I went to Nipton to go to the weapon workbench so I could mod my own weapon with more options. I really wondered what else I could mod besides the sight and the upper receiver. Perhaps, I could replace the handguard with something more lightweight, eh?
[Service Rifle+]
DAM: 21
DPS: 245
Mods: Light Gas System, Automatic Receiver
Attachment: EM-Point RDS
There was an option to modify the gas system, maybe I could modify it so I could boost the damage to the gas system using that, right? There was no harm in doing that, am I right? I opened the option [Gas System] and looked at the option of the rifle modification.
[Standard Gas System]
[Light Gas System] [Equipped]
[Heavy Gas System] [ROF -] [DAM +++]
[Calibrated Gas System] [ROF ++] [DAM ++]
[Hardened Gas System] [DAM ++++]
Hmm, those were quite an enticing option, to be entirely honest. I could use a heavy gas system that would boost my damage at the cost of my fire rate, not really a good option. The calibrated was good enough, but it provided less damage. However, since I already had [Rapid Fire] perk, the fire rate shouldn't be too much of a concern. You know what, the more damage, the better.
[Hardened Gas System]
10x Multipurpose Metal
2x Screws
1x Gears
3x Adhesive
I crafted the hardened gas system and my vision went dark. After my vision went brighter, I picked up my service rifle and put it in my Pip-Boy inventory to check the new stats of the rifle. There should be a significant improvement, right?
[Service Rifle+]
DAM: 25
DPS: 291
Mods: Hardened Gas System, Automatic Receiver
Attachment: EM-Point RDS
Hmm, maybe I should craft an extended magazine as well. After that last fiasco with the Legion, having a bigger magazine would surely help me to win an engagement, especially since reloading when in close-quarter with the Legion was practically a death sentence. However, there were only several options that I saw.
[20-round Magazine] [Equipped]
[30-round Magazine]
Yeah, it was quite obvious which magazine I would choose, right? I chose to craft the 30-round magazine since it provided me with the biggest ammo capacity. The crafting menu for the magazine was quite cheap too.
[30-round Magazine]
[8x Multipurpose Metal]
[2x Adhesive]
[1x Screw]
I crafted the attachment, and the usual happened. As I opened my eyes, the rifle was there with an extended magazine.
[Service Rifle+]
DAM: 25
DPS: 291
Mods: Hardened Gas System, Automatic Receiver, 30-round Magazine.
Attachment: EM-Point RDS
At first glance, it looked more like an ADAR rifle than an M16A1 due to its wooden furniture. I picked up the rifle and headed for the general store, in case they had armor that I could use.
As I opened the store's door, the shopkeeper greeted me, "Ah, the courier returned. What can I do for you?"
I walked closer to the counter, "I am looking for armor, per se. Something better than this NCR armor."
"Ah, you're in luck. There was a merchant selling me this mint-condition combat armor. With this armor, you wouldn't be mistaken as an NCR soldier no more, my friend," the shopkeeper said.
It was indeed a military-issued combat armor, and just looking at it, the armor looked way more decent that this NCR armor which was made from steel. For example, the whole armor itself was made from ballistic-rated material instead of pure steel. Still, the color of the armor was green, which was not ideal, but well, I would be satisfied with anything that I could find.
"How much?" I asked.
"For you, my dear courier, I'd give it for you for 8,000 caps, without the helmet, of course," she said.
"8,000 what???" I was staggered by the price. "Why is it so expensive, can I get a discount for it?"
[Barter Check Failed]
"It's a rare armor, so it's to be expected, what do you say?"
Suddenly, I had an idea to scare her using the fact that sixty legionaries could storm Nipton at any minute if it was not for me. Sorry, NCR, but I didn't want to pay 8,000 caps for mere combat armor. I'd have to downplay you a bit.
"You know, if I can get this armor, I could get an easier time against the Legion, and I'm afraid if not for my intervention, this town might have been ransacked by those legionaries, and since the NCR usually doesn't give a damn about a settlement, not under their jurisdiction, well… you know what'd happen next if they came here," I said.
The shopkeeper stood quietly, and looked at me. "Are you the mad man that stormed the legion encampment on your own? It's a local gossip, but I never think it is true. I thought it was only an NCR game to scare us into joining them."
"It's real."
"Damn, don't tell me you're that mad man."
I put a chainsaw that I looted from the Legion. There was a bull sticker on it. It should be enough as proof that I killed some legionaries and looted a chainsaw from their bodies. I meant, how else would I get a chainsaw? The gunrunner?
"So, what do you think?"
The shopkeeper sighed, "Fine, I'll give you for default price, 6,500 caps. Not less than that, or I won't get any profit from it."
I put 6,500 bottle caps from my Pip-Boy to the counter and the shopkeeper gave the combat armor to me. It was sturdy, way sturdier than the NCR armor, but it felt lighter when I lifted it. I looked at the Pip-Boy to see the stats of the Combat Armor in comparison to the NCR Trooper Armor.
[No-Insignia NCR Trooper Armor]
DT: 17
DR: 18
Weight: 30
Mods: Padded.
Value: 300
[Combat Armor]
DT: 27
DR: 25
Weight: 20
Mods: Asbestos Lining, Ripstop Material, Flame Retardant Material.
Value: 7,000
At first glance, the combat armor looked unmodified, but it seemed that it wasn't the case according to the pip-boy. Well, good for me that the shopkeeper didn't notice that whatsoever. Good for me then, I had a bargain-price armor.