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14.63% Fallout 4 Infinity / Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Journey to Starlight

Capítulo 5: Chapter 5: Journey to Starlight

Brendon, you wanted my help? (Jones)


We have arrived back at Sanctuary and the group was shocked at seeing how clean and new the surrounding and the single building was and the security of the turrets helped calm them down. I had recreated another house and had it furnished to an extent, having new beds and flowing water out of the pipes that is clean was new to them. The stress of everything happening previously had let them fall asleep quickly.

The one called Sturges is a engineer he can't hack a computer but he can create things and work on things he started exploring the town and getting a understanding of the layout and seeing what he can work with. As he is doing that and the others sleep I am talking to Jones in the first house created.

Yes, I have something in Starlight Drive-in you know where it is? It's practically down the road from here. (Brendon)

Yes, I know the place, had passed it multiple times before heading into to town, thought of going there with my family. (Jones)

I need to go there, but how we got attacked by a Giant Centipede and ran into a huge bandit group not even talking about the Deathclaw, I would like to have you join me on the way there. (Brendon)

Understandable after all that happened running into anything similar by yourself is not going to be the best outcome, alright, sure I will help you get there. (Jones)

Thanks, I will help you out also once we get there as payment. (Brendon)

I will bring Codsworth with if you don't mind he can help. (Jones)

Sounds good, we will head out in the morning when we have a fresh morning to greet us. (Brendon)


Morning arrived, I made more Bullets for the road and made some for Jones Minigun, we had made our way to Concord again and picked up anything of value.

Jones in his power armor and Minigun in hand as for me I only have a Vault 111 blue jumpsuit on it has been strengthened before leaving with Jade helping make the materials to get the upgrade, Codsworth who is just flying around Jones.

Ready? (Jones)

I am, let's go but do be ready for an attack at any time. (Brendon)

Don't need to tell me twice. (Jones)

Moving his Minigun as a example, Jones did look at the Egg in my hands and shook his power armor helmet side to side.

Heading Southwest following the road right of the Museum if you stand before the door passing the Church Fog starts rolling in making the surrounding, the fog started getting harder and harder to see Jones turned his head light on his armor on helping a bit but not much the further we walked the thicker the fog became until it's only allowing us to see a few feet away it became a horror movie a half-mile walk in. We passed the split in the road going west and the road going straight, going south East that is the Road Straight that we kept going on.

Passing ruined vehicles, Jones spoke.

So Brendon, why do you want to get to Starlight Drive-in? (Jones)

Before the war, I set up a base there, it's a vault with everything from ammo to guns and so the reason I want to get there is to gear up and have weapons that are not some pipe gun or hunting rifles but an actual real gun and armor. I will also help supply you for helping me so you can have new things to help you out on your way to Diamond City. (Brendon)

Master You Planned well before the war why? (Jade)

Why not? Having time and knowing the war was going to happen I prepared before hand. (Brendon)

Let me get this straight, you have a vault with weapons, armor and the like, but can it still be fine after 200 years? (Jones)

Yes, I guess you can say I over prepared in a way? I made it so I had it stay working even over 200 years later I also have robots taking care of it and keeping the place running with enough items to last over 200 years sad, all I needed to get was a Cryo pods and place them in my vault bring my mother and sleep until the time is right (Brendon)

Shh! (Jones)

Looking over we see something moving in the fog, it's huge whatever it is, I pulled my Sniper out and Looked through the Scope, seeing that it is a Brahmin with stuff stacked up ridiculously high I spoke up.

It's fine it looks to be a person with a cow carrying their items. (Brendon)

That high? Sheesh one strong cow. (Jones)

We walk closer and seeing the woman in blue, she spoke first and Jones spoke to her back.

So what's your story? Looking to trade, rob me, or just ask directions to Diamond City? (Carla)

Just looking for love Sweetheart. (Jones)

Ha! Boy, have you come to the wrong place. My lovin' days have long since passed. (Carla)

But I'll tell you what, wise ass. You made an old girl smile, and that ain't easy. You want to do some trading, I'll give you a discount. (Carla)

Jones looked at the clipboard that had a list of what she has and showed it to me also, I then started looking at it then spoke to Carla.

You know where Starlight drive is at right? (Brendon)

Yes, what about it? (Carla)

There will be a town growing there and if you drop by, there will be something for you to trade. (Brendon)

That place is dangerous, people that try to stay there soon die, but if you do get a place set up there and it has lots of people there, then I will drop by and even get some other traders to stop by of course if you die then we will know that the place is dangerous and will just stay away from it like before. (Carla)

Higgins must have the Turrets activated and cleared the place out keeping the people away. [Brendon]

That is fine. (Brendon)

We need to get going. (Jones)

Handing her the Clipboard back we both bid good bye and continue on our way we passed a huge billboard sign only noticed it when it was not far the fog still covers the path making it hard to see and the road splits off again to the right going South West but more South then west, they see a robot moving to them quickly it's a Mr. gutsy not in the best shape, it did not say anything but started shooting a wall of bullets, we took cover as it fired, Codsworth flew over and flanked it as Jones used his power armor and blocked the bullets heading my way as he opened fire, I hid beside a tree and placed the Egg down and made sure its safe then I took my sniper out, taking aim and shooting it, the rusty metal blew apart but not all of it, even if it was in bad shape it continued shooting bullets as it rained at us forced me to hid and Jones to also take cover and when Mr. Gutsy ran out of ammo and needs to reload we both jumped out from cover and shot even Codsworth made his way over making use of his flame thrower it did jot take long with us all attacking at once the robot was torn to shrededs sending shrapnel of it's metal armor in all directions it fell down then it blew up.

I am legitimately scared of Robots now! (Jones)

They sure can have a nasty bite at least the armor was weak over the years. (Brendon)

Being alert we moved on the Road going as they walk they noticed the fog is clearing up a bit allowing them to see a few feet further, a sign appeared called Drumlin Diner, there were yelling and shouting coming from there.

We moved closer and saw two people outside with guns in hand and another two inside the shop.

I don't mind getting into other people business but only if I'm more armored and with better guns, it becomes a better outcome then. (Brendon)

I agree we already almost died from a robot I would like to get to your place fist before meddling in other people business. (Jones)

backtrack back to the road and continue heading South on the main road passing a few other destroyed vehicles and trucks for a mile and ⅓ they come across a derailed train blocking there way we stopped and look at each other.

We passed our turn... (Jones)

We did, the fog blocked our sight and we did not take a left but kept going straight we are just going to have to take the long path I guess. (Brendon)

Might as well we got this far, but why not take the rail North East it will lead us right to it as there was a Railroad next to it. (Jones)

Now that you mention it, I remember seeing that rail, it is getting dark and I would like to arrive before night. (Brendon)

Then lets go. (Jones)

We followed the rail left, passing the Derailed Train, they follow it for a bit and they heard a Snap, making them jump and preparing for a fight they moved to attack the noise it's to the right and it ran out of the fog allowing them to see its an Elk it looked at them and took off running.

Shit that scared me. (Brendon)

Same, we are almost there lets not let our guard down until we arrive. (Jones)

As they continue walking the Rail, But unknown to them a huge snake in the tree moves it was where the noise was produced it looked like a stick at first but when it moved it looked like a small log thickness moving and surprising the tree did not snap and fall under its weight.


Nothing happened for the next hour walk we arrived at the Road that the rail passes through and looking to the left onto it we then moved for a bit and we can see Starlight Drive-in appearing before us in the distance, probably a 5 minute walk before we will arrive, after walking for 7 minutes we arrived it was longer as we walked with caution.

I don't remember seeing a concrete wall surrounding this place before. (Jones)

I had that wall set up before the bombs, there is also turrets, but it looks like they got destroyed by the war. (Brendon)

Starlight Drive-in concrete wall has many bullet holes and large calaber size at that, I walked into the large space and the Screen further away, it is still surprising that it is still standing tall even after the bomb fall it was made well, entering further in we made our way to the Vault but as passed the building that houses the movie record a molerat attacked us and that triggered a the rest of them, the ground had became Lava in away we had to keep moving around and jumping, for me it was, Jones in his power armor just smashed his foot down making shockwave that collapsed many tunnels they made, even the Concrete before that is now cracked was like dirt to the mole rats.

As they are attacking, we attacked back, I had to set my Egg down and secured it hopefully the jumping before did not scramble it inside.

Taking my revolver and shooting the mole rats they seem to increase then decrease. I shot as there head popped out getting a bullet to their head as a greeting, after a few minuts of killings the last was killed by Codsworth as he cut its body in half with his saw.

Everything got quiet and looking around we made sure it was finished, I pulled the key out that I had been keeping with me from the beginning it was around my neck on a chain it has never left my side at all times, makung my way to the door it's got some rust here and there from rain weather and looks to have been shot and scuffed marks on the door also even got cut marks like something was clawing at the door to get inside. Jones and Codsworth came over, the door opened with a lot of metal clinging and gears moving the door has lots of locks for protection, the door opened revealing a path to an elevator on, I walked inside and Jones and Codsworth moved in also.

This place is big. (Jones)

Jones walking in did not need to duck to enter and was able to stay standing even the elevator is large allowing more then just one person inside and also its tall allowing him to enter it.

You saw nothing yet. (Brendon)

Jones was confused, I pushed the button after putting the same key inside a lock and it moved down, we moved to the none restricted area the living quarters first. Arriving there I and the others walked out, Jones looking at how the place looks like it was before the war and it's all clean, there are robots moving around, one of them stopped and flew over to us before talking.

Jones became alert seeing a Mr. gutsy pass them like nothing big was going on but it still frightened him, a Repair bot was the one that flew over.

Master Brendon! You are here! We have been keeping everything in order as you commanded, Sir Higgins is in the War Room if you want to talk with him. (Repair bot)

Thank you, good work on keeping the place running while I was gone, I will let you continue on what you are doing. (Brendon)

Yes, sir. (Repair bot)

The Repair bot is similar to an Eye bot, it done a bobbing bow before flying off, it's the same as the Sniper bot a circle floating metal alloy body but the repair not has repair tools a Sniper bit as a energy sniper ready for ling range attacks, I walked with Jones who is looking around with Shock at how many robots are moving around the place is a robot town right now, we arrived at the war room. On the second floor that has a view of the first floor below.

Sir! I saw you on the Camera and wanted to help fight the mole rats with you but as you commanded unless ordered by you don't go out even if it's you! (Higgins)

Good job, how is everything for the last 200 years or so? (Brendon)

All the facilities are running at 100% we had to do very little repairs outside as everything was inside, we only had to make new tools and melted the metal back down to reuse it to help preserve the Metal even if we had lots of metal to use, recycle helped it last longer. (Higgins)

Food and water? (Brendon)

All fine and preserved it has not received any damage to it and no radiation leaks have been reported even after the Bombs. There were some Chinese soldiers attacking the US soldiers outside the entrance we supported the US soldiers using the turrets outside and they moved on but the outer wall turrets had been destroyed and need to be rebuilt. (Higgins)

Power? (Specter)

All working 100% no problems, there was a clog in the water pipe and had to send a Repair bot inside the pipe it cleared it and fixed the damage inside before leaving right after no attacks as we kept to our self. (Higgins)

Jones, Codsworth you have traveled for a long way I will give you a room to sleep I have more things to do and catch up on what has happened over the years, you will have food and water, Codsworth you can get repaired and cleaned up at the robot station and even let you repaint yourself and get any of the dents out as you see fit. (Brendon)

Thank you, Sir, you are very kind. (Codsworth)

A repair robot flew over and spoke.

Did you call? Master Brendon! Welcome back! (Repair bot)

Sunny! Get our guest a room and even get him food and water don't forget to help Codsworth here get fixed up. (Higgins)

Yes! Sir! (Repair bot)

Master good to see you are back! (Sunny)

Good to be back, You can get your armor and weapons tomorrow. (Brendon)

It's amazing that you prepared all this good thing we are on the same side. (Jones)

Jones looking at Higgins.

Haha! (Brendon)

Jones and Codsworth followed the Repair bot. I continues talking to Higgins.

Sir what is that in your hands? (Higgins)

Right, I need to secure this little fellow, get a soft place and have a Builder bot to build on one of the empty spaces below and have a room set up to hold this egg there, It needs a warm light on it to let it not get cooked but grow. (Brendon)

Right away, Sir. (Higgins)

Any news around here? (Brendon)

Sir, there is some, it does come from this place called Diamond City the man on the radio tells about what is going on. Other than that, there were the military reports from when the bombs first fell and the war, the war was pushed away from us so we had little Chinese present here a few submarines were reported before the reports stopped. (Higgins)

Sir you called? (Builder bot)

Take this egg from master, and have a place built for it to rest. (Higgins)

Right away, good to see you back Master, hope you had a safe travel. (Builder bot)

The builder bot used a Anti-Gravity beam and picked the egg up from me and flew off.

Bring up the local map. (Brandon)

The world map changed to the local map.

Change this part and name it the glowing Sea, this is highly radioactive it's dangerous unknown what type of enemies are there. Name this small point place the Railroad base. This is the brotherhood of Steel base when time comes and here. This place is the Minuteman base. (Brendon)

As the map is being changed I kept talking and updating the map.

There is a base here next to the Brotherhood of steel base on this small land here I want you to get there and clear it out of all enemies after you do that I want to clear everything from there and bring it here ammo, guns, Bombs, Etc. (Brendon)

If we do that we need to take the Vehicles to carry things easier is that alright? (Higgins)

Yes take a few tanks who knows what is out there now, let the humanoid bots help drive all the vehicles, but be careful there is a force there they are not to be underestimated that may not be smart but they are strong and might have nuke weapons, while you are doing that I need a small squad with me, as we will be scouting the surroundings and collecting more information, get the building Bots to start making a small town up top and fix the Starlight drive-in to a secured place there will be civilians living here and be recruiting to help the world get back to civilization, the new recruits will have a family we will use this living quarters to house them to help them feel safe and let them know that fighting will keep there family safe.

There will be lots of trading businesses happening up top so setting up shops will allow business to flow, get the Bottle Caps machine started the uncivilized people now use Bottle caps as Money now. (Brendon)

Yes, Sir! Anything else? (Higgins)

There is a crashed Vertibird in Concord the museum precisely I want you to send a team to get it and bring it back we can fix it up and have another bird in the sky. (Brendon)

Right away sir. (Higgins)

Any military vehicles you find while you bring your team to the military base mark them so we can collect them and get them moved here to start getting them fixed up. (Brendon)

Yes, Sir! (Higgins)

I am going to my room and resting, get the things done and ready for tomorrow departure. (Brendon)

Affirmative sir, and Sir. (Higgins)

Yes? (Brendon)

Welcome back, it's good to have you back Sir. (Higgins)

It's good to be back. (Brendon)

LordSpecter3366 LordSpecter3366

Optional Supporting helps a big time you will not even know how much.

Updated on: 05/24/2020

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