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77.27% DNA2 Fanfiction - THE NEW DESTINY / Chapter 17: Zeta-Playboy

Capítulo 17: Zeta-Playboy

At that very instant, when Tomoko was getting hurt, Junta's eyes snapped open. The turmoil within him had settled; he had embraced his true nature. A surge of power enveloped him, lightning crackling around his body, igniting the surroundings.

It was then that Junta began to transform. His hair, echoing the legendary warriors of old, grew rapidly, flowing down his back like a cascade of light. Each strand shimmered with a brilliant, ethereal white glow, framing his now more defined, chiseled features. His eyes, once a window to his soul, blazed with a powerful white light, piercing through the darkness of the dungeon.

Junta's physique bulged with newfound strength, his muscles more pronounced and rippling under his skin, a testament to his raw, primal power. Around him, the aura that once gently glowed now erupted into a tempest of lightning and thunder, the electric arcs dancing chaotically, matched by the deep, resonating rumble of thunder.

Several oil lamps that adorned the walls had shattered, their contents spilling across the cold stone floor. Flames, hungry and unrelenting, began to lick up the walls, fueled by the ancient wood and tapestries, turning the dungeon into a blazing trap!

Ryuuji, turning to face this new threat, felt Junta's grip on his tail, preventing any chance of escape. Junta's fists, now imbued with incredible strength, rained down upon him, each blow landing with the force of a sledgehammer. Ryuuji's attempts to retaliate were futile; Junta's speed and power were overwhelming.

Seizing Ryuuji's horns, Junta delivered a knee to his face, sending him crashing down, his horns breaking off. In a desperate move, Ryuuji unleashed his nuclear fusion skill again. Junta, unfazed, faced the mini-sun head-on. With his newfound power, he compressed the fiery orb until it collapsed into a black hole!

Leaping into the air, Junta hurled the black hole at Ryuuji. The beast roared in defiance, but the gravitational pull was too strong, dragging him into the void, leaving behind a gaping, bottomless pit.

To ensure Ryuuji's defeat, Junta unleashed an Absolute Zero cannon blast into the hole.

Tomoko, her eyes wide with shock, lay motionless, staring at the space where Junta had stood. "Momonari-kun..." she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Karin, though trained for combat and accustomed to unexpected developments, found herself completely taken aback. Lying on the dungeon floor, she propped herself up on one elbow, her eyes wide with astonishment as she observed Junta.

"He's not just the Mega-playboy anymore," she spoke, almost to herself, as she processed the sight. "This is a form beyond anything we've known... beyond any predictions or historical precedents."

"He's the Zeta-playboy," she announced, her voice gaining strength. "A transformation that transcends all known stages – the zenith of his evolution."

Meanwhile, as the fire spread, it cast a menacing, flickering light across the scene, throwing elongated shadows that danced eerily against the walls. The once-still air was now thick with smoke, weaving through the remnants of statues and the ornate relics of a time long gone.

Junta quickly turned his attention to Tomoko. He gently helped her to her feet, concern etched on his face. "Did you get hurt?" he asked softly. Tomoko, still shaken, shook her head, indicating she was unharmed. In his heart, Junta had always known that Ryuuji, despite his madness, wouldn't intentionally harm Tomoko.

He then glanced towards Karin, noticing her weakened state. Without hesitation, he used his teleportation ability to move her to safety outside the dungeon.

As Junta prepared to leave this growing inferno with Tomoko, an unexpected force intervened. Tomoko was suddenly and irresistibly drawn towards the pit, her body moving against her will!

From the depths, Ryuuji reemerged, a demonic figure rising from hell, half his body consumed by the void yet still clinging to life!

With a surge of telekinetic power, he pulled Tomoko towards him, capturing her in the crook of his remaining arm. His actions were driven by a raw, untamed obsession for Tomoko, a desperate refusal to let her slip away from him.

In the midst of the fiery chaos, with smoke curling around him, Junta stood paralyzed. The dungeon, now a hellish landscape, was lit by sporadic flames that cast a menacing glow. His mind raced, but he knew he couldn't use his teleportation ability to rescue Tomoko while she was ensnared in Ryuuji's grasp. The telekinetic hold was too strong, too intertwined with her being.

Deep within, Junta couldn't help but acknowledge the sheer intensity of Ryuuji's fixation on Tomoko. It was more than just obsession; it was a force that seemed to transcend the realms of reason and reality. Amidst the crackling of flames and the crumbling of stone around them, there was a surreal quality to the standoff.

In that tense, unbearable moment, Tomoko turned her head towards Junta. Her eyes, brimming with a sorrow that spoke of loss and resignation, also held a strange serenity. It was as if amidst the maelstrom of destruction and madness, she had found a moment of clarity. Her gaze, meeting Junta's, was laden with an amalgamation of emotions – fear, sadness, and a heart-wrenching acceptance.

"Momonari-kun… please just go… I'm fine," she uttered, her voice barely rising above the chaos. Her words, though soft, carried the weight of a final, desperate plea.

Junta, beholding the scene before him, saw an image that seemed to belong more to myth than reality. Ryuuji, monstrous and demonic, his body half-consumed by the void, held Tomoko, the epitome of softness and vulnerability, in his grasp. The scene was a grotesque and ironic echo of 'Beauty and the Beast', but twisted into a dark and tragic tale.

In his delirious state, Ryuuji, now missing half of his body, desperately attempted to regenerate his lost tissues. His DNA underwent rapid and repeated mutations, frantically instructing his cells to multiply at an unprecedented rate. But this reckless manipulation of his genetic code led to catastrophic results. The cellular growth spiraled out of control, fresh tissue sprouting wildly. One limb, then two, then three emerged in a chaotic, uncontrolled proliferation.

As Junta watched in horror, Ryuuji's form grotesquely transformed with Tomoko as his hostage. His body continued to expand and mutate, eventually taking on the appearance of a giant Kraken-like creature. Tentacle-like limbs flailed and writhed, each a grotesque testament to his unbridled and misguided use of power.

In the midst of the raging inferno that had once been a dungeon, the monstrous Kraken, embodying Ryuuji's twisted transformation, dominated the scene. Amidst its many writhing tentacles, one stood out, holding Tomoko aloft and away from the searing flames below. This particular limb, acting almost with a mind of its own, kept her suspended high above the fire's reach, hinting at Ryuuji's lingering instinct to protect her, even in his monstrous state.

Tomoko, ensnared in the creature's grasp, was paradoxically shielded from the worst of the heat and smoke by the very beast that held her captive. Her position high above the flames offered a precarious safety, a small mercy in the midst of chaos.

With a determined glare, Junta, now the Zeta-playboy, lunged towards the monstrous Kraken. "Here goes!" he yelled, his voice echoing off the dungeon walls.

"SWISH!" Junta darted forward, his figure a blur against the backdrop of flames and shadows. The Kraken, with a bellow of rage, swung its massive tentacles towards him. "WHOOSH! CRASH!" Each tentacle smashed into the ground, leaving deep craters in its wake.

Junta, undaunted, nimbly avoided each strike. "ZIP! ZAP!" His movements were swift and precise, a testament to his agility and combat training.

The Kraken roared, its voice a deafening cacophony. It launched a rapid succession of tentacle strikes towards Junta. "SLAM! SLAM! SLAM!" The impacts were like thunderclaps, shaking the very foundation of the dungeon.

Junta, gritting his teeth, managed to evade the relentless assault. "Not this time!" he shouted, finding a rhythm in the chaos. He leaped high, twisting his body to dodge a particularly vicious swipe. "WHOOSH!"

The Zeta-playboy ascended to a higher vantage point, his eyes ablaze with resolve. He channeled every ounce of his newfound power, the air around him crackling with icy energy. "This ends now!" he declared, his voice cutting through the chaos.

With a thunderous roar, he released a super Absolute Zero blast, a force more potent than any he had wielded before. The dungeon, engulfed in flames, experienced an abrupt shift. The usual storm of lightning and thunder around the Zeta-playboy morphed into a super blizzard, a swirling vortex of snow and ice. The blistering heat of the inferno met with a sudden, bone-chilling cold, creating an otherworldly spectacle.

The Kraken, once Ryuuji, bellowed in rage and confusion as the icy blast engulfed it. Numerous tentacles, previously writhing with fiery aggression, were instantly encased in ice, immobilized by the freezing assault. The creature's monstrous form shuddered under the impact, its movements becoming sluggish, hindered by the rapidly spreading frost.

Seizing this critical moment, Junta tapped into the nuclear fusion skill Ryuuji once boasted. His hands moved with purpose, conjuring a sphere of glowing energy. But unlike Ryuuji's sun, Junta's creation was colossal, a radiant orb dwarfing its predecessor in both size and intensity. The dungeon, already a scene of surreal contrasts, was illuminated by the brilliance of this artificial sun.

With a fierce cry, Junta hurled the massive sun at the frozen Kraken. The collision of extreme cold and intense heat was cataclysmic. A shockwave of steam and energy rippled through the dungeon, the very air shuddering under the sudden temperature shift. The Kraken, caught in the midst of this elemental storm, experienced a violent reaction. Ice cracked and shattered, while searing heat sought to penetrate its thick hide.

As the dungeon resonated with the Kraken's agonized screams, a clear sign of its suffering under the extreme thermal assault, Junta, the Zeta-playboy, seized the crucial opportunity. With Tomoko still ensnared in the grasp of the monstrous creature, every second counted.

Amidst the tumultuous storm of ice and fire, Junta's eyes locked onto the specific limb holding Tomoko aloft. With a potent hand chop, the limb snapped cleanly under the force, freeing Tomoko from its monstrous hold.

In a fluid motion, Junta caught Tomoko in one arm, without missing a beat, he turned his attention upward. Channeling his energy, he unleashed a powerful blast directly at the ceiling overhead. The impact was thunderous, rubble and debris cascading down as a hole was torn open.

Surrounding himself and Tomoko with an energy shield, a shimmering cocoon of protection against the falling debris and the chaos around them, with a powerful leap, Junta ascended through the opening in the ceiling. The energy shield repelled the debris, allowing them an unimpeded escape. As they burst forth from the confines of the dungeon, the cool night air greeted them, a stark contrast to the inferno they left behind.

In the tranquil embrace of the night sky, Junta, now the Zeta-playboy, held Tomoko in his arms. They were silhouetted against the serene moonlight, creating an image reminiscent of a timeless painting – a fleeting oasis of calm amidst chaos. For a brief moment, the world seemed to stand still, the stars witnessing a tender pause in their harrowing journey.

But this ephemeral peace was shattered by a spine-chilling howl erupting from the ruins below. The thermal shock, a maelstrom of ice and fire, had ravaged the Kraken's cells, yet Ryuuji's relentless pursuit of Tomoko drove him beyond human limits. His DNA, a testament to his unyielding obsession, commanded his cells to multiply fervently. The monstrous form, no longer just Ryuuji but a creature of primal instinct, expanded exponentially, its grotesque body bursting through the confines of the dungeon and emerging into the open night.

Under the moon's gaze, the Kraken evolved once more, its body now adorned with thick, shell-like armor. These new layers, born of a survival instinct honed by millennia of evolution, were designed to insulate against the extremes of fire and ice. The Kraken, a nightmare incarnate, roared and howled in agony, a sound that echoed the depths of its pain and fury.

High above, Junta, witnessing this horrifying transformation, turned his gaze to Tomoko. In her eyes, he saw a reflection of profound sadness and empathy, a silent testament to the tragedy unfolding before them. Her eyes, deep pools of emotion, conveyed her sympathy for Ryuuji, a complex mixture of fear, sorrow, and a faint glimmer of what once was.

With a heavy heart, Junta searched for a silent affirmation in Tomoko's gaze, seeking her consent for what must be done. After a moment that felt like an eternity, Tomoko nodded subtly, her eyes never leaving his. It was a silent signal, a heartbreaking permission to end Ryuuji's torment, to release him from the monstrous existence that had consumed him.

The Zeta-playboy spotted a watchtower nearby. With a swift decision, he teleported there, cradling Tomoko in his arms. They found themselves on the watchtower, a temporary haven amidst the storm.

Once atop the watchtower, a moment of profound connection unfolded between them. Their eyes met, conveying depths of understanding that transcended the need for words. In a spontaneous burst of passion, Junta enveloped Tomoko in a breathtaking kiss, a fleeting yet intense affirmation of their bond amidst the chaos. As he turned to confront the final act, leaving Tomoko behind, she was left with a racing heart, breathless from the kiss and the sheer intensity of the situation.

Junta, his resolve steeling him for what was to come, quickly teleported to Karin for one last consultation. Karin, her face etched with seriousness, explained the daunting reality: Ryuuji's obsession with Tomoko was so deeply ingrained in his DNA that destroying his brain would not suffice. To truly end this, Junta needed to obliterate every single cell of Ryuuji's being, erasing this twisted sequence of DNA from existence.

Armed with this knowledge, Junta sprang into action. As Ryuuji, now a monstrous behemoth, crawled relentlessly towards the watchtower where Tomoko sought refuge, Junta teleported to its summit. There, he began to gather energy for a nuclear fusion reaction, crafting an artificial sun so vast it lit up the entire night sky, turning night into a false dawn over the Mansion.

Inside the tower, rays of light bathed Tomoko, casting her in a celestial glow. She watched the surreal scene unfold, tears streaming down her face, not from fear but with a glimmer of hope and relief. Despite her lack of understanding of the science and power at play, her trust in Junta never wavered. She believed, perhaps against all odds, that he could bring an end to this nightmare.

The core of the sun reached its final reaction state, collapsing under its immense weight into a massive black hole. Junta, with the fate of everyone he cared about resting on his shoulders, teleported before the monstrous Kraken. With a determined push, he thrust the black hole towards it, the force of his action propelling it upwards into the sky.

The ensuing spectacle was otherworldly. The black hole, a maw of unfathomable gravity, began to suck the monstrous Kraken into its depths. The creature, in its final act of defiance, struggled against the inexorable pull, its monstrous form writhing in a futile attempt to escape. With one last agonized howl, the Kraken disappeared, swallowed whole by the black hole, which then vanished, leaving behind a night sky once again tranquil and undisturbed.

In the aftermath of the night's epic confrontation, the sky regained its tranquility, the turmoil of the battle fading into the stillness of the night. The drama that had unfolded seemed almost like a distant dream, a fleeting yet intense disturbance in the natural order.

As this chapter of tumult and struggle drew to a close, the first light of dawn began to weave its magic over the world. The transition from night to day was a gradual unveiling of color and light, painting the sky in a spectrum of hope and renewal.

The Sugashita Mansion, once a monument to power and grandeur, now rested as a somber silhouette against the dawning day. Its scarred façade, a testament to the night's events, contrasted poignantly with the natural splendor unfolding around it. The mansion, enveloped in the soft light of morning, became part of a larger canvas where nature's enduring beauty and the promise of a new beginning took center stage, offering a moment of reflection and peace after the storm.

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