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52.11% Fate/DC Universe / Chapter 74: Trigon The Demon God of Darkness

Capítulo 74: Trigon The Demon God of Darkness

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After Defeating Enchantress with Kori the two of them went to the location where her father and Raiden were fighting, arriving both of them were shocked, seeing Raiden on the ground defeated 

"Oh no! RAIDEN" screamed Raven as she looked at his pitiful state, blood all over his body, half of his body was destroyed 

"This is impossible…Raiden doesn't lose! he never lost, he can't lose! He just can't…." said Kori as she dropped to her knees, both the girls looked at his pitiful state with sadness and shock 

"AHAHAHA NOW YOU ARE HERE DAUGHTER! Your savior is done for, it's time to accept your fate, and it's beside me as we conquer all of Reality! AHAHAHA" Laughed Trigon as he tried to move and get a hold of his daughter, but to his shock, he couldn't 'What! This damn gate, It's still holding on to me! How is this possible, that boy is almost dead, he can't be able to maintain such a magic-draining gate' 

"Kori, Get up, we don't have long, and we can't escape, as long as he's alive we can't open the gate back to earth, so instead we'll defeat, every time we needed help, Raiden was there to help us, both of us owe it to him, so Get up, we'll defeat him" said Raven as she stood up and gathered her magic, she knew Raiden didn't have much time to live, so she couldn't waste time mourning him or being sad over his defeat, she resolved herself to defeat her father

Seeing Raven's conviction, Kori understood her assignment, she too was someone who owed her life to Raiden, and she couldn't afford to give up on him now "Yes you are Right Raven, forgive me for my unsightly behavior, It's time to repay our debt to him" 

Kori Immediately started flying, then she charged herself with fiery energy, the energy surrounded her body creating a shining green light, she opened her eyes saying "I haven't been able to keep up with those two at all, perhaps my training is lacking, or my power isn't as strong, but I know deep down, that for Raiden, I'm willing to do Anything, and that's why, even you who is a God in this Realm will be defeated" she then launched herself like a comet, crashing into Trigon's face before screaming "Behold the brilliance of the cosmos! Nova Burst"

From her hands the energy encircling her was released in the manner of an explosion, Aimed at Trigon's eyes who was still being stunned by the gate of Skye, punch after another, An explosion following another, Kori released a strong burst of energy all towards Trigon's eyes

"YOU INSIGNIFICANT BUG ! "Vruznarok amal'dek, vrek'kathul zel'narok! Zal'krith amal'narok, belzum'dek!" ("Struggle all you like, but you cannot escape the grasp of true evil!")

All around him, massive dark gates opened up sending forth spectral chains made of dark energy, attempting to capture Kori and drain her strength, sensing the danger of the chains, Kori started to dodge away, running from them while flying 

"Thank you, Kori," said Raven as she finished preparing her spell, Taking advantage of the time Kori bought her, Raven Started to float as Dark energy circled around her creating somewhat of a cocoon, the energy started to grow darker and darker, with the magic around her becoming much more dense 

"They whisper tales of the Abyss, warning of its relentless gaze, yet as I peered into its depths, it dared not meet my gaze. What was once dismissed as myth now unfolds as truth: the Abyss hungrily awaits those unprepared to confront it. Why did it spare me? Because within me resides a darkness far more formidable than its own. I am not just a contender of chaos; I am Chaos incarnate." As Raven spoke, the Massive dark cocoon started to shape up and Raven emerged, eyes full of darkness, and the purple Demonic energy behind her forming into that of a bird, a Raven 

"My Daughter! AHAHAHA YOU'VE finally opened your eyes, YES, embrace the Darkness, become one with my demonic energy, and accept your truth!" screamed Trigon in a joyous manner, his eyes had already started to heal, and he lost focus from fighting Kori, turning his full attention to his daughter, but Raven was giving up as he thought, instead, she said

 "I've come to terms with my identity, Father. I am both your daughter, brimming with demonic energy and darkness, and my mother's child, a beacon of humanity's purity and warmth. Today marks my acceptance of this duality, embracing the chaos within. For the sake of the one I love, there's no limit to what I'll undertake. Prepare yourself, Father, for today heralds your demise."

"Zel'narok, Zakharov krath'varuk amal'narok! Gra'falthul krith'mak belzum'dek!" ("In the darkness, even the lightest touch can be lethal! Behold the blade of shadows!") The energy in her hands formed a dark purple blade, the Blade was long enough to size up to even him, and a hand was holding the blade, a handmade of Raven's magic, she swung her hand down, and so did the hand that held the blade

Realizing the danger of Raven's attack, Trigon tried to dodge, but he couldn't, the gate of Skye, was gripping onto his back, sucking him into its depths, and he was still unable to escape it, but he knew, that the blade, if it were to hit him, he'd be dead, as such, he dodged, with all his might, he managed to move, but not far enough, as the blade stuck itself on his shoulder, reaching downwards, all the way, cutting his chest, as the blade was released from its form, blood gushed from the wound, and Trigon screamed in pain, his body, unable to regenerate 

It was that moment, That made Trigon understand, That Raven will never be his, she'll never accept her role as his servant, and gate, she'll oppose him at every turn and will be his impending doom, after all, her power is that of true darkness, like him, something he isn't immune too "I have tried over and over again to reason with you daughter, to make you mine, to have you understand my grand goal, but you are stubborn, just like I am, I'm proud of you as a father, for you are strong, but your existence is a threat to mine, as such, DIE" 

"Observevul krashtaz'dek ma'korun! Vashka'zeth varith'tan inan'tal, zik'narok va'lashkun teth'ruk korun!" ("Behold the might of the tempest! You are but leaf in the wind of my wrath!")

"Gruzz'tul dharokan belzum, Lohk'tal in belk'narok mor'k'vun!" ("Feel the flames of my fury, Burn in the fires of eternal torment!")

"Vruznarok amal'dek, vrek'kathul zel'narok! Zal'krith amal'narok, belzum'dek!" ("Struggle all you like, but you cannot escape the grasp of true evil!")

One spell after another, Trigon finally gave up on sparing his daughter, from Under the Pillars of flames emerged, the skies rained dark lightning, and finally, the chains started to chase both Kori and Raven, Kori turned her attention to blasting the lighting, and chains coming after her, while Raven cloaked herself with energy to dodge the flames as she ran towards the fallen Raiden, trying to protect him from collateral damage

Reaching him, Raven said "Zaltharok amal'narok, zel'narok va'kaz'dek! Narok'zalthul korun, keth'krith amal'narok!" ("With the power of mystic energy, I shall shield us from harm! None shall penetrate our defenses!") creating a massive sphere like shield, that protected Her and Raiden "KORI! COME HERE !" 

Hearing Raven's calls, Kori turned her attention to her direction, dodging the pillars and lighting she was just about to enter the Sphere when one of the chains grabbed hold of her legs, then another, and another

Seeing that Kori was caught, Raven was shocked, but that wasn't the worst part, the worst part was that a pillar was just about to emerge from the ground and impale her, seeing this, Raven rushed out of the protection of her shield and cut the shields away with her magic before grabbing her and dodging the pillars, but out of nowhere, another set of chains held her down, both she and Kori were caught, the chains weren't strong when defending against them, but when they caught her, she realized their true strength, the ability to absorb energy from the one in the chains, both her and Kori lost their powers 

"Now you are mine, I will absorb all your powers and open the path to Earth on my own, Destruction will reign supreme aghhhhhhhhhhhhh" As Trigon was speaking massive red energy bolted from behind his back, and the dark red energy went from his back and emerged from his front stomach creating a massive hole on him, from the holes landed a woman filled with blood, her eyes filled with years of experience, her powers were the real deal, and Trigon recognized her "YOU ! how! You are dead! How is that possible? Is that an Illusion then!" 

Or at least he thought he recognized her, after all in front of him, Scáthach held her spear

"Gae Bolg Alternative" 

As she said those words, Hundreds, no, thousands of spears came flying from the skies, half of them destroyed the pillars, the other half aimed at Trigon, and some cut the chains that held Kori and Raven down

"Raiden! No! It's" said Kori, and Raven finished her words "You are not Raiden, but it doesn't matter, your help is welcomed" Looking at the two of them safe, Scáthach ignored them as she went inside the barrier made by Raven, to which shocked Raven "She ignored it like it was nothing" 

"Get up, you rested long enough, you have to get up, you are to be my student, I don't allow my students to rest for long, your training will be hell, so Get up Raiden Kagawa, it's time to defeat this Demon" as Scáthach spoke, she stared at Raiden, his state was pitiful, and she knew it, but she didn't care as she spoke "I'll buy you a single minute, if you don't get up, The world will end, you are to blame, because you weren't strong enough" 

Scáthach then turned to the girls and said "Follow my lead" I'll fight him head-on, and you two back me up, you deflect the lighting, and you, your attacks affect him, I'll create openings for you, so take advantage of them, the Gate of Skye will disperse soon, and as such, he'll be free to move again, we Got one minute, let's go" 

"I Understand now, So you are not that boy who barrows power, you are the real deal, the true queen of that shadow land, and the reason it was still open even after I defeated that Boy, but I can feel it, this gate is weakening, I can already move my hands, it's a matter of time before this gate disperses, but before that happens, you will die" 

"Infernalth koruun, zel'narok lohk'tul! Veth'kraznak amal'narok va'thul keth'korun! Zaltharok Vash'krith!" ("Into the darkness you shall fall, crushed by the weight of your own despair! Abyssal Annihilation!") just like last time, a massive dark energy encircled the horns of Trigon as they aimed towards Scáthach like a laser that defeated them last time

"Unlike this boy, this is my body, I know the limits and powers inside of it," said Scáthach as she delved inside the darkness, hiding in it, the laser attack affected nothing before Trigon noticed how she emerged from behind under his own shadow 

"Thrust and Penetrate


Trigon understood nothing as he noticed that his balance was off, he looked down to see his left hand completely cut 

"Unlike the boy, I can direct my noble phantasm to other places other than the heart"

Trigon's leg would regenerate again of course, but the speed and cut were so powerful that he couldn't even register it had happened, however, that wasn't the worst part, as the moment he lost balance, he saw his daughter conjure the Shadow blade again, the blade came rushing down to cut him away, as he screamed "Zel'narok va'korun, gruuk'krith belzum'dek! Zaltharok Va'kaz!" ("Darkness heed my desire! Aura of Protection!")

His Aura was engulfed in Darkness that protected him from the Sword, the sword clashed with his aura as the power of the sword proved to be much more significant, focusing all his attention on it, he didn't have time to react to another attack 

"Solar Flare" A Massive Solar energy came rushing at him, Kori was all up in his face as the flames of the sun aimed at his face, burning away his skin and eyes as Trigon screamed in pain, his focus still on protecting himself from Raven's sword 


As His Aura Broke, the sword slashed away at his abdomen from the left, going almost halfway through his body, before something else broke 

It was the gate of Skye, Trigon realized this the moment it happened as he dodged backward, blood gushed from his wound, his face filled with scars, and his leg half regenerating, but his voice was joyous with laughter as he screamed "AHAHAHAHAHAH THE HEAVENS ARE ON MY SIDE! MY WILL IS LAW" 

"I Don't even have to waste energy on defending myself from the Gate, you will die by my hands now, This is the emergence of the Demon God Trigon!"

"Infernalth koruun, zel'narok lohk'tul! Veth'kraznak amal'narok va'thul keth'korun! Zaltharok Vash'krith!" ("Into the darkness, you shall fall, crushed by the weight of your own despair! Abyssal Annihilation!") 

"Infernalth koruun, zel'narok lohk'tul! Veth'kraznak amal'narok va'thul keth'korun! Zaltharok Vash'krith!" ("Into the darkness, you shall fall, crushed by the weight of your own despair! Abyssal Annihilation!") 

"Infernalth koruun, zel'narok lohk'tul! Veth'kraznak amal'narok va'thul keth'korun! Zaltharok Vash'krith!" ("Into the darkness, you shall fall, crushed by the weight of your own despair! Abyssal Annihilation!") 

Three massive Dark spheres were created above his horns, Not one, but three, the Laser attack that almost killed Raiden, Trigon was capable of creating three of them, aiming them at the targets, Kori, Raven, and Scáthach 

But to his shock, The dark skies that were still affected by his tempest spell from earlier dispersed, as storms started to crackle in the skies, only one opening was left, as the sun's light shone upon Raiden's fallen body, his body started to raise as the light engulfed it, Rain started to fall and a lighting storm was called upon, the skies that were shining with the sun, now shone more, the stars from the skies became bright, creating the Constellation straddling the celestial equator 

As Raiden's figure emerged, Trigon attempted to attack sneakily before the transformation ended, but to his shock three Arrows with a speed that he'd never considered to be possible pierced all his pierced all his spheres

No one knew what stood in front of them, whether it was Presence, elegance, strength, or magic all of it was flowing through this man, but one voice spoke 

It was Scáthach as she said "It's a Grand Servant" 

The new figure opened its eyes saying 

"The gate of Skye was destroyed, which means the demon is now free of his chains, that's how it ought to be, only with his full power could this demon hope to be a worthy opponent

After All, he is in the presence of History's greatest Hunter

The Grand Archer


(Ehhhh Master I'm sorry to say this! But that was ABSOLUTELY EMBARRASSING! How can you say that with my body when THREE HOT CHICKS are around? are you trying to destroy my chances with chicks? Oh hey, look they're into it! Master do it AGAIN) 



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