus Killer whom all Magi dread.

"I have to…" We could blow up the whole Ritual, but—"Remember the last time? Another Great Fire is the last thing we need right now. The Executioners might have ways to exorcise the Grail."

Although I doubt they will given how pointless the recent Wars have been.

"—What on Earth are you guys talking about?!"

Rin's yell prompts Kiritsugu to explain, which of course result in more yelling.

Gods, do I hate yelling.

"—There's an Evil God on MY. TERRITORY and both of you neglected to tell me?!"

"—I thought it was dead. You'll have to ask him."

Really, Kiritsugu?

"… What can you do about it?"

I will concede keeping the identity of her father's murderer was shitty of me, but seriously, who in town can kill Angra Mainyu. "I'll call in the 'bomb squad' and let them deal with it."

"—It's my family's legacy!"

She protests weakly, but we both know it's just a halfhearted, last-ditch effort.

Rin Tohsaka, regardless of the incarnation, wouldn't be able to bear the guilt on her conscience if she allowed a second Great Fire to occur.

After some gentle persuasion, she finally concedes, then wearily asks me, "—Is there anything else you're keeping from me?"

Clicking my tongue awkwardly and blowing through my lips, I hum.

"—LEO! What. Else?"

"Kiritsugu, can you…"

Even though I've already prepared myself, the shout's so high-pitched it causes my heart to leap out of its cage. "—Sakura was wha—?!"


I abruptly end the call, not in the mood for yet another scolding.

I've already shouldered most of the hard work; he can handle her outburst.

The Magus Killer has faced worse foes anyway… I think.

With the burden lifted, I gaze at the sky, feeling much more hopeful about the future. Yet, there's this nagging sensation that won't leave me alone. Something I've forgotten— "Sakura. Ah, shit."

I fucking knew I was forgetting something.

By the time I return to the bunker, the Matou's nowhere to be seen, but there's no sign of entry or struggle either. "Hmmm…" Narrowing my eyes in suspicion, I slam close the door and reopen it to find, surprise-surprise, Ahnenerbe. Zelretch's quite dependable, it seems…

After sending the Matou siblings on their merry way and getting the official number for both the Church and the Tower, I sit alone in a corner of the café, just admiring the view outside.

"It is kinda surprising how fast the people of Fuyuki manage to recover."

"Well, it's not their first rodeo." The Apostle Ancestor answers. "Why didn't you kill the Matou boy, by the way? Your kind usually treat him like a plague."

"He's just as much a victim of Zouken as Sakura is. The only difference is: Nobody ever wanted to see things from his perspective." I can't find faults with them… I was the much same, after all. In fact, if it were older Shinji, I might have considered putting him out of his misery, but there is still hope for this version. It won't be easy for him, Sakura or Kiritsugu, then again what is?

"Here's your coffee!"

Taking a seat opposite to mine, the Apostle Ancestor chuckles to himself.

"If you call them, chances are they'll dismantle the Holy Grail Ritual, you know?"

"Obviously. But it has to be done."

The Apostle Ancestor laughs heartily, placing a golden card in front of me. "It's a membership card. You get a free coffee each week."

"Not even one per day? How stingy." I joke, pocketing the card nonetheless.

Despite the less-than-stellar customer service, Ahnenerbe serves a killer coffee that I'm growing increasingly addicted to. "I'll send you a copy of 'Laws of Conduct' soon. You'll need it if you want to keep the Tohsaka girl out of troubles."

"Thank you."

Offering Zelretch a silent nod, I sit and listen as the Apostle babbles on and on, until the sea of people outside has thinned.

Taking my leave, I wander Fuyuki aimlessly in hope of carving the city; the building themselves in my brain, before inadvertently wandering back to the Church. All the major threats—Kirei; Zouken—are incapacitated or dead;

The Grail itself will be ripped by the Association and the Church soon…

Only one remains.

Throwing [Notice-Me-Not], I sneak into Gilgamesg's room, Senza Esitazione in hand while I tower over her sleeping form.

One stab…

All it'll take is one stab, and Gilgamesh will be no more, yet my arm shakes and trembles.

I even thought it was my Mystic Code stopping me, but it's just my nerves…

It's just my lack of resolve.

It was the same with Heaven's Feel Route.

When the time came for Saber to be killed, I couldn't do it, not when I could imagine the same character smiling; cooking food or just enjoying life overall, only this time I actually do know her… I've seen Gil smile; laugh and get upset at the littlest things.


Not for the first time, I curse my weakness.

Huntsman Huntsman

If you want to support me and read unreleased chapters, here you go, there are over a dozen Chaps there. Can’t miss it.

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