/ Fantasy / Dominating Evolution of the Cosmos

Dominating Evolution of the Cosmos Original

Dominating Evolution of the Cosmos

Fantasy 339 Capítulos 3.0M Visitas
Autor: JinFang

3.6 (121 valoraciones)

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Blue Star Year 2019, the alien invasion of the Blue Star. The planet has been transformed, air, gravity, magnetic field all sent changes. Air and water are highly toxic and polluted. In order to adapt to the environment, human beings and organisms have embarked on the path of gene evolution.

"I, soldier Steve Washington, hereby vows to protect mankind, bring hope and light to mankind, fight for the future of mankind, and lead mankind against aliens..."

An unconspicuous recruit read his oath during the enlistment of the recruits.

Hello everyone, this is my first attempt at writing a novel. If you enjoy it, please vote for me with your power stones~
I'll typically update my novel at around 18:00 (GMT+8).

14 chpts/week

*** Warning***
Please be aware that this novel will be rated M for Mature, with some violent and sexual content that aren't appropriate for all audiences.

Parents Strongly Cautioned


  1. aquaflamber
    aquaflamber Contribuido 3358
  2. Juninho
    Juninho Contribuido 3182
  3. KujaSephirot
    KujaSephirot Contribuido 2679


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    • Calidad de escritura
    • Estabilidad de las actualizaciones
    • Desarrollo de la Historia
    • Diseño de Personajes
    • Antecedentes del mundo

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    I read till chapter 8 and couldn't take it anymore. Here is the constructive criticism everyone in this website asks for if you give a novel 2 stars without a review (when clearly people are giving 5 stars without reading) English: nice Story: Not trying to be cliche but so totally cliche till chapter 8 Tournament plot, cultivation manuals, beauty takes interest cuz why not, Strong to weak with some random cheat Now here is a plot hole. (there are more but i don't wanna be too hard on the author since i think it is his first time writing lmao) Apparently played the game for but doesn't know anything about the game except the power system (was he a fking slave in the game? He doesn't know fking anything except the history) My disagreements. Every character acts like a person from your typical wuxia novel. Not gonna say anymore. Good luck. Bye bye.

    Ver 9 respuestas

    Enjoying the novel so far but the author seems to have trouble remebering numbers in chapters For example at the start it was said there was 500 million people in the military base camp but then in later chapters it was 5 milllion. He constantly exaggerates numbers, In the latest couple of chapters its a auction where the mc puts something on auction and receives money prepaid before auction starts which he uses to buy 108mil worth of stuff but then in the auction his thing went up in price to 10mil and he says he has never seen that much money. And at the start of the auction was a d class weapon supposedly worth billions but later in but they skip that because everyone wants mcs stuff which he thenauctions off for 100 hundred million (Which somehow becomes 1 billion in the next chapter) But the auctioneer says he has never sold anything worth that much

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    Let me give an example why i rate this. All the example happen in the chapter. 1. Author math skill is kindergarden. 2. There is no spatial ring but the enemy suddenly have a golem, a robot, a fkin laser gun in his ass. 3. which one is important your *** time or your family live ? In author case he choose ***. Smh. 4. Why the fk there is no screening when recruit a soldier. Why the fk a soldier can join private organization ? Do u want the military itself to collapse ? 5. The fighting in military base did not alert other. Even with a robot with nuclear energy blowing up. 6. The military base defence system is fkin weak that even summoning an evil spirit or in middle of the base did not alert their system defence. Not to mention no anti teleport defence. Wtf. Its a fkin military base not your fkin grandfather house.

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    I don't like or dislike your story. Although I was disappointed that the story wasn't something special and was filled with cliches, I haven't anything overwhelmingly negative to say about the story. The MC is bland (so he's not overly annoying or great he's just there) the side characters are side characters. The world building is fine i guess. The reason why this story is a 2.5 (slightly below average) rather then a 3 (average) for me is the plot progression. Like I said the story is really cliche , and for many stories cliches are not always bad, but in the case of this specific story it's in your face bad. Things that should've been lengthened in small proportions for basic readers enjoyment like the 'romance' (if I can even call it that) happens way to quickly and way to forcefully. Also, yes I know the real world is filled with people who do things like *** quickly but this is a fantasy and not the real world. Overall before I go on a long tangent and bore the c-rap ( only way I can spell that without getting censored) i'd like instead to rap this review up. The story is not bad but it offers no memorial moments and I probably won't remember any of the characters names in t -minus 10 minutes. Yep already forgotten it.

    Ver 5 respuestas

    Like many other reviews have said at firdt this story was pretty enjoyable to read, but then the characters were introduced and it went downhill from their. Heroine 1 falls with MC for no real reason, author has a terrible memory when it comes to any numbers an example is the earlier chapters MC "sells" 2 serums for 50K each and also gets a 100M. Then he goes to buy a bunch of gear worth over 200M, but luckily the MC had a 50% discount so he got it for little over 100M which he forgot about. Story progression was ok at first but then it went downhill from their. Also the r18 are super weird heres an example, MC is banging heroine 1 as heroine 2 is given aphrodisiac and attacked with the intention of rape from generic bad guy 1. Throughout the process of that happening which last about 5 or so chapters. He just keeps on banging heroine 1... I'm just going to stop myself their and not go on a rant, even though I already have. Bye

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    Ver 6 respuestas

    Just me but full of 5 star sparm that give no reason for their 5 star and I was not here to anger anybody but I will neutralize these sparm!!! FOR THE LEGION! FOR THE LEGION!! FOR THE LEGION!!! FOR THE LEGION!!!! 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬

    Ver 3 respuestas

    At this point I can't even tell if this is actually an original novel or a half-decent translation of a trashy mech/gene cultivation CN webnovel... MC still the same... And loves arguing with opponents in battle... is also complete trash who can't deal with returning enemy he already defeated... Thinks with his jiji too much Retarded weak MC thinks more about getting p**ssy than getting op and dominating the world with his system .............. ............... ......

    Ver 1 respuestas

    The story was fine but this has they absolutely worst romance and harem I have ever seen how can u about to get raped and all ur most loved items get destroyed and ur sister is in the next room fucking and u fall in love with that guy instead of getting mad they didn’t help u dropped

    Ver 0 respuestas

    The idea was good, but the shallowness of the characters and random events that fit into a wuxia novel, with the goal of making a passive, ***** MC OP is just sad. It was good in the first 5 chapters when the world was being introduced and that’s about it. Became utter garbage afterwards.

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    You really have a good story backgroud, but its a shame that you can't develop your story well. As far as ch 81, you keep dumping "information". I think this kind of writting style is way too boring. No real development of story, just excessive amount of information. Even if you skip the "history" or some "information" it wouldn't affect the other stories, so until ch 81, i just read 2-3 page, and skimming the other excessive BS.

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    MC still the same... And loves arguing with opponents in battle... is also complete trash who can't deal with returning enemy he already defeated... Thinks with his jiji too much Retarded weak MC thinks more about getting p**ssy than getting op and dominating the world with his system .............. ............... ......

    Ver 0 respuestas

    Decent if generic story about system weak to strong transmigrating alchemist. The r18 stuff is very random and forced for no real reason so far. Hands down the worst and only really unforgivable part is the fact that the author doesnt know how numbers work. In one sentence the mc has barely 10k gold and then in the next hes sellin something that he made for 100 gold for 100 million gold. Country and world population bounces all over too i think its a language thing but he needs to fix it cuz hes off by like 5 decimal places repeatedly

    Revelar spoiler
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    It's a pity. the story was decent but just so random. I also don't see myself spending a single SS on this story. There is alot to improve before signing a contract lol.

    Revelar spoiler
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    The writing quality (especially during the x-rated scenes) is superb. What really got me into the story was the way the author was able to describe how the MC did certain things and solve certain issues. Just hope he creates personal countermeatures for the system just in case things don't go as planned. Putting too much trust in an A.i-system always have backlashes in the end if one doesn't tread carefully. Considering he has his knowledge from Earth, he should be more cautious. I also wonder if he'll be able to return to his home Earth, and find out the real reasons or circumstances that ended in his favor. If he's living in an actual VR-game - will players start popping up in the later sequence of the story? And if they do, will he find an actual "player-version" of his trueself? And if a player-version of his trueself appears, will he be able to identify him and also merge with this playerself; thus, being able to control two bodies simultaneuosly in difference dimensions? Will he be able to bring items from the game into the real world using his game abilities? Will his game knowledge allow him to conquer the world and terraform other planets using fictional & unbelievable technology? Is he technically in a different timeline? Is his present circumstance an anomoly? This is what makes the story interesting. Because you can create your own speculations and it can ignite a flame into the story. It's very fast paced. And you can tell the author enjoys writing his story as well. YOU HAVE MY FULL SUPPORT.

    Ver 3 respuestas

    This novel had a very good premise. I love military novels where the MC is a strong general/leader or is a cultivation/system novel paired with military. HOWEVER, it quickly turns sh*t. Cliches upon cliches, the MC is a beta cuck who attempts to r*pe a girl by chapter 9. He has an extremely overpowered system yet decides to slack off. I don't recommend this unless you like ecchi crap.

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    I was intrigued by this novel's description. But then I read all the reviews. Not gonna read it anymore. I am looking for something good to read. Not your typical Chinese novels with cliché MC and piss poor cliché plots. So if anyone knows something like that. Please comment.

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    Urghhh.. To be honest, the story was good. But how story progress was not that good The mc was a RETARD. The identity as transmigrator from earth was useless or no used. Well sure cliché here and there, but the mc feel so stupid.

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    LV 15 Badge

    Honestly the author gave up on this book and gave it a very abrupt ending witch was total garbage. If you want to read this be prepared for a very rushed and trash ending

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    The idea behind the book was good enough, had the potential to be great even but the execution was disappointing. At first I tried to bear with it but couldn't after a while. For one the plot holes were annoying and this is coming from someone who usually doesn't mind plot holes much. There was also a lot of unnecessary commentary which is common in other novels of the same genre so it would have been somewhat forgivable if not for the fact that the unnecessary commentary was also unnecessarily long. What should have been fleshed put wasn't and what didn't need to be was. As for the characters themselves, I won't say they were terrible but some of their actions or reactions to certain events really felt unnantural and/or forced. Like they were doing something, or only existed in the first place because there was supposed to be some such character or some such event. I'm neither an author nor a sophisticated reader but I do understand the trials in trying to write a book which is why I don't usually write reviews, I usually just rate it and leave it at that and even then only if I feel it was good because if it wasn't I'd just not rate it or review it. Writing is hard work, even if you're particularly talented you still have to put the time and effort in to make any decent sort of work. The only reason I'm writing this review now is that I feel that this had the potential to be so much better. I've read similar books which I loved and this reminded me a little of them, not in the plagiarism sense but in the vibe it gave. With a good editor and less overdone tropes it could have been a gem that's all.

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    Autor JinFang