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45.02% Fanfiction Collection + EPub Links / Chapter 75: Percy Jackson Fan-fiction 2 - Percy Jackson Champion of the Primordials

Capítulo 75: Percy Jackson Fan-fiction 2 - Percy Jackson Champion of the Primordials

Plot: Five year old Percy Jackson was abandoned by his sister who joined the hunt. Eight hundred years later, two twelve year old boys, both children of Poseidon stumble into camp, one is in shock and awe about the Greek world but the other seems to have known about it and has skills that can rival the gods themselves. But one thing confuses everyone, why does he hate the hunt so much?

Pairing: PercyxArtemis

13th Century, Europe

Jennifer POV

"So Jennifer, do you accept my offer?" Artemis, goddess of the Hunt, Moon, Maidens, and Childbirth questioned. A few of her Hunters, a group of eternal maidens that follow her, stared at me expectantly. I have to admit, the offer was tempting. I was being offered immortality from a goddess, but...I looked at the tent flap, where I know Percy is outside. He means the world to me, I couldn't afford to leave him alone, especially if what Lady Artemis said is true. He'll be in danger.

Artemis must've noticed and spoke. "I understand you care for your brother, but he will become like the rest of them out there." I shook my head. "You don't know that," I said. "You're assuming." One of her Hunters opened her mouth to speak, a red haired girl, but Artemis raised her hand, silencing her. "But I do, Jennifer. My brother is the god of prophecies. He can foretell the future. He said the boy is special." "And you assume that he's going to be bad?" I demanded.

"The boy is powerful. My father, Zeus, scents a aura surrounding the boy. A aura he hasn't felt in centuries." "And what is that?" She looked me dead in the eye with her piercing silver eyes. "Poseidon. God of the Seas and Earthquakes." "And what does that have to do with Percy?" I demanded. "He's a son of Poseidon, so what?" "Thou do not understand how powerful he is," one of her Hunters said.

She had coppery skin, her nose was tilted slightly. Her eyes were a shiny, almost black color. A silver tiara resided on her head. "Children of Poseidon are rare, but also very powerful." "If trained properly, a child of Poseidon is most likely the most powerful demigods ever born," Artemis said. "Stronger than Hades or Zeus's children." "He's five!" I protested.

"He doesn't know who he is. I'm all he has," I said. "His mother was killed in a raid, he's taken into slavery. He's only five and you said it's only going to get worse." I shook my head. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to decline your offer. I will not leave Percy at the mercy of monsters, or gods," I looked at Artemis. "You can keep your immortality. Unless Percy comes along, I want no part of it." I stood up and headed to the tent flap till she spoke again.

"I did not want to tell you this, but the boy will die anyway." I froze. "What?" I looked at Artemis. "If you lay a finger on him-" "Zeus has ordered for me to find the son of Poseidon, and bring him to Olympus." "For what?" She looked at me with what looked like pity. "Execution. Zeus will kill him before he grows up and becomes a threat." I realized what she meant.

"Are you scared of him?" Her eyes narrowed. "Watch your words girl," she warned. "I have been lenient with you because you have potential. I do not want it to go to waste, especially when it comes from a maiden." "You're scared he'll grow up and become powerful, too powerful even for a god to control him." "No demigod is stronger than a god." "Then what about Hercules?" I questioned.

"You said he held up the sky. Something only an immortal can do." "He is a child of Zeus." "And Percy is a son of Poseidon. He's more than capable to do it. And you said Poseidon can gain many allies if he wishes to overthrow Zeus. Zeus is scared Percy can do the same, but your brother, Apollo, said he's special. Meaning Percy will be able to do something no one can do," I met Artemis' gaze evenly.

"Such as defeat an Olympian?" Thunder rumbled dangerously in the background. "You are smart," Artemis said. "Smarter than I thought. But yes," she nodded. "That is the reason Zeus wants him killed. Together, he and Poseidon would be a powerful enemy." "And you would take the risk of inflicting Poseidon's wrath on yourself by killing his son?" She sighed.

"I am thousands of years old, you are still a child. I have seen boys like your brother, I thought, that maybe, they would be good. But," she shook her head. "They end up like the rest. Your brother will be the same." "Not that it would matter," the red haired girl said. "He will be killed anyway." Artemis nodded. "Do you feel any guilt?" I questioned.

"Why can't you leave him alone? He's young. He won't remember any of this. Let him live a normal life." "His life will never be normal anyway," Artemis said. "Once he understands who he is, his aura will grow stronger, drawing monsters near him and those surrounding him. Would you prefer it if Ares, the god of War. A son of Zeus and my immortal brother, is sent to hunt him down?" She questioned.

"Or Athena, the goddess of Wisdom, Poseidon's arch rival, is sent to hunt him down? Neither will be merciful when it comes to the boy. I am far more lenient than my half-siblings. Let it be quick and painless. It will be over before you know it." "Easy for you to say," I said glaring at Artemis. "He isn't your little brother." She nodded.

"Take your time. This is a lot to process, when you make your choice, tell me." I nodded, so many thoughts were swimming around in my head at the moment. I can join Artemis and receive immortality, never age, never get sick. But I'll be leaving Percy. I thought. But Percy will be killed anyway, for being a son of Poseidon. Why should I have to join him?

I quickly shoved that thought out of my head. So I got two choices. I was torn. I really wanted to join, but I couldn't afford to leave Percy. Even if he will be killed, I want to stick up for him, even if the result is death.

"I," I couldn't seem to get the words out. "I choose," I looked at the tent flap, where Percy was outside, probably looking for me. Guilt and hurt wormed its way into my heart, along with shame. "I made my choice," I turned back to Artemis and her Hunters. "Yes?" She probably already knew my choice. "I-I accept y-your o-off-offer." I looked down, my world already seeming a little less brighter.

"I know this is tough," Artemis said. "But you made the right choice, trust me. We will guide you through the hardships. We're your family." I flinched, remembering I told Percy the exact same thing. "Recite the oath," Artemis said. "I pledge myself to the goddess, Artemis." "I-I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis." "I turn my back on the company of men." I recited it, but in my head, I heard this.

I turn my back on Percy. "I accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt." "I accept eternal maidenhood and join-" My voice gave out on me. Tears blotted my vision. I closed my eyes, trying to prevent the tears from spilling. Please Percy, please forgive me.

"And join the Hunt." A silver glow surround me. I felt healthier and stronger, but guilt wore me down. Artemis said something but I didn't register it. I felt hands on my shoulder.

I had the sudden urge to look up. I did and saw a female and male in the shadows, looking at me in disgust. "You will regret this." I heard a voice hiss in my head. I couldn't help but shudder at the voice.

It was female, but it sounded ancient, older than Artemis, and much more deadlier than Artemis. I closed my eyes and shook my head. When I opened my eyes, they were gone.

"Come on," Artemis said putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Let's go meet your family."


"Here comes Apollo." Artemis said looking up at the sky. "Look away so you don't get blinded." Percy stood beside me, looking tired but still smiling nonetheless. The guilt from last night coming back twice as strong. I grabbed his hand and squeezed, knowing this is the last time I'll be able to do this. The sun started to rise.

"Look away." We all looked away, except for Percy, who was looking around confused. "Look away Percy," I said quietly. He turned towards me and smiled. "I'm glad you're talking to me," he said smiling. "I was worried you were mad at me." Not mad at you Percy. Mad at myself. I tilted his face to the side. "Please close your eyes." He was confused, but nodded nonetheless and closed his eyes.

I felt the heat get hotter and hotter, the light blinding me, even through closed eyes. When I felt like I went blind, the light died down. The heat subsided, but it was still warm. I opened my eyes and had to blink a few times to regain my vision. When I regained my vision, I gasped. Before me was a chariot, but what had me in awe was the chariot was on fire as a man walked out, seemingly fine, as if the fire didn't bother him. "Artemis!" He said happily. "It's been too long. You never stop by, how have you been?" Artemis sighed.

"Everyone, this is Apollo, god of the Sun. The son of Leto and Zeus, and sadly, my twin." "Don't forget Artemis, I'm the oldest." His eyes widened as a silver arrow embedded itself in a tree, missing his head by inches. "Apollo for the last time I'm older than you," she growled before pinching the bridge of her nose and speaking in a more calmer tone. "I need you to take these four demigods to camp," she said pointing at four more demigods and Percy, who hid behind my leg. I gently pushed him forward.

Apollo nodded. "Sure thing lil sis, hop on everyone." Artemis spoke, "Apollo, do be careful. Last time you brought demigods to Camp Half-Blood, they fell out of your chariot and you didn't even realize." He waved it off, looking at the demigods till he saw Percy. His smile widened. "What's your name kid?" Percy hid back behind my leg and clutched, refusing to let go.

"Apollo, you're scaring the boy," Artemis said but if Apollo heard her, he didn't acknowledge it. "Percy," he mumbled shyly while Apollo nodded. "Well Percy, my name is Apollo," he extended his hand out to him. "God of the Sun, Medicine, Prophecies, Archery, and Poetry." Percy's brow furrowed, showing he didn't understand a word Apollo said.

Slowly, he shook Apollo's hand.

Apollo smiled, as if it pleased him Percy shook his hand. "Alright everyone hop on." Apollo smiled as the four demigods slowly got on the chariot, looking around for something to grab, but Percy seemed excited. "Come on sis," Percy said. "Let's go check out this camp." He pulled on my hand, but I stayed glue to my spot. He looked at me confused. "Hey," he started to pull harder. "What are you doing?" I shook my head, trying to stop the tears from falling.

"Sis,"hHe started to pull with more urgency. "Come on." I looked at Artemis for help. She noticed and gestured for Apollo, but he stayed in his spot. One of the campers stepped out of the chariot to grab Percy, but Apollo shook his head. "Let her do it," he said. "It wasn't you who left him." Percy looked at me pleadingly.

My heart hurt. "Percy," I choked out. "I'm can't come." I led him away from everyone else. "W-Why?" I looked at him, his sea green eyes looking slightly dull, as if he already knew what I was going to tell him. I told him everything.

When I finished, he stared at me in shock and betrayal. "You-You," his eyes were glistening. "You left me. You don't even know them!" He screamed. "You left me, for them!" He pointed in the direction of the Hunters and Artemis." "Percy," I reached out to grab his arm, but he scrambled away from me. "Get away from me!" I heard footsteps nearing us.

"Percy, just listen-" Every time I tried to grab him, he scratched, clawed, and bit to get away from me. My heart was shattering more and more. The Hunters emerged with their bows along with Artemis, the campers had their weapons out. Apollo emerged, walking casually, like it was a normal day for him.

One of the Hunters sent a arrow straight towards Percy.

My eyes widened. I moved towards him, but before I could reach him, something weird happened.

As the arrow sailed towards Percy, the shadows around us moved towards Percy and started to surround him like a shield. The shadows swallowed the arrow. It was silent, everyone staring at the wall of shadows in shock and surprise. A few seconds later, the red haired girl who shot the arrow cried out in pain. The silver arrow lodged deep in her thigh.

Before anyone could react, Artemis spoke. "Apollo," her voice was calm, but filled with shock. "What are you doing?" I turned and saw Apollo had a golden bow out, a arrow in it, but he had it pointed at Artemis's head. "Doing something I should've done a long time ago." "What are you going to do? Kill me? Father will have your head." She spoke with confidence, but I sensed her uneasiness.

Apollo laughed. "Of course not," he said. Ignoring the twenty to thirty arrows pointed at him. "Then why are you doing this?" "Because what you're doing is wrong. You know it, so do the rest of the Olympians. Only I, Aphrodite, Hermes, and Poseidon went against this. You never could say no to father. You have a weak will like the rest of the Olympians. Can't even say no to something cruel." Artemis' eyes widened.

"You heard the prophecy," Artemis said. "Oh, I know Artemis, I said it. A child of Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades will save Olympus or raze it. I said Perseus is special," he looked towards the dome of shadows. "Time for you to find out why." Percy. I completely forgot about him. I spun around and just managed to catch him run into the forests.

"Percy! Wait!" I shouted, chasing after him. Before I reached him, the shadows wrapped around me and threw back into the ground. I landed on my shoulder, popping it out of place. I gasped in pain as the shadows started to swirl a few feet away from me, forming two figures.

Apollo's bow disappeared, immediately, Artemis and her Hunters had their bows pointed at him. Just as Artemis went to speak, she noticed the shadows forming two figures. She looked at Apollo. "You will regret this," she hissed. He smirked. "Sure I will Artemis," he nodded his head in agreement. "I certainly will regret this." She turned back to the shadows and raised her bow, the Hunters doing the same thing.

The demigods raised their weapons, only Apollo stood there defenseless. I stood up slowly, clutching my shoulder. I looked at the swirling shadows, they were disorientated, so I couldn't see if they were male or female. "Who would've known the Olympians would stoop so low, killing a boy." A male voice said.

"They're Olympians," a female said. "They are lower than Tartarus. If possible, lower." The shadows formed two figures. Judging from the two figures build, one was female and the other was male. I still couldn't see what they looked like, they were still blurry. "Who are you?" Artemis demanded, pointing her bow at them. Suddenly, her bow was yanked out of her hands and landed in the female's hands.

"Watch yourself daughter of Zeus," the female hissed, the shadows surrounding us so much no light shown in. "I am not someone you want as an enemy." "You dare to threaten a Olympian?" Shadows wrapped around Artemis' neck and yanked her toward the female till they were face to face. "You dare to threaten a primordial?" Artemis' eyes widened. The figures started to become more clearer.

"N-Nyx," Artemis choked out, trying to pry the shadows off her neck, but they only tightened, making her pale skin start to turn blue. The Hunters released arrows, but golden arrows split them in half. They spun around and looked at Apollo in shock. "Thou dare to betray thy own kin?" The girl with the tiara said, looking at Apollo shocked. "I'm betraying no one. I'm doing the right thing, something that could save Olympus or destroy it. And it all begins with Perseus." The female released Artemis, who collapsed to the ground in front of the two figures.

I managed to make out black eyes, black eyes that swirled with unknown power, making Artemis seem like a child compared to her. "There," the female said, her black eyes drilling holes into Artemis. "You've learned your place. You know where you belong now." Apollo turned to the two blurry figures. "Lord Erebus," he bowed to the male, then turned to the female. "Lady Nyx." They looked at him as Artemis stood up, her breathing returning to normal, her skin returning back to its normal color.

"Apollo," the female, Nyx, said. "Out of all the Olympians, you are among the few I least expected to help." "You're helping them?" Artemis said, looking between Apollo and the two deities. "You're helping primordials? Beings who we thought faded." She was slammed back into a tree. The Hunters raised their bows, but they were all yanked out of their hands and all thrown back by shadows. "Do we look, faded," the male, Erebus, spat.

Artemis stood up, a cut on her cheek, where golden blood flowed. Her silver eyes pulsing with power and barely restrained anger. "Attack us daughter of Zeus," Nyx spat. "I'll be happy to make a Olympian fade."

"How do you know what he wants and what he doesn't want?" I demanded. They turned towards me, as if finally realized I was here. Nyx disappeared and reappeared in a few feet in front of me. Before I could react, she pointed her hand at me. Shadows shot out from everywhere and wrapped around my neck, lifting me up into the air. "Because we have been watching him," she said.

"He wants a family, something he was stripped off." The shadows tightened around my neck. I tried to pry them off, but it was a futile effort. "He will grow up to become a great hero. His skills will surpass every immortal out there, but his skills with the sword will be unmatched by everyone, save for our father. He will become the most powerful demigod to have ever walked the planet. He will have fame and power that some gods would be willing to die for. He will be Olympus' most greatest hero, surpassing that worthless hero, Hercules by a long shot. One day he will make a choice, he will either save the Olympians or be the cause of their destruction." Everyone's eyes widened at her statement.

She flicked her wrist, and the shadows threw me back into another Hunter, sending us both to the ground. "We have more important things to do than deal with a prideful Olympian." Nyx looked to the sky. "You coming with me to Olympus," Artemis turned to Apollo. "Father will know of this." Apollo raised an eyebrow. "Will he now?" As she went to speak, a golden flash appeared beside Nyx and Erebus.

"You call sister?" I heard as the golden flash died down, revealing a man with hair that looked red with gold streaks in it. "You call?" Nyx pointed at us. He turned to us, revealing pure golden eyes. "You know what to do." He nodded and started to mutter. Whatever it was, it wasn't human, but something far older than the gods. Nyx and Erebus turned towards us. "Now if you'll excuse us, we have to go and greet a new member of the family." I realized she was talking about Percy. I went to take a step forward. But suddenly, I felt like passing out.

I looked around and saw the campers and Hunters were on the ground, eyes closed. Artemis included. "They aren't dead mortal." I turned back and saw Nyx, Erebus, Apollo, and the golden-eyed male staring at me. "Know this, Jennifer Jackson," Nyx hissed. "The next time you see Perseus, it will not be pleasant." I collapsed to the ground, darkness consuming me.

Percy POV

I ran off into the forests, moving past the trees and branches till I tripped. I laid there and started to cry. "What did I do wrong?" I stood up, wiping the tears away. "Where did I mess up at?" "You didn't go wrong anywhere, young hero." I looked up and saw a woman in front of me.

I started to back up. She put her hands up and spoke. "I mean you no harm, young hero." She smiled at me, and I felt like she meant no harm. I was still wary, though. "Who are you?" I said, trying to sound intimidating, but was failing terribly. She noticed and her smile widened. "There's no need to fear me Perseus, nor is there a reason for you to seem threatening. I would never harm my nephew." I stared at her confused as she sat down on a log.

"Sit down, young hero." She gestured for me to sit by her. "Why do you keep calling me that?" I said slowly walking towards her. "I'm no hero." I said sitting beside her. "My sister left me," I muttered, tears threatening to spill. I felt arms wrap around me. "She made her choice, Perseus. I call you a hero because that's what you are. You will become a great hero," she said.

"A powerful hero, if not the greatest to have ever live." "Heroes have happy endings," I said. "I'm going to die alone." "Perseus," she tilted my head up so I could see her eyes. Her eyes were like a fire, but not a raging one. A calm one. Warm with no intention of harming.

"Are you a god?" I questioned. "Yes Perseus, I am a god." "Which one?" She smiled. "Hestia, goddess of the Hearth." I frowned. "I never heard of you." "You have Perseus, but in a different name. Gods are real. We move wherever the fire burns the brightest, and that is here," she gestured around. "First we were in Greece, then moved to Rome, and now we are here." "What's 'Greece' and 'Rome'?" "I will let your family explain whenever they get here." Family? I have no family, but didn't say anything.

She continued explaining everything to me about gods till a thought came to me.

"The campers called me a demigod?" I questioned. "What does that mean?" "A demigod is a half mortal, half god. You are the son of Poseidon, god of the Seas and Earthquakes, who is also my little brother, making me your aunt." She smiled. "Why hasn't he ever helped me?" I demanded. If my dad is a god, where was he when my home was burned to the ground and my mother was killed while I was taken into slavery?

She spoke, as if reading my thoughts. "Do not blame your father Perseus. He has helped you more than he should've. When you were on that boat, didn't you notice how the water healed your wounds and how you didn't get seasick like everyone else did? Your father has been protecting you for the longest time." I realized she was right, my father has been helping me whenever he could. But he still should've helped in some way, he did love my mother right?

"Why don't the gods see their children?" I said. "The Ancient Laws." "What are those?" "The Ancient Laws are what keep the gods from seeing their children, these laws bound every immortal there is; Olympian, Titan, Giant, or a Primordial. Every full immortal must follow these laws." A thought came to me. "How can those two gods be down here then? Aren't they supposed to be bound to the Ancient Laws?"

"Those are the twins of Zeus and Leto, Apollo is the god with the blue eyes. Artemis is the goddess with silver eyes. "The one with all the girls?" She nodded. "Those are her followers, the Hunters of Artemis, which you met a few minutes ago." She said apologetically. I nodded.

"How come she's down here. "Artemis is the only Olympian who is sort of free from the Ancient Laws because of her domains. Maidens, the Moon, and the Hunt. Her domains are more connected to mortals than anyone else's." I nodded again.

"A powerful being and his children came to me and offered you a home with them." "Really?" I questioned hopefully. "Can someone really help me?" She nodded. "I wish to help you before you leave, as do one of your cousins and my brother." I opened my mouth to speak, but a flash appeared beside us, making me close my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a man in front of us. He had light blue eyes and a smile so bright it was like looking at the sun. "Apollo, tune it down," a voice said. "You're going to blind me and the boy." The light died down, thankfully. I looked to where I heard the voice, but didn't see anything. "Look closer, son of Poseidon." "Hades," Hestia said.

"Stop messing with him. Come on." A figure appeared out of the shadows beside Hestia and the other male. Hestia spoke.

"Perseus, meet your cousin, Apollo" she pointed at the blue eyed male. "And your uncle, Hades." She pointed at the other male. He was hard to see, due to the shadows seemingly embracing him, but I did see the dark piercing eyes clearly. I shivered. "So, this is the spawn of Poseidon." Hestia glared at him. "Usually I would kill you but," he sighed. "My sister said you play a important factor in the near future and that I might take a liking to you," he looked at me with his black eyes. I felt like he was looking into my soul. Trying to dig into my deepest fears and secrets. "So, I've come to see if it's true." I nodded shakily.

"Perseus," I looked at Hestia. "I am a maiden, which means I never had children. I would like to adopt you," I stared at her stunned. "If that would be fine with you," she said nervously. I continued to stare at her stunned till I hugged her tightly. "I'd love that, mom." I felt her hug me back. A sudden warmth overcame me. "As my son, you have the ability to summon fire, but beware Perseus, the fire is linked with your emotions. If you get too mad, it will turn to Greek Fire, which is nearly impossible to extinguish."

Apollo spoke. "I know we won't be able to talk much, sadly." "Apollo," Hestia said. "Right, anyway, I'm going to make you my champion. Doing this you will have every power of mine, which includes the ability to see into the future." He smiled. "Apollo," Hades said. "Is that safe for the sea spawn? Making him a champion at such a young age, that much power would burn him alive." My eyes widened.

"He survived Aunt Hestia's blessing, a full blessing. He'll be fine." Apollo put his hand on my shoulder. I felt fine, till I started to sweat, and felt like I was being burned from the inside out. I screamed, feeling white hot pain move up and down my body. I thought it would never end till it started to slowly die away. When the pain left my body, I looked up and saw Hestia looking at me in shock and relief.

Hades stared at me shocked and impressed. Apollo was smiling. "Told you he had it under control," he said turning toward me. "Children of Poseidon are naturally terrible at archery, but with the people you're going to be living with you should be fine." Hades spoke. "What about Orion?" Apollo growled. "Don't. Ever. Mention him again." He snarled.

I backed up, looking at Apollo shocked and slightly scared. He must've noticed my expression because he stopped and looked at me apologetically. "I'm sorry if I scared you," he said. "I just don't like Orion. It was unnecessary." His expression brightened. "But, you do have the powers of healing, archery, poetry and haiku, and the ability to see into the future." I looked at him shocked.

Hestia pushed Hades forward. "Erm, I guess I'll make you my champion too." He muttered as shadows surrounded me. A cold chill moved up and down my body, making me shiver. When the shadows disappeared, I felt better and powerful. Very powerful.

"As my champion, you have the ability to shadow travel, enter the Underworld with ease, and summon the dead. As you get older and train, you will be more powerful." I opened my mouth, but he held his hand up. "No need need to thank me." I closed my mouth and nodded.

Hestia spoke. "Lord Aether should be here any minute." I opened my mouth but a bright flash appeared. I closed my eyes but the light still blinded me, even through shut eyes. After what felt like a eternity, the light died down.

I opened my eyes and gasped. A angel stood in front of us. He wore white armor, that would've blinded me if I didn't turn away. Massive pure white wings emerged from his back. He had a friendly smile on his face, despite his terrifying appearance.

"Lord Aether." Hestia said bowing along with Hades, and Apollo. "No need to bow to me, especially you three." His voice was smooth, it made me feel safe. He turned toward me. "Is this him?" They nodded. "This is Perseus Jackson, the son of Hestia, Champion of Hades and Apollo." He nodded.

"How old is he?" "Five years old, Lord Aether." Apollo said. "Five years old and still survived three full blessings," he mused. "Looks like father and Nyx were right about this demigod." I spoke. "Are you a angel?" He laughed and spoke. "I am Aether, Primordial of Light." I stared at him stunned and confused.

"I believe Hestia has told you everything?" "Sort of." He nodded. "I'll fill in any details," he turned toward Apollo, Hades, and Hestia. "You three should head back. I sense Zeus is starting to get suspicious of the massive power here." They nodded while Hades disappeared. "He always was a man of few words," Aether said. Apollo spoke. "Good luck cuz, feel free to come to earth and visit me. When you're older, I'll even let you drive the sun chariot." He said smiling. "Sun chariot?" I said confused as he disappeared in a flash.

"What did he mean? He makes it sound like I'm not going to be on earth." I said turning towards Aether. "That's because you won't be on earth, you'll be in the Void with me and my family." My eyes widened. Hestia hugged me. "Good luck son," she whispered. "Go become the hero you were born to be." I hugged her back feircely. "I will mother," I said. "I won't let you down. I promise." She smiled. "I know you won't son." She released me. "I know you won't." Fire started to swirl around her.

"Remember Percy," I looked at her. "The Hearth has the ability to help, more than bring destruction." Before I could speak, the fire swallowed her. When it died down, she was gone, leaving me and Aether.

"Are you ready Perseus?" He questioned. "I know so much happened to you in such a small time span-" "I'm ready," I said looking at him. "You sure?" I nodded "Alright then," he put his hand on my shoulder. "Let's go home Percy." Together, we disappeared in a flash.

Eight hundred years later

Third POV

The Void.

It is nothing, yet it is everything.

Many think it is where immortals go when they fade. This is true, but what no one knows, is the Void is also the home of the primordials, and the Creator of the Universe. It is a beautiful place. Simple, yet beautiful. Unlike Olympus, which is filled with statutes of the gods' greatest achievements, and statues of Hercules every where.

But Olympus will never match the beauty of the Void, despite what they think. The primordials' home make Olympus look like it was created with garbage.

In the palace of the Creator's home, his youngest and only half-blood son, lay in bed, writhing and muttering. Judging from the sweating pouring down the his face, he was having a bad dream.

He was in his mid-twenties, maybe twenty-seven. He had defined features, high cheekbones, etc. His skin was a perfect tan. A mop of raven black hair was on his head. His eyes were closed. He looked like a god, of course, being the son of the Creator, that's very likely.

"No," he muttered, turning to the side. "No," his voice was slowly rising in volume. He clenched the bed sheets so tight his knuckles were turning white. "No!" He bolted upright in his bed, breathing hard, revealing his eyes. And they were a sight to behold.

Whenever you look into his eyes, you tend to get lost in the magnificent swirl of colors. His eyes were the deepest shade of black possible, stars and galaxies twinkling deep in his eyes, an occasional fiery comet shooting across his eyes. Ringed around his pupil, different colors, such as gold, blue, purple, and other colors would glow before changing into another beautiful color.

"Percy?" Shadows were pulling themselves to the side of of his bed. "Are you okay?" The figure in bed, Percy, looked as the shadows started to form into a figure. "Yes," Percy said once the shadows dispersed, revealing a female, looking at Percy in concern. The female's eyes were very much like his. The deepest shade of black, but the only difference was Percy's eyes reminded everyone of the universe, the female's eyes reminded everyone when you look up at the night sky.

She, like Percy, had defined features. She wore a black dress that looked exactly like the night sky. "I'm fine Nyx," Percy said pressing his hand against his chest, as if trying to stop blood from flowing from a invisible wound. "You can go back to lip locking with Eros." He grinned at the prank he and the Primordial of Light pulled on the Primordial of Night and Love.

Nyx, the eldest child of Chaos. Primordial of Night. No doubt the strongest out of the children of Chaos, but one rivals her power, and when angered, rivals Chaos.

Nyx's black orbs drilled holes into Percy's head. "That wasn't funny." "You're right Nyx," Percy said nodding. "It was hilarious." Shadows flipped his bed over, trapping him under it. "Erebus nearly killed Eros," she said. "When he should've been trying to kill you and Aether." "Keep in mind," Percy said, shadows turning the bed back over.

"I'm father's favorite. Plus, you all love me." He looked at Nyx. "It was a friendly prank. Besides," he leaned towards her and smirked. "You seemed pretty pleased. Me and Aether didn't want to disrupt it." "When you mix all of Eros's strongest potions," she said. "It's nearly impossible for anyone to resist it. Even father." Percy nodded. When you mix Eros' strongest potions, it's sort of impossible to resist. He stood up and stretched, making the bed sheet fall to the ground, revealing scars.

Nyx looked over all the scars that used to litter his back. But over time, the scars faded, save for a few from his last encounter with war. Percy noticed and quickly threw a shirt on. "I wanted to help." Nyx scowled. "And look where it got you." Percy glanced at her, knowing why she's like this. "You're still mad?" Nyx nodded.

"There's was no need for him to send you into something that horrible." "Children of the Big Three were there," Percy said. "I had a job." "It's always the same thing," she said. "At first it was just a job, but now," she shook her head. "It's your life. Why do you defend them?" She questioned as he headed to the bathroom. "You nearly died, how many times?" She questioned, but he continued to ignore her.

Nyx knew what she was about to say would get her into some serious trouble, but she had to know the truth. Eight centuries of him not telling them anything was starting to aggravate her. "First Jennifer," he froze right in front of the bathroom. "Then Crystal, and now Daniel." "That's too far Nyx." His voice was cold. "Then tell me why you're always fighting their wars?" She demanded.

Last time Percy and Nyx got into a fight, it was truly terrifying. It took all of Chaos's power to separate them, then took every primordial's energy to keep them separated. But that was a little over two hundred years ago.

"Because," he started. "No one deserves to suffer because of Olympians." He spat out 'Olympians' with distaste, and hate. "I learned that after I was abandoned. As long as I live, I will help as much as I can." Nyx sighed. He still wasn't telling her the full truth, but it was a start.

"Alright," she stood up and headed to the door. "Before I leave, just to let you know, your mother is downstairs, as is your cousin." "Hades?" "You and I both know I'll kill him the minute he steps into the Void." Percy nodded as shadows started to surround the primordial goddess of Night. "Nyx?" The shadows halted in their tracks.

"Yes Percy?" "Thank you," he said. "For being there for me." She smiled. "That's what family is for." With that, both went their separate ways.

Many think immortality is great. Being powerful, undying. Many would kill for immortality. Do anything for it, but being immortal isn't always the best. Sometimes, it is more of a curse than it is a blessing. You may be thinking it's crazy, but it's true. Anything can happen. You make a mistake, you end a life and have to live with it for the rest of your immortal life, guilt, shame, or disgust wearing you down.

True immortals, like the Olympian gods, are so wrapped up in themselves. They strike down anyone who doesn't bow down. Even mortals. Phoebe Artemis, the daughter of Zeus. Goddess of the Moon, Hunt, Maidens, and Childbirth, is one of these immortals who see them above all others. Being Zeus's favorite daughter, no one would dare touch her.

Save for one person.

This person hates Artemis more than anything in the whole universe. But they hate the Hunters of Artemis more than Artemis, and would give anything to kill every single one of them painfully, then Artemis.

You may think this person is insane for threatening the maiden goddess and her Hunters. But do not assume things. This person is more skilled than Artemis, and more smarter than Athena. He has seen more bloodshed than the God of War, killed more than all the gods combined. And of course, more powerful than anyone could ever imagine.

But despite all he has been through, nothing has healed that one betrayal. The betrayal that shattered his heart into thousands of little pieces. Too far apart to ever be healed. That same betrayal that turned him into a powerful being, with power that surpasses the first beings in existence. The betrayal that turned him into the person he is now. The betrayal that made him a killer.

For as long as he lives, that pain in his heart will never heal. Because a emotional wound takes longer to heal than a physical wound. And being immortal, it may be thousands of years before the heart of Perseus Jackson is healed.

Percy POV

Once I brushed my teeth and tried to comb my hair, but gave up after the seventh comb broke. I walked out of my bathroom and stopped in front of my mirror. I looked at myself. Gone was the boy all those years ago. I looked at my wall and saw spoils of war from nearly every powerful monster in Greek Mythology, save for Python, Kampé, the Giants, and of course, the Titans.

I looked further down the wall and my heart sank slightly. Pictures of me and friends before death claimed them. All because of the Olympians. I thought with distaste. Who I should've killed when I had the chance. I walked to my desk and picked up my necklace. It was a simple necklace. A ocean blue gem resided in it with the words 'The Oceans' Love'. I traced the words, remembering all the great times we had before she was taken from me.

"By Artemis," I hissed, gripping the necklace tight in my hands, Greek Fire drippng through my fingers onto the floor. "Perseus!" I heard. "Your mother is here." Mom. That's right, my mom is here along with my cousin. I opened a portal and walked through it, appearing in the throne room. "What were you doing up there?" My father, Chaos questioned.

"What do you mean?" I said confused, "I was getting ready." He pointed at the ceiling, where Greek Fire was dripping through and landing on the throne room floor. For some weird reason, my Greek Fire isn't normal like how Greek Fire should be. It's a black color and melts through anything, even the armor that Chaos creates, which is indestructible. I think Nyx and Erebus called it Shadow Fire. Which is like a upgraded version of Greek Fire, but a hundred times more powerful.

"What made you mad this time?" I looked at Eros. "The past. Why do you ask such stupid questions?" "I don't ask stupid questions!" I ignored him and looked at the two in the middle of the throne room and smiled. "Mom," she smiled. "Hello son," I enveloped her tiny frame. Relishing the warmth she provides. "I see you're still in your twenty-seven year old form." She said pulling away from me.

I nodded. "It's a rather comfortable form." She nodded. My mom knew me better than anyone else, she knew my real reason but didn't push me, which I was grateful for. "Hey man," I heard someone whine. "Where's my hug?" I rolled my eyes and released Hestia and turned to my cousin, who was standing there smiling, his arms open.

"Hello Apollo," I said embracing Apollo, who hugged me so tight he would've broken a regular mortals back. Thankfully, my training with Chaos and the primordials strengthened my bones. "How you feeling?" He questioned once he finally released me. I shrugged. "Could be worse." He nodded till he saw my necklace.

"I should've done something." I put my hand on his shoulder. "I would've if someone didn't stop me," I said glaring at Nyx. "Like I said," she glared back at me. "You don't need to stoop lower than them. If they want to kill maidens, let them. They won't get many Hunters." "Haven't I stooped down to their level?" "Enough, you two," father said giving me and Nyx a look.

"Apollo, we must head back," Hestia said. "Zeus is looking for us." Apollo nodded and gave me one last hug. "Next time you come back to earth, you should meet Hermes." "I have a bad history with children of Zeus," I said. "The exception being you." He shook his head. "He ain't like any the other children of Zeus you met, he's like me. We're always pranking the Olympians. Mainly Zeus and Artemis." "I'll think about it," I said.

He nodded and vanished in a golden flash. "I have a gift for you," I raised an eyebrow. "And what would that be, mother?" "Hold out your hand." I did as she told. "Happy eight hundred and fifth birthday." I expected a bow that shoots flaming arrows, a sword that helps me direct fire so I can conserve my energy, or even a flaming spear, but what I didn't expect was a pen.

"A pen?" I questioned, looking at my gift. It looked like a regular ballpoint pen that you can buy for like twenty five cents at a store on earth. "What have I always told you Perseus?" "Looks can be deceiving, I know," I rolled my eyes at the phrase Chaos basically engraved in my mind. "Then look closer." I cursed under my breath and looked at the pen, twirling it around.

Maybe it would work if I pressed the cap. When I pressed the cap, I did not expect a three foot sword to take its place. "It's name is Anaklusmos." "Riptide." I translated, swinging the sword around. "Poseidon had it," she said. "It was going to be a gift to you when you turned twelve. But when you vanished, or died, he's kept it ever since." "How does it feel, son?" Chaos questioned.

"It feels good," I said swinging it around. In my eight hundred years of life, I did like using swords, but I never could create or find a sword that felt good to me. "You can test it out against Ouranos when your mother leaves." I nodded and capped Riptide. "Thank you mother," I said hugging her. "Your welcome." She hugged me tightly before releasing me and backing away.

"Do tell him Chaos." "Tell me what dad?" I looked at my dad confused as did everyone else. "Soon son," he said as Hestia vanished in a column of flames. "For now, you train. I am interested to see how well you do with a sword that fits you perfectly."


"Come on Percy, you can do better than that." Ouranos taunted. "Surely you don't want to be beaten by a old man like me." "Certainly not," I said jumping over him and slashing at his back. He blocked it, but not fast enough. My attack left a gash on him. He growled and threw a lightning bolt at me. "I thought this was no powers?" I said using the winds to change its course, which was Chronos.

Chronos's eyes widened. He jumped out of the way as the bolt hit the wall. "Sorry Chronos!" I shouted kicking Ouranos back and reaching for my shield on the ground till I suddenly felt like I was moving through Jell-O. Damn you Chronos.

"I was going to release you, but now that you said that. You have to break free." I knew Chaos was telling Chronos to do this. He wants me to win with no abilities. I started to fight Chronos for control, but I'm a champion of time, he is time. It's a lot more harder than it sounds.

"Honey, this isn't your battle," I heard Ananke say. "This is his and Ouranos's battle, leave him alone." Suddenly, I could move. I rolled and picked up my shield just in time. I put my shield up as Ouranos' sword made contact with my shield, throwing me back onto the ground. "Your welcome Percy." I kicked Ouranos feet out from under him, sending him to the floor.

I rolled to my feet just as Ouranos started to get up. "Thank you Ananke!" She smiled as Ouranos used the winds to propell himself toward me. An idea came to me.

As he came toward me, I capped Riptide and used my shield. I waited till he neared me. I really hope this works. When he appeared in front of me, I accidentally tripped and fell onto my back. "Eight hundreds and five years old and you're still making mistakes." I smirked at Ouranos. Using my strength and brain, I turned Ouranos's domain against him.

I put my feet under my shield and pushed up, hitting Ouranos in the stomach. I flipped over, Ouranos, who was still using the winds, sailed straight through the wall of the arena. "Millennia years old and you're still making mistakes." I grinned and looked around the arena. Aether, Erebus, Chronos, Hydros, Pontus, and Eros were laughing. Ananke and Ourea rolled their eyes. Nyx, Hemera, and Thalassa were smiling, Tartarus was smirking, Gaea was shaking her head at her husband.

I looked higher and saw Chaos smiling at me, nodding his head. Time to end this. I thought looking back at the hole in the wall. I looked down for Riptide but couldn't find it. "Where's Riptide?" I muttered, looking around till I had the urge to check my pocket. I reached into my pocket and felt a pen. My eyes widened.

Best. Birthday gift. Ever. I pulled out Riptide and covered the distance between me and Ouranos. Ouranos stumbled out of the wall, shaking his head as I brought Riptide down.

He moved to the side just as I brought Riptide down. He used the winds to throw me back, but it did him little help. Riptide felt great in my hands, it was perfectly balanced, not to heavy, not to light. I felt invincible. I kicked Ouranos back onto the ground and pinned him, pressing Riptide against his throat. "Do you yield Ouranos?" He looked at Riptide, then back at me.

He nodded. "I yield Percy." I smiled and got off him, extending my hand out to him. "Great fight Percy," he said smiling. "Now that you have a sword that suits you. Your skills with the sword are now truly unmatched." Ouranos said as everyone flashed toward us. "Awesome fight Perce," Aether said grinning. "I never thought something like that would happen." "There's a first for everything, Aether," father said smiling at me.

"There are many ways to defeat an immortal without using your abilities, Perseus. Turning a primordial's domain against them though," he shook his head. "That's a new one. Very good Perseus." It's hard to impress Chaos, but when you do, it's a great feeling to experience. "Thank you father," I said.

"But, I wouldn't be where I am today without yours or anyone else's help." They smiled. "Everyone head to the throne room," he said opening a portal. "I will explain what Hestia was talking about earlier." Everyone nodded and disappeared in different colored flashes. "I hope it's not another war," I said shadow traveling to the throne room.

When I got there and got settled in. Chaos spoke. "Before we do anything, how are the rest of your classes going?" I looked at Nyx, Hemera, and Eros. "He's excelled in tracking and hunting knifes," Nyx said. "I think they're his favorite save the sword." Dad nodded as Hemera spoke. "He's also excelled in shield and spear fighting, although he holds a certain amount of distaste for it." She glared slightly at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Sorry Hemera, I don't hate it. It just isn't at the top of the list." "Eros, how is his training?" All we got was silence. "Eros?" I looked at him and groaned. "Dumbass," I muttered before using the shadows and yanking the mirror out of his hands and sending it somewhere in the Void. "Why'd you do that?" He demanded, glaring at me.

"Because you idiot, father asked you a question twice and you didn't answer." "I was busy!" "You and Nyx can lip lock later." Aether burst out in laughter. "You think that's funny, don't you?" Eros said glaring at Aether. "Yeah, because of all those pranks you pulled on us. We got you back, good." "Percy had a crush on Hemera!" That was unexpected.

Everyone looked at me shocked. "I was young," I said. "Then what about that kiss you and Hemera shared?" Now it was Nyx's turn to laugh. "Wait, what?!" Aether demanded, looking at me. "You and Hemera did what?!" "That dumbass," I pointed at Eros. "Thought it was funny to mix a love and lust potion and slip it into my drink. It made me fall in love with the first person I saw." "And that was Hemera." Eros grinned evilly at me.

"The affect was far better than I thought." Aether turned to Hemera, who had her head in her hands. "And where were you at in all of this?" "How about we put this behind us for now," Thalassa suggested. "We'll talk about this after we get the important matters done." "This is a important matter!" "Don't take it personal Aether," Erebus said.

"This is Eros, it's part of his domain to cause drama. I knew something was up when I heard Nyx and Eros were lip locking." Aether ignored what Erebus said and spoke. "How long ago was this?" I didn't say anything, nor did Hemera. "Oh," Eros tapped his chin. "Around seven hundred and seventy two years ago." Aether looked like he was about to explode.

Everyone sat in their thrones, biting their lips from trying not to laugh. Father was looking at me, an eyebrow raised. "Something tells me this is going to get much more interesting." I glared at him. "He was young," Hemera said. "I knew he was scared of everyone here. So, I changed my age to around his to help him come out of his shell. I knew he liked me-" "So, you knew," "Aether," he looked at me.

"Now what do you have to say?" I recoiled in surprise. Aether was taking this way too personal. "First of all, shut up and listen." Now it was his turn to recoil in surprise. "Hemera is your wife, listen to what she has to say." "Fine," he looked at Hemera. "Continue." "It was working, he was slowly coming out of his shell, then one day he brought me flowers." Aether bit his tongue.

"I was surprised, but also...happy." Aether spun around to look at me. Hemera continued. "He must've went out into the universe. It was deadly doing that, all for flowers. A few weeks afterward, I started to look forward to his company. Then one day, he...well-" "Kissed you?" I cringed and looked down at my shoes, finding them very interesting.

"Did you kiss him back?" Hemera looked at him surprised. "What?" "Did you kiss him back?" I spoke. "Would it make you feel better if we swore on Chaos's name that me and Hemera have no romantic feelings for each other whatsoever?" He nodded. "It certainly would." Everyone looked at me, then at Hemera, then back at me. "Well," Aether demanded impatiently.

"Are you going to swear?" I looked at Hemera, but she was looking at me, as if waiting for me to speak first. Nyx suddenly gasped, her eyes widening before she laughed. "Now what's funny?!" My eyes widened, as did Hemera's. "Like I said Aether," Eros said smirking. "The affect was far better than I thought." Aether realized what he meant.

"Are you-" He started to glow a bright light that grew brighter and brighter. A barrier quickly surrounded me, right before a loud booming sound was heard. For who knows how long, all I heard was furious arguing between Aether and Hemera, and Erebus and Eros laughing. After a few more minutes, it all died down. The barrier slowly dissolved. "Son," I slowly looked up and met my father's eyes.

"Aether has been...removed from this meeting. Due to problems." I nodded. "Eros," the grin on his face vanished. "No more potions." Eros opened his mouth to speak but father stopped him. "I'm not arguing with you. We spent the last thirty minutes arguing on a foolish topic. Aether revealed his true form, which would've been fine, if Perseus were not in here. If I hadn't put the barrier around Perseus, he could've been killed. Report to me his training, then leave. I will deal with you and Aether later." Eros opened his mouth, (probably to argue.) but then closed his mouth and nodded.

"He's doing excellent power wise. His archery is better Apollo and Artemis combined but nowhere near me. Personally, I think it has something to do with his heritage, since all children of Poseidon are naturally terrible at archery. But the blessing from Apollo does help him drastically." Father nodded. Eros turned towards me with a guilty expression.

"Sorry Percy," he turned toward Hemera. "I'm sorry to you too." With that, he disappeared in a pink flash. "So," he said. "Power wise, he's excelled. Skill wise is the same, but his archery is a little off?" Everyone nodded. "Although, there are a few problems here and there with my training." Tartarus said, "Maybe it's because you actually try to kill him every time he trains with you?" Ourea questioned, "I'm preparing him," Tartarus said.

"Preparing him for what?" "For when he's in a life or death situation." Tartarus rolled his eyes, as if the answer was obvious. "What else am I preparing him for Pontus?" "By trying to kill him?" "He's still alive Erebus," Tartarus said. "I don't see why everyone's so worried." "Because we end the training before he gets killed," Ouranos said.

I decided to step in. "Yes Tartarus's training is a bit brutal but in the end, it's his training that saves me." Tartarus nodded. "See? Even if Percy agrees with it, he's fine." I decided to focus on the reason father called this meeting. "Father," I said. "Why did you call us here?" Everyone looked at Chaos.

"You know of the Great Prophecy we told you Perseus?" I nodded. "Yes, what about it?" Earth appeared on a Iris-message. "Earth," he said. "Home of the Olympian gods." Everyone got a disgusted look. The birthplace of my suffering. I thought as he spoke. "I believe the prophecy is coming into play. The prophecy is about a half-blood of the Big Three. You were the only living half-blood for forty eight years until five years ago." The Iris-message shifted and showed a mortal woman in the arms of Poseidon, both watching a five year old child play.

"Poseidon sired a child?" I said. Hemera spoke, she's been so quiet I forgot she was here. "Poseidon, Zeus, and Hades made a oath in the twentieth century to never have any children to avoid the Great Prophecy." I laughed. "If they made an oath, why were there seven children of the Big Three in the twentieth century?" I demanded. "It was made after they were sired." I laughed. "Seriously?" I looked at father. "Five children of Hades, one child of Poseidon, and two children of Zeus. Four fought in Germany, plus me. All fighting against Hades' insane son who wanted to conquer the world. Then you had the three younger children of Hades. Do you know how tired I was that century?" He grimaced.

"I'm sorry-" "If you were sorry, you wouldn't have sent him down there." "Nyx," she looked at me. "It's fine, seriously." She scowled, but nodded. "There is a daughter of Zeus, Thalia Grace. She is fourteen." My eyes widened. "And you're just now telling me this?" "She has a son of Hermes with her, she's been on the run longer than any child of the Big Three." "It doesn't matter," I said. "If the Great Prophecy resolves around her, especially if it's a child of Zeus. Then it really will be the end of Olympus." "Not that we're complaining," Pontus said. We nodded.

He sighed. "I understand you don't like the Olympians, some more than others." He looked at me when he said this. "But you know we can't rule earth," everyone nodded. "That much power would tear the earth apart." "Basically, you'll kill me," Gaea said. Father nodded. "So we let the Olympians rule." "And look how such great rulers they've been," Erebus said clapping his hands.

"As you can see," he gestured to the Iris-message. "Poseidon broke the oath not long after." We nodded. "The boy is your brother Perseus," I nodded. "Your brother is more likely to be the one to either save or destroy Olympus than the daughter of Zeus." I nodded. "But I don't want it to be him." I knew what he meant. "Father," I said slowly, dreading the answer. "You aren't," he nodded. "I want you to be the one to save the Olympians." It was so silent you could hear a pin drop.

"No." He sighed. "Perseus-" "I may have fought their mortal wars, but this," I shook my head. "I don't like the Olympians," I said. "What makes you think I'll like their kids?" "I'm not asking you too Perseus." "Then what are you asking?" "I'm asking you to do the right thing." I turned away from him. "Poseidon's son, Tyler, he isn't just your brother." I turned my head so I could see him.

"What are you talking about?" "You and Tyler share the same father and the same mother." I froze. "The Fates are up to something, I know that much, but what," he shook his head. "Sally Jackson remembers you, her first son. Are you really going to abandoned your mother, and your brother?" "Being a demigod isn't easy," I said.

"Especially for children of the Big Three. Who knows," I shrugged. "This Great Prophecy could be for him, why not let him do it?" He looked at me in what looked like disappointment. "You really going to be that selfish?" I hesitated. He's right, I was being selfish. I've been training my whole life for this Great Prophecy. "Fine," I said. "I'll do it." He smiled at me while the primordials looked at me shocked.

"I know you're all tired of me fighting for the Olympians," I said. "But this is what I've been training to do for the last eight hundred years, I can't let someone else suffer just because I don't want to take responsibility." Father spoke. "Plus, he has more than enough skills to handle himself, he'll be fine." Everyone nodded, albeit reluctantly.

"Okay," Nyx said. "What about his aura? It's stronger than all of the Olympians combined and rivals mine. As soon as he steps foot on earth, the Olympians will be hunting him." "I created this for that exact reason." A necklace appeared in his hands. He tossed it to me.

I observed it. It was much like my shirts, with the rotating galaxies and stars moving around it. "This will conceal your aura to that of a demigod," Father said. "Your aura will be stronger than others because of you being a son of Poseidon. I put it on and looked back at him. "As long as you have the necklace on, your true aura will be concealed." I nodded and looked back at the screen. Poseidon disappeared in a sea green flash while my mom set Tyler in his stroller and headed home.

"If I am to complete the Great Prophecy, how will I do that it if I'm immortal?" "You are partial immortal. I will take away it away so that you will age." I cursed, but nodded. It was worth a shot, but father made up his mind. There's no convincing him now.

"What happens if the prophecy starts when Tyler turns sixteen and not me?" Everyone looked at him. "Tyler was born October ninth, your birthday is August eighteenth. The war should start around August if I estimated correctly so you should be the prophecy child." I raised an eyebrow. "Should?" He shot me a annoyed look.

"When will I leave?" "Seven years." "Is there a specific reason I'm leaving in seven years?" "Monsters are already sensing your brother, I want you there when he's twelve so that he can get to camp safely. Since that is the most likely age Hades and Zeus will sense him." I sighed, but nodded."You should get some rest before your next training session with Gaea."

Gladly. I thought shadow traveling back to my room.

Seven years later

Percy POV

I stood in the throne room, in front of the portal that's going to lead me to earth. "Good luck son," Chaos said hugging me. "I know you'll do great things." "I should get going father," I said releasing him. "I appreciate everything you've done for me." I got ready to step into the portal but was stopped by Chaos. I looked at him questionably.

"Yes father?" "Before you leave, I'll have to take away your immortality and revert you back to the age of twelve." He put his hand on my shoulder and muttered a few words under his breath. A black aura surrounded me and him. When the aura disappeared, I felt weaker and smaller. "There," I looked up and saw my siblings smirking.

"Is something funny?" I demanded. "You," Erebus said. "You look funny." Before I could speak, father spoke first. "Some of your brothers and sisters wish to give you some gifts." Nyx, Hemera, and Ouranos all flashed in front of me.

"We all know you only have one true weapon so we decided to give you some extras just in case." Pontus said smiling. Hemera spoke first, "All the weapons can change forms like Riptide. I'll go first." Two flashes appeared in her hands. When they died down, I saw a spear that was pitch black with white streaks mixed in with it while a shield was in her other hand that was the same way.

"Don't get distracted you two," Erebus said grinning. I glared at him. "All of the weapons that we give you are blessed by father, meaning that they are indestructible." She handed me the shield and spear. "The spear will summon light to your will and can blind your opponents, the shield will send out little bursts of light blinding your enemies whenever something makes contact with it. It works great on minor monsters but anything else that's a higher power," she shook her head.

"It does a small effect." I smiled at her. "I could use some mid-range, thank you." I said gratefully, but she waved it off. "The shield can turn into a watch and the spear can change into a pen like Riptide. Just cap it like you would Riptide, your shield is the same way." I did as she told. I capped the spear and shield and saw that she was right. The pen was pitch black with white streaks mixed in with it while the watch was the same way. I hugged her tightly.

"Do be safe," she whispered before releasing me. I nodded as Ouranos spoke. "I'll go next." He handed me a bow. The bow, like my eyes, were the darkest shade of black with lightning streaks going down the sides of it. I gripped it as a quiver materialized on my back. "The bow can shoot normal arrows and different arrows that were blessed by Hemera, Erebus, Chronos, and Pontus. This gives you the ability to use arrows that will slow down time, blind your enemies, use the shadows to trap someone, or use the water." I stared at him stunned.

He continued. "The quiver will have unlimited arrows so you won't have to worry about running out. We would prefer it if the arrows that were blessed are used for when you are too tired to summon your powers. It will change into a ring, just think about it." "Why are there different arrows like that?" I pointed at the quiver, which had mini quivers inside a regular sized quiver.

"Those are the arrows I was telling you about," he said. "They are categorized. You also have fire arrows from Hestia." "Do I have regular arrows?" He rolled his eyes but nodded. "Yes Percy, you do have regular arrows. It will take time to remember which arrow is in what quiver and so forth, but you'll get the hang of it in little time." I nodded and thought of it as a ring. It started to shimmer. When it stopped, a electric blue ring resided on my index finger.

"All you have to do is twist the ring and you'll be ready," he said. "The quiver will already be on your back." I thanked him and gave him a hug.

"And then there was one," I said looking at Nyx. She rolled her eyes as shadows formed a pair of hunting knifes appeared in her hands. "I know that this isn't the best," she said. "But I know you enjoy using hunting knifes." I took them from her. They felt balanced, like all my other weapons. "It's perfect sister," I said looking at her. "I couldn't have asked for it any better."

She smiled. I observed them. Like my bow from Ouranos, it was the darkest shade of black with stars and galaxies rotating. "Plain and simple," I said. "I like it." She handed me sheathes then gave me a hug. "Stay safe, I can't afford to lose my little brother." "I cannot assure you sister, trouble always seems to find me but I will try my hardest to stay out of trouble." I said pulling away from her.

"I appreciate everything you've have done for me," I said. "All of you." They waved it off. "It should be a week or two before Zeus or Hades finds out about you and your brother. Hades knows about you but not Zeus so expect some crazy things from those two." I nodded. "Where will the portal take me father?" "It will take you to your mother's apartment." I thanked everyone for the gifts and got ready to step through the portal but stopped by the least likely person. "Wait!"

"Eros," I said surprised and confused as a pink flash appeared beside me, revealing Eros. "I didn't give you my gift." "I'm fine Eros," I said. "I don't need any more gifts." He rolled his eyes. "I know you're only saying that because you think my gift is going to be a hairbrush. Trust me, it isn't." A pink flash appeared in his hands. When it died down, I saw the least likely weapon.

"A longbow," I said shocked. He nodded. "I know how much you enjoy using the longbow so I created you one. It has forty eight arrows. They won't come back to you, but they will cut through an immortal's armor like butter." He held out the longbow for me to take it. I grabbed it and observed it. The longbow was like the hunting knifes that Nyx gave to me with the planets and stars rotating around it and the darkest shade of black. Surprisingly, it was plain and simple, just how I like it. "I didn't know if you wanted designs on it-." I cut him off with a hug.

"It's perfect," I said smiling. He hugged me back fiercely. "Aether says he sorry," he said releasing me. "He would be here, but father said he couldn't. I shouldn't even be here, but I always was the daring one in the family." I smiled at him and turned to the portal.

Please let this be a quick four years. I thought before stepping through the portal as my world went black.

Chapter End

PinkBunny PinkBunny

Original Author: XxxblackwolfxxX

Original Platform:

Word Count: 197,551

Chapters: 23


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