The capital city of the Wei Empire, Fifteen days ago,
The imperial palace complex, Zi Wei palace, stood magnificently in the heart of the city, surrounded by high raised stone walls.
It was the day of the monthly cabinet meeting in which the emperor visits the royal court and listens to the reports of the court officials.
In the southern palace wing, the envoy from the Yu palace seated on the place designated for the visitors and gawked at the extravagance pouring out from every corner of the giant courtroom.
In the centre of the hall, the gold-lacquered throne adorned with precious gemstones and ivory carvings, waited for its owner.
"Behold the emperor."
Wei Sheng, the notorious sovereign head of the great Wei empire, gracefully strode towards the centre of the hall and perched on the throne.
Happy New Year,
This week will be the last week of the back-story.