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Fairy King (Disney Fairies Fanfic AU) Fairy King (Disney Fairies Fanfic AU) original

Fairy King (Disney Fairies Fanfic AU)

Autor: Crazked_Drake

© WebNovel

Late Night Celebration, Wishes and Falling Stars?

A sweet night like most nights graced the air of Neverland as the stars shone even more bright this night as there was no moon to hide their otherworldly enchanting glows in the velvety blanket of the dark night sky.

The warm weather fairies of Pixie Hollow were exhausted after their recent trip to the mainland to bring spring. And many if not all were getting ready to do nothing but head to their homes and drift peacefully into slumber.

Well, most of them that is, as a few were wide awake and could be seen sitting on a log down at the beach to enjoy and celebrate together even if they were worn out.

For there was indeed a great reason to do so, and this reason was that this was the first time any tinker-talent fairy had ever left the mainland and joined the nature-talent fairies on their mission. So this brought about a very important reason for this little group to celebrate, of course only among friends as well.

But such celebrations can only last so long as the excitement started to be replaced by the rising tide of weariness and exhaustion.

"Well that was a mighty fine day, ah'll say so mah-self! Phew-wey! Ahm tuckered out!" Said a charming voice in a southern accent that belong to a beautiful fairy with a light complexion, thick red hair, and shapely eyebrows just above her tired but elegant green eyes with succulent bright red lips.

She had a red dress that resembled flower petals and it reached just above her knees, showing off her thick legs and wide hips along with a thin waist and moderate bust and red flats that covered her dainty feet making her seem very classy, her demeanor being elegant and yet also seductive.

"That is true." A calm and soft voice said sleepily as if trying to fight off an oncoming yawn.

The owner of this voice had an East Asian appearance; with pale skin, long dark blue hair that reached her bubbly butt, she had cute brown eyes that were drowsy. An azure-colored dress that went past her knees only revealing her smooth white calves and accented her slender model shape quite well, she too wore flats but blue ones like her dress. Compared to the one in red, she was more of a gentle charming type.

"We should head home and rest Tink, we still have a busy day tomorrow and it seems like we will be woken up by the waking-talent fairies tomorrow if we oversleep." Said a perky voice, but one could pick up the exhaustion in her voice, this fairy had a dark-colored skin, brown eyes, and black hair had cornrow braids that seemed to glitter.

Her dress was yellow and looked like that of sunflower petals with a sunflower seed on the chest of her dress. She too had a slender model figure but thicker legs that could be seen due to her short dress on her feet where flip flops that had yellow straps this brought out a simple yet gentle sweetness to her.

Her suggestion was met with nods from the group, that all seemed to have reached their limits.

"Yep! We have to be up for the bright day to get to see all the little critters as well as have a whole lot of fun things to do!" Answered a cheerful voice, stretching herself out broadly in an 'un-ladylike manner' that the one in red slightly frowned but was too tired to comment on.

Though one could not deny that she had a rich feminine side as her slender model figure is shown well in her orange dress with vines around her waist and dark brown leggings that covered her slender legs and orange swirl flats. She had a Latina appearance, with a medium complexion, cute freckles on her cheeks, and light brown hair that was braided into a ponytail with amber eyes that seemed to sparkle with anticipation at the next day's adventures even if she was tired, she was more of a wild type of beauty.

"Yeah, you girls are right, we have been here for a while and kind of lost track of time." Said a light female voice in a wry chuckle, this voice belonged to the one the sunflower-themed fairy called Tink.

She had a light complexion, blond hair tied in a bun with a few bangs that fell on the right side of her face, she had blue eyes with light red small lips that made her look cute. But her short green dress was like that of a leaf and it hugged her slender yet petite pear-shaped body said otherwise, she had a contradictory appearance of being both innocent and sexy at the same time.

As each being is unique, so were the fairies even those of the same talent in; appearances, style, and beauty.

But somethings were common on them all; their slightly transparent, slender wings that sparkled with golden dust or pixie dust with each flutter. Each fairy had two pairs of wings, two larger ones above and two small ones below, each pair had identical strange patterns on them, but each fairy had her own patterns and none were the same.

Of course there were special occurrences that this was not always true, but that is a tale for another time.

And lastly, their sharp ears were akin to that of an elf.

Tink or as fully known as Tinker Bell looked at the beautiful night sky for a little while after saying that to her new friends and a group of fairies she could almost say were her family if fairies had such a thing, but deep in her heart, they were her sisters!

But she couldn't believe how much she had learned over the time that has passed. Especially being the first-ever tinker-talent fairy to ever go to the mainland.

'To think I had asked my sis… I mean friends to teach me their talents, just so that I could get there, never knowing that my own that seemed boring in the first place would be the one that would get me there, it was crazy but so much fun as well as frustrating, haha.' She thought that she chuckled outward lightly that even her friends noticed this.

"What is the laugh about sugar?" Asked the rose petal-themed fairy, tilting her head as she turned and looked at the youngest fairy in their group as well as their home while wrapping up the leaf she was sitting on.

As an elegant, classy, and fashionable fairy, she didn't enjoy being dirty or muddy. Which was ironic considering her talent.

But if she was honest, this one almost brought as much of a mess to their group as their animal-talent fairy friend (fairy in orange). Though there was a lot of fun, laughs, and great joy too, as the eldest of the group she did approve, though she would most approve if Tink came to her about her (Tink) wardrobe!

"It's nothing Rosetta, just me thinking about the time when I asked you, girls, to teach me your various talents so I could go to the mainland as well," Tinker-Bell said with a pink face as she first looked at the rose petal dressed fairy first before gazing at the rest of her friends for a moment then looked down in embarrassment that she tried to hide by busying herself with the cleaning up of their leftover snacks and drinks, clearly remembering how embarrassing it was for her.

Her friends that were also busy stopped for a bit as they too started to recall, before bursting into lovely bells and pearls of laughter.

"Oh guys, when she was learning animal talent for me it was so funny" Laughed the fairy in orange out loud as she dropped what she had in her arms and slapped her thigh before rolling on her back on the log and stopping after almost falling off but not ceasing her laughter after all the memory was just too funny.

"Yes, she doesn't make well as a water-talent fairy either. But it's okay, she is best being a tinker, it's in her name after all." Giggled the one in blue while she did her best to comfort her tinker talent friend in a calm and gentle manner.

"Thanks, Silvermist," Tinker-Bell said with a smile as she heard the underlying meaning to which she earned a gentle smile and nod from her dark blue-haired friend.

"Still, I have to thank you all for being there for me and helping me even though it was impossible." Tinker Bell told them sincerely, this made her friends smile and cooed gently as they commented on it being nothing but soon enough they ended up in a group hug.

"Oh look a shooting star! What should we wish for?" Called out the dark blue-haired fairy or as properly known as Silvermist had suddenly looked up from the group hug due to something catching her eye, her behavior totally opposite from her previous sage-like demeanor.

As if used to her personality the rest ignored this, but they all did look up and saw the bright object just a little far away from them in the night sky, drawing a brilliant trail in the night sky, while moving at a pace that seemed so calm and leisurely.

Anyone with little knowledge could tell easily that it was not a shooting star as Silvermist had pointed it out, and one from the group voiced this out.

"Uhm, Sil. That doesn't seem like a shooting star, more like a comet to me." The sunflower theme fairy answered intelligently even if she was not a star gazing-talent fairy she did know her celestial bodies with her being a light-talent fairy and all, after all as they used the light from the sun.

"I have to agree with Iridessa on that one Silvermist. It is too slow to be a shooting star and much more bright too." Added Tinker Bell with doubt.

'That and it is still flying and has not disappeared yet' continued Tinker Bell mentally as she squinted her blue eyes in thought but left the last part unsaid, knowing full well that the rest, except for Silvermist also thought so.

"Call it what you guys want, I still say we make a wish on it, it must be a sign to this special day!" Silvermist insisted, throwing off all their talk, making the rest roll their eyes.

For some reason, she felt that this shooting star or as her friends called it 'Comet' was special. As if it would bring a great and special change in all their lives.

Or not.

After all, she was always a fairy that followed her own whims and instincts. And they seemed to be reacting at this particular moment toward this star and she didn't want to miss it at all.

As Silvermist's cute phoenix-like eyes just continued to gaze intently at the bright body drifting towards them in a daze as if in a deep trance, her friends ignored that as they knew that she was a bit of an airhead for a water-talent fairy. Though the rest of the group looked at each other at her suggestion, contemplating.

"Well, it ain't gonna hurt to try. It is a special and momentous occasion. So we might as well make it more memorable girls." Spoke Rosetta first with a wry smile and a shrug.

Their eldest friend's input brought them to a conclusion, even if they were magical beings they knew that wishing on a star was not an actual thing that would come true, but since as Rosetta put it, it was indeed a momentous occasion they just wanting to let it be sentimental, besides they are just having fun.

After all, what could ever go wrong?

"Yes! Let's do this!" Shouted the Latina fairy in excitement, this made the girls giggle at her energy.

"Calm down Fawn, it is only a shooting star we are wishing on. No need to get excited and obsessed about it." Silvermist suddenly turned around with a calm face and said sagely at her friend.

This made the excited fairy freeze and look at her with a blank face as her eye twitched a little with a face that said:

'Is this fairy serious!?'

"Am just joking, come on let's do this!" Laughed Silvermist seeing her friend's expression. She soon joined her friends and they all held hands forming a line where they all face the direction of the comet that had gotten closer.

"So how do we do this guys?" Asked Iridessa in confusion standing at the end of the line with Rosetta next to her. This earned her looks of confusion, so she decided to explain her problem.

"We are wishing on a comet, meaning the same rules to wishing on a star don't apply. Perhaps we all even need to make the same wish and not individual wishes, and maybe even wish it at the same time out loud unlike the secretive one of shooting star!" Said Iridessa all in one breath which made her slightly winded.


This made her friends look at her with deadpan expressions, they all knew that she was one for following rules and caution but this was on another level.

"Okay… That changes things indeed. So how about we do this." Said Tinker-Bell with a look of deep thought before she motioned her friends to come closer and whisper to them. They all seemed happy at her idea as they nodded with smiles and all stood back on the ground at their previous positions.

"Okay girls on three! One! Two! Three!" Counted Fawn when she got to three they all leaped off the ground and shouted in unison!

"We wish to find joy and happiness all the days of our lives and live peacefully together!" They flew up a few meters in the air in the direction of the still flying comet that Silvermist still called a shooting star, they then all broke out in laughter at this moment they all found silly but it was no doubt fun.

They all broke out in chatter and laughter at this, soon enough they then decided that it was time to go, they had been sitting at the beach and enjoying the beautiful and calm view of both the sky and sea.

Just then as they were busy packing up they heard Rosetta call out to them.

"Uhm… Girls? Ah think we might have a teensy bit of a problem with our wishing comet." Her voice was filled with slight worry as she spoke slowly.

"For the last time, it is a shoo…" Silvermist tried correcting her friend but froze mid-sentence as if she was choked as she turned around before the rest of her friends and saw it.

That caused her friends to look at her in confusion they saw her eyes and mouth wide open in shock, this made them confused once more but gave them a bad feeling.

By logic, if stars and comets had problems then it wasn't their business to bother about. After all, they were up there and not down here on the ground.

But they all quickly changed that thought when they looked at what she was staring at, and they all similarly froze in shock as well as fear.

Their 'wishing comet' that was supposed to continue flying in the sky and vanish from their view and even perhaps their lives forever was heading towards them at great speeds!

"Duck!" Fawn called out quickly.

"Where!?" Silvermist snapped out of her daze and looked around quickly, but was instantly dragged to the ground with the rest of the fairies to dodge their 'wishing comet' that was hurling towards them promising fiery destruction to all in its path!

Their 'comet' flew above their heads as they felt slight heat and wind pressure as it flew by them luckily for them, they hid in a nearby log, but soon enough they heard a loud crashing noise followed by rumbling sounds as if a heavy object was being dragged across the ground with tremendous force.

It took a few seconds for the five fairies to get their bearings and fly out. There was dust, this lingered for a few more moments before dissipating but the smell of something burning as well as ozone lingered about.

"Is everyone alright? What happened?" Rosetta called out and received replies that no one was hurt.

"Did our wish cause that? Where is the happiness? I don't feel different? Only that my heart is pounding due to the entire event, do you think that counts?" Silvermist asked as she looked and touched herself all over and ended up placing a hand on her moderate chest to feel her heart with a confused look.

'She's okay' The rest mentally commented on this.

"That might not have been a comet after all it seems, must have been a meteor and now it is a meteorite," Iridessa added, still a little shaken from almost being crushed by a space rock. This was not how she planned to enjoy her evening at all!

"We should check it out!" Said Tinker Bell with clear excitement in her voice, being one that was always curious and inquisitive.

"I agree with this guys!!" Answered Fawn in similar excitement, always eager for an adventure even if her body demanded sleep.

"No! No! No! It's dangerous, we don't know what it could be and it might bring trouble to us all!" Shouted Iridessa while shaking her head in denial, the ever paranoid.

Perhaps she might have been right this time, this thought passed through the minds of the other two who hadn't said anything about this still.

"We might never know if we don't check it, it might just be a star that fell from the sky or something entirely amazing. Come on, who has ever seen something that had fallen from the sky" Convinced Tinker Bell once more.

The rest looked at each other at this, there was no denial that they all were curious about the object that flew by them, and each one had just wanted to know what it was.

Even Iridessa, though she was more cautious than curious.

"Alright, let's go see what our fallen wishing comet is." Said Rosetta offhandedly, Tinker Bell exclaimed in joy along with Fawn and they both shot off first leaving trails of golden dust like sparkles, Rosetta and Silvermist behind them with Iridessa following behind slowly perhaps to bolt off first at the slightest sign of danger, but since her friends are here she could only be brave.

They didn't have to search for the trail to the 'star' as it left devastation behind its path. Thick branches from trees had been broken, rocks had been crushed and a long thin trail was on the ground with smoke and dust in the air and the smell of burnt wood and ozone.

Crazked_Drake Crazked_Drake

Yosh! Chapter 1 down, I really hope I captured the essences of the characters down. Let me know what you all think in the comments.

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