Though it may be a dream weathered, crumpled, fading,
I held on without surrender.
Through each repeated day, running toward tomorrow’s light,
I became a knight, resolute and bright.
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Escribe una reseñaReally great story with an MC that isn't a whiny wimp and has to work for what he gets. The translation speed is great, 3 chapters a day but the trade-off is that there are sometimes errors like incorrect character pronouns or different spelling of their names (sometimes in the same chapter).
Thank you for all these free chapters. I'm very grateful for your hard work. The only problems are how you often mix up genders and names, and also quite a few grammatical errors. However, the translation is still wayyy better than MTLs out there.
Fast update 2-6 update per day which is good ..he started in the middle 169 i think ..the other translator is babayaga which only update 1 chapter per day
Yo estoy leyendo el manhwa y está buenísimo ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Saya dari indonesia penggemar samowek dan aku harap anda sehat selalu ........................ Semoga novel lain nya dapat anda terjemahkan juga,san selalu konsisten...
gonna rate it 4.0 stars for now.. the translation still needs some work, but it's getting better. like with the names and how who is actually talking kinda confuses the reader. but overall keep up the good work 👍.
Hooked on this webnovel! Reading a few chapters every day is my new routine. The mc's character development is awesome. Loving the story so far! Thanks for the translations!
Thanks for all the translation and hardwork! One of the best novel with great character and story development. Very different from other isekai series, this feels very original
Very readable translation, consistent good uploads, great story what more could you want. The only problem is that I binged this story way too quickly.
thank you for the daily updates, its become part of my routine to read 3 chapters of this webnovel. great mc focus and relentless in training, love the story so far
Autor Samowek
It is a pity that I can not edit my review. Nonetheless, I have made a new one to state that the translation has improved quite significantly. There are now fewer errors in the latest chapters. The consistent upload of 3 chapters per day is also proof of the translator's hard work put into the story.