Trace let the knowledge the doctor had just revealed settle in. He'd had some inkling when Calvin had said he'd been a prisoner for many years that Barnabas hadn't been the only one involved in the plot, but he didn't suspect Anaisa's father to be involved.
It was clear from her face that she was shocked, but not surprised, by this news.
Her mouth was a grim line, and her eyes downcast. He squeezed her hand, not really sure how to comfort her.
His own family had faults and shortcomings, but always meant well even when they didn't follow through. Though he gathered from her nightmares that her father had been abusive and full of rage, he'd had no idea the man was a murderer and traitor to the kingdom.
It hurt his heart that his wife was not more taken aback by this news. She shrugged at him, and turned the conversation back towards the baby.
I'm sure it'll be great. I'm not super mean or anything. I'm the nicest author around! Ask anybody!
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