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9.09% DxD: King of Curses / Chapter 1: A dark legend

Capítulo 1: A dark legend

Japan– it's a relatively small island country that is located in East Asia. Many would think that this country can not offer a lot, but it is the quite opposite. Beautiful cherry blossom trees, high mountains are located all over the country, and beautiful scenery of the Pacific Ocean opens from the many beaches that can be found in this little country. Japan also has delicate architecture, typified by wooden structures, elevated slightly off the ground, with tiled or thatched roofs.

But that is only what normal people can see with their very own eyes. You see, this world is not a simple world, where humanity stands at the top of the food chain. Quite the opposite, humans are practically at the bottom. But most of them, do not even know about this. They got used to think that they are the most superior race to exist, and no others can overtake them.

Besides humans and normal animals, a lot of races exist in this world, that are hidden from humans' sight. Yokai's, Sorcerers, European Monsters, Vampires, and many more. But there are also three other races, that actually originate from one, that is most likely races, with the highest population amongst all the Supernatural world.

Angels, those who have only one purpose to live– to serve their only God, God of the Bible. God of the Bible rules over Heaven, and Angels are his faithful and loyal creations, that he created so they could protect and guide humans to a better future.

Fallen Angels, those that were cast out of Heaven for the sins that they have committed, and are now led by Grigori, The Watchers of the Children of God. Fallen Angels are only led by their own desires and interests.

And last but not least, the Devils– those who rule over the Underworld. They are led by Lucifer, who was originally an Angel, but was cast out of Heaven, and had fallen even below the Fallen Angels ever could. With his wife, Lilith, he created a tremendous army of Devils, to destroy his father, the God of the Bible himself, and also his loyal creations, Angels. Every Devil represents some kind of sin, and some Devils can embody even a few of them. Devils are only led by their desires, which also explains why they have such high ambitions to rule over the world.

There are also other races, but their population is not that high as Three Factions have. Every race, and every faction, have their own place to reside. Vampires took over one country in Europe and Youkai's got a good chunk of Japan. Other species are mostly residing in their own worlds– realms.

Earth is just the center of the Supernatural World. All realms and whatnot are connected to it, that's why most humans are still ignorant about other races. If some faction would want to conquer the Earth, all others would also try to, which in result would completely destroy the Earth.

It also needs to be mentioned, that there is one particular strong race– gods. They are mostly worshipped by humans, who reside on Earth. For gods, the faith that they gather from their believers is really important. It makes them stronger in the specific area, where the most faith is coming from. And to protect their source of faith coming, they would protect Earth at all cost.

But the story is not about god or even Yokai at this point. It is a story about a particular young boy, who can also be considered a Jujutsu Sorcerer. Sorcerers are basically a sub-race of humans, clearly stronger, faster, and much more durable than normal powerless humans can ever be. Their main job is to exorcise Cursed Spirits.

Cursed Spirits are species, born from humans emotions. They are always born from the negative side of humans– fear, anger, sadness, annoyance. Most of them are like mindless beasts, who cause chaos everywhere they go. Sadly, they have some intellect, but it only makes them worse. They can lure humans and sorcerers to traps, and then easily kill them. That's what makes them more dangerous, and it is also the same reason why they are exorcised.

In one of the many traditional Shinto shrines that can be found in Japan, you can see two people standing. An old man with a bald head, grey beard, and traditional black yukata with wooden sandals. His eyes are closed, and his facial expression is that of boredom. One may think that he is not aware of his surroundings, but the opponent in front of him knows that it is not what it seems like. In his hands, you can see a masterfully done katana, which emits some kind of energy that can not be seen by a normal human's sight.

In front of the greybeard stands an almost normal Japanese teenager, if not for his special features. He has slightly spiky and light-pink hair. While it is not the ordinal color of the hair, it pales in comparison with his face. You could say that his face is nice to look at, maybe even handsome to some degree, but what stands out the most are his dark red eyes, and below those are another pair of eyes. So in summary he has four eyes. He is standing there without any shirt and barefooted. He wears only his black long kilt. What stands out the most are his two pairs of hands. There is also visible sweat, that covers his whole lean body.

"I am really disappointed in you, son." Said the old man with a visible frown on his face: "I am still wondering, how did I give birth to such weakling like you, who can't even fight without sweating. Not to mention that you can't use Cursed Energy."

The boy in front of him, who he had called his son, didn't say anything and kept his stoic expression.

"Seems like two more eyes and arms is all you got from nature. Except for them, there isn't anything special about you. All you can be proud of is that you were born in the Ryomen clan. Truly a disgrace of our clan." Said the old man with a voice that was filled with utter disgust. However, his son's expression did not change for the worse, instead, a slight smirk rose on his lips.

"Then you should have been thinking with your head, instead of your shaft, when you were having your time with my mother, father." He said while prolonging and pronouncing the word "father" like it was some kind of a bad joke.

The old man's frown deepened even more if it was physically possible in the first place, and he said: "Seems like you need another round of beating? I at least should teach you some manners."

Boy didn't answer. His smirk disappeared, and now he just looked at his so-called father with a cold and distant look.

"I know that look of yours very well, you have shown me it several times. Let me guess, you still want me dead, huh?" Said the old man with a slight smirk on his lips: "But I can't see that happening. You are a shitty brat who doesn't know, what real power is. And even if you would, what would it change? I have been training you for more than 10 years and there is a little to no improvement, truly disappointing."

When the boy heard those words, he silently rushed towards the old man with all strength he got, while staring at him indifferently.

An hour later.

You can see the same boy lie on the floor, with the same sweaty body, but now with additional small bruises on his arms and chest.

"Tch. Damned old man," Said the teenager while breathing heavily, but then his breathing got instantly calm and steady. "Don't worry, I will make sure to remind you of your own words." He said with a sinister-looking grin growing on his lips.

After lying on the floor for a decent amount of time, he stood up and went to the backyard. There was a little lake where he could wash, and get rid of this awful smell.

After he washed up, he went to his room. On the way back there, his clan members looked at him with pity, disappointment, and mostly with disgust. Nothing out of ordinal thought the boy to himself. When he got to his room he slammed the door and sat down on tatami in a lotus position. He knows how his own clan, where he was born, looks down on him. They all behave with him like he is some kind of dog shit. Not that he cares about them, mind you, but still, it irritates him. Most of them are weaklings that can't do anything right without someone supervising them. And yet, they think that they are superior to him, because of some clan members that support them.

All within the clan thinks that he is talentless and all he got is another pair of arms and eyes. But only he knows that it is just a made-up lie. He also can use cursed energy like all others, but he never told anyone about it. Why? Simple, they will still look down on him, no matter what. His mother was some sort of disgrace to the clan, while his so-called father saved him when the clan tried to kill him. His father thought that if his blood flows through his son's veins, then he will be something special, someone, unique. A quite arrogant father he got. And he wasn't wrong, to say the least. But it was not only his bloodline that made him special, it was his own hard work that made him stronger.

He got a huge amount of cursed energy, but he needed to control and use it properly, and also he had to hide it from others. The clan would most likely still look at him with disgust, but they would hide it behind the mask, pretending to acknowledge him as theirs equal. While they were doing that, they would feed him with pure honey and later on use him as a disposable.

He knew about it. That's why he decided to hide it. But today that would finally end, he didn't have to hide anymore and he could unleash all his power and hatred on them, which he has been harboring since the day he could properly think. He could finally massacre them like pigs they are. He made deal with some more intelligent cursed spirits, who would kill most of the members. While he was sure that he could kill most of the clan members, he would have to go all out, and still, there might be trump cards, that clan elders have in their sleeves.

Though he hated that clan and despised them, he knew that it wasn't one of the strongest clans in Japan for nothing, so he had to plan it through and through. It was an ideal moment, he thought to himself. Some of the clan members left the area to help others clans in the power struggle. He didn't have to do much, his power was enough, and with the help of Special Grade Cursed Spirits, they could easily annihilate those pigs within one night. When the clan will be destroyed, he could finally go and slaughter some villagers that looked at him as if he was below them. Below fucking villagers. He truly is mad that some ants, that can't even win against a wild animal, will look down on him when he is clearly stronger than them. Ahh~ To do as he pleases, what a wonderful thought. He thought to himself.

Of course, he also couldn't trust Cursed Spirits so easily. Even if they have one goal, they could still betray him. So, he made a pact with them. Actually, it is quite beneficial for him and them. He will finally be free, while they could clear one of the largest Sorcerers Family that resides in this area. Also, from all those negative emotions that his dear clan members would produce, he could get stronger. It was his unique trait, that only he knew about and he hadn't heard that someone possesses the same or at least a similar power. But it was even better, he thought to himself.

He knew that his mother wasn't human, because why else would he have another pair of eyes and hands. Though he still isn't quite sure what race his mother was, because he got no evidence at that point. But from all information he has gathered, she most likely was a Cursed Spirit.

He doesn't know how or why he was born in the first place, but he doesn't care about that at all. At least he benefits from it, that's all that matters in the first place. His father is quite a strong Sorcerer, while his mother was most likely a special Grade Cursed Spirit. With their unit was born half human half cursed spirit– Ryomen Sukuna. Quite the ironic name, if his assumptions are right, and he is a half Cursed Spirit.

Somewhere in the clan palace

"What we will do with this little demon?" Asked the man in his mid-forties. He has backward combed black hair and piercing cold dark-brown eyes. He wore traditional black Japanese yukata. Despite not being in his prime condition, one could still easily sense power and vitality pouring from him.

Opposite of him sat the same old man, who is the father of Sukuna. Of course, he never saw himself as such. Even though his son has his blood and even to some extent his looks, it still doesn't matter for him. Instead, he despises him for that. He should be similar to him, but sadly, he is a weakling. And not only that, but he also doesn't seem to have any talent at all, no matter what he does.

"I don't know Haruto," Said the old man: "He is as useless as ever, and he doesn't seem to improve even a bit. Of course, he is stronger and faster than normal humans, but that doesn't even come close to us, Sorcerers."

"Yeah, I know that..." Haruto sighed: "But still, sometimes he gives me that really cold and even... crazy look? This look of his sends shivers down my spine. I know that he can't use cursed energy, but think about other possibilities. He has four arms, so he can use at least two more weapons. We can send him somewhere else, so maybe he can learn at least something. I don't want to believe that he is talentless. I'm sure he has something, that differs him from others."

"I know that very well, but.. we just can't send him out of our clan, you know that. Even if he hadn't used any cursed energy and our clan techniques, he still has knowledge about them. Imagine if he would share them with someone out of our clan. We are one of the strongest sorcerer clans in Japan only because of them and now imagine if all had them. That would be catastrophic! And don't forget, he hates us to the very core, so he would use all his knowledge about us and our clan against us."

"Yeah, you are right.. also there are those clan rules, that we can't really break, Hah~. So troublesome. Also, I heard that people are finding more and more cursed spirits near our area. I think we should try to send out an expedition soon, who knows, what they are planning to do." Said Haruto with a frown.

"Mhm... I know that very well. More and more reports coming about Cursed Spirits rampaging in the near region. But we can't really do anything at the moment. We did send some of our sorcerers to other clans, so they could help them, and we could harvest some merits later. I heard that they are in a really dire situation, so that may be our chance." Said the old man with a slight smile on his face.

"While it is true that we can get some merits, there are still a lot of problems. Would there only be Curses, that wouldn't be really a problem... But those Stray Devils and Fallen Angels.. why they just can't go to Europe, where the power struggle is huge?! No, they have to come to Japan and annoy us to no end!" Said Haruto with visible anger on his face: "Hahh... at least Japan is under Shinto faction protection, so we don't have to struggle with them alone... It also helps that they have those subordinates, what they were called..? Youkai's, I guess? They clear out the trash as well and–" He was interrupted by loud screams that were coming from the outside. "...Huh?! What happened?!"

When they looked at what was going on, they realized, that it is sunset already. That beautiful yellow-orange light sphere that they were mesmerized for a moment, but then something quickly drew their attention. They saw something odd. Blood... a lot of blood, with people running in panic. When they saw that, they had no time to discuss it. They gave each other a slight nod and after that, they left the building.

When they finally got to know what happened here, they were filled with rage. A lot of Cursed Spirits were running here and there killing people. They didn't even have time to think about how they got inside the clan territory while the barriers were active. That's because they simply didn't care. They just wanted to help their clanmates and also annihilate all of those Cursed Spirits.

But while they were still thinking, they heard a walking sound that came from the clan gates. The sound was made by wooden sandals. But what was odd about it, was that it came from the side where spirits rushed from. And there they saw "it". A man with spiky, pale pink hair. Four dark-red eyes were glowing and a large sadistic grin was kept on his face. He wore a light-colored kimono with a black edge, a black scarf, and black socks with wooden sandals. He kept moving slowly towards them, while still maintaining his grin.

"A wonderful sight, don't you think? I made an exclusive festival, just for this night. Splendid idea, isn't it? I really hope that you will enjoy it~, I was preparing it for long enough after all." The man said with an overjoyed tone.

On this night, a legend like never before was born. And his name was Sukuna, Ryomen Sukuna.

GloriousHidden GloriousHidden

I hope that you liked my first chapter. I am a new writer, so if you find any mistakes, or you have any ideas/improvements, then feel free to share them with me. If I find your idea good and/or it won't intervene with my story a lot, then I will most likely use it.

Thanks for reading!~

I hope that you enjoyed it.

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