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9.09% Fairy Tail: The Wizard Without Talent / Chapter 1: This is FairyTail!
Fairy Tail: The Wizard Without Talent Fairy Tail: The Wizard Without Talent original

Fairy Tail: The Wizard Without Talent

Autor: TrapcardD

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: This is FairyTail!

In a land far, far away, lies the Kingdom of Fiore. A small, peaceful nation, of seventeen million, and a place filled with magic! Found in Every home, bought and sold in every marketplace, for most, magic is merely a tool, a mundane part of everyday life. For some, however, magic is an art, and they have devoted their lives to its practice. These are the mages. Banded together into magical guilds they apply their skills in search of fame and fortune. Many such guilds dot the landscape of Fiore. But there is a certain guild in a certain town that soars high above the rest, one from which countless legends have been born.... A guild that will no doubt continue to create legends well into the future. Its name.... Is Fairy Tail.


Hikari zenbu atsumete

Kimi no ashita terasu yo

OH YEAH kikoeten no kako no koe wa?

OH YEAH karetatte sakebu kara

OH YEAH kikoeru made kimi no kokoro ga


Tsuki to taiyou no haitacchi

Wasuremono wanai desuka?

Okashii na kimi ga inai to

Hoshii mono sae mitsukaranai

SNOWING sunao ni

Egao ni nareta no wa

Futari yorisoi

Kasane atta "jikan" ga aru kara


Hikari zenbu atsumete

Kimi no ashita terasu yo



The town of Magnolia, a large and boisterous town filled with many wonderful sights. None of them, however, are more wonderful and exciting than the largest guild in town, Fairy Tail.

- Fairy Tail Guild

The Guild was bustling with noise, as always, the wizards within are a lively bunch. Some were sharing drinks with their friends, some were searching for job requests from the job board, and some were just enjoying the peace that the guild hall offered.... That is, until a young man firmly kicked in the doors to the guild hall.

" WE MADE IT BACK ALIVE!" He shouted. 

This young man is Natsu Dragneel, a young Fire Wizard with a specialty for Dragon Slayer Magic. Raised by the King of all Fire Dragons, Igneel, Natsu boasts quite the magic power for a man his age. 

The Guild Hall erupted in shouts of glee and welcome as Natsu and his small companion, a little blue cat named Happy, walked in and with a new member it seemed. 

" Hey Natsu, I heard you went all out in Hargeon. Had to go starting-" Poor bucktoothed Krov. Before he could finish addressing him, Natsu was already closing in on him.

* BAM!

Natsu's foot smashed into Krov's face and sent him crashing through a few of the Guild's tables.

" Why did you do that?" The young woman with Natsu asked.

This is Lucy Heartfillia, a young celestial wizard, who joined up with Natsu during his search for Igneel. Her hopes are to join Fairy Tail and make a name for herself. 

Though confused and concerned, her words unfortunately fell on deaf ears.

" GAAAH! You lied about that Salamander, I'm gonna kick your butt!" Natsu exclaimed. 

Krov quickly hopped back to his feet to confront the young pick haired fire wizard. 

" Don't get mad at me, I'm not the one to blame here! I'm just passing on a rumor I heard."



" LET'S GO!"

Natsu and Krov started butting heads causing the rest of the guild to breakout into a rumble as well. 

" Now, now Natsu, I think you need to calm down- ahhhh." Happy tried getting Natsu to calm down, unfortunately he only ended up putting himself in harm's way. 

Poor Happy was sent pinballing through a crowd of the guild members.

By now the entirety of the hall was on an uproar, with each member duking it out with another, all the while Lucy just stood there watching in awe.

" Oh wow! I'm actually standing inside the Fairy Tail Guild Hall." She exclaimed in excitement.


A table flipped over near Lucy and from under it came a young man with jet black hair.

" So, Natsu made it back, huh?!" His sudden appearance caused Lucy to shriek.

This is a talented young wizard named Gray Fullbuster, an Ice wizard with a bad habit of taking off his clothes.

" We're gonna settle things once and for all." He exclaimed as he stalked towards the brawl wearing only his underwear.

" Gray, your clothes!"

" I don't have time for that!" Gray exclaimed. 

Next up is Cana Alberona, a young woman with thick brown hair and soft brown eyes that would make any man swoon. She also happens to hold the title of Fairy Tail's heaviest drinker.

" You see? I don't date the men here, because they have no class." She said before picking up an entire barrel of booze and downing it.

" Hahaha! Don't say that, Cana. Personally, I find it endearing. If anything, Natsu's brawl for all attitude keeps the excitement going."

This young man is Satoru Shirahama, often called Shira, he is Fairy Tail's resident Martial artist. He is a young man with long purple hair partially tied up behind his head, while the rest of it drapes down his back, and bangs that partially cover his left eye. He wears a white Yukata with baggy sleeves, a black undershirt, and a pair of white baggy pants tied together with a black sash. His legs were bandaged up at the bottom of his pants and he wore a pair of black marital art shoes.

" Come here and fight me Natsu!" Gray shouted. He kicked someone to the side, his sights still set firmly on Natsu.

Natsu, however, simply refused, saying that Gray needed to put some clothes on first.

" It's only noon and you boys are already whining like spoiled babies!"

This brute of a man is Elfman. A muscle-bound wizard who believes all you need to solve a problem is two strong fists.

" I'm a real man! You want me to prove it to ya?!"

Natsu and Gray both turned around and punched Elfman at the same time, sending him flying and knocking him out for the moment. 

" Geez, it's so noisy around here, huh?"

This is the lady killer, Loke, ranked high on the most eligible wizard bachelors list. 

Loke was sitting with two women in his arms when a stray bottle suddenly hit him square in the head and knocked him down.

" Are you alright?" One of the girls asked.

Lokey got up and brushed himself off, not wanting to look bad.

" I'm gonna go fight, though, only to protect you two." He told the girls.

" Good luck Loke!" They shouted at once.

Loke flashed the girls a thumbs up and disappeared into the crowd of people.

Meanwhile, Lucy continued watching from the sidelines, still bewildered by the display of chaos in front of her.

" Well, he's definitely off my list." She muttered in regard to Loke. " What the heck is wrong with these people? There's not one sane person in this whole place." Lucy stated.

" Are you new here?" A cute and quiet voice asked.

Lucy turned around and was immediately enamored by the young woman with White hair.

' That's Mirajane in the flesh!' Lucy's excitement was written all over her face.

This young woman is Mirajane, a beautiful wizard who is known for her bikini clad photospreads in sorcerer weekly magazine and a smile that could warm the heart of any fiend. She is currently an employee at Fairy tail. 

" Uh, don't you think we should try and stop them or something?" Lucy asked the woman.

" Oh, it's always like this around here, I just leave them alone." Mirajane stated. " Besides...." Before she could finish her sentence, Elfman came crashing into Mirajane causing the both of them to go crashing through a nearby table. " It's kind of fun, don't ya think?" Mirajane muttered those words and then passed out or passed on, as it appeared her soul was going to fly away.

" Ahhhh, please don't die, Mirajane!" Lucy exclaimed. 

She waved her arms in a panic pleading for the woman to stay with her, before Gray suddenly came flying into her back, naked.

" Ugh! Give me back my underwear, jerk!" Gray yelled as Natsu twirled his underwear around on his finger. 

Gray glared at Natsu and then turned his attention to Lucy. 

" Excuse me, miss, but could I borrow your underwear?" He asked.

" AS IF!" Lucy responded by hitting Gray away with a rolled-up wad of paper.

She was then quickly scooped up by Loke.

" These guys are all so insensitive.  A woman has needs-"

" Real men speak with their fists Loke!" Elfman shouted as he punched Loke into the sky.

" I told you to butt out!" Natsu shouted kicking Elfman away once again.

By now the resident drinker was getting annoyed with all of the noise and fighting.

" It's so loud. So much, for having a drink to relax." Cana grumbled.

" Speak for yourself, Cana. I haven't been this entertained for some time." Satoru sneered and gave a slight chuckle under his breath as he raised his glass of beer up to his face.

" Of course, you'd find it funny." Cana smirked and then stood up from the bar, grabbing her cards. " All right, that's enough you guys. I suggest that you knock it off." 

Cana uses Card Magic, a holder type of magic that uses cards to produce a various number of magic attacks. 

The second her cards flared to life with Magic, the situation in the room changed and wizards started preparing their own special attacks.

" Oh yeah? Says who?!" Gray asked. He slammed his hands together and a pure cold began emanating from his palm.

" RaaaaaaaaaahYAAAAAAAH!" Elfman also started getting hyped, summoning an entire arm made of stone using his take over magic, a special type of caster magic that allows him to take on the property of beasts he's defeated. 

" You punks can be such a nuisance." Loke exclaimed. He pressed his hand to one of his rings and the ring started glowing, another form of holder type magic in which the magic is infused into an object to be used later.

And last but certainly not least, was Natsu.

He covered his two hands in a blaze of fire and smirked.

" I'm ready for ya!" He shouted.

Lucy grabbed Happy and started cowering behind him.

" Do they always fight like this?" She asked.

" Oh yea." Happy replied.

" And you're not worried?!" She wondered.

" Hahaha! I wouldn't be worried young lady." Satoru said to Lucy as he drank the last bit of his booze.

" Why not?" She wondered.

Satoru finished off his drink while pointing in the sky.

Lucy turned to follow his finger and suddenly a large foot slammed down in the middle of the guild hall.

Will you fools stop bickering like children?!" A loud and booming voice came out a giant creature.

" He's huge!" Lucy exclaimed. 

The entire guild hall went quiet as soon as the giant spoke.

" Well, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were still here Master." Mirajane muttered, having finally regained her senses.

" Master?!"

This sudden news declaration gave Lucy quite the scare. How could someone so monstrous be the guild master. 

" Hahahahaha! Man what a bunch of babies!" Natsu exclaimed. " Well, looks like I win this ti-" Before Natsu could announce his victory, The master quickly stepped on him with his large foot, crushing him, and defeating him easily. 

Having finally quelled the brawl in the hall, the master finally turned his attention to the newest recruit. Lucy herself.

" Well, seems we have a new recruit," He muttered.

" Ah- Y-yes sir!" Lucy exclaimed.

" YAAAaaaaaaaaah!" The master emitted a large burst of steam from his body and slowly began to shrink himself, until finally he was barely standing up to Lucy's knees. " Well, hello there, nice to meet ya." He said with a friendly smile on his face.

" Whoa, he's tiny! This little guy is really in charge here?!" Lucy asked.

" Of course, he is. Allow me to introduce you to Fairy Tail's GuildMaster Makarov." Mirajane exclaimed.

Makarov smiled at Lucy and waved before jumping into the air. He twirled very fast towards the top of the lounge area and ended up hitting the guard rail to the second floor. 

" Agh! Mhmm. Hmmm. Ahem! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU DOLTS?!" Makrarov shouted. Though small, his voice still carried the weight of a master. " Just look at all these letters from the council! Gray! You did a good job rounding up that ring of smugglers, but afterwards you stumbled around town in the nude and in the end you wound up stealing someone else's underwear right off the line and running away with it."

" But... I couldn't keep running around naked!" Gray responded.

" Maybe if you hadn't gotten naked in the first place?" Elfman mumbled. Grays habit always confused the man. 

" Elfman!! While performing bodyguard service for a VIP, you attacked the same VIP!" Makarov exclaimed.

" He made a crack about how a man is only worth as much as his education... And before I knew it..." Elfman mumbled. 

" Cana Alberona, you drank fifteen full kegs of liquor at a certain tavern, falsely claimed it as expenses, and worse, sent the bill directly to the council!" This time it was Cana's turn to get a reaving. " Loke... You seduced the granddaughter of a senior council member, rage. Also, we've been sent an invoice for damages to a certain talent agency." 

Finally, Makarov hung his head as he came to the worst one.

" And Natsu. In bringing down the Devon Bandit clan, you destroyed seven private homes! You brought down the tuly village's historic clock tower!! The town of Freesia's church is completely destroyed!! You damaged a section of the Lupinus castle!! The observation deck at the Nazuna ravine is closed due to wanton destruction. And you leveled half of the harbor at Hargeon!!!!" Makarov exclaimed. 

He then began listing off each member that had caused some kind of disturbance.

" Alzack! Jet! Droy! Levy! Krov! Reedus! Bisca! All of you.... Have done nothing but get the higher ups mad at me!" Makarov exclaimed.

The entire hall was silent for the moment, but soon Makarov's anger disappeared, and a large smile appeared on his face. " However.... I say to Hell with the Magic council." The stack of papers in his hands quickly ignited and he tossed them to Natsu, who promptly ate the fire. " Listen up! Any power that surpasses reason, still comes from reason, right? Magic isn't some miraculous power. It is a talent that only works when the flow of energy inside of us and the flow of energy in the natural world are in perfect synchronization. To perform magic, one must have a strong mind and the ability to focus. It should take over your being and come pouring out of your soul. If all we do is worry about following rules, then our magic will never progress. Don't let those blowhards on the council scare you. Follow the path you believe! Cuz that's what makes the Fairy Tail Guild Number one!"

" Woohooo!"


The entire hall erupted into cheers, leaving Lucy completely awe inspired by the many members of the famous guild. This moment really cemented in her mind that this was really happening. 


And Then...

" Well, what a speech from the old man, but I think it's time I get back to work." Satoru muttered.

" Hm? You're leaving already? But you just got back a little while ago." Cana muttered.

" Yeah, but I need money, and I need to keep on training." Satoru told the woman.

" Fine..."

" Ah, don't worry. I'll be back to be your drinking partner again, but I gotta be able to pay my tab." Satoru exclaimed. He got up from the table, laughing, while Cana rested her head on the table. 

She was feeling a little lightheaded from all the barrels she drank. 

As he approached the job board, Satoru spotted Natsu and the New girl talking in front of it.

She seemed to be quite excited about being a new member.

" Yo! New Girl, what's up?! You looking to take on your first job?" Satoru asked.

" Oh, no. I was just showing Natsu my mark, see?" Lucy excitedly held up her hand and displayed the fresh pink symbol of Fairy Tail.

" Nice! Welcome to the guild. Well, if you're interested, I was just getting ready to take on a job, so how about coming along with me? It'd be nice to get to see what you can do." He told the girl. 

" Oh, okay... What were you thinking?" Lucy asked.

Satoru smiled at the girl and reached for a job off the board.

- Slay the beast in the Spooky Forest: Reward 1000000.-

" AHHHHH! No way!" Lucy screamed.

" Hahahaha! Oh, don't be worried, I'll be there with you the whole time." Satoru exclaimed while laughing at Lucy's terror.

" No way. I think I want to try starting off a little easy first. Besides, me and spooky don't get along very well." Lucy told the man.

" Oh, oh well. What about you Natsu, wanna come along?" Satoru asked the young man.

" Nah, I'm looking for a single job." Natsu told the man.

" Alright, suit yourself." Satoru muttered. He turned and walked towards Mirajane and Master Makarov, who were both sitting at the bar, and placed the request in front of them. " Hey, Mira, Master, can one of you officiate this for me?" 

" Sure thing, Shira." Mira responded.

Makarov took a closer look at the quest and sighed.

" Another monster hunting quest, huh? You certainly like to stay busy, don't you?" Makarov joked.

" Yeah. It pays good and keeps me on my toes. Which is just what I need right now." Satoru told the man.

" Hmmm. I see, it is about that time of the year, isn't it? Very well, just make sure that when you come back, you take a nice long rest, alright."

" You got it, Master. I'll see ya all later!" Satoru shouted. He grabbed the quest from Mira and took off from the guild hall, with his gear hanging from his shoulder. 

Meanwhile Lucy took a seat at the bar, next to Elfman, and Mira and stared at the quest information mira had written down.

" Whoa, this is crazy, who is that guy?" Lucy asked.

" Oh, Shira didn't introduce himself?" Mirajane asked.

" No, he just asked if I wanted to come along. Who is he, and why would he take on such a crazy quest. No way a job worth 1000000 jewel is easy."

" Oh, I wouldn't be worried about him. he can more than take care of himself, but I know he'll be happy to know you were worried about him." Mirajane stated. She looked at lucy and smiled softly before turning back to her dishes. 

" If you say so. I just can't imagine doing something so crazy." Lucy muttered.

" Trust me, new girl, Shira's a real man's man. The toughest of Meeeeeeeen!" Elfman exclaimed. 

" Really?"

" Oh yeah. He might not seem like it because he's so nice, but.... Shira is strong." Mirajane told the girl.

" Really?"

Satoru Shirahama reached the edge of Magnolia and walked out into the forest with a smile on his face, and planted firmly on the back of his robes in black was the Fairy Tail Symbol.

" Heh, guess it's coming close again, hey... Old man?"

next chapter
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