A few days after the attack on SUOF many news reporter's tried to get onto the massive academy grounds. But even with there persistent nature no one was allowed expect the teachers, strikers and students. Genji was right now siting outside in the main yard with bandages on his arm and chest. Clearly his emotions were quite unstable as he felt bad for some reason. Aoi came over to him and sat down next to him drinking some beer and asked:
- Why are you sad again? I know that..was barely your fault. Then why are you so mad?
Genji didn't respond at first only staying silent. Aoi Waited for his answer. But right after a moment Genji spoke to her:
- Its obvious why I am angry. I just thought I could had saved her or at least do something. If I just knew...
Aoi quickly stopped him from finishing using a small gut punch. She then spoke once again with a bit of anger:
- Shut up about that. You are gonna be dying of guilt soon if this continues. So please stop thinking about it got it?
Genji slightly nodded as he himself then got up saying:
- I better hurry up. Everyone is probably waiting for me already and I haven't yet came back. See you later Teach.
Aoi chuckled as she looked at him while smoking her cigar she just began to smoke. She then responded with a small insult:
- Yeah..just don't trip over something on this meeting at the new yard we made little brat. Got it?
Genji a bit flustered but answered:
- Got it teach. You can count on me in that regard. Now if you excuse me it's time to go.
Genji walked off with a smile while Aoi was smoking her cigarette. Moment later she spoke with quite the specific angry tone:
- You gonna just stand there and watch?
Suddenly from the shadows of a nearby tree Clara emerged and asked:
- Is this normal that you show such affection and support for a student? To me it seems a bit weird.
Aoi looked at her with piercing gaze. Right after she answered:
- So what? We aren't like you and we treat our students with respect. With actual respect that comes from us learning about them and who they want to be.
Aoi scoffed as she finished and spoke again with quite the angry tone:
- If you came here to piss me off. Congratulations you already did. Now if you can just leave and don't appear it would be amazing.
The Omega class Clara didn't utter a word right after Aoi 's comment. But she uttered a sentence as she began to leave:
- If you don't keep sheeps in a fence... the sheep will eventually escape your grasp.
Clara left leaving Aoi puzzled by the sentence. But that didn't stoped her from heading back into Academy saying to herself:
- What is she on about this time.. I hope this day won't get worse.
With the class of Aoi who were currently in one of the school old Japanese styled resting area's. Everyone was talking and having some giggles about some stuff. Genji walked in right as Kyo was about to leave. He asked her:
- What's wrong Kyo? Hate your own boyfriend?
She instantly looked at him with a death glance and commented:
- No. And we aren't a pair yet you idiot. I just hate crowd and socially interacting with people.
Genji chuckled as he tried to pat her head before speaking:
- You are as cute as always. Just like a little cinnamon rol-
Suddenly Kyo jumped and punched him in the face. As Genji felt down right after due to the force of the blow to the head, Genji commented laying on the floor:
- Ow.. That was really one..heck of a punch from you Kyo. Never expected you can actually have that much strength..
Kyo a bit madly answered:
- Next time you should never do that. Only Hisashi can pat me!
She left in a hurry and the whole class looked towards the exit speechless. Genji got up and commented:
- That women can be quite the mini havoc if you piss her off...ow.
Hisashi used his own hand to facepalm his face with an mad expression forming right after. He asked Genji:
- Was it worth it you idiot of a man?
Genji got up and looked at him a bit and spoke after:
- Well no. But it was worth seeing you mad.
Hisashi felt insulted but get kept his cool. He then invited Genji to sit down by saying:
- Come on sit down with us. We were just talking about some stuff.
Genji reluctant sat down with the group and was quiet. Hisashi sat down next to him and spoke first:
- So we all agree that this attack was obvious staged... right?
Ichiyo answered his question:
- Yup we can agree on that. But that doesn't explain why we aren't allowed to know more about the current situation.
Shigeru asked right after:
- Maybe it's because it's something above our minds? Don't you think about that? It's one of the options.
Kaito who was the one to fight with Ichiyo and Hisashi in the SUOF asked Genji:
- Oi. You are that guy who got his ass kicked by the teacher right? How was it!
Genji looked at him with a bit exhausted look but after a moment of thinking he answered the man:
- It..was how you expect. It was a hard beating. Our teacher is not something to be messed with. Also no one can visit her I almost forgot to say.
Hisashi then asked:
- How badly injured you were? You were unconscious for quite the while. You got a whole in your stomach?
Genji responded without looking laying in the chair:
- You got it right. I had massive holes in my body from the attacks. And even had a massive burn wound that needed immediate treatment.
Ichiyo then asked with her quite serious voice:
- Seems you got special treatment. Although others have different ways of being treated. The teachers immediately rushed you to the principals office. Why is that?
Genji went silent as the whole class looked at him with a serious look. Suddenly Chin-Sun walked in and spoke:
-At the very least he did something not like you all.
Before Genji could answer Ayame stood up and answered to her words:
- If that's the case... At the very least he seems to have wounds after the fight. Not like you.
Hiraku stood up next and continued to speak after her:
- Maybe that means you barely did anything to help others? How many people you helped?
Hiraku was shaking obviously from making a full sentence. Next Takashi got up and commented:
- This whole situation doesn't have to happen. Let's just calm down guys!
No one was about to back down. Until Genji spoke as he got up. For the first time he used his deep real voice:
- You say that. But yet you aren't Chin-Sun I saw. You aren't her. You are just an imitation. But if you say that.
He walked up to the girl as he opened his arms and spoke with a emotionless face:
- Kill me. Or at least try. Go ahead if you can.
Hisashi got up instantly and yelled to Genji:
Others from the class got up but it was too late. Chin-Sun pierced Genji with a massive ice spear and speaking:
- Such waste of space. A masochist. At least you are dead already.
As soon as she said this. A laugh began to grow from Genji. Hisashi,Ichiyo,Takashi and the others look at Genji in disbelief as with blood from his mouth he spoke:
- Is that all? I barely felt that. Come on . Show the same intend of killing as I felt before.
Chin-Sun was gritting teeth and her eyes were wide open as she spoke again:
- How is this possible. How can you still breath? What is this sorcery...
Genji suddenly moved forward impaling himself even more. He then rose his fist and spoke:
- If you think I will allow you to disrespect the others...then you are sadly mistaken....
Hisashi and the rest just looked in shock as Genji finished:
- Because they did what you didn't. Actually saved others.
Genji didn't hesitate and slammed his punch into Chin-Sun face as he slammed her into the gorund causing a mini crater. Chin-Sun coughed out blood as she was stunned and somehow wasn't uncosious. Haruto rushed in and pulled Genji off her yelling:
- Yamamoto Genji! What is the meaning of this?! Answer in a sentence or less!
Genji looked at him as his chest began to heal slowly. His answer was this:
- Simple as you expect. I am not gonna allow others to be disrespected by some brat.
Haruto understood what Genji meant . He then released him and spoke:
- I let you off with a warning. Remember about that. For now tho. Chin-Sun where are you going?
The white hair girl was already walking out and just looked with some blood on her face. She answered to him:
- Somewhere to actually train and learn something.
She left the room everyone was just quiet. Genji then sat down again as Hisashi spoke to him:
- You are lucky he only gave you a warning.
Genji responded:
- Maybe if you think about that. For now tho I have to go outside. Anyone coming?
After a moment Ichiyo, Hisashi,Ayame, Hiraku and one of the other students Fumihito Fujimori followed right after. Genji walked out of the building and got a call. He answered it:
- Who is this?
The voice on the other side answered:
- "Haruka guess who. What happened? I was at the school and all that. But goddamit..you didn't had to go so far! You could had overreached your limit!!"
Genji stopped at one of the trees on the walkway. As he leaned onto the tree he spoke:
- "It was either that.. Or multiple more people would be either ripped to shreds or even eaten alive. It was either my own health or the health of the others".
Haruka with a slight voice of irritation answered:
- "Even then you should know that you can't just go with your body like that! You can go what? 20% at best. Higher your body begins to have side effects. I don't want you to die you idiot!"
Genji for a moment said nothing. But after a moment he responded:
- "How are the girls at least? Are they healthier then usual?"
Haruka answered with a small chuckle:
- "They are as always sleeping right now. I will move them to the center where my cousin will take care of them. After all you don't want problems for the time beings do you?"
With a moment to think. Genji thought about the answer and asked:
- " Today we..I think have a break day. Not that as an adult technically we can't just go. But all this you know. Incident's had massive impact on our sensei."
Haruka right away responded to him clearly in a hurry:
- "Yeah yeah yeah! I hope you can fully recover! Now see ya!"
The call ended abruptly as Genji with a long sigh spoke to himself:
- Damn..I really need to learn how to treat myself better huh.
His thoughts immediately came into his mind:
- "Chin-Sun...Hisashi...the principal..all of these people. One problem after another..hard to understand."
As he recovered his thoughts suddenly a female voice spoke out to him from the front:
- Genji Yamamoto. Raise your head.
He did as told and noticed the voice was that of the principal herself. He then asked:
- How can I help principal? Is it about the.... incident?
Chiyo spoke right away:
- No. I just wanted to say you did what you could Genji. At least you managed to stop some monsters. Although the risk was high especially for you. You never told us what exactly is your void shard power... Not even the doctor of the academy knows. Can I ask you about it?
That question made Genji sweat . Not just because it was hard to answer moreover it was almost guaranteed if he said it for some reason. The amount of questions and even problems would increase. He answered shortly after a thought:
- I am sorry but that is a very sensitive topic principal. I hope you can understand that at least.
Chiyo although with a face of determination quickly asked about something else:
- Well then can you describe what.. exactly happened inside? Or even better... Why Chin-Su Ho is way different now then when she arrived?
Hisashi suddenly came in between the two and spoke:
- She has been like this out of nowhere! It's like some ticked in her head. Or some kind of a program possibly?
Genji quickly stood straight and came next to Hisashi as he spoke as well:
- If that would be the case. It seems the clan from which she originated from maybe is hiding a dark secret. Don't you think that principal?
Chiyo had many thoughts just after the words of Hisashi but she responded while thinking:
- Your assumption aren't wrong... The clan of white wolf's or fangs or.. whatever they are really called. Is a very big organisation and organ in the Korea that is very...but very dangerous. There is barely any documentation about them. Even the top striker from is from the same family. Refused to say anything to us after I made the call.
Chiyo rubbed her own forehead in frustration. She thought to herself while thinking about an question to the young men:
- "Damn it... This is bad as it could be. The whole Genji kiss thing was only because I did it to make him feel better..I know he ain't dumb to think otherwise. But. The whole Chin-Sun Ho situation is only making the officials more and more mad.. I need to think of an solution fast!"
As she finished her though she asked right away with a slight relief in her voice:
- At the very least. Most of you are okay. But one thing I need to ask before I go. What do you think about ..our response...to the situation?
Hisashi looked at her confused and then answered:
- You did made a statement didn't you principal? From what I know today later you have a speech with Aoi right?
Chiyo nodded to approve of that. While Genji spoke while looking at his own hand:
- I think..it's only logical you admit to a mistake. In such a world you can't lie most of the time. Although sometimes it is necessary to lie.
Chiyo smiled at the response and turned around. Before she left she spoke to them while turned:
- Tomorrow we will have a important topic. So go guys and enjoy the day of break. The day after today will be very important towards your future as strikers. Now excuse me gentlemen I have to attend my meeting.
She turned with a smile as she left the yard and head back into the academy. Hisashi then asked Genji while playing with his bracelet:
- You noticed that? She was stressed. But also I think we may need to learn more about our...own powers today. Don't you think Genji?
Genji didn't say anything. He remained silent and only looked at his own hand. It seemed like he felt something but couldn't explain or understand what it was. A thought came through his mind:
- "Can't believe...all this is happening in such..short spam of time. But I guess that's how everything is today. Besides ... I have to go and train right after..to try and understand myself even more"
Hisashi smiled and spoke to him:
- See you later Genji. I go with Kyo to a restaurant. Hope ya can enjoy the day at some level at least!
The purple haired nerd left in a hurry. Genji tho began to head towards the main exit from the school. His thoughts were still about what happened. As he passed by tho. He suddenly bumped into someone by accident. He immediately spoke out:
- Sorry for that I apologise for bumping into you.
As Genji turned to the person he realised there was multiple. One of them spoke clearly to him:
- Ah you must be from the students! You clearly are wearing the... student badge after all.
Genji in a confused way looked at the women who stood before him. She was a blondie with sapphire eyes and quite the busty physique. He answered after a moment:
- That's correct. I am from the omega classroom. If you want to know. Names Genji and yours?
The women proudly stood and saluted with a yell:
Genji covered his ear as he asked her right after:
- Are you a military kid or what? That hurt my ears.
Another one spoke out form the group:
- Oh don't take her like that she is quite annoying sometimes. Name's Willow. I am from America as well.
Nova commented with a huff after which she insulted him:
- At least I know how to not fuck up a conversation!!! You just sometimes throw in politics!!
Willow instantly got mad but Genji spoke with his deep voice:
- If you gonna argue like that. You really won't achieve much here. We don't have time for that kind of things in the... Japanese area of problems.
The group of the international students nodded to one another after which nova and willow spoke at once:
- Thank you for your advice. Hope you have a great day Genji!
The group leaves right after as Genji wonders in which class they are. He asks himself in his head:
- "International students..? Is that normal for this academy? Or is it related to the incident. Right now it's already 3 pm.. I rather get going"
Genji quickly walked out of the building after thinking. His main destination right now was a forest on the city outskirts. Tho meanwhile one of the teachers who was looking out of the window noticed him. She in fact smiled a bit and spoke to herself:
- It seems this Genji is hiding something... If my analysis is correct his shard is.. something truly...
The women smiled with a sadistic grin of sorts before finishing:
- Interesting ~
Two hours later in the forest of the city of Tokyo Genji was in a opening of a field. Right now he is training on some trees his punching technique while also checking something on his arm. It seems like a device that counts his punches and the amount of force he used with each strike. He thinks to himself as he continues to punch:
- "This training...is ridiculous. Haruka says it's a way to make my...power more efficient. But how can you make a power that is so hard to understand more efficient through this. I don't understand her way of thinking..."
As he finished the punching the count of the punches was..twelve thousand. He stood back and then threw a punch this time using his power. The fist and arm was engulfed in purple energy that seemed like flames. As the punch landed he spoke:
- Void Rupture. Shatter.
As soon as the words were spoken the tree exploded into rubble in fact being blown to pieces. Genji's arm seemingly fine compare to what he did in SUOF. He spoke to himself as he looked at his arm:
- This power..I can use 20 percent. The only way for me to reach next level. Is to break one of the limiters.I don't know if I have broken one..but I need to do so. Besides...the SUOF was just pure luck. I had pushed my body like that..many times. At least I can regenerate..
With a breath he sat down on a log and grabbed a water bottle from his bag. With his thoughts going through his head once again:
- "A limiter ... A limiter. How to break or reach another power of this shard. We didn't had a full lesson on this yet. So I don't know myself . Furthermore I have to go..and make sure the kids or the girls are okay. Although she is sending them to her cousin or something. I want to make sure they are fine with that. Can't believe one calls me a papa..even."
As Genji thought while drinking the water he suddenly heard a voice coming from behind:
- Ahahah! So this is where you are Genji! Remember me I am from our class.
Genji turned to see Ichiyo Nagamine the massive tall supposed mistress of the class. His response was:
- You must be Ichiyo... What brings you here? Did you perhaps followed me..for no reason?
Ichiyo quickly responded while chuckling:
- It's very simple! I was a bit interested about why are you so.. separated from the others? Something private?
Genji looked away as he closed the bottle up and answered:
- I just rather train alone. My power can harm others. Very easily.
As Genji got up he turned to her and crossed his arms asking:
- You came just for that..or something else?
The girl immediately spoke out with apologetic tone:
- Yeah. I just wanted to ask that. But that's mostly all of it. Should I go?
Genji thought to himself for a moment after which he walked up to a fallen tree and looked at her once again saying:
- Its your choice. I can't really stop you from staying..it would be rude to do that.
With both arms he began to lift up the tree. After which he began to train with the massive tree that he had just grabbed off the ground. Ichiyo thought about it and decided to leave while waving. But she thought to herself before completely leaving:
- "I can tell he definitely is not like everyone else. Compare to me..or even his friend. He is quiet,calm,focused, composed. And mostly serious.. what secrets do you hide Genji?"
As she left Genji eventually put the tree down and got into a stance. With one of his legs forward and his arm stretched out with the hand fully flat. The other hand with it's fist clenched under the shoulder in a way of preparing to throw a punch. As Genji was concentrating his mind drifted into a memory once again...
Genji was Young when his sister was born. It was quite a bit thing for him including his mother and father. The days passed and months as one day he and his mother were at a park enjoying a beautiful sunny morning. The child was in the stroller with them as Genji was curiously looking at everything. He asked his mom:
- Mom! What is that... flying thing?
He pointed towards a plane on the sky. His mom looked up and chuckled right after which she answered:
- That is a plane Genji. It's a great thing we as humans have discovered. Truly a beautiful sight to uphold. You know I always wanted to travel out of Japan and..see the world. All of it.
Her beautiful long dark hair with white ends flew with the guest of wind as she asked the little boy:
- Would you like to travel with one someday Genji?
The small Genji immediately smiled and began to jump and run around in excitement as he in the same time answered:
- Yes yes yes! I want to see the world! Just like you wanted mama! I wanna see everything!
The women smiled as she sat down on a bench with the stroller next to herself. She then spoke to Genji who was running around in circles:
- You know Genji... I always knew you were special. Just like I was from my birth.
Her eyes are same as Genji's. Multicoloured accordingly as he has. As Genji is running around happy and even falling once but still going. His mom speaks again:
- And even after the doctor said your diagnosis came out... Different then any other kid he had this month with weird anatomy's. You are still my sweet baby. Just like your sister who is part of our family also is someone I adore as much as you!
She managed to pick up Genji and lift him up smiling and laughing. Genji did the same as she did while the baby slept like in a dream. Both had a time of there life's. Something that is hard to forget..
As he finished remembering about this moment of his life. Genji's face was enveloped in tears of joy on his blank and yet serious expression. He then smiled for a moment before throwing an attack onward which was a way more powerful punch then he did before. He thought to himself as he threw it:
- "I will...see the world mom. I ... Will achieve your dream even if it means me struggling right now"
The arm was engulfed in some black substance as it began to spiral around his arm. His eyes shines purple this time as he yelled:
- Void burst! SENMETSU FUNSAI!
The black substance shoot out like a blast from his arm. Traveling at a speed of sound or faster possible then that. It connected with a nearby ruined building in the forest causing a massive explosion at least 30 miles away from Genji's current position. As he got up he looked at the smoke in the distance and commented:
- This..was something at the very least. A new move that I just learned huh. A punch,kick, blast..
From what I know Aura and construct is the thing I need to work on. But I am sure as I unlock the first limiter it's gonna be very ... Difficult to understand these new powers.
As he looked at what the attack did he turned around and put on his signature clothes. Black coat,gloves,fur coat and just some other things he normally wears. As he began to walk away from the field his eyes began to shine again with him begining to think again:
- "The world we live is a dangerous place. I am nothing but a person with supernatural powers. Or at least that's what I believe. What is our goal? It's simple. Fighting the monsters who dare to kill.. and threaten the humans which also including our loved ones. The only thing.. we truly do every day..."
As he stopped a few monsters made out of trees and other things attack him from all sides. He turned around with his fist pulled back. As he threw the punch he commented in his mind:
- "Is fight for survival..and kill monsters..."
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