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17.5% Dreams of the Fool / Chapter 13: Chapter 12: Invitation and New Member

Capítulo 13: Chapter 12: Invitation and New Member

Sorry for the late update. I was busy and I was tired so I couldn't write properly. Instead of half-assing this chapter, I decided to write later.


Izumi could feel an intense gaze at him. He didn't know what to do as he had never dealt with this type of situation. Usually, people would just ignore him and go on with whatever they were doing. He never had someone pay this much attention to him and it was freaking him out.

Meanwhile, the culprit of Izumi's freak-out had a dark atmosphere around her.

"He saw me without my makeup. What am I supposed to do now?" she internally wept.

"Are you okay Hori?" asked Yoshikawa Yuki. She and Hori met in middle school and then they have been best friends ever since. Yoshikawa is a short girl with olive-green hair and yellow eyes. She always wore a sweater several sizes too large for her above her uniform. Hori sighed and asked,

"Hey, Yuki, who's he?" she pointed at Izumi while the latter could hear everything because of his enhanced senses.

"That's... I don't remember." Yoshikawa said after a thought. Hori simply pinched the bridge of her nose and sweatdropped.

"I forgot it was useless to ask you anything."

"Hey!" Yoshikawa retorted comically.

Hori stared at Izumi a little while longer before she got up and walked to him.

"Miyamura-san, can I talk to you?". Izumi, who was looking outside the window, turned towards her and replied,


Hori told him to follow her to the staircases and he complied. Once they reached it, she asked,

"Can you come over to the house after school?" before quickly adding,

"I-It's for Souta. He wants you to come to play." Izumi nodded after a second before asking with a completely straight face.

"I see and this is not just some elaborate plan to kill me because I discovered your secret right?"

"What the hell! Why the hell would I do that? What is wrong with you? Just come to my house because Souta will be waiting for you." she said before she punched his chest. Not that it hurt Izumi in the slightest, but it did hurt Hori.

"Ow! What is your body made of? Steel?" she asked as she rubbed her red hand.

Izumi looked at her before bursting out in laughter. Hori blushed at his action.

"W-Why are you laughing? It's not funny. It really did hurt. Stop laughing!" she tried to stop him unsuccessfully.

"I'm sorry Hori-san, but it was too funny," Izumi said after regaining his breath. Hori simply angrily pouted and stormed back to her class not before saying.

"Just don't forget to come to my house. I don't want you to make Souta upset."

"Don't worry Hori-san, I wouldn't want to make Souta sad."

Izumi went back to class as it was about to start. As usual, it was uneventful because he could either remember everything or calculate everything faster than most humans. When he reached level 5 of his esper ability, he may even reach a supercomputer level of calculation speed and complexity.

The school day had passed and it was time to go to Hori's house. He went back home first and get changed before heading to the cake shop. As he arrived, he opened the door of the shop and entered alerting his arrival to his mom.

"Welcome to... Oh! Izu-kun, what are you doing here? Aren't you usually at home by now?"

"Yeah, I just came from there. I came here to get a cake."

"Oh? What's the occasion?" Izumi scratched his cheek as he replied,

"You could say that I was invited to someone's house." When she heard the answer, she froze before slowly turning towards her son. Without saying a word, she took off her apron, went around the counter and started walking toward Izumi.

"Mom?" Izumi asked getting fearful. No matter what, mothers are always scary, even if you are some powerful esper-magician who beat a servant of an Outer God and fend off an alien invasion. Iori Miyamura had a serious expression when she finally stopped just before him and raised her head at him. The tension was so thick, it could be cut with a knife. Suddenly, the tension disappeared when Izumi's mother hugged him.

"I never thought I would hear those words come out of your mouth," she whispered. Izumi's heart clenched upon hearing her words.

'I must have worried her a lot,' he thought.

'You don't how glad I am. I was worried that you would never have any friends in your life." she continued with tears gathering in her eyes.

"Mom, we barely know each other. I wouldn't call us friends yet," he said trying to reassure her.

"It doesn't matter if you've barely met or if you have known each other for a long time. The fact that you can have another person in your life to share your happiness makes me glad."

Izumi didn't say anything and simply looked at her.

"Well, who was it that invited you over and which cake do you want to bring over there?"

'This is going to be harder to explain.' Izumi thought

"I met the little brother of a classmate and the boy wanted to play with me, so my classmate invited me over."

"I see, Is she cute?"

"Yes," Izumi answered without thinking before finally registering the question.

"Wait? How do you know it's a she?" Iori simply raised her eyebrows.

"I didn't know but thank you for confirming with me." She said with a sly grin. Izumi simply facepalmed after realizing his mother's trap.

"So she's cute isn't she?" asked his mother, her grin only growing larger.

"I am not having this conversation Mom." Izumi simply refused to elaborate.

"Come on son, you have to let a mother have some fun." she insisted as she handed the bag with the wrapped cake inside.

"Nope. Not now, not ever. Bye!" the teen said trying to quickly get out of the shop.

"Bye Izumi-kun, don't do anything foolish. I don't want to become a grandmother yet.!" she called out from inside the shop. The people who were walking past the shop were giving the mother-son pair weird looks. Izumi shook his head as he made his way to the Hori household.

When he arrived in front of the house, he pressed the doorbell alerting the occupants of the house of his arrival. Izumi saw the one who opened the door was Souta.

"Ah! Ni-chan, you're here," he said with a bright smile.

"Yup and I brought cake," Izumi said holding up his bag to show.

"Cake! I love cakes. Come in Ni-chan." Shouta ran back into the house as he yelled at his sister.

"Nee-chan! Ni-chan is here and he brought cake."

"Miyamura-kun is here?" she asked looking at the entrance.

"Hello Hori-san," Izumi waved.

"Hello, Miyamura-kun. Come in."

"Sorry for intruding," Izumi murmured and took off his shoes. Souta led Izumi to the living room and started talking about everything he did for the as Izumi listened. After a while, Hori sat down in front of them and listened to her brother and they started to eat the cake.

"This is a really good cake. Where did you get it?" asked Hori

"My family owns a cake shop so I got from there."

"Really? That's amazing," said Shouta. For hours, they talked. Even if he read the manga, hearing about her life from her is much better. He learned that she manages the house by herself since her parents are working a lot. Izumi admired her for that because he had seen the size of the house and compared to his apartment, there is a huge difference. He also learned that she loves eating mikan. She is also a hard worker. The proof was that she was the student representative during the Welcoming Ceremony. The more she talked, the more Izumi felt drawn to her. Without even realizing it, the time flew past really fast. Looking outside, he could see that the sun was about to set.

"It seems that it's time for me to go," Izumi said to the siblings.

"EEEH! Already!" Souta whined.

"Come now Souta, Miyamura-kun also has a home to go too, you know. I'm sure he will come next time. Right?" she said to Souta before asking Izumi.

"Sure. I would love to come more often. I had lots of fun with Souta and also you Hori-san. I had a great time." Pink dusted Hori's cheeks when he told her.

"You will come back right?" asked Souta looking down and pouting with tears brimming his eyes.

Izumi crouched down and lowered himself to Souta's eye level. He place his hand on his hand and rubbed it.

"Of course, I will come. You're sister basically ordered me." he teased in Hori's direction.

"I did not!" she retorted indignantly.

Souta giggled and brushed his tears and nodded.

Izumi got up and looked at Hori.

"Then I guess we will see each other at school"

"I guess we will," Hori replied with a smile.

After saying their goodbyes, Izumi left the Hori household and headed for his apartment.

As he arrived, he ate and finished cleaning himself in the bath. As he got out of the bathroom, feeling refreshed, he heard a notification


'It's been 2 days already. Seems like the chat system has finally been updated.' Izumi thought. He opened the system and read the new updates.

[Welcome back, members of the Multiverse Chat Group!


The store is now available.

The system is now able to classify missions per level.

The system is now able to detect an anomaly before sending its members on a mission.

100 points will be gifted for everyday login.]

[Members are now gifted 100 points for today's login reward.]

[Kuroneko]: The system's been finally updated.

[Kazuma]: Can't wait to see the store.

[Korosensei]: It's nice and all, but we will have to see the price of the stuff the store sells.

[Erza]: Yes, Korosensei is right. it would be useless if we can't buy anything.

Izumi clicked on the store option of the system and a screen popped into existence,

[Welcome to the store.

You may choose one category to buy from or use the search option to find a specific item.



-Martial Arts




Izumi first searched for a healing potion for his soul's magic circuit and a few options appeared.

[Mana recovery potion: 500 points

Stamina recovery potion: 500 points

Mana healing potion: 1000 points

Body healing potions: 1000 points]

Izumi could see that the recovery potions were just that. They helped recover the body from its fatigue and they help replenish the used mana. Meanwhile, the healing potion helped with anything mana-related, like healing magic circuits, and body-related like healing a broken arm. Izumi checked the price and frowned.

"I am just cutting close. I don't know how good the potion is in this world so I must wait before making a decision. Izumi then went to the search option to find one last thing.

[Intelligence Booster]

[NZT-48 (side effects): 500 points

NZT-48 (without side effects): 1500 points

NAT-48 (permanent): 3000 points

NZT-48 lasts 5 hours before the effects disappear. The NZT-48 (permanent) has a permanent effect.]

Izumi remembered an American show that he had watched in his previous life talking about a brain-enhancing drug. It seems that this store brought it to reality. It also has a pill with permanent effects which Izumi wanted to buy, but it was too expensive therefore he had to wait for the daily rewards or the rewards for a quest.

As he was browsing in the store, another notification popped up.

[A new member has been invited to the chat group.

[Ironman has joined the hat group]

[Ironman]: The hell is this? did I drink too much? What am I seeing? Why is it copying everything I think?

[Kuroneko]: Oh! we have a new member.

[Korosensei]: Ironman? Isn't that Mr. Stark?

[Ironman]: Who are you and how do you know my name?

[Kazuma]: Damn, it is Mr. Stark!

[Ironman]: Again, who the hell are you? If no one answers, I will figure this out, whatever this is, and I will try to shoot the shit out of you with a repulsor beam!

[Erza]: There is no need to get angry Mr. Stark because everything will be explained to you. But can you first tell us how you got here?

[Ironman]: There was a screen that popped up and told me that I would find more information about the chitauri invasion.

[Kuroneko]: And you just pressed Yes?

[Ironman]: Well yeah.

[Kazuma]: Dude, did you not question it? Curiosity killed the cat.

[Ironman]: And satisfaction brought it back. Besides, it was not like I had a choice. There was no "No", plus it's my first time seeing it like this. Now, I answered your question therefore answer mine. What is this?

Izumi knew that it was his turn to speak.

[Izumi]: I believe I can answer that.

[Ironman]: And who are you?

[Izumi]: I am the admin of this chat group. Welcome to the Multiverse Chat Group.

[Ironman]: Multiverse?

[Izumi]: Yes you read that right. This is a dimensional chat group. A chat group where the members come from different universes.

[Ironman]: So you all come from different universes?

[Kazuma]: That's right.

[Korosensei]: You are correct.

[Erza]: Yes.

[Kuroneko]: Yup.

[Ironman]: I see. is there any proof? I can't just believe what you tell me.

[Izumi]: Very true. But first, let me ask you, how much time has passed since the New York invasion.

[Ironman]: Around 3 months have passed.

[Izumi]: I see. Then let me tell you this, you have already met all the members of this group chat.

[Ironman]: Really? I have never heard of those names.

Tony Stark who was lying on a bed in his vacation house out in California suddenly widened his eyes as he thought of a certain group of people.

[Ironman]: Wait! You are the guys who helped us out. Right?

[Izumi]: Ding! Ding! Ding! Excellent deduction detective Stark!

[Izumi]: I believe introductions are in order once more. My name is Izumi Miyamura, but I believe that you may know me more by my alias: Enigma.

[Izumi has sent a photo]

Izumi sent a selfie with the mask beside him for proof. Afterwards, everyone did the same.

[Kuroneko]: My name is Ruri Gokou and my alias is Queen.

[Kuroneko has sent a photo]

[Kazuma]: my name is Kazuma Satou and my alias is Green even if I don't like it.

[Kazuma sent a photo]

[Korosensei]: My name is Ryushi Korogane, but you can call me Korosensei. My alias was Octopus.

[Korosensei has sent a photo]

[Erza]: And my name is Erza Scarlet. My alias is Titania.

[Erza has sent a photo]

[Izumi]: There we have all introduced ourselves.

[Ironman]: So how did this start?

[Izumi]: I don't know. We were just invited to this group. We were then given a quest to save New York.

[Ironman]: Then the MCG organization was just this chat group?

[Izumi]: Yeah.

[Ironman]: So that's why we couldn't find any information on you guys. It turns out you aren't even from this universe. If Fury had hair, he would be pulling it out of frustration!

[Kuroneko]: Wait, Izumi. What did you tell them about us?

[Izumi]: Just that we were some mysterious organization that helps earth in the time of world-ending events.

[Kazuma]: Hahaha! They must have wasted so much time trying to find out about us.

[Korosensei]: +1

[Erza]: +1

[Ironman]: Then how did you know about the invasion?

[Izumi]: The system told us and we had the movie.

[Ironman]: Movie?

[Izumi]: Yes, in the sent attachment section of the chat, you will see a video called the Avengers movie.

[Izumi]: Also, everyone here is part of some kind of story, like me I am part of Horimiya manga and Kazuma is part of Konosuba. This is what makes us unique as each of us is a character in stories. I suggest you watch the movie before asking more questions. I'll also send this.

[𝐈𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐈𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝟑]

[Izumi]: Watch these two movies and you will understand why.

[Ironman]: I see. All right then. I will do that. First, there were super-soldiers, then gods, the aliens, after magicians, and now transdimensional chat group where everyone is a character. What has my life go to?

[Izumi]: Well your life is about to become a whole lot more interesting. All right, I've got to go so bye guys.

[Korosensei]: Bye.

[Kazuma]: Bye

[Erza]: Bye

[Kuroneko]: Bye.

[Ironman]: Bye

Izumi closed the chat and slept on his bed contemplating about the new member.

" Does that mean we will have more missions in the Marvel world? Doesn't matter, let's sleep for now." he thought and slept waiting for the next day.

next chapter
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