Julia, a 34-year-old woman, married and mother of a beautiful little girl, Julia lived a peaceful and happy life with her family, it was literally a blessed home full of love, joy and peace, married for 8 years to Caio, the couple they had an excellent relationship, the two loved each other very much, and even those normal arguments that all couples have were difficult to happen between them, Caio was 37 years old, he was a normal white man of average height, the boy was a good working person , honest, excellent father, a man of integrity who was completely in love with his wife and treated her like a true queen and it was no surprise because Julia was a true spectacle of a woman.
Feminine perfection was upon Julia, the girl when she was born was blessed by the gods with great beauty, Julia was blonde, with white and soft skin, her face was simply angelic, her eyes were greenish, her face was sweet and captivating like her charming smile, as if Julia's face wasn't enough, nature also blessed her with a magnificent body, Julia besides being beautiful was an extremely hot blonde, her body was a true temptation for any man, Julia was 1.70 tall and weighed 69 kg, medium breasts without a belly, with wide hips, she had a very large body, her ass was very big and round, her thighs were very big, plump and thick and her legs were smooth and extremely thick, and her feet were size 36 very delicate, the true feet of a princess, Julia was a mare, and certainly the woman of every man's dreams, to have an idea of the level of hotness of this woman, due to her large and With her large build, Julia had a natural swaying motion, and every time her feet stepped on the ground it was enough to make that enormous ass and giant thighs swing automatically.
Obviously a woman like Julia has always drawn a lot of attention wherever she goes. She has received thousands of malicious glances from men full of desire for her delicious body. She has also received several flirtations and low-level compliments. But Julia never cheated on her husband. She was always a faithful woman who commanded respect and didn't let anyone in. She was aware that she was very attractive and had a striking body, but that didn't give anyone the right to be disrespectful to her, regardless of the clothes she wore. Caio was truly a lucky man. He had a spectacular wife who loved him and was faithful to him. That was a real treasure. Caio was the only man who could enjoy Julia's body.
The Secret Sisterhood of Sex Kindle Edition
And enjoying that body was the best, Julia naked was the vision of paradise, Caio had a blast at the time of pleasure with his wife, Julia on all fours naked could be compared to the 7 wonders of the world, everything for Caio was almost perfect except the fact that it was not easy to handle a woman like that Caio was a normal white man his penis was not big it was average, and due to Julia's large body, holding out for a long time was an impossible mission for a mere mortal, like Caio, just looking at Julia naked, often made her husband reach almost the peak of lust and often at the time of the act itself especially in the positions when Julia was on all fours or riding backwards a stronger grinding could be fatal, seeing that huge white ass in front of you shaking and holding out for a long time is not for everyone, that's why many times daddy and mommy reigned in the relationship due to the fact that this gave more durability to the fuck, Julia and Caio loved each other they had lived moments of pleasure, more that hardcore sex, never happened between the couple, but Julia didn't care about that, in fact she didn't even think about it, the important thing is that she loved her husband and her beautiful little daughter.
Julia came from a traditional and conservative family without many financial means. The girl was always very hard-working and since she was little she dreamed of going to college and becoming a teacher, but she didn't have the financial means to do so at that time. Julia started working as a teenager to help her parents support her younger siblings and so her dream of being a teacher was postponed. Time passed until she met Caio, they dated, got married and had Alice. After a while as a married woman and mother, Julia decided to go to college to fulfill her dream of being a teacher. Her husband always supported her in this decision. Time passed and after a lot of effort, Julia managed to graduate. Graduation day was an incredible and exciting day for her. Obviously, on that day she was beautiful and all made up, dressed in an elegant blue dress that covered her large body. But even though the dress was wider due to the size of Julia's body, her huge butt was still the highlight, because a monument of that size can't be hidden.
When Julia received her diploma, she was moved and tears fell down her angelic face, making the camera blur. That moment was unique for her. Her entire family was present: her husband, her little daughter, her father, her mother and her brothers. It was a great achievement that the beautiful blonde had achieved. Her dream was coming true. After graduation, Julia and her entire family went to dinner at an Italian restaurant. It was a magnificent night to celebrate Julia's greatest achievement in life. Later, at home, Julia put her daughter to bed. In the bedroom with her husband, she was still wearing her makeup. The blonde then took off her blue dress, leaving only her bra and panties on. Now the celebration was in private. Her husband grabbed her and hugged her face to face and congratulated his wife on her achievement. They gave each other a long kiss on the mouth. Julia stained her husband with her red lipstick. Caio then began to smell Julia's neck, which had a delicious delicate perfume. Then Julia took off her bra and panties and the couple made love. After the fuck, Caio felt very comfortable in the bedroom. bed still naked he leaned his back against the headboard, Julia then who was also still naked, sat next to her husband on the bed she then rested her head on Caio's shoulder, who then wrapped his wife in his arm, Julia was lying next to her husband with her extremely thick legs kind of curved over each other so that her left leg was in contact with the mattress and her right leg on top of her left leg, while she caressed Caio's white chest with her delicate white hand.
What a passionate and happy moment for the couple, but unfortunately little did they both know what the future held for them, that diploma and Julia's new training was the beginning of the end for what was to come, the diploma was the gateway to the misfortune that awaits the couple in the near future.
Some time after graduating, without many difficulties, Julia got her first job as a teacher. She was going to teach at a public school in a lower-class neighborhood in her city. At first, she would have a class for the last year of high school and would also be a reinforcement teacher. She was very anxious to start and was very well received by the principal, coordinator and other teachers at the school. Until finally the day arrived. Julia, 34 years old, was going to face her first day of class as a teacher. The school year was going to start. She was apprehensive but also very confident.
She would be a morning teacher and as soon as she entered the classroom, she felt a sense of victory because her dream was coming true. That day she wore dark jeans and a black blouse. On her first day of class, she got to know her classroom and introduced herself to the students, and made each one introduce themselves as well. Her classroom was very quiet. Apparently, Julia wouldn't have much work to do with her class. When it was time to call, she called her students out loud until she called for Enzo, and the students responded that he was absent. At the end of that morning's class, teacher Julia heard two students talking about Enzo, this boy who was absent. They said to each other:
-I knew Enzo was going to repeat, what a shame that he ended up in our class this year.
-True man, but I don't think he's a problem because he usually doesn't even come to school.
-That is true.
At that point the students left the room, saying goodbye to Julia, who returned the favor with her sweet and charming smile. She had heard the boys' conversation about Enzo and was thinking:
"Who could this boy be? I hope he's not a problem here in the room."
Julia then grabbed her bag and left the room towards the teachers' lounge, she spent the rest of the day at school without teaching because her class was only in the morning, and only in a few days would Julia start giving extra classes to the students.
It was around 5 pm, Enzo, the boy who had been absent, was at his house sitting on the old sofa in his humble home, playing his old PlayStation 2 on the old tube TV. Enzo was an 18-year-old boy. He was black with curly hair that was all disheveled and unkempt. He was thin and of average height. Enzo didn't like to study. He lived with his mother, who was a hard worker. The boy was a bum supported by his mother. He always gave the poor woman a lot of work and last year he repeated the last year of high school. Enzo was poor as he had already been. He lived with his mother in a very simple house. The house had three rooms, a kitchen, a bedroom and a living room. The house only had plaster inside.
, on the outside it was just brick, even without plaster, the house was covered by slab, and the furniture and appliances in the house were very humble, everything very old and deteriorating due to time, the worst thing was during the rainy season when the slab created puddles of water and leaks were inevitable inside the house, this house was left as an inheritance by Enzo's late grandfather to his mother.
Then Enzo's mother arrived, she was a black lady with curly gray hair, Enzo then asked:
-Did it work, mom?
-Yes, it worked, my son.
What they were talking about was the following situation: Enzo's mother worked as a maid in a house, and her boss was about to travel to a new mansion that she had acquired in another state. So she called Enzo's mother to go with her, making the proposal to double her salary, that way Enzo's mother would be away for a long time and the boy would be alone in the house and his mother would deposit money for him to live on. Enzo's mother then said that the very next day she would go with her boss and soon she was packing her bags, until the lady asked her son how his first day of school had been and he replied:
-Mom, I didn't go, I don't want to know about school anymore, I'm tired of it, I've already repeated a year and I don't want to know about it anymore.
-Son, please, what are you going to do if you don't have a high school diploma? You won't be able to get any job. Please, if you love your mother, go to school starting tomorrow, do this for me.
-Okay mom, I'll go for you.
-Yes, mother, I give you my word.
Enzo then went to his room, the only room in the house was his, because his mother slept in the living room. Even though Enzo was a bum, his mother still believed in her son that he could change his life. Even though she was poor, she always tried to give her son the best. Like the time she gave the boy an old PlayStation 2 even though she couldn't afford it, and her Android smartphone, which was pretty bad, one of the worst, but it was all she could buy and give to her son. In the room, Enzo lay down on the bed and stayed there playing with his cell phone, using the neighbor's wifi because they didn't have internet at home. The truth is that Enzo didn't deserve his mother, who was a poor, hard-working warrior woman. Enzo, besides not liking to study, also liked to drink and smoke straw cigarettes. Not to mention that the kid had a completely perverse mind. Enzo was completely addicted to pornography. His favorite content was interracial porn where hot white women are brutally fucked by well-endowed black men. Enzo delighted in this obscene content, another very strong kink. The young black man's main attraction was married women and this literally made him very excited and many of his perverse imaginary sexual fantasies were with these thoughts of adultery on the part of women, in the rotten and lost mind of the boy, the woman of his dreams are blondes, this always messed with him a lot, for him to have sex with a blonde would be a dream come true, the boy even thought about hiring a luxury blonde escort to kill this desire of his, he searched on the escort website and saw beautiful girls, until he found an incredible blonde and soon got in touch with her, but the innocent man ran into the financial barrier the meeting with the girl was very expensive completely out of Enzo's reality it was unfeasible and impossible to have a woman at that level, and Enzo went on living his life in the perversities of his mind.
That same night at Julia's house, the girl told her husband everything about her first day of school as a teacher. She was so excited that she even told her husband that since she was earning more, they would now be able to work on the house. The couple's house was a two-story house, the downstairs had four rooms and the upstairs was still under construction.
The next morning, that Tuesday, Julia got her daughter ready to go to school, and then waited for the school van that came to pick up her daughter. Julia gave her daughter a kiss and said:
-Bye my love, behave, mommy loves you.
So Julia took it
his car, which was a Fiat Uno Vivace, went to school and work. At the same time, at Enzo's house, his mother said goodbye to the boy to travel with her boss to her boss's new mansion. Enzo's mother asked the boy to be sensible and told him to focus on his studies. With that, the poor working lady left for the trip. Enzo then went to get ready to go to school.
Already at school, Julia was dressed in a white baby look and a black social skirt that went down to her knees and a pair of black heels, the skirt was tight and shaped all over the hot teacher's huge ass and her extremely thick legs were completely on display, since Monday, the day the students saw the new teacher, the subject among the boys could not be anything else, all the boys were in love with the hot new teacher, certainly Julia would be on the minds of all the boys and many tributes and milk would be dedicated to her, that was a certainty, but Julia would be able to rest easy because all those boys would never have the courage to try anything with her, they were all well-behaved boys and obviously that would never happen, but none of those boys would stand a single minute with Julia.
The class then began, the door was closed, when knocks coming from outside began to dominate the environment, Julia then went to see who it was and as soon as she opened the door, she had her first contact with Enzo who arrived a little late, the moment Julia opened the door and Enzo saw her for the first time the boy practically froze and could not believe what he saw, Enzo was in front of a true goddess, the boy looked at the teacher from head to toe, Julia was the most beautiful and hot woman he had ever seen in his life, not even the most beautiful blonde luxury escorts or porn actresses reached the level of beauty and hotness of Julia, Enzo then said:
-Hi, I'm Enzo, can I come in?
-Yes, you can - Julia said smiling.
-I'm sorry I'm late.
-No problem.
Enzo then entered the room and sat in an empty chair, and the class continued normally, throughout the class Enzo could only look at the teacher the entire time, the kid couldn't believe that that blonde was now the teacher in his class, for Enzo Julia was already she had become the woman of his dreams and fantasies, from today on his perverse imaginary sexual fantasies were going to have a new protagonist, obviously looking at Julia's body made Enzo have an erection throughout the class, a large volume dominated the young man's pants, no one noticed why he was sitting because if he stood up, everyone would notice his excitement, when Julia started to write on the board, the view of the teacher's back was driving Enzo to mental insanity, it looked like Julia's huge ass she was shaking alone while she wrote on the board, in Enzo's mind he said:
-My father, what is that hot blonde, you fucking mare? Look at that. Look at the size of that ass. It's huge and it looks like it's still shaking. Look at those thighs, and the size of those legs, my father. Those legs are very thick. I've never seen a woman with such thick legs. How delicious. How delicious.
The class ended and when it was time for the students to leave the room, Enzo was the last one and Julia was erasing the board, with the movements she made with the eraser her huge ass and thick thighs were shaking, Enzo left very slowly looking at that delicious scene, and said:
-Bye teacher.
Julia innocently returned the farewell and gave the boy a normal look and said goodbye, in that look Enzo had a serious and malicious look at Julia, he dried her in the face, literally ate her with his eyes, Julia then realized that that look was ulterior motives, she then became embarrassed and embarrassed by the situation and continued to erase the board without looking at the boy who had just left the room.
Enzo was completely crazy about Julia, the black boy could no longer get the teacher out of his head, he had found the woman of his dreams, and now he had a great motivation to go to school that year.
The next day, which was Wednesday, in the classroom Enzo could only look at Julia and wish that hot blonde for himself. That day Julia was wearing blue jeans and a white blouse and on her feet she wore black flats. That day Julia gave her students a surprise exam. This exam consisted of seeing the level of knowledge and learning of the students and which of the students would need to take remedial classes. Everything went normally that morning in class. The students took the exam and left. Enzo was the last to leave the room. He had done it on purpose to dry Julia out, just like he had done the day before. He then finished his exam and went over to Julia, who was sitting with her thick legs crossed. The black boy then handed the paper to Julia. With a serious look, he looked deep into the teacher's eyes. Julia was embarrassed again and lowered her head. Enzo looked at Julia's crossed legs. Julia soon raised her head and saw that look of desire the boy had for her. Enzo then said:
-Bye teacher.
Julia didn't answer and the boy left the room. Julia was getting a little uncomfortable with this situation because Enzo's looks clearly showed his intentions towards the teacher. Julia then began to correct the students' tests, and to her surprise the class went very well. Everyone got good grades except Enzo, who failed the exam. With the corrected tests, Julia then handed the tests over to the coordinator to analyze the students' performance. On Thursday, however, a normal school day, Enzo again only went to school to look at that monument that was Julia's body. When it was time to leave, the boy was once again the last one to leave, purposefully giving Julia that intimidating and malicious look.
After class, the school coordinator called Julia to talk in private. The coordinator announced that Julia would start giving tutoring classes starting next week, and that the only student in the tutoring class would be Enzo, as all the others would not need school help. Upon hearing that news, Julia thought to herself, regretting:
-Well that kid.
But Julia was determined that whatever prank Enzo might try on her, she would file a report and report the boy. The next day, Friday, Enzo's classroom would have physical education for the last two classes. Enzo was in the hallway of Julia's classrooms, who needed to talk to Enzo about the extra class. Seeing him passing by, he said he needed to talk to him later. She informed him that she would be in the classroom waiting for him. Julia then went to the classroom to wait for Enzo and also signed some reports for the week. That day she was wearing her black blouse and her salmon-colored formal skirt that went down to her knees and black heels. The skirt was tight and shaped to the teacher's huge ass and her extremely thick legs were completely exposed. Julia then looked at a desk and soon saw an eraser on top. She went to the desk to get the eraser, but the eraser fell from her hand and fell to the floor. When she went to get the eraser from the floor, Julia bent over to bend down and her giant ass was all up in the air. behind, at that same time the door opened it was Enzo who to his joy had arrived at the right time, the boy saw Julia in that wonderful position with that huge white ass sticking up, Julia was startled when the door opened and quickly picked up the eraser on the floor and was all embarrassed seeing Enzo who had seen her in that very exciting position, Julia to cut that strange atmosphere then quickly said:
-Enzo, the reason I called you here is to inform you that starting Monday you will have reinforcement classes with me, you did very badly on the knowledge and learning exam, in fact you failed the exam and the coordinator was worried about your performance.
-Okay, are there any other people who will join me?
-Unfortunately, you weren't the only one who did badly on the exam.
When Enzo heard this, a great joy overcame him, his heart filled with happiness because now he would be alone for a long time with Julia who was the woman of his dreams, for the boy there was no better news than that, at the same time Enzo looked at Julia's left hand and saw on her finger her thick wedding ring, Julia
then he continued talking
-Classes will be on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday in the afternoon, ok?
-Yes ok thank you very much.
-That was it then, thank you for your attention.
And with that Enzo left the room, Julia was uncomfortable with that situation, unfortunately for her and luckily for Enzo that sticking out of her ass was only going to start to worsen that strange atmosphere between her and that black student, but the truth was that somehow those malicious and striking looks from Enzo were affecting Julia in a very strange way.
In the evening at Julia's house, the blonde had already put her daughter to sleep, it was very hot that night and Julia was very comfortable in her house, she was wearing a little white tank top with very short green shorts that stuck to her feet. she wore her black Havainas flip flops, the shorts only covered her big ass and left her thighs and thick legs completely exposed, the shorts shaped the blonde's entire huge ass and you could see those tiny panties firmly tucked into her ass, Caio, Julia's husband, was crazy to pass the rod on his beloved and hot wife, so the couple didn't take long to go to the bedroom and start having sex.
At the same time that Julia was making love to her husband, Enzo was at home alone in his room, the boy was completely naked lying on his old bed, the boy was crazy with lust and couldn't get Julia out of his head, that blonde's big body was heaven for him, and now he was very happy because he was going to have some good time in private with Julia due to the reinforcement, the boy had his erect penis and that Enzo's dick was not normal it was way above average, the young man's big dick was something huge very big and thick, it was full of swollen veins that seemed to pulse, his big head was so big it resembled a peach, when the young man was very excited the skin of the young man's dick couldn't cover the entire head of his dick leaving the tip of that dick exposed, Enzo's dick was so big that in that lying position, his penis which was a little crooked, went even past his belly button, the boy's testicles were also not far behind in size. sack was huge and his balls were swollen and very large.
Enzo knew he was a true gifted man with a respectable horse cock. The young man then began to masturbate his big black cock thinking about the delicious blonde teacher. Enzo then lifted the head of his penis and jerked it off non-stop. In his mind he could only visualize perversities with Julia as his protagonist. Enzo, besides being gifted, also had incredible durability. The boy could masturbate for a long time without ejaculating, which allowed him to feel much more pleasure. Meanwhile, in Julia's room, she and her husband made love. At first it was just a daddy and mommy. Then, Caio asked her to ride with her back to him, but Caio couldn't handle the ride. Seeing his wife riding with that big ass shaking in front of him wasn't easy. Caio quickly ejaculated.
While Caio ejaculated, and the couple's sex came to an end, Enzo continued to masturbate frantically, until finally the peak of pleasure arrived. He raised the head of his big dick, and had a strong but very strong ejaculation, it was literally a rain of cum, several powerful jets of very dense, thick and lush cum were spread in the environment, while one of the jets of cum came out of Enzo's big black dick, he sighed, giving a kind of growl and said:
-Ahhh teacher Julia.
Calling out his dream name, Enzo ended up ejaculating, it was a real mess, there was cum everywhere, the amount was frightening, there was cum on the mattress, on the boy's belly and chest, but Enzo's dick remained hard, and then the position of Julia's ass sticking out came to his mind, as she had bent down to get the rubber earlier at school. He also remembered the big wedding ring on Julia's finger, this immediately made the boy even hornier, remembering those scenes, and he continued with his delicious masturbation.
Meanwhile Julia was in the bathroom of her house, still naked Julia, applied some moisturizer on her body she then looked in the mirror and turned her body, turning her neck to look back at this she saw her body in the rear view and thought to herself:
-I really am very hot.
Then she put on her bra and panties and her golden nightgown and went back to the room to sleep, she kissed Caio and said:
-I love you, love, good night.
And with that the couple slept, little did Julia know that at that moment, she was receiving a special tribute from her student Enzo, and her husband could not even imagine the perverse thoughts that the 18-year-old boy was having at that moment with his beloved wife.
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