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80.95% Ebony Scales / Chapter 17: Segment Seventeen, ‘De-Escalation’

Capítulo 17: Segment Seventeen, ‘De-Escalation’

'Dr. Wu's Pov'

Everything was happening so fast and it seemed to increase with each passing second. The fight that they would be witnessing now would be engraved in their heads forever. And this wasn't fake, oh no.

This was all too real.

Many people now actually thinking about it, have probably seen something like this in movies or made up documentaries. Oh but this wasn't some movie, cgi, or pixels on the big screen, this was all happening before them in real life!

This fight was as real as they were standing there, soaking it all in. Course this was still a serious situation that they were in and it was very dangerous, due to the possibility of being caught in the middle of the fight. Which was why Owen, Claire, and Lance were all backing away from the scene. While Dr. Wu stood where he was still with wide eyes, for he was marveling at the sight of two beasts going at it. But one of them was something that he has painstakingly made, though it was deemed a dud. It was still his creation. In time this dud will be dealt with and he will be able to make another one. Which will be the perfect weapon.

As he watches them fight, did he get to see firsthand what the future ideal weapon would be. This complete artillery unit that is a living breathing thing will obey orders unlike any other animal alive. He or she no matter the gender will be the perfect fighting companion. They will be literally unstoppable!

The loud angered calls from both sides brought him out of his thoughts for the time being. He then watched Blue run around with outstanding agility and what many would say, grace.

Incredible!, boasted Dr. Wu's thoughts as he watched the velociraptor jump onto something much larger than herself. But of course they normally do that when they hunt or fight. However he didn't expect Blue to stand up for Owen. To think an animal would risk its very life to save someone else. That kind of bond was quite alike to a man and their dog. So to speak. And according to what he has heard, the velociraptor did this for Owen quite a few times already. He had to admit that he was envious of Owen and what he has already accomplished.

Owen was a hard working man who understood the ways of animals and their behaviors. More than he could possibly count on all of his fingers, a lot of people respected Owen and never did they mock his abilities. Sure, Owen was a hard person to get to know at first but he had a firm understanding of his job as well as his limits. Hell! Owen was not an idiot unlike the higher ups who would continuously boss him around. The same goes for that all too familiar but prideful man known as, General Camden.

Who was literally risking it all to capture this failure of a weapon right now. He simply refused to let her go, for she was everything that he wanted in terms of power, and most likely greed.

And in due time, she will be the end of him.

Dr. Wu knew about that deep down, and honestly he hoped that he wouldn't share the same fate as the general.

After all there was still that chance that it might occur. Which would be ironic, wouldn't it? It would be like those awful but cliché horror stories or movies where the creator of some monster, gets killed by said monster at the end. In this case the hybrid he has made would end his life, forever.

Just thinking about that, it gave him enough motivation for him to wrap this up, once and for all.

He must do whatever it takes to stop that animal in which he has brought life to. For that was the only way to completely stop this from happening. Dr. Wu was not planning to die, not now anyway. He has too much to do and he was going to achieve his goal! One way or another!

But then it would soon dawn on him, that they were all different as to why they do the things that they do. In terms with himself and General Camden though, they were so very much alike in a odd way.

Owen and himself however, they were not alike. Of course that was made apparent from their previous encounters. Furthermore Owen didn't agree with Dr. Wu and his so called 'monstrosities' against mankind. Which actually reminded him at some point in time, didn't Allen Grant say the same thing as well?

If that was proof enough to how different they were, then nothing would.

Dr. Wu has always been the complete opposite of Owen in terms of work and actions, he was a great scientist who had accomplished the near impossible. His work was incredible and at the top of the line to the point that tons of people were envious of him, but time after time he was mocked and hardly ever respected by those higher than him. On the contrary plenty of people walked all over him, and in some cases he was used as well as pushed around.

Yes, of course there were still people who were like his fans but that was different. He wanted respect from those higher than him so bad, that he could care less about all the other people who were 'below' him. For those fans were not important to him in the slightest, and they lacked everything when it comes to experience. They could never do what he does.


Returning to reality swiftly, Dr. Wu was literally pulled out of the way by Lance. It would seem that the scientist was almost hit by Blue who was literally thrown away by the animal which he has created. Speaking of the hybrid, she was standing on her powerful back legs as she roared at Blue with so much rage it made their ears ring.

Dr. Wu was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't see that coming, but now he sees it.

"BLUE!" exclaimed Claire with a look of pain. Though her face changed as she saw Blue get back up and ran at the angered amalgamation who was very pissed seeing Blue go at her again. It was really chilling to see an animal show human like emotions. Sure, normal animals as well as dinosaurs expressed behaviors and territorial instincts. But there was an ominous yet intelligent aura that surrounds the hybrid as she stands her ground against Blue.

This hybrid was actually observing Blue, and Owen could see it from where he was. The more times that Blue goes at her opponent each and every time. Does that awful aura and feelings grow. It was like this animal was starting to memorize patterns.

How was this beast able to predict Blue's next move so steadily? Just how intelligent was she!?! No one knew that fully besides Dr. Wu.

Speaking of him, did Dr. Wu tell them everything that they needed to know about this hybrid? Or was he still holding things back from them? Blinking his eyes as he thought this to himself, Owen would glance over at the scientist. Before returning his eyes to the fight that was still going on.

That is if you could call it a fight, on the contrary it appeared to be a memorizing game for the hybrid. Though she appeared angry and fed up by Blue getting back up, her features would show a strange look. Like she was pleased by what she has discovered, and that discovery was that she could read Blue's movements all just by watching her.

Owen could only watch as Blue narrowly dodges a quick swipe of the hybrids claws, and once she had evaded it was she able to jump onto the back of the much larger animal. However his eyes were quick to glance over at the military now, who speaking of have actually stopped somewhat near them. There was even the sight of moving soldiers who were watching the fight as well as they exit their vehicles.

As the military gathered about among themselves and waited for further directions by their leader.

The four of them were watching Blue fight with attentive eyes against a much larger predator. Frankly it bothered Owen that he couldn't do anything more to the so called monster who Blue was facing. Due to the damn thing being bulletproof!

Dr. Wu went way over the line this time with changing the code. Out of all the things he has made in his life, the scientist has officially made something which shouldn't of been made. Let alone crossed. You just don't give a lethal but intelligent animal, bulletproof skin! If that wasn't bad enough, the lunatic of a scientist made a hybrid out of the two most deadly hybrids ever known to exist!

To make matters worse!

The military was here now, watching what transpires.

This was all a bad sign, for there was a high chance that the military will take them in now. After the fighting was done. If they don't do anything now, they were going to do something eventually.

Owen didn't want that to happen either, but from how many people the military had. The chances of them escaping afterwards was looking very low. Even if they made a run for it now, they would only end up in the clutches of the military that much quicker. His eyes were moving back and forth from Blue to the military. Lifting his eyes upwards, was there the obvious sight of helicopters flying around them. The loud but nearby sounds of their spinning blades were easily cutting through the air and making countless branches from the trees move freely about.

Darting his eyes back at Blue was he able to see them fight still. It wasn't long until he saw something odd on the neck of the hybrid. Was that...damage? Seeing that actually took him by surprise. Owen was quick to remember that location as he looks at Claire and pointed it out to her, "Look! Do you see that?"

Claire catching sight of what Owen was pointing at was surprised. "What happened there!?! Blue didn't do that did she?"

Owen shrugged before looking serious. "No, but it gives us a place to hit her now."

Overhearing this news, Lance looked hopeful. At least there was a weak spot in which they could use to their advantage. However the sight of damage got Dr. Wu's immediate attention.

What kind of animal did that?, he pondered as he stared at the neck of his defective weapon. Whatever happened, he was certain that the one who had caused such damage wasn't even alive anymore. Considering how the animal thinks. She is the top predator and she will kill anything or anyone who dares to get in her way.

Narrowing his eyes in silence, he was quick to make a hasty note of the damage. This information is indeed valuable to him. At least the failure of a weapon was being useful right now; up until they dispose of her which was soon. After all he plans to work on his perfected weapon as soon as possible. Once he gets started working on his new asset, they were going to be practically indestructible. By making them that way, he was going to increase the price of them. So when the time comes in the future to sell the completed asset; he would have enough money to put him back on top and then some.

The scientist would be set for the rest of his life!

Hell he may finally get the respect that he definitely deserves!

He will not make any more mistakes from here on out. That was a promise he was making for himself.

'Sable's Pov'

What is this creature!

Whatever it is, it is very annoying!

Sable's warring brain was going into overdrive to think of a plan to defeat such a small but speedy adversary. Each time her opponent would climb onto her, was she quick to grab them and throw them off. Time and time again as if in a steady rhythm, Sable would be quick to remove her smaller foe. She would even watch them closely as they moved, and would be a step or two ahead of them. After spending a bit of time, was she able to figure them out. Sable could feel her brain purr the moment she had figured them out, for they showed great frustration and anger towards her. They were clearly getting tired but still they pushed on while shrieking loudly in a familiar velociraptor screech.

As they screamed charging at her, they were showing off all of their weaponry that they had. Claws, talons, and fangs. Sable feeling confidence decided to do the same thing as she remained on her strong back legs. Her movements were so akin to the Indominus now, as she released her own shrieking call as she displayed all of her weaponry as well.

Immediately she stood over the velociraptor which made them slide to a stop. They even looked at her inquisitively as they made a small curious noise while tilting their head. Though curious they stood on guard while eyeing her with sharp eyes. They must be intimidated by her, as they hissed and released familiar barking calls.

Her eyes in a instant became sharp slits once she caught onto something. This thing she was facing, it attacked with speed and flexibility. Plus they had the same claws on their feet much like herself. Were they alike? They must be.

Sable would let out a chuffing bark as she eased down onto all fours, that her posture showed resemblance to that of the Indoraptor. She would slowly move forward to her smaller adversary on clawed hands, and feet which showed both her Indominus and Indoraptor likeness. It was unique to see her move that way, and she has made it uniquely hers. This slow walking gait was coordinated and eerily quiet.

She must get closer!

Sable needed to see more.

Her eyes were sharp and observant as she comes to a stop before the velociraptor, who now was letting out hisses and shrill calls in a type of warning.

Their feet weren't the only things that were alike, but even their vocalization. This was new to her. Though new, it clicked within her brain immediately. It would seem that she could actually communicate with this much smaller creature.

Never had she known that she could do this, for she has always been alone. Now that she knows about this, she was going to make use of it. Sable would remember this. If she was able to interact with them and made them attack accordingly to her plans. That would show the humans once and for all that she should be feared.

Immediately at that moment, did her eyes become sharper before closing. For a sharp indescribable pain exploded on her exposed neck. Releasing a furiously harsh cry, and opening her eyes sharply in response. Sable was looking around in search of who or what struck her. Seeing no signs of that large weapon that the humans used. She would turn her eyes onto her neck, and what was there was a new looking dart.

Her vision at that instant became a rapid whirlpool of colors, everything around her was spinning unlike never before. It was infuriating as well as it was uncomfortable.

She couldn't stop this, no matter how much she shakes her head. Even her removing the dart from her neck, it did nothing. Releasing a loud chuffing noise, she made a move to walk forwards only to collapse onto the ground. Sable would try to move and get up again, but her head was spinning so much it appeared to be going even faster than before. She could not tell which was up or down anymore.

All that Sable could do was lay there begrudgingly with her eyes closed.

These humans would pay.

They will pay with their very lives!

Sable would remember this, and next time the humans won't be so lucky. Due to her brain processing everything that has happened in a crazy burst of warm light before finally she closed eyelids. Once that feeling has passed her by, would she open her eyes slowly as her eyes narrow sharply. A small crooked smile appeared upon her maw, for it was like her mind was soaking every little thing in. Sable was making a plan, and it will succeed. She will make sure of it.

She will!

'Dr. Wu's Pov'

"Unhand me!?!" ordered Dr. Wu who had two soldiers who had a hold of him once again. The scientist wasn't the only one for even Owen, Claire, and Lance were in the hands of the military as well.

Owen was angry and try as he might, he couldn't get out of the hands of the military. His eyes were locked onto Claire for a moment before looking back at Blue who was also on the ground. The military had hit both Blue and the deadly monstrosity with tranqs. What's even more upsetting, he was about to see the same thing that had happened at the park with the Indominus Rex. From what he saw, Blue could hear the same velociraptor vocalization within the hybrid that she was trying to protect him from.

Blue was really exerting herself as she fought, and no matter how many times she tried. She was bested. It was even frustrating for him to watch, cause he could see that Blue was getting disheartened. This thing that Dr. Wu made, it watched Blue and learned her ways of movement to the point that it knew what Blue was going to do before she even did it. Just seeing that, made this animal all the more dangerous. This animal memorized attacks and learned them incredibly fast during combat. Then there was the moment that the both of them went still for a time. Blue wasn't the only one to recognize their similar vocalization however, but even the hybrid took notice of it as well. Why else would it stare at Blue as if scanning her over in familiarity.

They probably would of exchanged vocals if that dart didn't interrupt them.

Owen was pushed into the back of a military vehicle along with Claire, Lance, and Dr. Wu. They were all made to sit beside one another, though they weren't the only ones in the vehicle. There was several armed soldiers inside with them as well, with loaded guns pointed at them.

"We are collecting them now, over!" was the firm but loud words from a soldier who passed by the back of the vehicle.

"We are returning to base boys! Saddle up!", yelled another soldier who was getting in the same vehicle as them. Once he was inside with them, he briskly closed the back door and locked it.

"What are you going to do with Blue!" glared Claire at the soldier who had gotten done locking the door behind him.

"That's classified little lady~", smugly replied the soldier who flashed a smile at her. His smile made Claire shiver in discomfort, which made Owen glare at the guy with enough jealousy to melt his face off. Lance glared at the guy as well with Owen before closing his eyes and shaking his head. They were in a horrible situation, for they were cuffed and couldn't do anything.

Dr. Wu who was sitting next to Lance, appeared to be angry about what had transpired as well. Then again they weren't really all that prepared to begin with, since they had not so long ago just found the velociraptor known as, Blue. Once more they weren't expecting his obsolete hybrid to find them so quickly. If it wasn't for the military then things would of been different.

But as he begins thinking logically, they probably would of died. Blue included.

They weren't prepared, nor did they have the weapons or means to kill the hybrid.

Heaving a silent sigh, Dr. Wu allowed his eyes to close as he begins thinking to himself. He had to think of a new plan that would get the job done. And no matter how many times he would think of a good one, it would lead him to the military. Why?, cause they had all kinds of weapons there. Not only that but chemicals, and with those chemicals he could actually make the serum that will kill his hybrid effectively! Even if it doesn't kill her right away, it would weaken her enough to allow Owen and Blue to finish her off.

Feeling so much weight lifted off of his shoulders, he would look at Owen from the side of his eyes. He would pass his plan to Owen, once they were at a better place to discuss it.

Shifting his eyes around the back of the vehicle they were in, Dr. Wu was taking note of everything that he sees. Then there was the idle chit chat coming from the soldiers who sounded very proud of themselves.

They were probably like that cause they were able to bring the animal back alive, along with extra cargo so to speak?

Base?, his thoughts would stray back to what one of the soldiers had said earlier. They must have another base somewhere. Is that where they were going now?

All that they could do now was wait and bide their time. That was all they can do, for now.

ThatAGurlBlue ThatAGurlBlue

Here is the next chapter finally out and I am so sorry for the wait. ;~; I hope you guys like it. Things have been a little tough for me at the start of the new year. The fact that you guys wanna support me in my stories makes me tear up some. Even your kind words touch me so. So thank you.

If you guys want to keep supporting me through this hard time then I will try my best as a writer.

next chapter
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