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96.66% Fall for the Void / Chapter 29: Chapter 29

Capítulo 29: Chapter 29

"Stupid copy, stupid human," Void grumbled as she awoke in Izuku's room. She stood and almost had to catch herself as she staggered forward. Oh right, they were still drained from the fight earlier. Taking a deep breath she collected herself and began to hover, floating out of Izuku's bedroom and into the kitchen.

Food. That was a good way to take her mind off things. Eating was something that always felt better. So she opened the cupboard to get some cup noodles to make for herself. "Uh…what's this?" She thought as she picked up a note from Izuku. She frowned to herself as she crumpled up the note and tossed it into her pocket dimension. She closed the cupboard as she headed back to the room.

She wasn't in the mood to make anything, much less eat in the Midoriya household. She found some spare change Izuku had and changed into a human disguise before making a portal and warping out of the apartment.

The Herrscher emerged in an alley not too far from the Midoriya residence. Landing softly, she pulled her hood over her head and made her way looking for the nearby diner to get a late-night snack. She was lucky because it didn't take too long before she found a modest diner that was still open even after midnight.

Slowly she entered the diner, taking care not to make too much noise. Suffice it to say the place was dead, only one or two customers were present. She made her way to an empty table and sat down. She opened the menu finding a couple of dishes she had never heard of though the pictures look pleasing.

"Hello, may I take your order?" A waitress asked as she came to the table with her notepad in hand. The Herrscher glanced at her; a girl who looked not much older than Herrscher herself.

"What's the deal with the Firefly Fries?" Void asked as she glanced at the menu.

"Oh…um…well you see…. that's…" The girl started to stutter under her gaze.

"It's a special dish that our very own little Firefly here created." Another waitress said. This waitress was an older woman with burgundy hair and a pair of sunglasses on her head. "We have a lot of dishes named after some of our workers, this one being some french fries covered in minced chicken, a special sauce, and some melted cheese."

"Sounds good, I'll have one of those," Void told the waitress as she handed the menu back to her. Firefly bowed before she headed back inside to place the order. The other waitress meanwhile turned to pouring out coffee for another customer. With nothing else to do Void leaned back into her seat as she waited for her food.

Izuku opened his eyes. He was in bed. As he sat up, he glanced out his window. It was morning. Getting out of bed he stretched his limbs and went out and into the dining area. Much to his surprise, he saw his mom making breakfast for him. Her auburn hair was tied with a cloth.

"Good morning, dear," She greeted. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah…I just had a weird dream." He told her.

"We've all been there." She smiled. She laid out the table before them. Izuku helped set the plates while she set out the food. Once they finished the two of them said grace before they decided to eat.

"This was delicious, mama," Izuku told her as he finished his meal. While his mom still sat back to relax, Izuku made himself useful and took the dishes to the sink. As he started to wash them he heard his mother speaking behind him.

"You know those flowers you like, they're in bloom now." She told him. "Why don't we go and see them." She spoke.

"Really?" Izuku asked. She just smiled and nodded.

A little later, Izuku found himself running through the field, while his mother watched from the side. He was having the time of his life. No school, no worries, just enjoying the smell of the flowers. However, soon he noticed something. His mother was coughing.

"Mama?" He asked as he turned to face her. "Are you okay?"

"It's nothing dear. Just a little cough," She told him.

It was just a little cough. It started small but soon she started coughing more frequently. She also started to get out of breath a lot quicker. Before she could have swept the whole house without getting tired but now she couldn't even sweep half a room. She assured Izuku everything was fine, and she was going to check with the doctor but she never got better.

"Do you need anything?" Izuku asked. His mom was now lying on her bed, looking a lot paler than usual. "Any water, or do you want me to cook you something to eat?" He asked.

"I'm fine, dear." She smiled softly as she caressed Izuku's head. "You've done a good job dear, I just need to rest.' She smiled.

"Oh…okay," Izuku said dejectedly.

"The flower fields are in bloom, why don't you go and see them," She noted.

"I'd rather stay here with you," Izuku answered.

"Nonsense, you loved the fields." She tried to get up but her body was failing her. "Why don't you go and pick us some flowers and we can keep them by my bed." She suggested. "I'm sure they'll make me feel better."

So Izuku did as she asked. He hurried as fast as he could, he went to the flower field and found the perfect set of flowers, and then brought them back. His mom was delighted with them. He hadn't seen her smile in such a long time.

Unfortunately, that would be the last time he saw that smile. A few days later Izuku was sitting beside his mother's bed when she spoke up.

"I love you, Sirin," His mother whispered as she lay on her bed. The machines plugged into her were humming softly. "Don't be sad," She softly spoke as she held her child's hand.

"Promise me, that you'll take care of yourself," She smiled at them. The machine beeping started to falter. They could feel her grip start to fade away.

"Live well,"


The machines dimmed.

Mama was dead.

"MOM!" Izuku yelled as he shot up once more. Tears were streaming down his eyes. "MOM!" He called again as he tried to move but someone was holding him in place. "Mom, Mom…." He kept repeating.

"Easy there….easy Izuku, it's alright." A soft voice tried to soothe him. He could feel someone holding him, hugging him as tears kept streaming down his face. As he was held in place, slowly he calmed down. That's when he noticed who was holding him.

"Drifter?" He asked weakly. "Where's mom?"

"She's alright, Izuku," Drifter assured. "Your mom's alright,"

"But I…she was…." Izuku stammered.

"That wasn't…. your mom," Drifter told him.

"Not my…wait…" Suddenly everything started to click in place. "Wait…was that…. Void's memories?"

"Yeah," Drifter answered. "Those were her memories."

"Her mom…." Izuku trailed off. "Is she?"

"I'm afraid so. She's been dead for many years now, at least 2 maybe 3 decades in Void's lifetime, give or take a few years." Drifter sighed.

"How old was she?" Izuku wondered.

"Barely double digits," Drifter answered. "As far as I can tell, she has little to no memory of her father, with only her mother's memories being the only thing she can remember from her previous life beyond…you know."

"I didn't know," Izuku told her. "I just…I never really thought…"

"Yeah…I know. It's hard to imagine her in such a position after you see her as…well a Herrscher." Drifter sighed.

"It felt so real," Izuku noted. "Like I was actually there. I couldn't even remember who I was. I thought... I thought her life was my own. I thought…I thought mom had actually…" He trailed off.

"You weren't just exposed to her memories; you were also exposed to the emotions attached to them," Drifter explained. "We often attribute certain feelings to our memories, good or bad. The death of a loved one…it's something that stays with you and the more important they are to you…the bigger the hole is left when they go."

"She was her world," Izuku noted. "And when she died…"

"It didn't get better," Drifter answered. "Her mom's death was only the beginning of her tragic tale."

"…." Izuku didn't say anything. His gaze turned to the tower once more.

"If you want to stop…." Drifter trailed off.

"No. I need to see this through." Izuku told her. "Send me back in," He requested.

"If you insist." The older girl responded. "Just try and brace yourself. These next ones…they are a lot worse," She warned.

"Here's your order." Firefly greeted as she placed the dish in front of Void. "I hope it will set your taste buds ablaze." She smiled.

"Thank you," Void told her as she dug in. Much to her delight the food was actually very good. The spice was just right. Suffice it to say the Herrscher was so into the food she hadn't even noticed when someone else walked into the diner until the waitress spoke up.

"Working late again, Yagi," The older waitress teased as a blonde-haired skeleton of a man entered. Void's ears perked up as she turned to see none other All Might himself enter the diner in his frail form.

"Ah, you know me, Kafka, work just doesn't care about sleep," All Might spoke to the woman. "Just give me the usual," He told her as he walked to take a seat.

Void, still with some fries in her mouth, turned back to her dish and kept her head down. He hadn't seen her in her disguise, and she doubted he'd expect to see her in some dingy old diner of all things.

Just as she expected, All Might walked past her. Although for the briefest of moments he stopped, before glancing around. His eyes fell on her and for a moment she considered phasing out right away but stilled her hand. He merely shrugged before turning back and finding his table.

"Oh great," Void thought. As if the night couldn't get any more bothersome. An alarm went off. "Fudge,"

The Herrscher perked up as a window was heard breaking outside. She glanced out noticing a robbery taking place. She cast a glance at All Might noticing him staring at the scene while clutching his side. "He's out of time," Void realized. That was disappointing…it meant he wasn't going to get involved. Or would he?

"Alright, yes, they are in a black car and just headed up the street," Kafka said as she spoke on the phone. "Alright, thank you." She hung up. "Cops are already on it," She told them.

"That was fast." All Might said.

"I ought to be…that's where my kids work." She explained. "Luckily they were closed, otherwise…well…" Void said nothing, merely continuing to eat her meal. She didn't have the energy to deal with this anymore.

When Izuku came to he was back in the village. He had just finished visiting his mom's grave and was just heading home when he saw it. There were several strange men in the plaza. "What's going on?" He thought.

He blinked. One moment they were in the plaza the next thing he knew they had surrounded him. He tried to flee but the men grabbed him and threw him into the truck. He watched as the doors closed, trapping him inside. As he tried to open the doors he could hear the truck drive off. The village slowly faded away into the distance as rode further and further away.

When the door finally reopened, it wasn't to a warm village like the one Izuku had known. Instead, he was greeted by the sight of a cold unfeeling tower, standing right before him.

The strange men came and pulled him out of the truck along with several others. They were ushered inside. Their hands were chained, and the clothes they had were taken or stripped away as the people present made him and the others wear hospital gowns.

As they walked Izuku could see numerous cells, in the tower. At first, he expected to see animals in there or even monsters, however, when he passed by one cell he saw them. Kids, their children older than him, younger than him, of all ages locked inside. Many of them were wrapped in bandages, some with just a single wrap while others looked completely mummified.

He saw one person who was in the middle of being wrapped, they turned to face him, their face exposed. A glowing eye looked at him, with several pulsing purple veins marred across a part of their face. Izuku jumped back as the person stared at him.

"Don't worry, it's all for the Greater Good," A voice whispered behind Izuku.

The next thing the boy knew…he was on an operating table, all his limbs restrained. He could do nothing but look up at the lamp shining on his face as he felt the coldness of the metal behind his back. The only sound he could hear was that of the instruments shifting in the tray beside him as a person…no a monster loomed over him.

"Let me go," He pleaded. His hair was already on edge. He didn't know what they were going to do but he doubted it would be pleasant.

"I'm afraid that's not possible dear. We're doing this for the Greater Good of Humanity." The Doctor said. "If we stop…think about all the people who would suffer."

"Please," He pleaded. The Doctor didn't respond, instead, he jammed a needle into Izuku's arm. Almost immediately his body was set ablaze as something was forced into him.

"AHHHHHHHH!" He screamed. His veins had been filled with lava or something…the pain… was unbearable. Izuku blacked out.

Once she was finished the Herrscher paid for food, bought a soda, and then headed outside of the café. Suffice it to say the police were already around the area. She had expected All Might would have gone to check on him, so she'd put some distance between herself and them.

"Excuse me Miss…" A familiar voice spoke. She turned half irritated to see All Might approaching her. She had half of a mind to not entertain him but she couldn't exactly flee without drawing suspicion to herself.

"What?" She snarled as the hero approached.

"You forgot your change." He said as he stopped before to catch his breath. Void raised an eyebrow.

"I paid exact." She said suspiciously.

"Oh well…um…"All Might stammered.

"What do you want, you buffoon?" She asked wearily.

"Oh well…I couldn't help but notice you have these…lines on your skin." He gestured to her neck. The Herrscher's eyes widen as she subconsciously touches her neck. She had forgotten that their body was still corrupted from the excess power used earlier.

"So…it's a tattoo…what about it?" She dismissed.

"Miss. I believe we both know that it isn't a tattoo." All Might said. "A friend of mine has been investigating this matter. I know it's an infection." He told her.

"Your point?"

"Look…it seems like you are not too far gone, I'm sure if you come with me we can get you treated." All Might explained.

Oh, not this load of bullcrap. The Herrscher sighed. She was beyond annoyed now. "I'll pass." The Herrscher said as she let some of her power echo through her voice as she pulled her hood off. They were sufficiently away, and she really had no idea how else to get him to leave her alone.

"HERRSCHER?" All Might gasped as he jumped back. She didn't let him move too far though. She grabbed his collar and shushed him.

"Now now…All Might, don't go blabbering with your big mouth." She warned. She could see his eyes widen with fear. Oh yes, no one was supposed to know that secret…how fortunate she did. "I may be tired, but I can still do damage if you provoke me."

"You…" He scowled but kept silent. "Why are you here?" He asked.

"Same as you, I got hungry," Void answered. "You don't really feel like cooking after a big battle."

"You attacked Endeavor." He growled.

"No… he attacked me first." She corrected. "It was self-defense."

"Self-defense? You literally sent a spear up his…"

"Well, I was cooked alive twice, I wasn't exactly feeling merciful," She corrected. "Besides I thought you would be thanking me. Endeavor notwithstanding, I did your job and saved those people." She gloated. She didn't actually want any thanks, but it would still please her to twist a proverbial knife in All Might's gut.

"What?…" All Might froze as he realized what he meant. "Wait a second…did you actually try to save those people?"

"It wasn't by choice. Those pests came into my territory. So, I figured I'd send a message so no other two-bit mook would come. It just so happened that the old hothead didn't realize it. He picked a fight with me and attacked from behind. I fought back and won." Void explained. She left out all the unpleasant parts with Izuku of course.

"I see," All Might stopped. He then took another look at Herrscher, he analyzed her. Seeing as he had nothing else to say, the Herrscher decided to take her leave. "Wait." He called out.

"What now?"

"What do you know about the Honkai?" All Might asked. This caused Void to freeze. She turned to him with her eyes focused on the hero and nothing else.

"Who told you about that?" She asked.

"So, you know." All Might realize.

"Who told you about the Honkai?" She repeated.

"Like I said…an associate has been investigating it." All Might responded. "People are being infected with it and the results all end the same. They turn into mindless husks of themselves." He explained. Wait now that he thought about it. The characteristics of those infected definitely seemed to match the Herrscher, pale skin, white hair, and glowing amber eyes.

"Oh, so it's only made zombies," The Herrscher sighed. "Go figure,"

"What do you know, Herrscher? Are you the cause of it? Did you make the Honkai?"

"Haha," Void laughed. "Me? Make the Honkai? Are you that dumb?" She laughed some more. "I didn't make the Honkai…it made me." She explained.


"The Honkai is a force beyond human comprehension, an entity that exists beyond both you and I." She explained. "Think of it…like a God," She explained. "One that sees humanity as a mistake because of the evil they do." She told All Might.

"A mistake?" All Might said. "What do you mean by mistake?"

"I don't think I need to spell it out. The world is an ugly place…and the Honkai seeks to rid the world of that ugliness." She explained. "I'm sure as a 'hero' you've seen the vilest that humanity can offer."

All for One was the first thought that crossed the hero's mind.

"See…I can tell you have." Void told him. "So, the Honkai seeks to purge it, either by wiping them out slowly…or…by sending people like me, who have seen the evil firsthand." She explained. "Well…I've entertained you enough." Void told him. "Goodbye."

She ducked into an alley and immediately warped herself away before All Might even realized it. The hero was still stuck trying to process everything he had witnessed and make sense of any of it.

Days faded into weeks and weeks into months. Izuku lost count. He didn't know how long he was here. He couldn't even tell time anymore. When was the last time he even saw the sun? When he thought about the sun, the only thing that came to mind was the lamp in the lab.

He glanced down at his arms, noticing the bandages that had covered them. What did they look like before? He wondered. Suddenly the door opened and before him, another girl was thrown in. Wait…he knew that girl.

"Bella!" He gasped in horror as he ran over to the barely conscious girl. He held her up. Her eyes were glazed over. "BELLA!" He called as he tried to shake her alive.

Bella's eyes flickered as she came to her. Her eyes focused on Izuku. That's when life returned to her body.

"THE PAIN!" Was Bella's first words as she grabbed Izuku by the collar. "ITS KILLING ME FROM INSIDE, SIRIN!" She screamed.

"DON'T LET THEM PUT ANY MORE IN YOU…DON'T LET THEM!" Bella repeated. However, as she spoke her voice became weaker. "Don't…" she trailed off as her body fell limp in Sirin's arms.

"Bella? BELLA?" Izuku screamed as hugged the girl. He pressed his head against her chest. His eyes widened, and her heart had stopped beating. "BELLA!" He screamed once more frantically trying to wake her up.

"DON'T, DON'T LEAVE ME BELLA!" He pleaded.

That's when the door opened once more. The monsters returned. Izuku tried to keep Bella safe in his arms but they yanked her away. He tried to grab her back but they pushed him down. "The Subject expired at 2312 hours," The monster said. "This batch is too weak, they're dropping like flies." They complained as they dragged her body out.

"NO, DON'T TAKE BELLA AWAY!" Izuku pleaded but his words fell on deaf ears. He was left alone, crying, sobbing on his knees as he watched his friend go, just like many others.

He wanted someone to save them, he pleaded for someone to save them, but no one came. Why would anyone come though? This was all for humanity's benefit. Still, there was one other person he could turn to…someone else."

"God," He prayed. "If you can hear me…please give me power," He asked.

And God answered.

Izuku was awoken once more. This time he was lying down. He blinked as he noticed something obscuring his vision. "Where?"

"You're outside now," Drifter said as she stroked his head. That's when Izuku put two and two together. He was lying on Drifter's lap which meant what he was seeing was. He blushed as he immediately sat up. "Are you feeling alright?" She asked.

"Yeah…I'm…that was…" Izuku couldn't form the words. He subconsciously started to rub his arms, hiding them behind his back as he turned to face Drifter.

"Awful," Drifter finished.

"It was hell," Izuku told her. "I can't think of anything else. All those children…and those…monsters." He couldn't even call them people.

"So you understand where hatred comes from…her anger?" Drifter questioned.

"They were tortured." Izuku gasped. He looked at Drifter seeing a somber expression on her face.

"They were." Drifter agreed. "I don't know how many, maybe a hundred, maybe a thousand it could be more for all we know. All subjected to those…experiments, used and discarded,"

"All for the greater good of humanity," Izuku spat. The words felt awful in his mouth. He felt like puking just saying it.

"Yes," Drifter answered. She eyed him curiously. "How do you feel?"

"What kind of question is that?" He asked. He felt horrified, knowing that such things were possible. That people would do such things and claim it was for everyone's sake. That it was a necessity.

"Do you still want to be a hero?" Drifter asked. "Do you still want to save people…save humans?" She questioned.

"I…well yes," Izuku answered. "If anything…I want to save them now more than ever. Back there….those kids…they needed someone…." He trailed off. "I needed someone."

"That's good." Drifter sighed. "You haven't lost sight," She smiled.

"Lost sight?" Izuku repeated.

"When you were exposed to the memories, you lived them as the Herrscher did. As far as Void is concerned, those memories are the foundation for her views on humanity, it's why she so readily chooses to destroy them."

"I don't blame her," Izuku said. "but…I still don't support her decision." He admitted. "I understand it…but…"

"You don't agree." Drifter finished. "That's a fair takeaway from this," Drifter said.

"So is there more?" Izuku wondered.

"There is, but I think it's best for you to refrain from deep diving anymore," Drifter told him. "You might not know it, but you've spent only a few hours inside there," Drifter explained.

"Wait…a few hours? I thought…"

"Time moves differently and our memories can stretch or compress it," Drifter explained. "What you experienced was more akin to the emotional highs and lows she felt."

"I don't think I'd call any of those highs." Izuku deadpanned.

"Fair point," Drifter said. "For now I think it's best for you to avoid any further memory viewing." She warned. "The more you experience the more blurry the line will become between you and her."

"I…I still can't wrap my head around it." Izuku said.

"I will warn you might experience some side effects to this later," Drifter warned.


"Look behind you," Drifter urged.

Izuku did as he was told turning around. Almost immediately he panicked. Before him was none other than Babylon Tower. He instinctively ran away, grabbing Drifter and pulling her as he tried to escape into the forest. Drifter however stopped him.

"We have to get away," Izuku told her but Drifter didn't budge. She held him in place and turned him away from the tower.

"Easy," She soothed. "Easy…. don't look at the tower, just focus on me," She told him.

"But…." his words died in his throat as he looked into Drifter's eyes. A sense of calmness washed over him. He was confused, why did he suddenly feel so afraid? He hadn't been so before. That's when it clicked. He had taken Void's memories and felt her experiences…that Tower….it terrified her and no it did so to him.

"You wanted to understand her. Looks like your wish is granted." Drifter said.

"So what now?"

"Now you return to the waking world," Drifter told him. "There is nothing else to do now,"

"So Void?"

"She's here but I don't think it's time yet for you to approach her," Drifter said.

"Alright," Izuku answered. He closed his eyes and began to concentrate. Soon his body dissolved as he returned to the waking world. Drifter smiled as she saw him lead off.

Once she was sure he was gone, Drifter let out a sigh of relief. She turned to face her other guest and was promptly met with a fist to the face. She staggered back as she saw her attacker, a very pissed-off Herrscher of the Void.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Void screamed as she summoned hundreds of lances.

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