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9.52% Ebony Scales / Chapter 2: Segment Two, ‘Evaluation’

Capítulo 2: Segment Two, ‘Evaluation’

'Dr.Wu's Pov'

The feelings he had could not match what he was feeling now, for he was able to get her inside of this secure facility. Though, he was glad that they were able to get her inside he still couldn't help but feel worried. His very life was on the line and if anything were to happen to his creation, then well that was it. All the time and money would be gone if his creation were to die and or escape.

After talking to the people, he walked by the armored cell that held his creation. The sounds of her deep breathing were loud yet powerful as she slept. The great scientist looked inside in curiosity for he wanted to make sure that the cell was good enough to hold his dangerous beast. His eyes slowly looked over the walls and then the floors, and gradually they landed on the massive shape of his creation whose breathing continued to get louder and more pronounced. For it was like she was trying her hardest to make it sound like she was still asleep.

He didn't doubt that she was an intelligent animal, and he knew what kind of strength she had. By changing the code, he made an entirely different animal who was beyond anything else that he has ever made. She was beautiful yet deadly, and her mind made her quite intelligent. Far more intelligent than any pack of velociraptors as well as the Indominus Rex.

He could swear up and down that he could see her eyes move around as she thought about her plans. Her mind was constantly planning thus proved that she was constantly thinking. The more he stood there and pondered, the more he became unaware of the movements that were coming from his creation. By the time he realized it however did his eyes go wide and his head went back as he gasped.

Dr.Wu was practically face to face with his creation and it was due to his accursed mind as he thought. The walls of the armored cell saved him from her though, for she couldn't get through the compact steel that made up the walls of her confinement. He watched as her eyes stared back, and he could see himself within her deadly bright eyes. His creation was watching him, and her eyes were keenly locked onto his own eyes.

She seemed so interested in the eyes of her prey, and she never looked away from them either. It was like she couldn't get enough of the emotions that spilled forth, for it was clear that she loved seeing the fear and terror within them. Like the first Indoraptor, he was quite psychotic in his mannerisms when it came to killing and he didn't even doubt for a second that his creation showed the same mannerisms. If anything else she was far more interested in pain and fear of her victims and just the fact that she stared them in the eyes proved his theory. When she killed them, she wanted to see the life drain from their eyes.

"You behave in there.", spoke Dr.Wu in a stern voice. He of course didn't sound afraid, for if he did she would lock on to it and become riled up.

He didn't dare look away either, even though his body desperately wanted too. This had to be done, and in all honesty he should of done this sooner. Back in his lab, he didn't do this for he at first didn't expect her to do anything. Honestly, she was quiet and hardly did anything when she was in the lab. But who would of thought that she was waiting for the right moment to escape, and she did it directly at night when most of everyone else were going home for the night.

Furthermore, she literally knew the code for the doors which further proved her intelligence. She memorized the order in which the code was done and followed through with it on every door that she came across. He didn't believe it at first, until he saw it done on the cameras. Just watching her go to door to door, and putting in the code made his blood run cold. At that time he couldn't believe it, and he thought that it was all just a dream. But it wasn't.

A low chuffing sound came from the maw of his creation, her eyes never once looking away from his eyes. Dr.Wu felt a chill go down his spine as the sounds of her claws touched the walls of her cell. The metallic sound from the walls made the hair on the back of his neck rise up in discomfort. She had to be doing this on purpose, why else would she do it while she tilted her head coyly. Her expression was quick to capture his attention, for she looked at him in some type of innocence.

That alone increased his discomfort as he closed his eyes and held back a groan. Monsters was a relative term. To a bird a cat was a so called monster, and in this instance he didn't even know what he should call her. She was after all just a animal, but how she acted honestly made her seem human in a way. Of course, that was silly but one look at her and you could see exactly what he was talking about. She showed expressions clearly from either her eyes and or her face. Her interest in pain fascinated her like a child, for they laughed at pain.

Children were unaware of the pain from others, and as such laughed at the adults for they made a funny face. In this instance however, she knew pain fully only cause she could sense weakness and weakness was a thrill for her. Weakness made many a target, and a target was what she liked. Dr. Wu opened his eyes as he looked at her and she was still there eyeing him strongly.

He merely shook his head and walked away, and as he did he could hear her calls. Those calls she would make in attempt to gain the attention of someone else, for she clearly was up to something. Dr.Wu didn't like how smart she was, and if she were to get any smarter than he would have to do the unthinkable. He would have to put her down. At times even now, he has thought about putting her down but the chance of money lingered on his mind.

Thinking about the money, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief for someone would buy her. They would have to right, after all they wanted to buy the prototype though it was against his wishes. Not only that but the prototype was not even a complete version of what he could of been. Dr.Wu didn't fully know what to call his creation, but if anything she was close to being complete. She made up a lot of things that the first Indoraptor lacked and then some.

Since she was complete, this meant that she would bring in a lot more money than the first. The money was what he was after, but something else lingered in his soul. If someone was to buy her, what would they do with her. Would they be able to control her if she were to act up?

Dr.Wu stopped in his tracks slowly and he looked back toward the direction of his creations calls. The fact that he thought such a thing made him feel cold and vulnerable. What would happen if she were to escape from her buyers, and thus escape into the real world of humans. After all the chances of her escaping was incredibly high.

Biting the inside of his jaw, did he turn around and shake his head. It won't happen only cause he was here in a facility that swore to him that they could contain her. These people were experts and they knew exactly what they were dealing with thanks to him and his data. She wouldn't get out, and he had to believe in that. Earlier, he of course doubted them but seeing them all working together made him think differently about them.

They had what it takes and he had to put his faith in them, seeing that this was his one and only shot. If this were to fail then perhaps it was just not meant to be. As such he would put her down if she were to not at all get buyers. He would also have to make documents about her, for if she were to be bought he would need to write down everything that she could do. This would be a long process, and he wondered if these people could handle her while he does his research.

Walking away, he went to the guy who runs things. This guy was very confident in his ability to capture and tame the wildest of beasts. Of course, Dr.Wu thought that the guy was cocky only cause he didn't fully understand the strength and power that his creation had.

Entering the office, Dr.Wu looked at the man who was dressed up for war. If war had a fashion, than this guy would be the spokesperson for the wares. The man had a black leather jacket with white fur around the collar, and his blue jeans were heavily ripped around the knees. A green camouflage shirt was on under the jacket, and even that shirt was ripped around the collar of the shirt.

A machete was also on the back of the man as he leans back into his leather black seat. His boots which were made of crocodile hide could easily be seen on the desk, for his feet were propped up. Dr.Wu sharply scowled at the aroma of smoke for the man was smoking.

"What brings you up here, doc?", asked the man who shifted to sit up in his chair and look at Dr.Wu with a smug grin.

"I'm here to talk about research. If she is to bring any buyers, we need to know what she could do."

Dr.Wu could literally feel his heart stop after saying such words, he had every right to be scared of his creation. Just the thought of giving her freedom also scared him to the very core. For she was meant to be feared, though the guy smirked in a way that held no fear. If anything he looked to be mocking Dr.Wu and his so called creation. The guy didn't know what she could do, and he better figure it out or else die in a quick way.

Dr.Wu of course couldn't say that to the guy for he wouldn't listen, and so he would have to see it for himself what his creation could do.

"Look doc! Your friend Hagan will get the job done, trust me I know what I am doing! But, we need to talk about payment?", Hagan's reply was something that Dr.Wu was expecting.

"50/50?", was the words that came out of Dr.Wu's mouth.

There was a sense of confidence behind the scientist and his words, for he didn't doubt that his creation could be worth a lot of money. Hagan made a amused face, as he chuckled dryly.

"That was pretty quick! Here I thought that you would try to cheat me?"

"Why would I try to cheat you, Mr. Hagan? You agreed to lend your help and so you will be properly rewarded for it.", Dr.Wu's tone was quite firm and matter of factly.

Hagan clapped his hands as a strong chuckle came out of his mouth, he stood up and smiled in a crooked way. "I like you doc! You ain't afraid to tell it how it is!"

Dr.Wu had a straight face as he replied, "Trust me, I have been through a lot and I have seen things that you haven't seen."

Hagan waved his hand, clearly trying to wave away and ignore the next words out of Dr.Wu's mouth. "Yeah, yeah! So what do you want me to do?"

Dr.Wu held back a scowl as he replied, "We need a open space to fully document my creation. We need to see what she could do and-"

Hagan nodded walking by the scientist in a impatient stride, his eyes of dark brown was closed as he walked out of the office. "I'm on it."

Dr.Wu looked after Hagan with a frown, he closed his eyes and walked out of the office as well with a impatient look. The fact that Hagan was so impatient infuriated him, he just hoped that he could get the job done properly.

One little mistake could literally be life and death, for if his creation was to sense any kind of weakness she would very quickly exploit it. He would also have to keep up with the door panels and their codes. There was no doubt that she would do the same thing again, but he wouldn't let that happen. Which was why he would change the code and let the people know about the changes.

He couldn't let his guard down, not again. If he does then he would lose money and many more people could lose their very lives. That would not happen, and he would make sure of that. Dr.Wu retreated to his office while leaving the work to Hagan.

'Sable's Pov'

Her eyes were looking around for any type of movement, her head immediately shifted to a form approaching her and she chuffed loudly in her curiosity. This human seemed to be looking at her in a way of mocking and that alone made her eyes dilate into sharp thin slits.

"Pfft! You are the big bad beast!?! You don't look all that dangerous?"

His voice made her snarl loudly, her death claws upon her feet tapped loudly in aggression. She released a sharp shrill cry that made the guy move his head back as he pretended to be scared.

"Oh no! You are so scary! Pfft, I have seen chihuahuas scarier than you!"

A loud sound and a strong kick caused her to aggressively snarl as she threw herself at the steel wall of her cage. Her claws were restlessly trying to reach out and grab him to no avail which in turn angered her more. Her eyes were locked onto the eyes of the man who was amusedly watching her with his hands in his jean pockets.

"You ain't tough. You may have the size of a lion but you have a bite the size of a baby."

She sharply snarled as her claws moved feverishly, for she lusted for this mans blood. Her eyes were fully enraged as she roared and threw herself at the cage constantly. The anger she felt was completely different from any anger that she has ever felt before. Sable wanted to kill this man in the worst way possible, she wanted to literally tear him into pieces as he slowly dies before her.

Her mind was aggressively putting her plans into action, she would kill this man first. No one else would get in her way, for it was this man who she wanted to brutally kill.

"You're dangerously beautiful, heck you could make a fine purse?"

Sable literally screamed loudly at him, the sounds that came from the walls was very loud thuds of power and strength. The man was smugly looking her over, his interest in her was that of wanting to skin her. Just that look alone greatly angered Sable as she moved back and bolted straight toward him.

This action made the man laugh as he watched her try to get at him, and he was fairly impressed. She kept going, and every hard hit didn't hinder her in the slightest.

"My my little girl has a temper~"

Sable's nose flared up in aggression, her deadly teeth were displayed to him as she lunged at him while trying to bite the metal bars at the top of her cell. Hagan of course watched her as he whistled loudly in amusement.

"You are so adorable. Heck, I may just buy you myself?"

His words no matter what he said, set her off. She slowly lowered herself down to look at him, their eyes were keen on each other. Hagan blinked as he looked over and he laughed seeing Dr.Wu running over to him with a look of fright.

"What are you doing to her!", demanded Dr.Wu who seemed angered and scared about all the noise he had heard.

Sable didn't look at her weak creator, no she was looking at Hagan with a hostile glare. The man smugly laughed and that made her snarl venomously in response.

"Nothing! Just telling her how cute she is!", boasted Hagan as he looked at her direction which in turn made her hiss loudly in her rage.

Sable hated every single particle of the man who stood out of her reach. Just the fact that he looked at her made her blood boil. Dr.Wu looked at Hagan with a surprised expression, for he didn't expect the man to come to her cell and legit tease her.

"Stop it at once! If she is so riled up we can't get her to do anything!", firmly spoke Dr.Wu.

Hagan merely smiled as he walked away, and as he does was he followed by Sable who would literally attack the walls of her cell until Hagan was completely out of her sight.

'Dr.Wu's Pov'

He couldn't help but watch after Hagan who walked away, and not only that but to how his creation reacted toward him. She clearly didn't like what he was doing to her, and in all honesty he didn't like it either. Hagan was making a mistake, and just by looking at his creation could he see what was on her mind.

She wanted to kill him, and that was something that he could easily see within her eyes and how she acted. Dr.Wu looked after Hagan as he does the work that he was supposed to be doing, all the while the great scientist looked at his creation who was fully riled up.

ThatAGurlBlue ThatAGurlBlue

The new chapter! I hope you like it! ^^ Much love and appreciation for reading and adding it to your collections!

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